This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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  • [translator/transcriber's note]
  • ??? = can’t understand
  • «Lingít quotation marks»

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Tlingit Conversation #12
Tlingit conversation #12. Speakers are Ḵaachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia and Ḵaaḵal.aat Florence Marks Sheakley. Recorded on November 21, 2009, in Juneau, Alaska, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by X̱’aagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston. English translation by Ḵaaḵal.aat Florence Marks Sheakley with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by Saḵaayí Anita Lafferty with X̱’aagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
Look at you!
Aadé shaklig̱éik'i yé. Uhoh.
How cute she is.
I had the oldest brother in, um, Headstart.
Fell on the floor.
How old is he now? 15. 15, wow. So that was about 11 years ago.
Oʼ, ha.é.
Golly, golly.
ḵúnáx̱ aadéi shaklig̱éik'i yé áyá.
she's really cute.
Yáa t'ukanéiyi, t'ukanéiyi áyá.
This baby, this is a baby.
T'ukanéiyi, yeah.
Baby, yeah.
Aaá, Lingítch yéi yasáakw yéi kwdzigeink'í,
Yes, the Tlingit people call the little ones,
.É! Ḵúnáx̱ litseen.
Wow! She's really strong.
[At shooḵ]
.É! Look, du,
Wow! Look at her,
du gúkjaashí.
[At shooḵ]
{du du} Du gúk.
Her ears.
Du gúk wuduwatáḵt dei.
Her ears are already pierced.
Look at you!
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé,
.É, ḵúnáx̱ áwé iyashúḵ i daa. Yeah.
She's really smiling at you. Yeah.
I daa yóo yakdzi.éik.
She's checking you out.
Aadóo sáwé yá shaawát shaan tlein?
Who is this big old woman? [Talking for the baby.]
[At shooḵ]
Tlél iyax̱wateen.
I don't recognize you. [Talking for the baby.]
[At shooḵ]
Tlél ax̱ léelk'w áwé wa.é.
You're not my grandmother. [Talking for the baby.]
Tlél tsú haa ée akoolx̱éit'l.
She's not even afraid of us.
Aaá. Yakʼéi x̱áawé.
Yes. Good.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé. Ḵúnáx̱.
Really. Really.
Ḵúnáx̱ litseen. Sheʼs strong.
She's really strong.
Ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin du x̱'éix̱ at dutee.
They really feed her good.
[At shooḵ]
Wáa sá? Wáa sá?
What? What?
«Ax̱ téeli áwé,
“Those are my shoes,
tliyéix' yéi na.oo,» yéi daayaḵá. Aaá.
leave them alone,” she says. Yes.
[At shooḵ]
Hél aadéi kḵwashee yeedát, áwé.
I won't touch it anymore.
[At shooḵ]
X̱'at'éex'. No.
Mouth plug.
Mouth plug.
At'éex'. No.
Mouth plug?
Mouth plug.
At'éex', t'éex'. No,
Mou... plug? No.
Ax̱ tláach yéi sáagoon x̱'adéex'.
My mother called it mouth plug.
Mouth plug.
{wé du x̱'ád},
«Wé du x̱'adéex'i du jeet tí,»
“Give her her mouth plug,”
yóo x̱at daayaḵáa noojín.
is what she used to tell me.
[At shooḵ]
{hél daa} Hél k'idéin haa wuskú, ách áwé.
She doesn't know us well, that's why.
Ná, ná.
Here, here.
Yak'éi. Yéi ákwé?
Good. Is that right?
Ḵúnáx̱ aawayeesh.
She's really downing it.
[At shooḵ]
Chúsh káx̱ x̱at ilshát.
She's hanging on to me.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'as dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ has du éet x̱'aḵataanít x̱at tuwatee.
I want to speak to them in English.
Yéi áwé.
That's right.
Tlákw áwé dleit ḵáa yinaadé latseen nooch.
English is always more prevalent.
Du tláa g̱áa ḵushée.
She's looking for her mother.
Yóodu hú. Yóot hán.
There she is. She's standing over there.
Goodáx̱ ḵu.oo sá ???.
Where are these people from ???. [Talking for baby.]
Wáa sá yáa s ḵoowanook?
What are they doing here? [Talking for baby.]
Aaá, wáa sá iyalatín.
Yes, how she's watching you.
Aadóo sáwé yeewháan?
Who are you people? [Talking for baby.]
I léelk'u hás gwák', aaá.
Your grandparents, dear, yes.
Hél du tuwáa ushgú.
She doesn't want it.
[At shooḵ]
Ax̱ x̱'éidáx̱ natí.
Take it out of my mouth. [Talking for baby.]
X̱áat g̱a.
Let me.
??? idaná.
??? drink it.
Haa gúk', haa gúk'.
Come here dearie. Come here dearie.
Ḵúnáx̱ {yóo klits, yóo ḵli}
She's really,
Gee, ḵúnáx̱ solid.
Gee, real solid.
Aaá, yéi {kwli}
Yes, she's,
K'idein i x̱'éix̱ at dutee hé, gwá?
They feed you real good, huh?
OK, góok, yáadu á.
OK, here it is.
Yáadu á.
Here it is.
Yáadu á. .É! .É!
Here it is. Oh! Oh!
O, o, o, o.
Wáa sá s daa yaduḵáayin,
What they used to say,
natadéi. Aaá.
go to sleep now. Yes.
That's it.
That's it.
Natadéi é.
Go to sleep now.
That's it.
