This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #56
Speakers are Ḵaanáḵ Ruth Demmert and G̱uneiwtí Marsha Hotch. Recorded September 26, 2010, in Juneau, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by G̱uneiwtí Marsha Hotch and by Naakil.aan Mark Hans Chester. English translation by Ḵaanáḵ Ruth Demmert, Shák’sháani Margaret Dutson and Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Edwards Eggleston with Ḵaachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia.
Iʼll go get my momʼs, ax̱ tláa áyá x̱waat'ée. Góok.
my mother's, I found. Go ahead.
Oh, I always wanted to make these. Made with two piece. Oh my gosh! Oh. And this is, what, the same kind of fur?
Beaver, ok.
Waa sá beaver?
Chee, Did you make this? you bought it.
Martha VanHeel.
Beautiful work!
And this is the back, hn. See the seam. Nice. They are expensive when you buy it. I remember I used to buy wolverine for my girls parkas, that I used to make. Wonder how much they cost now, wolverine from up north. Seal skin, too, huh, and moose. Góok!
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
What you want us to talk about? She's got,
Ax̱ am,
My um,
yáa am, Christmas-x'
this um, Christmas
áwé wé hoon daakahídidé
to the store
Juneau-x' át x̱waagoot.
I walked around Juneau.
X̱wasiteen áwé wé,
I saw that,
shayadihéin aa yéi wootee, wé,
there were a lot of them there, the
at xáshdi téelk'.
little moccasins.
X̱'ax̱waawóos' wé ḵáa,
I asked that man,
«Yisikóo gé goodáx̱ sáwé,
“Do you know where itʼs from,
wé at xáshdi téel?»
those moccasins?”
Little shoes.
Amm, tléix'aa ḵu.aa
The other one though
ḵúnáx̱ k'idein kawóot,
really well, the beads,
it was sewn? [asking how to say it]
A kát kawduwaḵáa.
It was sewn on it.
Ah, a kát kawduwaḵáa.
Ah, it was sewn on it.
Xunaadáx̱ áwé yéi wootee wé, wé tléix'aa.
It was from Hoonah, the first one (pair).
Áwé yáat'aa ḵu.aa,
This one though,
ch'u tle x̱waatéen.
I just saw it.
Yóo Anchorage-déi
To Anchorage
ax̱ tláa ch'a tlákw ch'a daa sá.
my mother always, whatever
{aawa aa} aawaḵéis'i.
she sewed (she would take there).
X̱'ax̱waawóos', «Yisikóo gé goodáx̱ sáwé?»
I asked, “Do you know where it came from?”
«Wé Anchorage-dáx̱ áwé x̱waa.óo.
“I bought this from Anchorage.
X̱wasikóo ḵu.aa, Tlákw Aandáx̱.»
I know though that it's from Klukwan. (said the salesman)”
Yéi wootee, yáat'aa.
Thatʼs the way it was, this one.
Ch'u tle
That is when
ch'a yéi x̱at oosgeink'idáx̱ áwé ax̱ tláa een
ever since I was little with my mother
ch'a tlákw
every time
{x̱wali} am,
{x̱was} x̱waliteen. ???
I saw ???
aḵéis' nuch. Mhm.
she was always sewing. Yes.
I tláa ji.eetí ák.wé?
Is that your mother's handiwork?
I asked him.
«Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo,»
“I want,”
Wáa sá {gakx̱} kḵwasáa?
What will I call it?
«Ch'a wáa sá s yatee yáa, yáa, yáanax̱ aa.»
“What these ones are like.”
Áwé {aat} aatx̱ awli.áa. ???
He picked them up (from the case).
Ch'u tle ax̱,
Just my,
ax̱ tláa ch'a tlákw wé
my mother every time the
wé size, áx' {akawsh}(-ixítch).
she (writes) the size there.
Á ákwé a size-i, ákwé yéi?
Is that the size?
Tléik'. Yáadu.
No. Here it is.
Oh, ok.
Ch'u tle
From there
ax̱ waaḵhéeni át kaawadaa,
I got teary eyed,
x̱waateeni ax̱ tláa aayí áwé.
seeing that it was my mother's.
Oh, my gosh!
Du signature-i áwé. Aaá.
That's her signature. Yes.
Ax̱ tláa,
My mother,
wé Anchroage-déi
to Anchorage
antique shop-dáx̱.
from an antique shop.
Wáa sá duwasáakw wé
What the name of
aatx̱ ee.óowu aa?
the place where you bought those?
Wé McDonald's ch'u tlei wé dikéenáx̱ aa.
Above McDonaldʼs. [up the street from]
Wé camera store,
That camera store,
ch'a, ch'a a x̱ánx' yéi yatee
it was close by it,
tsú. Aaá.
too. Yes.
Tsaa ágé yáat, a kát? Aaá.
Is that seal here on it? Yes.
Ch'a tlákw áwé ah,
Every time uh,
du, du yéi jineiyí áyá.
this is her work.
Yát'aa ḵu dzísk'w doogú.
This one though is moose hide.
Ahm. Mmm.
Ḵa tsu yáat'at tsú, ch'á tlákw {a ax̱} ax̱wách noojín.
And again, this one too (the seal skin) she used to tan and scrape it.
Ch'a hóoch.
She herself.
Ch'a hóoch.
She herself.
Ḵa tsu, ch'a tlákw du eet, am, x̱wadashéeyin tsú.
I always used to, um, help her with it too.
Wáa sá duwasáakw t'éesh? [Gestures as if scraping a famed hide.]
What do they call that tanning frame?
T'éesh! T'éesh.
Tanning frame! Tanning frame.
T'éesh yéi áwé duwasáakw wé,
Frame is what they call it,
am, dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱, 'stretcher.'
um, in English they call it a stretcher.
Oh, OK, t'éesh.
Oh, OK, stretcher.
T'éesh. The stretcher.
