This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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  • ??? = can’t understand
  • «Lingít quotation marks»

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Tlingit Conversation #60
Should I take this off?
Speakers are Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson and G̱uneiwtí Marsha Hotch. Recorded March 4, 2011, in the Dutson home, Juneau, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by Naakil.aan Mark Hans Chester. English translation by Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱’aagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston and Ḵaachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia.
Neil gú!
Come in.
Neil gú!
Come in.
Neil gú!
Come in.
At gax̱tusa Neil x̱waagoot.
Let me come in.
At gax̱tusa.ée.
We're going to cook.
Aaá, yáadu yáa tsaa dleeyí.
Yes, here's the seal meat.
Haat x̱wasitée, ḵa tsu tlél tsu at x̱wax̱áa.
I brought this and I didn't eat.
Ch'u, ch'a tléiḵw haat, tsú haat x̱wasi.ín.
??? Fruit, too, I brought some.
Ooooh. Yak'éi!
That's good.
Ax̱ éet yaan uwaháa.
I'm very hungry.
Ḵa tsu, X̱at tsú ax̱ éet yaan uwaháa.
And, I'm hungry too.
Yáadu wé.
Here it is.
K'wánts' tsú a een.
Potatoes also with it.
Yaa x̱at naléxw.
I'm really starving.
Poor thing.
Ách áwé yaa x̱at nashg̱áx̱'.
I'm getting real skinny.
[At shooḵ]
Yáadu tsú wé k'wánts'.
Here are the potatoes.
G̱án, iyatéen ágé? Oh, k'únts'!
So you see these? Potatoes.
K'únts' tsú haat yéi yisinée.
Oh, you brought some potatoes too.
Tsu yéi yanaḵá!
Say it again.
Wé a k'únts'.
Those potatoes.
Haat yéi yisinée.
You brought them here.
Yéi, K'únts'.
Uháanch, ch'u Jilkáatdáx̱, k'wánts'.
We, from the Chilkat, we say it kw'ants.
K'wánts'. Aaá.
Potatoes. Yes.
Aah, likoodzí.
Oh, how amazing.
Wé Yukon Gold yéi duwasáakw.
The Yukon Gold they call it.
[At shooḵ]
Yáat'aa ḵu.aa tsaa.
This one is seal.
Tsaa haat yee. Aaá.
Seal fat. Yes.
Wáa sá duwasáakw wéit'át?
What do you call that?
Hél, tlél Lingít x̱'éináx̱ du saakw yá.
They don't say it in Tlingit. [onion]
Éenyán yóo s ayasáakw,
Inyan they called it,
ch'áagu ḵáawuch.
old timers.
Haw. Yáat'aa ḵwa áwé,
Well this one though,
Wé ax̱, ax̱,
My, my,
ax̱ yátx'i jeedáx̱ áwé has {l} wé Lingít yóo x̱'atángi has du éet x̱alatoowú.
I'm teaching my children the Tlingit language.
Ax̱ jeet has,
From me they're,
Has du jeedáx̱ ágé? Aaá.
Is it from them? Yes.
A likoodzí. Aadóoch sá yéi uwa.ún?
Amazing. Who shot this?
Tlél x̱wasakú du Lingít saayí, a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw.
I forgot his Tlingit name.
Dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ ḵu.aa.
In white man though.
Lyle James. [Xéetl'i Éesh]
Lyle James.
Lyle James.
Goodáx̱ sáwé? Yáadax̱ gé?
From where? Is he from here?
Aaá, yáax' yéi has ḵu.oo.
Oh yeah, they live here.
Yóonax̱ aadé {in}. Ná.
Put it over there. Here.
Yóonax̱ aadé na.aax̱.
Take (it) into there.
Ch'u yéit x̱ích.
Just throw it over there.
Wéit? Yáax'?
This one? Right here?
Aaá. Wáa sá duwasáakw yáat'át?
Yes. What do you call this one?
{g̱oosh ḵoosh} G̱oosh kaa át.
Oh, g̱oosh kaa át.
Oh, apron.
Ahah. Gwál {x'} ḵudáx̱ koosigéink' ax̱ jeeyís.
Uhuh. Maybe itʼs too little for me.
Tléik' wé yax̱waadlaaḵ.
No, I made it. [I succeeded in getting into it.]
Wéen. ???
I tuwóoch gé?
Do you think so?
Naa.át áwé x̱aawé teeyin haa een yeedát tsú. ???