I used to have a swing. Gloria (KHSʼs eldest daughter)
Kayáash, kayáash.
Hammock, hammock.
Yéi gé duwasáakw?
Is that what they call it?
Wé neil yeex' yéi du.úx̱x'u aayí.
The ones that were put inside the house.
Kayáash yóo yéi asáagun, ax̱ tláach.
Indoor hammock is what my mother called it.
O, o, o.
Wáa sáyá yaa x̱at nadusnein?
What are they doing to me? [Talking for baby.]
[At shooḵ]
Aaá, hél áwé haa yayeeteen, kwshéi? Yéi ách áwé, aaá.
Yes, you don't recognize us, do you? That's why, yes.
Yóodei i tláa.
There is your mother.
Yóodei i tlaa. Yóodei hú.
There is your mother. She's over there.
[At shooḵ]
Hél haa yawuteen.
She doesn't recognize us.
Poor little thing.
Wáa sá yaa x̱at nadusnein?
What are they doing to me?
[At shooḵ]
Wáa sás x̱at daané?
What are they doing to me? [Talking for baby.]
Aaá, aaá. Eesháan.
Yes, yes. Poor thing.
Ná, yáadu.
Here, here it is.
She doesnʼt recognize us.
OK, ná. Haagú.
OK, here. Come here.
O,o,o,o, aa, aa, aa, aa,
Wáa sá woowáatk'?
How old is she?
Four months, yéi ákwé?
4 months, right?
Tleidooshú dís shákdé.
Maybe six months.
6 months.
Ch'áakw wé, am,
Long time ago, um,
ḵaa kát yat aayí,
when they were pregnant,
ax̱ am, ax̱ aat hás, ḵa ax̱,
my um, my paternal aunties, and my
tláak'w, Jenny,
maternal auntie, Jenny,
yéi has x̱'ayaḵáayin, du, wé,
they used to say,
«Aan yóo x̱'anal.átk, wé
“Talk to it (the baby)
i kát yat aayí.
when you are pregnant.
‹Lingít wa.é, Lingít wa.é.›
ʼYou're a Tlingit, you're a Tlingit.ʼ
Tle Lingít tlein yáx̱ aan yóo x̱'anal.atk,»
Talk to them like they're an adult,”
yóo áwé x̱at daayaduḵáa noojín.
is what they used to tell me.
Há, tlél, tlél x̱aan kaduník nooch.
Hmm, they didn't tell me that.
Á áwé, am, wé,
And, um, that,
Lingít x̱'ashéex'i tsú ashée noojéen ax̱ áat.
my auntie used to sing Tlingit songs also.
Ax̱ áat,
My paternal auntie,
ḵa ax̱ tláak'w wé,
and my maternal aunt,
Tsagwált yóo x̱aasáagu aa ḵa du taayí ???
The one I called Tsagwelt and her ???
Ḵa wé, aam,
And the um,
ldakát hás, ldakát hás yéi
all of them, all of them
has du een,
with them
has x̱at gax̱oox̱jín.
they used to ask me to come.
Ax̱ ya.áak yéi ndusneiji ḵáax' a káx' áwé g̱anúḵjín.
Those who made a place for me, that's where he used to sit.
Hás ḵu.aa, am,
Them, though, um,
Lingít x̱'éináx̱ yéi has x̱'ala.átgi nooch,
they used to speak in Tlingit,
noojín ḵa
used to, and
shalnéek tsú {hás ashká} has akaneegín.
they also used to tell stories.
Aya.áxch; aya.áx̱ch.
They (babies) hear it; they hear it.
Yéi has x̱'ayaḵá noojín ch'a wé,
They used to say,
{i ah}
«I kát yat aayí aya.áx̱ch ách áyá, uh,
“When you're pregnant, they can hear, that's why you
Lingít x̱'éináx̱ du een,» yóo x̱'anal.átgi.
talk to them in Tlingit,” they always used to tell me.
Yóo s x̱at daayaḵáa noojín.
Is what they used to tell me.
Áwé yeedát yéi yaa nduskwéin yáa,
Now they're finding out,
yáa dleit ḵáach,
the white man,
a káx̱ has ḵuwashee yáa
they found out that
táakw géwé dei shuwuxeex x'wán keijín táakw
years ago or maybe five years ago,
yáa yak'éiyi aam,
that the good, um,
át has du jeeyís dul.áx̱ji yáa
instruments for them to play
yáa, am, wáa sá kḵwasáa?
how, um, am I going to call it?
Ḵúnáx̱ ???
Really ???
yáa classical yóo duwasáagu aa x̱á
that the name of the classical music
yáa kát yat áa aa jéeyís {dul}
for the pregnant women,
they play it.
Ah, aaá.
A káx̱ has ḵoowashée yáa
They found out
yáa ḵaa kát yat aayí
that when you're pregnant
has du
yéi yan,
(absorbs it.)
??? has du yátx'u shantóode yaa gaxíxch shákdé wé ??? awliyáaḵw.
??? maybe it starts to penetrate their children's brains ??? [portrayed it?].
Wéit'át, am
That, um,
ách, ách gé wé tsú tlél tlax̱
maybe that's why it's not very
uldzéeyin x̱á yáa
difficult, this
Lingít x̱'éináx̱ yóo x̱'atánk.
to speak in the Tlingit language.
Yáa du.áx̱chich x̱á.
Because they hear it.
Ch'a yáa ḵaa kát yat, ḵaa kát yat aayí.
While they're pregnant.