Tanning frame.
X̱wájaa ḵu.aa.
The scraper though.
X̱wájaa, that tool?
Scraper, that tool?
Aaá. Mmm.
A scraper.
Aaá. Mhm. Yeah.
Ḵa tsú,
And also,
Ch'a hóoch yéi awsinei,
She just did this herself,
a doogú ágé {a} yaa dzísk'w doogú tsú? Aaá, aaá, aaá.
the hide, the moose hide too? Yes, yes, yes.
Yeedét ḵu.aa hél yéi daadunéi.
Now they donʼt do it.
Uh, ch'a yéi, x̱washigóok.
Uh, I know a little bit about how to do it.
Oh my! Ch'a tlél ax̱ tuwáa,
Oh my! I don't like,
Thatʼs amazing you are able to do it.
[At shooḵ] Hél aa yéi x̱wasinei, ch'a, [negative would be: tlél aa yéi x̱wsanei]
[Laughter] I havenʼt done it (for a long time) it's just,
lidzée x̱áa. Aaá.
it is a hard thing to do. Yes.
Ishigóok gé?
Do you know how?
Xwashigóok ḵu.aa.
I do know how though.
Aaá, yáa at ḵéis'.
Yes, this sewing.
Aaá yáadu á. At xáshdi téel i ji.eetí áwé yáat'aa. Aaá.
Yeah, here it is. Those are the moccasins you made? Yes.
Itʼs beautiful.
Ax̱ dachx̱ánk'
My grandchild
ch'a, tlél yan x̱wasanee,
I didnʼt finish,
ch'u tle du, du x̱'oosx'i sáani kúdáx̱ wuligéi.
his little feet grew too big.
[At shooḵ]
Kúdáx̱ áwé du x̱'oos wuligéi.
Yeah, his feet got too big.
Óy, ch'a yéi googéink' ,du,
Oh, just a little bit, his,
ch'a g̱óot aak' áwé kg̱eeḵáa yeedát ḵu.aa. Aaá.
Now you'll have to sew him different ones. Aaá.
Wéit'aa tsú.
That one too.
Wé a doogú daa a x̱ooní,
Oh, the hide ???
Ahh, yáat'aa áwé tsú.
Uhuh, this one too.
Yáxwch'. Yáxwch'.
Sea otter. Sea otter.
Yáxwch' doogú.
Sea otter hide.
Hél yan x̱wasinee ch'u. [Or: Hél yan x̱wasanee.]
I havenʼt finished it.
Gwál ax̱,
Maybe my,
ax̱ dachx̱ánk',
my grandchild,
ch'u, ch'u tlél ḵuw̃dziteeyi aa, [Or: ???]
the one that hasn't been born yet,
du jeeyís
(it will be) for him or her
shákdé áwé.
I ji.eetí ákyá yáat'aa tsú? Aaá.
Is this one your work, too? Yes.
Aadóoch sá uwa.ún i jeeyís wé yáa,
Who shot this for you, the,
tlél, ch'a x̱waa.oo áwé.
I just bought it.
Wáa yáx̱ sá?
For how much?
Gwál daax'oon hándid.
Maybe $400.
Aaá, ḵúnáx̱ wuligei.
It was pretty big.
Gag̱eehóon ákyá yáat'aa? I aayi ákyá?
Are you going to sell this one? Is this yours?
Tléik', ax̱ dachx̱ánk' jeeyís áwé. Oh, ahah.
No, this is for my grandchild. Oh, uhuh.
Fairbanks aayí.
The one in Fairbanks.
Itʼs cold there.
Hóoch áwé x̱at x̱'awawóos',
He was the one that asked me,
«Ax̱ jeeyís á?
“Is that for me?
Naḵéis', Léelk'w.»
Grandma, sew a pair!”
Ách áwé kax̱waa.áaḵw. Tlél k'idein ax̱ tuwáa.
That's why I'm trying. I am not pleased with it.
Tlél áyáx̱ utí yáax'.
This part is not right here.
Wooshdéi ákwé kg̱eeḵáa yáa, yáax'?
Are you going to sew it together here?
Aaá, gwál yéi.
Yeah, maybe.
Tlél x̱wasakú daa sá a káa yéi kg̱watée. Gwál yooka.óot'?
I donʼt know what to put on it. Maybe buttons?
Wuháanch ḵu {yéi,yéi} yéi wtuwasáakw {ḵáaya}
We however, call it,
ḵáayaḵa.óot', káayaka.óot'.
buttons, buttons.
Wáanax̱ sá Ḵáaya
Why Butto
Ah, ḵáach,
Uh, man-made,
Aaaa. A yaka.óot'i.
Ooooh Its suckers.
Has awliyeix̱i aa.
The ones they made.
Yisikóo gé wé náaḵwdáx̱ áwé wduwaasáa?
Do you know it is named from the octopus?
Wé a óot'i, x̱áa,
Its sucker, see,
Náaḵw, octopus. Ahah.
Octopus. Yeah.
Mhm, buttons yáx̱.
Mhm, like buttons.
Oh, wé um, dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱
Oh, the um, in English
The suckers on the tentacles. Oh.
Tsu yéi yanaḵá.
Say it again.
Ḵáa aa yéi yaka.óot'.
A man-made sucker.
Yéi áwé duwasáakw wé, Mhm.
Thatʼ what they call the, Mhm.
Háw, likoodzí, gunalchéesh. Aaá.
Wow, amazing, thank you. Yes.
Mmh. Haw.
Yeah. Wow.
Wáa sá {gag̱ee} gag̱isanée yáat'aa, i tláa ji.eetí?
What are you going to do with this one, the one your mother made?
Tléik', tlé ch'a, ch'a,
No, just,
I aayíx̱ gux̱satée. Mmm.
Itʼs going to be yours. Yes.
Iyatéen gé wáa sá x̱'awlitseen?
Did you see how much it cost?
Tleidooshú jinkaat ḵa keijín dáanaa. Mm.
Sixty-five dollars. Yes.
Poor thing.
Mhm. Yáat'aa ḵu g̱áx̱.
This one though is rabbit.
G̱áx̱ áwé.
That's rabbit.
G̱áx̱ doogú. Mhm.
Rabbit hide.
Yéi x̱at oosgeink'í áwé {ax̱} ax̱ éesh tsú,
When I was little, my dad also,
ah, iyatéen gé?
uh, do you see this?
Mmmm. Wáa sá duwasáakw ah, wé,
Yes. What do they call uh, the,
g̱áx̱ g̱aa tool'óoni wé,
we're going hunting for rabbit,
dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ 'snare' een.
in English, with a 'snare'.
Aah, yéi áwé!
Oh, that's it!
G̱aatáa, the trap?
The trap?
Aaá, g̱aatáa.
Yes, trap.
Ch'á yéi x̱at oosgeink'í áwé,
When I was little,
{ax̱ éet wudul}
{they taught me}
{ax̱ éet wudul}
{they taught me}
i ée wdudlitéew.
They taught you.
{ax̱} Ée wdudlitéew. Ax̱ ée wududlitóow. Aaá.
They taught me. They taught me. Yes.
Áwé, {aa, aa x̱waa}
Aa x̱waasháat? Aaá.
I caught one? Yes.
Iyasháat. Mhm.
You caught one. Yeah.
Ax̱ toowóoch ḵu.aa dei woonaa.
I thought it was already dead.
Ch'á át {wus}
It was just,
Át shataan.
It was lying there.
Aaá, ách áwé, wé, wé,
Yeah, thatʼs why
snare du,
snare its,
du, g̱aatáa
its, trap
G̱aatáa du seináx̱, aadáx̱ x̱waayéesh?
I pulled the snare off of its neck? [Asking if she's saying it right]
Ch'u tle du gúk tleink' át x̱waashée.
I grabbed it by its ears
Ch'u tle neildé x̱washíx a een. ???
I just ran home with it.
Ax̱ tláa,
My mother,
«Etléi, Etléi, g̱án, g̱án!»
“Mama, mama, look, look!”
«Ax̱ séek',»
“My daughter,
yéi áwé yaawaḵaa ???
That's what she said ???
Ch'u tle du x̱'oosk'i {s}
Then its little feet,
Ḵúx̱ wudigút! Aaá!
It came back to life. Yes.
I jeedáx̱ kei wjik'én.
It jumped out of your hand.
Tléik', ch'a ax̱ tláa ax̱ jeedáx̱ awnsinook.
No, my mother finally took it away from me.
X̱'áháat x̱'éit shuwataan,
She closed the door,
«Ch'a yeisú, ch'a wéix' yan hán.»
“Just now, just stand there.”
Uh, wé x̱út'aa,
Uh, the adze,
Tléik'. X̱út'aa.
No. Adze.
Daa sáwé, dleit ḵaa x̱'éináx̱?
What is it in English?
Shanaxwáayi, ch'a wé x̱'aháat t'éix' yéi wootee.
That axe was behind the door.
X̱waa.áx̱. Dúx!
I heard it. Thump!
She hit it on the head.
Ashaawax̱ích ax̱ jeeyís.
She hit it on the head for me.
[At shooḵ]
Tlei wé xáanaadáx̱ atx̱aayí
On that night for dinner
ax̱ jeeyís wududzi.ée.
they cooked it for me.
[At shooḵ]
G̱áx̱ ax̱ jeeyís
Rabbit for me
they cooked it.
Áyáx̱ ákwé? Aaá.
Is that right? Yes.
Wáa sá gax̱dusáa
What do they call it
when they boil it.
Tléil útlx̱i, tléik'.
Not boiled fish, no.
Dei kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw tle. X̱át tsú.
I forgot it. Me too.
A téix̱i.
A téix̱i?
Taax̱ héeni?
The broth?
G̱áx̱ tax̱héeni.
Rabbit broth.
Mhm. Mhm.
Yeah. Yeah.
K'únts' a x̱oot jikawduwatée.
They added potatoes to it.
Dleit ḵaa yoo x̱'atángi
In English
inyán. Inyán.
Onion. Onion.
I jeedáx̱ kei wjixíx wé Bugs Bunny.
That Bugs Bunny ran away from you.
[At shooḵ]
Poor thing.
[At shooḵ]
Dleit yáx̱
wusitee, wé
it was, the
Mhm, wé
Mhm, the
little rabbit.
Hél gé yéi dag̱aatee g̱áx̱,
Are there some rabbits
wé Tlákw Aan?
at Klukwan?
Mhm. Am,
ax̱, ax̱ yéet
my, my son
ah, hás wé aag̱áa has [alʼoon} al'oonín.
uh, they were the ones that used to hunt for it.
Yáa yeedát wáang̱aneens ax̱ dachx̱ánx'iyán.
Now sometimes my grandchildren.
Wáa sá has dligéi? Hél tsu aa g̱áa x̱wsatínch.
How big are they? I haven't seen them yet.
Shux'wáanáx̱ aa ax̱ dachx̱ánk'
My first grandchild
Tuesday-x' áwé
on Tuesday
jinkaat ḵa nas'gadooshú
du katáagu gug̱atee.
he will be that age.
Chʼée! Aaá.
Jee! Yes.
Yáa May, wé high schooldáx̱ áwé
This May, from high school
graduate gux̱satée. A tóonáx̱ yakg̱wagóot.
he will graduate. He is going to graduate.
A tóonáx̱ yoo kg̱wagóot.
He is going to graduate.
Gwál x̱át tsú yáa, yáa May.
Maybe I too, this May.
Du een yaa kg̱ee.áat.
You will walk with him.
{Yáa} X̱át ḵu.aa yáax', Oh, yáax', aaá.