Ḵúnáx̱ am,
Really um,
ldakát yéidei yáa x̱at gadusneijín.
they used to do all kinds of things to me.
Aaá, wé
Yes, that
x̱at woowéidi tsú
when I started my menses too
at t'éix' x̱at wududzinook.
they put me in seclusion. [They made a makeshift curtain around her bed like in the hospital.]
Haa léelk'u x̱á
Our grandparents
ḵut has shuwaxéex ch'u l yéi x̱at wooneiyín.
they all passed on before I went through it.
Mabel ḵu.aa yéi wdudzinéi.
Mabel however, went through it.
At t'éix' .áa. ???
She sat behind it (sheets). ???
Wé, am,
That, um,
ch'a yéi yee.át káx' ax̱ daa,
on the bed all around me
ax̱ daa
around me
it was draped.
Ldakat ḵáa x̱ootx̱.
Away from everyone.
Ax̱ (shátx̱), du yinaadé ḵanúkch. ???.
I used to sit (outside the sheet) facing her (but I couldn't see her).
«Wáa sáwé at t'éix' ee.áa wé át?»
“Why are you sitting back there?”
"Why, how long you gonna be back there?"
[At shooḵ]
X̱at ???
Me ???
go, get away from me,"
x̱at yanasḵéich dleit ḵaa x̱'éináx̱.
she used to tell me in English.
ḵúnáx̱ yoo x̱'atánk áwé tlél, am,
the talking, they didn't, um,
a káx̱, a káx̱ watch-x̱ has wusitee.
they really watched their speech.
Tlél, tlél tláakw.
Not, not fast.
Hél át x̱'adutaan.
You don't answer things fast.
Áyáx̱ x̱áawé.
That's right.
Ach wéit'át'. Ch'á yéi áwé x̱aa.áx̱jin.
That's what I used to hear.
Wéit'át wé, am,
That, um,
goose down gé wé yáadáx̱ áwé
goose down from here
yáadáx̱ áyú
from here
ch'u tlé ax̱ tayeedé nax̱ateejín.
all the way to underneath me I would put it. [And they made me do this even before I ate in the morning.]
A káx' áwé ḵanúkjin.
I used to sit on it.
Hél x̱wasakú x̱áach ḵu.aa wáa sá.
Me though, I didn't know why.
S'áxt' áwé
devil's club
yáa floor káx'
on the floor
adáx̱ daak góot
when she came out
a x̱'oos' ḵúnáx̱ ??? yéi wdudzinei.
her feet really ??? they did.
Ḵúnáx̱ shaatk'átsk'ux̱ x̱at sateeyí aag̱áa, gwál,
I was a real little girl at the time, maybe,
tleidooshú táakw shákdéi wé.
maybe six year old.
Ax̱ éek', ax̱ éek', Jáx̱wteen,
My brother, my brother Jáx̱wteen, [Jimmy]
ax̱ x̱ánt, ax̱ x̱ánt awditaaw.
he snuck over to me.
Ch'as uháan áwé ch'a tlákw ash katoolyát noojín x̱á wooch.een.
We were the only ones who used to play together all the time.
Ax̱ x̱ánt awditáaw át x̱at dus.aayí.
He snuck by me where I was sitting.
Tlél unalé wdujaaḵ.
They almost killed him.
[At shooḵ] Oh, no.
Poor thing.
Du gúk, du gúk tin áwé.
His ears, by his ears (they dragged him out).
Poor thing.
Tlél, tlél awuskú wáa sá wusgeedí. Aaa.
He didn't know what he did wrong. Yes.
Wéit'at tsú, wé aa héen,
This too, the water,
héen daná,
drinking water,
á tsú, aan x̱at,
it too, with me,
x̱at yawduwajee kát x̱á ḵu.aa
they forbid me that
Oh yeah, hahah.
Oh yeah, uhuh.
Ḵa áwé, am,
And also, um,
ax̱ daḵéis'i,
my sewing,
ax̱ jeeyís yéi wdudzinei.
they made it for me. (Cut out the pieces.)
X̱á áwé shux'áanáx̱ ax̱, gándei x̱agoodídáx̱,
First I, after I relieved myself,
ḵa at x̱wax̱aayídáx̱ ax̱ jeet dus.eenjín.
and after I ate they'd give it to me.
Áwé, yagiyee kaanáx̱ áa x̱daḵéis' noojín.
I used to sew all day long.
Áwé yéi x̱at jikaawanáḵ yeedát ḵu.aa.
Now it's a habit.
Yáa, Tlél, tlél x̱wasakú Mabel daa sá,
This, I don't know what Mabel,
ḵúnáx̱, ḵu.aa áwé daḵéis' hú tsú.
she really sews too.
{Ḵúnáx̱ ashi-}
{She really}
Ḵúnáx̱ sagóoch oojaaḵjín yan yéi awusneiyí.
She used to be real happy when she finished a pair.
[At shooḵ]
Ḵúnáx̱ yéi shaklig̱éi du téelx'i sáani.
Her moccasins are really cute.
Ax̱ chaan tsú ch'a yéi téeyin.
My mother-in-law was the same way.
Ḵúnáx̱ at shúḵ nooch.
She used to really smile.
Wé, am,
That, um,
wé gándei,
that bathroom,
wé gándei kḵwagoodí tsú,
when I was going to go to the bathroom too,
ḵúnáx̱ a daat has tootéeyen.
they were real strict.
Tlél aadéi,
I couldn't,
tlél aadéi
I couldn't
éeḵ yinaadé
to the beach
ḵwaagoodi yé ch'as dáaḵdei.
I couldn't go to the beach, only to the woods.
X̱at kanduḵéijin.
They used to tell me to go.
Aag̱áa áwé ax̱, wé,
At that time my, the,
l ushik'éiyi át
soiled one
anax̱ yéi kax̱sahéich.
I used to have to bury it.
Ch'ás yéi
Only like that
tlél, tlél koogéiyi,
not just any old way,
yéit wutooleet.
we'd throw it out.
Tsú gé kanax̱too.aaḵw tsú? Haagú.
Shall we try it again? Come here.
Haa x̱ánt gú.
Come by us.
Tlél wáa sá yéi gax̱tusanei gwáx'.
We won't do anything to you, little one.
[At shooḵ]
Haa een sh kaneelneek.
Tell us a story.
Go ahead.
Daa sá haa een kaḵg̱eenéek gé? Yeah.
What are you going to tell us?
Ḵúnáx̱ ??? áyá ???
You're really,
ḵúnáx̱ yéi x̱'akg̱eetaan gé?
you're really going to talk?
Aaá. Aaá.
Yes. Yes.
Lingít x̱awé wa.é.
You are Tlingit.
[At shooḵ]
Wáa sá x̱at daayaduḵá? Kei kg̱eegóok.
What are they saying to me? You're going to learn.
Tlél iyawu.aax̱. Kei kg̱eegóok Lingít.
She didn't understand you. (F) You're going to learn. (H)
L'eix̱ tsú, l'eix̱ tsú ḵa shí. Aaá, tlél iyawu.aax̱ yáa lingít x̱'éináx̱ yóo x̱'atánk.
Dancing also, dancing also and singing. She doesn't understand your Tlingit talking.
Éitsk' ha.é, gu.aal ix̱latín.
I wish I could watch you.
[At shooḵ]
Ḵaa yáanáx̱ daaḵ kg̱eeshíxch. Aaá.
You'll do better than everybody else. Yes.
[At shooḵ]
Yáadu aadéi yéi daa dunéiyi yé.
This is how it's done.
[At shooḵ]
??? ax̱ léelk'u hásch.
??? my grandparents.
Yáadu aadéi ax̱ éet dultóowu yé.
This is how they used to teach me.
Ax̱ léelk'úch
My grandparents
yéi x̱'ayaduḵáa nuch,
they used to say,
«Ḵushtuyáx̱ l ḵaa léelk'w ḵoostéeyi yeedát x̱á,
“It doesn't matter if people don't have grandparents,
'Ax̱ léelk'uch áyá ax̱ ée wlitóow,ʼ yéi ḵuyanaḵeich.»
they always say, 'My grandparents taught me'. “
Shk'éi, jinkaat ḵa déix̱ shákdéi x̱at,
I was maybe twelve,
x̱at katáagu áwé ch'a hóoch' aa
years old when the last one
uh, ḵoowdigéiḵ ax̱ léelk'w.
of my grandparents passed on.
Aadéi dáx̱ áwé, ch'as dleit ḵáa
After that (we spoke) just the English
x̱'eináx̱ yoo x̱'atánk.
Aag̱áa áwé ḵaa x̱'éix̱ kawdudligéiḵ.
At that time they told you not to speak (Tlingit).
Du jín awlix̱wál.
She's shaking her hand.
«Yéi gé akḵwal'eix̱?» yóo haa daayaḵá.
“Is this how I'm going to dance?” she's telling us.
X̱át ḵu.aa gooshúk, am,
Me though, I was nine, um,
gooshúk dei ax̱ katáagu, ax̱ léelk'w
I was already nine when my grandmother
háa náḵ wugoodí.
left us.
Aaá, yak'éi áwé eeshóog̱u. Aaá.
Yes, it's nice to be smiling. Yes.
Kéi akakg̱wag̱áax̱ tsú, tléik' at g̱ashooḵ.
She's going to cry again, no let her smile.
At shoog̱ú yak'éi.
Smiling is good.
Yeah, ó, ayatéen du,
She sees her,
atx̱aayí áwé dei ayatéen.
food over there, she sees it.
Ḵa du,
And her,
A yinaadé kéi aḵlg̱énch.
She's looking over at it.
Daaḵw aa sá i tuwáa sigóo.
Which one do you want?
Mm men.
Yisikóo óosh.
If you only knew. [Talking for baby.]
[At shooḵ]
I een kanḵaneek.
Let me tell you. [Talking for baby.]
[At shooḵ]
Ḵúnáx̱ áyá shaklig̱éi yáa du x̱'oos k'isáani.
Her little feet are really cute.
Mm mmm.
When, when they yéi ḵuyaawuḵaayí at tooḵeen yé,
When they say where we were sitting,
at Bill Ray Center
wáang̱aneens at shóoḵ yís áwé yéi ḵuyanaḵéich, «Yisikóo óosh.»
sometimes they say, “If only you knew,” to get a laugh.
Ax̱ éek' áwé ch'a tlákw yéi x̱'ayaḵáayin, ax̱ éek' ah,
My brother used to always say that, my brother uh,
K'óox, haa náḵ ch'a yéisú haa náḵ wugoodí aa.
K'óox (John), the one that just left us.
Wé x̱'awduwóos'i, «Wáa sá i tuwatee?»
When they asked him, “How are you feeling?”
«Yisikóo óosh!» yéi x̱'ayaḵáa nooch.
“If you only knew!” he always said.