As for me, here, Oh, here, yes.
Aa aa.
Gu.aal kwshé, gu.aal kwshé. Aaá i gu.aa yáx̱ x'wán.
I hope so. I hope so. Have strength, be strong, as you go through this.
Ishigóok gé aadé,
Do you know how to,
Yéi googéink'.
A little.
Ch'ás wé
Lingít tleinx' aayí at xáshdi téel áwé daax̱anéi nuch.
adult mocassins is what I do.
Aax a.oowún wé at doogú.
The hide.
Wé dzísk'w doogú.
The moose hide.
Wéi Canada-dáx̱.
From Canada.
Daax'oon hándid.
Four hundred (dollars).
Yeedát ḵu kwshé, wáa sá kwshé x̱'alitseen?
Now what would it cost, I wonder?
Oooh, gwál dax̱adooshú.
Maybe seven (hundred dollars).
Tleidooshú shákwdé.
Maybe six (hundred dollars).
Yáat'aa ḵu.aa,
This one though,
g̱uwakaan, wé, am,
deer, the um,
G̱uwakaan doogú?
Deer skin?
Wéi am,
The um,
internet-dáx̱ áwé,
from the internet,
aadáx̱ x̱waa.oo.
I bought it from there.
Ax̱ jeet wududziwóo.
They sent it to me.
Wé Montana-dáx̱.
From Montana.
K'idéin dzineek ḵu.aa.
It smells good though.
Yáa át áwé
This thing
haa jix̱ánx'
near us
kei, kei has nasxít yeedát.
they're beginning to multiply now. [river otter? sea otter?]
Yeah, huh.
Tlél haa tuwáa ushgú wé, wé shaaw, ḵa wé s'aaw ḵa wé,
We don't like it, the gumboots, and the crab, and the,
ldakát wé
all of the
wé éil' héenidáx̱,
from the ocean,
haa atx̱aayí,
our food,
{áx̱ yaa s} Áx̱ yaa s ayanasx̱éin.
they're eating it all up.
Háw, ḵúdáx̱ has shayadihein? Unuh. Háw.
Wow, there are too many of them? Yes. Wow.
Áx' has kei nasx̱ít'. Yeedát ḵu.aa,
They're multiplying there. Now though,
áa jikagax̱duḵáa haa, ch'a haa,
they're going to hire, just
haa x̱oodáx̱ ḵu.oo.
people that live among us.
Has ang̱a.únt haa jeeyís.
So they will shoot them for us.
Likoodzée, x̱á.
That's amazing.
Wé am, ch'áagu,
The um, long ago,
long ago
ah, wé dleit ḵáa, haa, yáax' hás
uh, the white people, our, here they,
came among us? [Asking if she's saying it correctly.]
Mhm, kawdlihaa, aaá áyáx̱ áwé iyasáa.
Mhm, came among, yes, you said it right.
Ḵúnáx̱ yáat'át
This here is really
g̱aa áwé has du tuwáa sigóo.
they really liked it.
wáa sá duwasáakw ah,
what is it called, uh,
Tlél naléi, ah,
Not far, uh,
tlél x̱wasakú wáa sá x̱'akḵwaḵaayí.
I don't know how I'm going to say it.
Dleit ḵaa x̱'éináx̱.
In English.
Extinct has awliyeix̱.
They made them extinct.
Wáa sá kwshé?
What, I wonder (would that be called)?
Hél yéi ḵút has ashuwulxeexí.
They almost wiped out all of them.
Tlél yéi ḵútx̱ has ashuwulxeexí.
They almost wiped all of them out.
Yéi gíwé?
Is that right?
Áyáx̱ x̱waa.áx̱.
It sounds right to me.
Likoodzí ḵúnáx̱.
Really amazing.
First of all, waa sá.
what is it.
Wáa sá duwasáakw yáat'át?
What do they call this thing?
Sháaw áwé.
Itʼs gumboots.
Lingít x̱'éináx̱ sháaw yéi, yéi tuwasáakw, uháanch.
In Tlingit, sháaw, we call it, us.
Goodáx̱ sáwé,
From where,
{aax̱} aax̱ kei
from there
tlél haa x̱ánx' yéi utí.
we don't get this where we live.
Wéi, Wéi,
in Haines,
éeḵt wulaayí áwé, wé té kaadáx̱,
when the tide goes out, from the rocks,
wé plier een.
with pliers.
Té káx' yéi nateech.
They're on the rocks.
Té yáx̱ áyá.
This is like the rock.
Áx' yéi nateech yéi.
It's on there like this.
Lítaa ḵ'áatl' een.
With a flat/thin knife. [Demonstrates how it is removed from the rock.]
Aax̱ duxít' nuch. Háw!
They pry it up. Wow!
Ch'a yéi. Aaá.
That is how, Yes.
T'ooch' yáx̱ yatee ch'a tlákw? Ch'a yeisú t'ooch' yáx̱ yatee.
It's always black? It's still black.
Lítaa ḵ'áatl' een aax̱ duxéet'
They scrape it off with a flat knife
ḵa ch'u screwdriver.
or a screwdriver.
Haw! Wáa sá duwasáakw screwdriver Lingít x̱'éináx̱? {kát kát}
Well! What do they call a screwdriver in Tlingit?
Ḵáa aa jishagóonx'i. Aaá.
Man's tools. Yes.
Aax̱ wuduxeedí áwé,
After it has been pried open,
dustéix̱ nuch áwé wéidu á.
they boil it, that one.
Eesháan du jishagóon.
Poor tools.
[At shooḵ]
Áyáx̱ ákwé? Mhm.
Is that right?
Aax̱ duxít' nuch.
They scrape it off.
Tle x'eesháa kaadéi.
Then they put it in a bucket.
Ch'a wáa sás yatee yáat'aa, ah, gwál,
How about this one, uh, maybe,
T'éex' nuch.