«Yáax' g̱anú i een sh kanḵalnéegi,»
“Sit right here so I can tell you a story,”
tsú x̱'adaayaḵáa nuch.
he also used to always say. [That's like saying, “Do you have time for me?” ḴFMS]
X̱á yéi x̱áawé x̱at x̱'akg̱eewóos' ???
That's how you're going to ask me ???
Yee een sá sh kanḵadaneek.
Let me tell you about myself. [Talking for baby.]
.É, .é!
Oops, oops!
A, ee
Yáat'át gé i tuwáa sigóo?
Do you want this?
Kana.áaḵw ???
Try it. ???
Góok, góok.
Go ahead. Go ahead.
Tléik', hél du tuwáa Ushgú.
No, she doesn't want it.
Ch'a yeisú yan at uwax̱áa.
She just finished eating.
Ḵúnáx̱ ax̱,
Really my,
ax̱ jín daat uwaxíx.
it spilled on my hand.
K'é x̱áach.
Let me see.
Haagú, haagú.
Come here, come here.
Ha.é, ha.é, ha.é.
That's good.
Aaá, aaá, aaá.
Yes, yes, yes.
Shaawát koochán shaawát koodachán.
Little stink girl,
Shaawát koochán shaawát koodachán.
little stink girl, [This is Helen Sarabia's personal song. Her family considers this lullaby their property.]
Oh, is she a shaawát, ḵáak gówé gé, ḵáak'w?
Oh, is she a girl, or is it a boy?
Tléik', shaawátk' áwé. Shaawátk', oh, okay.
No, it's a little girl. A little girl, oh, okay.
Hél wáa sá utí.
It's OK.
Du ch'éeni wéidu.
Her ribbon is right there.
Ḵúnáx̱ wudich'éen.
She really put a pretty ribbon on.
Haa léelk'w.
This our grandparent.
Shaawát koodachán.
Little stinky girl.
Shaawát koodachán.
Little stinky girl.
Shaawát koodachán, shaawát koodachán.
Little stinky girl, Little stinky girl.
Oh, oh, oh, oh. Hél du tuwáa ushgú.
Oh, oh, oh, oh. She doesn't like it (being made to dance.)
Tléik' tlél yéi aawu.aax̱.
No, she didn't hear it that way.
Aaá, hél iya.aax̱ gé?
No , you didn't recognize it?
Oooo. Aaaa.
Oh, oh, haa-a-áayk'.
Oh, oh, dear.
Hél wáa sá, hél wáa sá utí.
It's OK. It's OK.
Hél wáa sá at utí gwá?
It's OK, there's nothing wrong, is there?
Áa aááa
Du tláa gé tlél ooteen?
She doesn't see her mother?
Hél áa.
She's not there.
Tlél yátḵ, tlél ḵáa yawuteen.
She doesn't recognize anybody.
Wa.é k'idéin iyaawatí.
She really recognizes you.
Ah, ah, ah.
Oops. O, o, o eesháan.
Poor thing.
Yáat'at gé?
Is this what you want?
Thatʼs better. Yeah. É.
Ḵúnáx̱ aawayeesh.
She's really downing it.
Tleil áwé ch'a tlákw, am,
Always, um,
tle ch'a tlákw yaa x̱at x̱'akajooxú dei yéi haa saduwahéi.
they (documentors recording) want us to talk all the time.
Tlél yéi, tlél yéi at wutee.
It's not like that.
Aaá, tléik', haa yát'x'i een, ch'a hás tléik' áwé, ???
Yes. No, with our children,
X̱at iyatéen gé?
Do you recognize me?
Do you?
[ḴFMS copies babyʼs intonation.]
Sh kalneek.
She's telling stories.
O, daa sáwé?
What is that?
They claim when they talk to, Florence was telling me, her, her aunts and so forth used to tell her to talk to the baby in Tlingit while sheʼs still carrying it. They can hear you. Now you see, modern science, they begin to find that out too. Maybe you saw that on TV? When they talk about how smart these babies are now when theyʼre born nowadays. They teach them so many things while theyʼre still babies!
Datóow tsú has du ée dultóow.
They teach them how to read too.
Á ḵu.aa, á ḵu.aa tléil áa oox̱aahéen.
That one though, I don't believe it.
Aaá, x̱át tsú.
Yeah, me too.
A yáanáx̱ x̱áawé yaa has yanaḵéin.
They're going too far.
Poor thing.
Dáanaa káx̱. Aan ash koolyát áwé has du tuwáa sigóo,
For money. They like to play with it,
Aaá. adátx'ix̱ has sateeyí.
Yes. when they're children.
A, a, a.
Áyáx̱ áwé sh katoolnéek?
Are we telling it right?
Áyáx̱ ákwé shkaltoolnéek?
Are we telling it right?
A, a, a, a.
Oh, shucks. Oh, shucks.
Hél haa yawuteen.
She doesn't recognize us.
Huh, uh uh.
Dei áwé, dei áwé, dei áwé.
That's enough, that's enough, that's enough.
You guys getting worried?
Tlél wáa sá utí g̱aax̱ wáang̱aneens.
It's OK for her to cry once in a while.
At wux̱aayídáx̱ ḵa
After they eat and
du diapers change-dáx̱ wudulyeix̱í.
after the diapers are changed.
Eddie, ḵu.aa áwé,
Eddie (Helenʼs husband)however,
«G̱áax̱ baby, (aax̱ gasanú).»
(would say), “baby's crying, (pick her up).”
(exclamation of approval)
«Góok wa.é!»