It's always frozen.
Ch'a tlákw?
Ch'a yéix' g̱ag̱heex̱aayí,
Just before you eat it,
héen táax',
in water,
táax' yéi ndu.eich.
they leave it in water.
Ch'a yéi héen.
Just water.
Maybe gwál
nás'k gaaw x̱'áax'náx̱.
for 3 hours.
Uháanch tsú, tusa.eench, {téix̱} tusatéix̱.
We also always cook it, we boil it.
Steam yáx̱.
Like steam.
Hél héen a káx̱ kadus.áa.
You don't pour water in it.
Ch'a yéi á, ch'a a héeni.
Just by itself, its own water.
Sá, gwál 20 minutes.
Maybe 20 minutes.
Ch'a wa.éich {gag̱is} gag̱isakóo.
You'll know.
Té ??? yáx̱ woonéi. Nás'gadooshúnáx̱ yatee wé
??? There are eight of them, the
Ch'a tlákw nás'gadooshú áa yéi yatee? Aaá, aaá.
There are always eight of them there? Yes, yes.
Yóo áwé kg̱isanéi.
You will do it like this.
Yóo aayáx̱.
Turn it over.
Yóo aayáx̱ tí wé s'íx'.
Turn that dish over.
Yóo, iyatéen gé?
See that? [Demonstrating how to bend the gumboot.]
Makes it loose.
Aag̱áa áwé
And then
Okay, wa.éich.
Okay, you do it.
Aaa, yáat'át
Yes, this one
ḵut duléet nuch?
is thrown away?
Aaá. Ch'a,
Yeah. Just,
I tuwáa sagoowú,
If you want,
guk.ádi sákw yéi daadunéi nuch yáa
they make earrings with this
Háaw. Yáat'aa.
Oh. This one.
Aax̱ duxáas'? Aaá.
You scrape it off? Yes.
Ax̱ toowóoch átx̱ dulyeix̱ín ch'áakw tsú.
I believe they used to use that long ago too.
Hél x̱waateen ḵu.aa. [Or: Hél x̱wateen...]
I don't see it though.
Tléix', déix̱, násk', daax'oon
1, 2, 3, 4
Ḵúnáx̱ likoodzée át áyá.
This is really an amazing thing.
Wé yéin
The sea cucumber
tsú. Mhm.
Dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ wáa sá duwasáakw?
What's it called in English?
Sea cucumber.
Ch'a tléix'dahéen áwé x̱'éi x̱wdinook.
One time I tasted it.
Éitsk'. Yak'éi.
It's delicious. It's good.
Aaá. Mhm.
Yes. Yes.
Yeisú a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw.
This one I forgot already.
Tléil ux̱shagóok á ḵu.aa, wáa sá dus.eeyí.
I don't know how they cook that, though.
{ax̱} Ax̱ Tláa hásch áwé. I, i, i, i x̱ánx' gé?
My mothers are the ones. You, you, you, near you?
Tléik', haa x̱ánx' g̱aa yéi yatee. Hah.
No, it was around us. Huh.
Sea cucumber.
Tlél uháan ḵu.aa.
Not us though.
Háaw, yáat'aa.
Now, this one.
Yáat'aa tsú dux̱á. Mhm.
They eat this part too. Mhm.
Shux'áanáx̱ wudustaayí ḵú áwé yak'éi.
It's really good when you first cook it though.
Ḵúdáx̱, freezer tóodáx̱, gwál. Mhm.
Too much, from the freezer, maybe.
Háw, a tóodáx̱ yéi kg̱isanei.
You'll take it out of there now.
Aagáa áwé yáat'aa pickled.
And then this one, pickled. [After cleaning it can be pickled.]
Okay, yáat'aa tsú dux̱á.
They eat this part too.
Try it.
Yisikóo gé wáa sá duwasáakw?
Do you know what they call this?
A tugánt' yéi gé duwasáakw, hél,
??? maybe they call it, not,
a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw.
I forgot.
X̱áach tsú gwál wé a tóodáx̱.
Me too, maybe, from the inside.
{ká} Káa daak haa sakg̱waháa.
We will remember.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo x̱waatoowú.
I want to count this.
Tléixʼ, déix̱, náskʼ, daaxʼoon, keijín, tleidooshshú,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
dax̱adooshú, háw!
7, wow!
[At shooḵ]
Násʼgadooshúnáx̱ yatee.
There are 8 of them.
Háw! Likoodzée.
Wow! It's amazing.
Mhm. Gunalchéesh. Ahah.
Thank you. Yes.
Thank you.
Lingít, aakʼé Lingít atx̱aayí áwé. Mmm.
It's good, Tlingit food. Yes.
Chʼu tlei, a kát x̱at seiwaxʼáḵw.
And now I forgot.
{haa} Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo x̱áa yáa nadáakw
I want this table
áa yéi wooteeyí.
to be there.
Chʼa aadé yéi x̱at na.oo. Aaá.
Excuse me/forgive me. Yes.
Yáadu, peel it back.
Here, peel it back.
And, tle wé éiḵ kaadáx̱ tsú yak'éi.
And right from the beach it's good too.
Ch'a l dus.ée. Hél dus.ée?
Just uncooked. Its not cooked?
Tléil dus.éeji,
They wouldn't cook it,
dux̱áay. Ldakát?
they used to eat it. The whole thing?
This right here.
Ch'a yáat'aa. Ahah.
Just this part? Uhuh.
Hél x̱wasakú wáa sá duwasáakw yáat'aa,
I don't know what they call this here,
Lingít x̱'éináx̱.
in Tlingit.
Aadáx̱ duls'éil'. Aaá.
They tear it apart. Yes.
Tle yak'éi
It sure is good
tle wé éeḵdáx̱.
right from the beach.
Ah, yáat'aa.
Oh, this one.
Ch'a yeisú éeḵt eeháni gag̱eex̱áa.