“Go ahead you!”
[At shooḵ]
Aadóo x̱'ayáx̱, Aaá, aadóo x̱'ayáx̱ sáwé g̱áax̱? Áaa.
Whose saying, Yes. Whose saying is that crying? Yes.
[At shooḵ]
{aadóots ??? wé}
ax̱ kéek',
my younger sister,
Ḵínkaduneek, át,
Paul Marks I (ḴFMSʼs brother), this
«Aag̱áa i tutéeyi át áyá.»
“This is what you wanted.”
«Aag̱áa i tutéeyi át áyá.»
“This is what you wanted.”
“Go ahead!”
«Aadéi kdag̱áax̱.»
“He's crying over there.”
«Aadéi nagú du éet idashí.»
“Go over there and help.”
Tláakw daayaduḵáa noojín ax̱ kéek'.
That's what they always told my sister.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé x̱at yalatín, «Wáa sáwé yaa yaneeḵéin?»
She's really watching me, “What are you saying?” [Talking for baby.]
«Wáa sás sh keelneek?»
“What are you talking about?”
«Sh túg̱aa yaa yaneeḵéin.»
“You like what you're saying.”
[At shooḵ]
«Yéi yaa ix̱'akdu.aax̱í?»
“Is this what they asked you for?”
[At shooḵ]
«Yéi yaa x̱'akdu.aax̱í?» ???
“Is this what I wanted to hear?” ???
«A daat ákwé x̱ag̱áax̱?»
“Am I crying for that?”
[At shooḵ]
Oh! Aaá.
Hél wáa sá eetí gé? Dóoshk'i yáx̱ duwa.áx̱ch.
You're OK, huh? She sounds like a kitten.
Hél wáa sá at utí gwák'.
There's nothing going on dear.
Aaá, aaá.
Yes, yes.
Natadéi é.
Go to sleep now.
a a
Shx̱'alg̱áax̱. Natadei é.
She's pretending she's crying. Go to sleep now.
Iya.áx̱ch gé? Aaá.
Do you hear it? Yes.
Oo shák, ooo shák.
Ohh dear, ohh dear.
Dei ashigóok.
She already knows how.
Shx̱'alg̱áax̱. Aaá.
She's pretending she's crying. Yes.
Ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin has ooskóoch. Mhm.
They really know it well. Yes.
Ch'a yeisú yéi s koosagéink'idáx̱.
From the time they're little.
Áyáx̱ ákwé x̱'ayax̱aḵá?
Am I telling the truth?
Shaawát koodachán, shaawát koodachán.
Stinky little girl, Stinky little girl.
Shaawát koodachán, shaawát koodachán.
Stinky little girl, stinky little girl.
Shaawát koodachán.
Stinky little girl.
Shaawát koochán.
Stinky little girl.
Shaawát koodachán, shaawát koodachán.
Stinky little girl, stinky little girl.
(exclamation of approval)
Ho, ho, ho, ho. k'.
Tlei yóo kg̱eel'eix̱ ákyá?
Is this how you'll dance?
Yéi áwé kg̱eel'eix̱.
This is how you'll dance.
So, she doesn't have her Lingít name yet, huh?
e e é
Deisheetaan shaawátk' áwé. Aaá.
A little beaver lady. Yes.
Ldakát saa has du jeet wuduwatee ax̱ dachx̱ánk'iyán.
All my grandchildren have (Tlingit) names.
Party yaa yanaxíxi.
When they had the party.
Ixkée aa tsú.
The ones in the south also.
Aadóoch sáwé? Has awsikóo aadáx̱ sá has sateeyí.
Who (gave them names)? They know where they're from.
Ax̱ sée, Pat, du aayí du yátx'i ḵa du dachx̱ánx'iyán. Oh, uh huh.
My daughter Pat, her children and her grandchildren.
Ná! Cháayoo x̱'éix̱ naḵatí. Gunalchéesh!
Here. Let me give you some tea. Thank you!
Ḵúnáx̱ yak'éi.
Really good.
Wa.é tsú.
You too.
[At shooḵ]
Hudson Bay, wáa sá duwasáakw Lingít x̱'éináx̱ dé?
Hudson Bay, what's the Tlingit name for it now?
S'ikshaldéen. S'íkshaldéen.
Hudson Bay tea. Hudson Bay tea. [or Labrador tea]
Á áwé has adanáayin ax̱ léelk'u hás.
It's what my grandparents used to drink.
Haa x̱ánt has woo aadí áwé ḵaa x̱'éix̱ [naduteech].
When people visited, they would offer it to them.
«S'íkshaldéen gé i tuwáa sigóo?»
“Do you want Hudson Bay tea?”
Fry bread een.
With Fry bread.
Gwál ách á tlél tlax̱ has unéegun x̱á.
Maybe that's why they never used to get sick as often.
Yáa s'íkshaldéen has al'oogún ḵa yáa, Ḵúnáx̱, aaá.
They used to sip the Hudson Bay tea and the, Really, yes.
ḵá yáa s'áxt' tsú. Aaá.
And devil's club also. Yes.
Á tsú cháayoo yáx̱.
That too, just like tea.
Aaá, ḵúnáx̱.
Yes, that's right.
Has al'oogún.
They used to drink it.
Uháan, uháan tsú haa x̱'éix̱ naduteejín haa néegu.
They used to give it to us also when we were sick.
Wéit'át tsú haa, wéit'át tsú haa x̱'éix̱ duteejín wé,
They used to also give us that,
am, saak, saak eex̱í, wé, Aaá.
um, hooligan, hooligan oil, the. Yes.
a a á a a á
Á tsú, á tsú wé,
That also, also that,
a a a á
yéi has koosgeiyí,
when they were little,
a a a á
taax̱, a taax̱ yéi nach'úx̱'ch has du x̱'éix̱ nateex̱.
they dip a finger into the oil and give it to them.
Has du x̱'éix̱ gug̱adáa.
They'll get used to it.
Mhmm, mhmm.
Yeah, yeah.
Wéit'át tsú, wé,
This also
yáa has koosgeiyí
when they're small (as tiny as she is),
e e e é
Yáa at x̱ax̱aayí, atx̱aayí, yáatx̱ x̱wagoodí,
When I was eating, eating, when I got up to leave,
g̱aax̱í tlél aadéi,
and the baby was crying, I can't,
tlél aadéi aatx̱ ḵwasinoogu yé.
I can't pick them up.
«Eelí, eelí.
Don't, don't.
Jáa x̱, jáa x̱ gag̱aax̱.»
Just let her cry.
a a a á
Just get her out of her misery.
Ch'u tlákw,
ch'u tlákw yéi ikg̱wa.oo yís ax̱ daayaḵáa nuchín.
always the baby will cry when they know you're going to eat.
Yáa atx̱á, atx̱á tin
Yeah, with the food
yáa át x̱ax̱aayí aan,
while I'm eating,
kéix̱ sunúkju.
and picking her up.
Tlél has du tuwáa ushgú,
They didn't want me to do that,
«I jín na.óos'.
(she made me) “Wash your hands.
I jín na.óos'
Wash your hands
aag̱áa tsa aalkéi ḵusanéi.»
and then you'll pick up the baby.”
a a í a a a a a a
No, she doesn't want that.
aha a a í a a a
Wáa sáwé shaawátk' gé?
What's the matter, little woman?
Shukawdichík'? Wáa sáwé?
Her mind is troubled. What is it?
Wáa sáwé? Wáa sáwé du kaydlixíl'.
What's wrong? What's wrong? she's troubled.
á a a a a o o o o a
Déi áwé yóo yaawaḵá.
That's enough.
Áaa {déi}
Déi x̱át
Déi x̱át wdixwétl yáa sha, yáa shaawát shaan. Haa dudexwétl shaawát shaan.
Hanging around with these old ladies. [Talking for baby.]
Yáa shaawát shaantín yóo x̱'ala.átk.
Talking with these old ladies.
Yéi has yadusi gáx' ?
They're tiring me out.
[At shooḵ]
Eesháan x̱át dé.
Please take pity on me.
Yáa at lanás nukdé.
Take me from here now.
Ayoo, am,
When, um,
ch'a tlákw át gag̱ix̱aayí. awuskoowú,
when you're going to eat, and it (the baby) knows,
wé t'ukanéiyich, kéi gug̱áax̱.
the baby will cry.
Yóo áwé x̱adaay du ḵáanuchín.
This is what they used to tell me.
Ách áwé tlél, am,
That is why, um,
átl ḵee
you don't
kéi ux̱ sanúkjin, át x̱wax̱aayí.
pick up the baby while I was eating.
Ḵún dahaayí wé shkeelneek,
You're telling the truth because
ḵúnáx̱ hás ooskóoch.
they really knew what they were talking about.
Át gag̱ix̱áa,
When you're going to eat,
áag̱áa wukéis koodag̱aax̱ch.
that's when they start crying.
Ḵúnáx̱, am,
Really, um,
yáa hás dú la tsú,
their nose too,
shux'áanáx̱ néil,
when I first brought them home,
néil hás dú éen x̱wa.aadí
home with them
yáa áx̱, ch'u yéi.
my, like this
... yóo.á
(moistening) that is
G̱aa hás dú la.
and then their nose.
Yéi, áaa.
Yagéi siné i aayí,
Did you do that to yours,
i yátx'i?
your children?
Shux'aayeix yóo dusanéi,
The first one that they did that to,
wáa sá, wáa sá daasiné?
what are they doing to him?
Du lú.
His nose.
Wé am,
That um,
shax̱ kéik' ḵaa
my brother (Alex) and
tlél ??? géináx̱ tlaa,
my daughter Alicia,
tlél yee hás wusiné.
I didn't do that to.
Wé ldakát wé adéindi aa ḵu.aa, yéi hás x̱wasinéi.
I did it to all the older ones.
long time ago
yáa yeedát áwé
but right now
túḵ daa.át,
the diapers,
yáa yóo dei diléet.
you throw them away.
Aaá. Akáx̱ ḵóow duwashée x̱á.
Yes. They found out how to do that.
Yáa lingítch ch'áakw yéi daanéiyin át áyá.
The Tlingits used to do this a long time ago.
Wéit'at wé,
wáa sá duwasáakw wé
what is the name
dis xúknuchín.
they used to dry them.
O, a,
Oh, uh,
Lingít x̱'éináx̱ akát x̱at seiwax̱'ákw (aade?) duwasáagun.
I forgot the Tlingit name for it. [s'íx'ghaa for 'moss'].
ldakát hás áwé yéi x̱át.
I do this all the time.
X̱át dé usnoochín.
I used to wash.
Except when, hóoch' aayé wé pampers yéi x̱wa.oo.
Except when, the last one I used pampers.
Á tsú, túḵ daa.ádi. Túḵ, aaá.
That too, the diaper. Bottom, yes.