You will eat it as you are still standing on the beach.
Aa i tuwáa sigóo?
Do you like it?
Éex̱ teen duch'éet'i yak'éi.
It's good when it is dipped in grease.
Tsaa eex̱í.
Seal oil.
saak eex̱í.
hooligan oil.
Yéi áwé.
That's right.
Gunalchéesh! Yan shukáx' yéi haa teeyí,
Thank you! When we're at camp,
wé x̱'aan daat tooḵeení,
when we sit by the fire,
tle á, tle wé, ah, x̱'aan
just the, uh, fire
x̱'aan yadáax',
around the fire,
áx' toolít nooch tle.
we scatter it around (the fire).
Áx' ée nooch tle yak'éi.
??? then it is good.
I tuwáa gé aa sigóo?
Do you want some?
Thank you!
Ḵúdáx̱ aawa.óos'.
She washed it too much.
Yéi áwé, Adunéegu ??? a tóodáx̱ aawa.óos'.
That's it, (it's not too tasty) ??? she washed the inside of it.
éil' gé i tuwáa sigóo?
do you want some salt?
Thank you.
Shaaw, Yeedát ḵu.aa pickle-x̱ dulyéx̱ nooch wé
Gumboots, Nowadays, people pickle the
vinegar ḵa soy sauce ḵa pickling spice, ḵa inyán,
vinegar and soy sauce and pickling spice, and onion,
ít'ch tóodei.
into jars.
Yéi gé daa.eenéi nooch wa.éich tsú pickling?
Is that how you do pickling too?
Gunalchéesh. Chop suey yáx̱ tsú yak'éi.
Thank you! It's good in chop suey too.
Ax̱ een kananeek.
Tell me.
Kadulxákw nooch.
It's always ground.
Fried rice is good.
Duxáash nooch?
Do they cut it?
Wé, wé, ah, wáa sá gax̱dusáa? Xágwaa?
That, that, uh, what do they call it? Grinder?
When it is ground up.
Am, grinder.
Yea, grinder. But what's the Lingít name, I forgot, too.
Kadulxákw. {kax} kaxágwaa?
They grind it, Grinder?
Yak'éi, chop suey yáx̱.
It's good like chop suey.
Celery ḵa onions ḵa bacon
Celery and onions and bacon
ḵa sprouts.
and sprouts.
Ḵa cabbage. You donʼt
And cabbage.
Hél tlaakw dus.ée nooch.
They don't cook it a long time.
Ḵúdáx̱ t'éex' nooch.
It gets too hard.
Tle a t'óoch'i aayí
The black part
a kaadéi {kat} kandusxeich
they pour in
kawdulxaagú ítdáx̱.
after they grind it.
Chop suey yáx̱.
Like chop suey.
Yak'éi. Hmm.
That's good.
Ch'a dleey yáx̱. Háw!
It's just like meat. Wow!
Gunalchéesh! Aaá.
Thank you. Yes.
Yéi áwé.
That's it.
Yéi áwé dei!
That's all!
Yáa, yáa s'íx',
This dish
ax̱ éesh aayí wusiteeyín?
used to be my dad's? [Asking for the correct way to say this.]
Used to be.
Used to be.
At.óowu yáx̱ wootee.
It's like at.óow. [An heirloom]
Yáa yeedát.
These days.
Yeedádi aayí at.óowu.
Today's valuables.
Yéi x̱at oosgeink'í, ch'a tlákw
When I was little, all the time
aatx̱ {a ay um,} du tuwáa sigóo ch'a tlákw yéi a.oowú aatx̱,
off of it, he always wanted to eat off it,
{x̱'aayí} atx̱aayí, át du atx̱á.
food, his food.
Ch'u tlei x̱áach tsú ḵúnáx̱ ax̱, ax̱,
Even for me too, I, I really,
ax̱ waaḵt.
my eyes.
Wáa sá kaḵwasáa?
What shall I call it?
Ax̱ waaḵt,
My eye,
Ax̱ waaḵ awusháadin wé ???
It caught my eye, the ???
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo x̱át tsú.
I like it too.
A een at x̱wax̱aayí yáa, yáa s'íx'.
I like eating out of it.
That is,
ch'a woosh duséik yéi too.oowún. ???
we should take turns eating out of it.
Hú du aayí, ḵa gwál
That is his, and maybe
tléix' aa yagiyee x̱á.
another day.
A kaadáx̱ at yeex̱aayí,
You guys eating out of it,
woosh daséix'.
take turns.
A kaadáx̱ at yeex̱aayí.
You guys eat out of it.
Yéi áwé.
That's it.
Yáat'aa ḵu.aa ch'a
This one though
ch'a ax̱, ax̱,
just my, my,
t'aa yáat {kax̱waa}
the wall,
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What do you call it?
Decoration yáx̱.
Like decoration.
Hang. T'aa yát.
The wall.
T'aa yáx'
On the wall.
Ḵut wujixeex ax̱ jeenáḵ. Aaá.
It (the word) ran away from me. Yes
X̱at tsú.
Me too.
yáat'aa ḵu.aa Daaljíni du tláa jeedáx̱ x̱waa.oo.
this one though, I bought from Daaljíni's mother.
Ḵa tsú yáat'aa.
And this one too.
Daaljíni. Daaljíni. Daaljíni.
Mary? Aaá.
Mary (Folletti)? Yeah.
Du tláa "Sue" yéi wduwasáakw.
Her mother is named Sue.
Ḵa tsú yáat'aa wé
And this one
gwál internet kaadáx̱ x̱waa.oo. Gosh.
maybe from the internet I bought it.
Ḵúnáx̱ ligéi yáa um,
This is a big one, this um,
s'íx'. Wáa sá duwasáakw yáat'aa? S'íx' {ḵʼaatlʼ}
dish. What do they call this? Plate
Y'áat'aa ḵu.aa,
This one though,
iyatéen gé, wé ts'ítsk'w?
do you see the bird?