Tléik', áwé dusxúk noojín ch'áakw.
No. they used to dry them a long time ago.
moss, wáa sá duwasáakw Lingít x̱'éináx̱?
moss, what do they call it in Tlingit?
A kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw ḵu.aa ḵúnáx̱.
I really forgot it.
Á áwés has asxúk noojín.
They used to dry it.
Aag̱áa áwé tsá wé túḵ daa.át tóox' yéi has ana.eich.
And then they would put it in the diaper.
Aag̱áa clean-x̱, tlé kei dusgánjin.
And then clean, they would burn it.
Tlél x̱wasakú wéit'aa ḵu.aa.
I don't know about that.
Wéit'át am,
That, um,
dzísk'u {doo}
doogú áwé
a yaax̱ kéi duxaashín wé t'ukanéiyi yáx̱.
they used to cut it to the shape of the baby.
Aag̱áa a tóox' yei ndu.eijín.
And then they would put it (moss) in there.
Ax̱ yéet yéi x̱'ayaḵá,
My son used to say,
wé Shag̱éek' yóo x̱aasáagu aa,
the one I named Shaghéek',
«Gwál wé, gwál wé Huggies yáanáx̱ k'éiyin wé.»
“It was probably, probably better than Huggies.”
[At shooḵ]
Ḵúnáx̱ tsú clean-x̱ wusitee tlax̱ wé,
It used to be real clean too,
tlei, tlei yóo duleedín a tóotx̱.
they used to throw it away from inside.
A tóotx̱ {yéi daadunei} yóo dusneiyín.
They would take it out.
Ldakát át áwé yéi a daat has tuwatee yaa
Everything was thought out well
haa shuká du káa yáa, ách áwé tlél,
our ancestors, that's why,
ách áyá yáa gáan tlél tlax̱ wultl'eex,
that's why our outdoors was kept clean,
yeedát ḵu.aa ch'a tlákw tl'eex ldakát yéix' yéi yatee. Áaa.
now however, there's always dirt everywhere. Yes
Yá haa atx̱aayí tsú ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin a daat ḵáa tooteeyín.
Our food also we took care of it.
Yáa aadé tulatín noojín.
This is how we took care of it.
Aadé yan kaduchák noojín táakwni yís.
They used to pack it for the winter.
Wé, am,
That, um,
atx'éeshi yéi daaduneiyí a daa yóo s x̱'ala.átgin,
when they fixed the dryfish, they used to talk about it,
ax̱ tláa ḵa ax̱ áat,
my mom and my auntie,
ax̱ áat hás.
my aunties.
yéi áwé
that's how
ch'u tlei woosh kaadé dulít noojín.
they used to put them one on top of the other.
And then
táakw ji.een tléx'g̱aanáx̱ aatx̱ yéi daadunéi noojín.
in the winter time they used to take out one at a time (as needed).
{ash} Shígé tsú aadé ḵaa x̱'a.áx̱ji yéeyi tlél,
How it heard people, it didn't,
tlél udatláx̱jin.
it never molded.
Tlél udatláx̱jin.
It never molded.
Áwé x̱aawé.
That's right.
Aadé óosh gwál
I wonder how maybe
gwál ch'a wé du daat yéi du.úx̱x'u át yéeyi. Gwál yéi.
maybe they used to put something in with it. Maybe.
Táakw kanax̱ x̱áa tlákw toox̱áa nooch.
We used to eat it all winter long.
Xáanax' áwé
At night
tayeedé gax̱too.aadí,
when we were going to bed,
áwé oven tóode nduteech.
it would be put into the oven.
Tea, cháayoo ḵu áwé s'íx' tlein, áwé ch'áagu aa s'íx'.
Tea, tea that is, a big dish, an big old dish.
Tea a káa yéi ndu.éich ḵa
They used to put tea in it and
seal grease
crackers a tóodei {ktula}
crackers, in there,
Áaa, wé cháayoo. éitsk'.
Yes, the tea. yum.
Ch'as á áwé,
That's all,
ch'as á áwé haa x̱'éix̱ naduteejín áwé
it's all they used to feed us
yaakw yíkt át wutooḵoox̱ú x̱á.
when we were in the boat.
Wé ax̱ áat, am,
My auntie, um,
Shkáx̱wul.aat yóo duwasáagu aa,
(Auntie Annie) the one called Shkáx̱wul.aat,
hú áwé ch'a tlákw haa x̱'éis áwé wéit'at yáx̱ yateeyi at haa x̱'éis.
she's the one that would always fix things like that for us.
Oolsínjin táakwni yís.
She used to hide these things for us for wintertime.
Áyáx̱ áwé daak yéi oosnéijin táakwt ḵuwuhaayí. Wéit'át wé
In the wintertime she would bring them out. That, the,
wéit'át yéi kwdigeiyi át tlénx' wé,
those things that are big
pomegranates yóo duwasáakw. Áaa.
pomegranates they're called. Yeah.
Haa x̱'éis oolsínjin.
She used to hide it for us to eat.
[At shooḵ]
Yéi ákwé?
Is that it?
T'ukaneiyi ḵu.aa haa náḵ. {taat}
The baby left us.
Taach uwajáḵ.
She went to sleep.
Taach uwajáḵ. Wutusigáx'.
She fell asleep. We were noisy.
[At shooḵ]
Hoochʼ. OK, yak'éi gé?
OK, is that good?
Some of it deviated from,
Florence told a lot about how they used to do it years ago. So thatʼs good information.