Áa yéi yatee.
It's right here.
Wé haa x̱ooní
Our relative/friend
Wudisheeyi Tláa
Alice Taff
ch'a tlákw ts'ootaatx' shawdanoogú
every morning when she gets up
du káaxwei een
with her coffee
yóo gáanx' át áa nooch yéi
she sits there outside, the
wé ts'ítsk'w át has wooḵeení
the birds sitting there
has du atx̱aayí wé du am, railing káx', ch'a tlákw áa yéi,
their food, on her um, railing, always there,
Wé ḵ'anáax̱, du ḵanáax̱áni káx'.
She scatters it on the railing (fence).
Ts'ats'ée atx̱aayí.
Bird food.
Aaá. Áx' yéi ana.eich.
Yes. She puts it there.
Wáa sá duwasáakw "seeds"?
What do they call “seeds”?
Ḵut wooxeex. Aaá.
It left me. Yes. [-tukayátxʼi “inside children”]
X̱wasikóo, Ḵúnáx̱ at wutuwax̱áa!
I know it, We sure ate a lot!
[At shooḵ]
Gwál wé útlx̱i.
Maybe the boiled fish.
Ḵa tsu yáat'aa tsú a een.
And this one too, with it.
Yéi x̱at oosgeink'í tsú x̱wasateenín yáat'át.
When I was little too, I saw this.
Wudisheeyi Tláa aayí áyá.
This is Alice Taff's.
Wéit'aa gé tsú?
That one too?
Tle ch'a
ch'a Daaljíni du tláa jeedáx̱ tsú yáat'aa x̱waa.oo. Hoondaaḵídi ákwé du jeewú? Aaá.
From Daaljini's mother, I bought this too. Does she own a store? Yeah.
Ch'a ch'áagu át, yáa yeedát ḵu.aa, dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ 'antique'.
Long ago things, in English it's called 'antiques'.
Ahah. Ch'áagu ádi, átx'i.
Yes. Things from long ago.
Ahóon nooch du tláa.
She sells it, her mother.
Jé! Du neil tsú ḵúnáx̱
Gee! In her home too, really
It's beautiful.
Daa sáwé?
What is that?
Wé stamps.
Those stamps.
Ax̱ adée!
Oh my!
Dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ 'Flow Blue' yéi wduwasáakw yáat'át.
In English it's called 'Flow Blue', this kind.
Aadéi yateeyi yé.
The way it is.
England yóo á.
England, that one.
Ax̱ éesh du saayí
My dad's name
Shangukeidí wusiteeyín. [Or: Shangukeidíx̱ wustéeyin.]
He was Shangukeidí.
Ḵa tsú hít s'aatí wé Xeitl Hítk'.
He was the caretaker of the Thunderbird House.
Xeitl Hít, Shangukeidí.
The Thunderbird House is Shangukeidí.
Áwé gunalchéesh.
Thank you.
X'oon táakw sá i toowóoch?
How old do you think (that dish) is?
Ax̱ katáagu {jinkaat,}
My age
keijín jinkaat ḵa
fifty and,
tleidooshú ax̱ katáagu.
six, my age.
Tleidooshú, aaá.
Six, yes.
A yáanáx̱ áyá.
More than it.
Gootx̱ sá kwshé du jeet.
I wonder where he got it.
Héil x̱wasakú.
I don't know.
Hél a daat, Ch'a tléix' gé yatee?
Didn't, Is there only one?
Ách áwé ch'a woosh daséigun. Aaá.
That's why we took turns. Yeah.
Hél gúx'aa a een.
No cup with it.
Ch'a gúx'aa ax̱ jeewú aa.
I have one of the cups.
X̱waat'ee wé cupboard tóox',
I found it in a cupboard,
has du.
Yáat'aa yáx̱?
Like this one?
Likoodzée x̱á. Aaá.
It sure is amazing. Yes.
Ax̱ dachx̱ánk'
My grandchild
{jee} jeet kaḵwatáan.
I'm going to give it to him/her.
Kuchéin yéi duwasáa.
Kuchéin is his name.
Du saayí. Kuchéin, oh i éesh! Aaá!
That's his name. Kuchéin, oh your father! Yes!
I éesh, du saayí. Aaá.
Your father, his name. Yes.
Ch'a ḵúdáx̱,
Too much,
gwál ḵáawu wustee du jeedéi kḵwa-.
maybe when he becomes a man I will (give it) to him.
X'oondahéen sákwshé a kaax̱ at iyax̱áa.
I wonder how many times you ate from it.
Ch'é, tlél x̱wasakú.
Gee, I don't know.
Daa sá i x̱'éi k'éiyin.
What did you really used to like to eat?
Dzísk'u dleeyí ḵa gwánts'.
Moose meat and potatoes.
Ax̱ éesh, wé gwánts ch'a tlákw,
My dad, always the potatoes,
táay du jee yéi wutéeyin.
he used to have a garden.
Wé, wé g̱oot yéidei yateeyi k'wánts'.
Those, those, different kinds of potatoes.
Ch'a tlákw has du jee, X̱'aan yáx̱ yateeyi k'únts' kwshé? Tléik'.
They always had, Maybe red potatoes? No.
Wé Lingít k'wánts'. Mhm.
Those Tlingit potatoes.
Yéi áwé wutusikóo.
That's the way we know it.
Du tl'átgi káx'.
Right on his land.
{du yéi} Du táayi áa yéi wutéeyin.
His garden used to be there.
Tlákw Aanx'?
In Klukwan?
Aaá, wé,
Yes, that,
Tlákw Aan yáa, yáax' yéi, ch'a yéi, wé
Klukwan is here, that
dzeit káanáx̱ wé ah, wtooḵoox̱. "Well's Bridge" yéi duwasáakw.
bridge uh, we went across. It's called “Well's Bridge.”
Dáḵ, Dáḵdei.
Inland, toward the interior.
Up river.
Aaá, áyáx̱ ákwé?
Is that right?
Up river?
Tlákw Aan naakée {yáa yáa} yáax' áwé yéi jee, du, du,
Klukwan, up river, this is where he has his, his
tl'átgi. Aaá du táayi. Aaá. Mhm.
land. Yes, his garden. Yes.
Very good.
Thank you.
Seig̱án ts'ootaadídáx̱,
Tomorrow, in the morning,
gwátgeen sákwshé wé
I wonder when
kei x̱at gux̱sagéet.
I will wake up.
[At shooḵ]
Wé atx̱á
That food
from it.
Ch'a yéi, gwál
Just, maybe
K'idéin gag̱eetáa! Aaá.
You're going to sleep well! Yes.
K'idéin akḵwakéet yá xáanaa.
I'm really going to snore tonight.
Seig̱án ts'ootaatdáx̱ wé Sealaska-dáx̱ áwé start-x̱ x̱at gux̱satée.
Tomorrow after the morning I'm going to start from Sealaska.
Mmm. Aaá.
Mhm. Aadéi kḵwagóot. I gu.aa yáx̱ x'wán! Aaá.
I'm going there. Be strong and courageous! Yes.
Gwál wé nás'gi aa kaadáx̱
Maybe from the third one
floor kaadáx̱.
from the 3rd floor.
Nás'gi aayí hít kináa.
Third floor. [lit. The third floor of the house.]
Aaá, yak'éi. Do you remember?
Oh, good.
Aaa. The floors, hítk'.
Yes. little house.
Nás'k aa hít kináa.
The third one above the house.
Kináa. A kináa. Wé sagóodáx̱. ??? Mhm.
Up above it. ???
Hóoch áwé aadéi sh x̱at tsú kg̱wagóot wé
She's going to lead me there, the
wé daax'oon aayí dei.
the fourth one now.
Aadáx̱ áwé ax̱ tuwáa sigóo wéi
From there I want that
wéi yéi duwasáakw wé "panoramic"
what they call the “panoramic”
wéi Celebration
that Celebration
déix̱ táawsan ḵa jinkaat aa wé
the one from 2010 the
haa yahaayí.
(panoramic) picture of us.
Wé al'eix̱í yahaayí
The picture of the dancers
to buy it.
Aadéi áwé kḵwagóot.
I'm going to go there.
Ḵa aadáx̱ áwé tle wéi
And then from there
dáanaa daakahídidéi, he.é!
I'm going to the bank. [lit. the money house]
[At shooḵ]
I dáanayi kaax̱.
For your money.
Aadáx̱ áwé aadéi
From there to there
tlei, tlei wéi, am,
then, then that, um,
Ax̱, háw! Wáa sá duwasáakw, "car" át wududziḵoox̱ú?
My, well! What do they call 'car' the vehicle that you ride around in?
X̱wasikóo a saayí wududliyéx̱.
I know they made a (Tlingit) name for it.
Át wududziḵoox̱ú.
The vehicle that you ride around in.
Dleit ḵáa, {dei yík át wudu} Dei káx' át wududziḵoox̱ú aa.
In English, the one that you drive around on the road.
Héil yaakw áwé, wéi
It's not a boat, that
"Car" áwé hél a saayí ḵoostí.
There's no (Tlingit) word for “car”.
Ch'a áwé yeedádi ḵáawu
Today's generation
a daa yóo has x̱'awli.át wéi a, workshop.
they spoke about it in the uh, workshop.
A sáax'u.
The names of (new things).
A eetéenáx̱ haa yatee.
We just don't have it.
Ldakát át, wé computer.
Everything, the computer.
Á tsú,
That too,
yéi gé wudusáayin aa x̱waa.oo yeedát Costco-dáx̱?
is that what they called it, I bought some now from Costco?
Wé kashéek'w.
The electricity.
{kash} kashéek'w.
Tlag̱eiyí. Tlag̱eiyí, aaá.
Brain. Brain, yes.
X̱at kawliwál'.
It broke me.
[At shooḵ]
Poor thing.
Kei kg̱wak'éi ḵu.aa. Aaá.
It will be good, though. Yes.
ax̱ passtime-ix̱ gux̱satée.
it'll become my passtime.
I yéi jineiyí. Ax̱ yéi jineiyí a kaadéi,
Your job. My job,
yéi, yéi kg̱watée, haa Lingít yóo x̱'atángi.
will be on our Tlingit language.
Ch'a wáa sá s, Mhm.
kei kg̱wak'éi i jeeyís x̱á. Aaá.
it's going to be good for you.
Aadáx̱ áwé
And from there
driver's license á áwé,
a driver's license thatʼs it,
Ooo. á áwé.
Oh. that's it.
Á tsú ax̱ aayí.
That too, mine.
Ax̱ katáagu ax̱, ax̱ aa,
My age, my, my
yagiyee káx' yan shuwatán.
on my birthday it expired.
Two thousand ten. Déix̱ táawsan ḵa jinkaat.
2010, 2010.
Ách áwé yées aa wé license.
That's why (I need) a new license.
Héil á tsú a saayí ḵoostí, "license".
There's also no word for “license”.
[At shooḵ]
Áwé ax̱ jeex',
So I have,
áwé ax̱
so my,
ax̱ yahaayí tsú a kaadéi gax̱dutée.
they're going to put my picture on it too.
Tuesday káx' ḵu.aa ḵúx̱dei [ḵukḵwadatéen] wé,
on Tuesday I'm going to travel back,
wéi haa, a,
our, um,
haa "Blue Canoe-i" káx'
on our “Blue Canoe” [Alaska Marine ferry]
[At shooḵ]
ḵúx̱dei ḵukḵwadatéen.
I'm going to travel. back.