Há, yak'éi i aawu áyá.
This is a good one.
Aaa. Tóode i shaklig̱éik' ḵúnáx̱.
Yes. You're sure cute.
Aaá, gunalchéesh!
Thank you.
Tlél x̱ʼéit shux̱waataan yáa {x̱'} [maybe x̱'ahaat].
No, not at first.
Yéi áwé.
That's the way.
Yáa tléiḵw.
This fruit.
Go out.
X̱'éidei shukḵwatáan wé x̱'ahaat.
I'm going to open the door.
Ḵúdáx̱ si.áat'.
It's real cold.
Si.áat'áat adax̱.
It's cold.
Hmh. Haw.
{yán áyá haa oo} Yándei yaa haa nanéen.
I'm getting ready.
Há likoodzí aadei duwasáagi yé Jilḵaat dáx̱.
It amazing the way they pronounce from Chilkat.
Jilḵáat ḵwáan áyá wuháan.
We're Chilkat people.
Yáa shéi, wé sink tóode,
This blood, in the sink,
kḵwasaháa, gwál?
I'll pour it, maybe?
That's good.
Hél uwagéiyi aa ax̱ jee wéit'át.
I don't have a big enough container.
Ch'áakw áwé tléináx̱ ḵux̱wdzitee.
I lived alone for a long time.
Kaat áwé l yoogéi ax̱ ádi. ???
This is a bigger container.
Ch'a tléináx̱.
All alone.
X'oon táakw aanáx̱ sí tlein ax̱ ḵux̱wdzitee.
For how many years I lived alone.
Ax̱ een kananeek.
Tell me how.
A káa dana.
Take it.
A kát g̱íx'.
Put that in it.
Gwál yáat'aa dei, dei wuduwaxáash.
They didn't cut that good.
{ch'a ch'a} {dei kawduwa}
Aaá. Kawduwaxásh dei. Aaá
Yes. They already cut some up. Yes.
Yáat'aa kaadéi?
In this?
Ax̱ een kananeek.
Tell me how.
A {káa} kayixáashdi dáx̱ áwé kaadéi yíkx' daakg̱eenéi.
After you cut it up you'll put it in there.
Yak'éi gé aadéi x̱waaxaashí? Yak'éi. Yak'éi.
Is that good that I cut it this way? Thatʼs good. Thatʼs good.
Hél ldakát áyá yáat'aa
Not all of these
kaa yéi gax̱too.oo.
we'll put it in.
Wé tléix' aa áwé ká kadidóogu aa. Mmm.
Those that aren't cut up. Yes.
A yáa, yáax' tooxaashí.
Yeah, cut it here.
Wé tsaa taayí áwé yéi kaneexásh.
You're cutting up the seal fat.
Yáat'aa ḵu.aa tsaa dleeyí áyá.
This one is the seal meat.
Ḵúnáx̱ yak'éiyi aa áyá i jeet wududzinée.
They gave you the best ones.
Ée. Ee, esnéex' ákyá wé, am,
Do you smell it, that one, um,
s'eiḵ áwu?
smoked meat?
They smoked the meat.
They cut it up.
Smoked it.
Oh, kawdudlis'eeḵ.
They smoked the meat.
Kawdudlis'eiḵ. S'eiḵ.
They smoked the meat. Smoke.
Kawdudlis'eiḵ gé dei yáat'aa. Aaá
Did they smoke this one?
Oh, my.
Hél uwaxúkw ḵu.aa.
But it isn't dry.
K'idéin dzinéex'. Ch'a aan k'éi nooch.
It smells very good. Even then it's still good.
Aaá. Aaá.
Yes. Yes.
Wáa sá x̱'ax̱waaḵáa, x̱át ḵu.aa?
What did I say?
Hél ayéx̱ {x̱'ax̱waa}
I didn't
A yáx̱ áwé yéi kaneexásh.
You're cutting it right.
.É. Ax̱ éet yaan uwaháa tle!
Geez. I'm hungry now!
[At shooḵ]
Yisikóo gé?
Do you know?
{i is isigéik'}
Yaa, yaa neewádi gé,
When you were growing up,
at, shaatk'áts'k'ux̱ ix̱siteeyí a daat yéi jineiyín, ákyá?
when you were a little girl, did you work on this?
Unuh. Háh.
No. Oh!
Ax̱ éesh, {can} cancerch oowajáḵ.
My dad died from cancer.
Ch'a yéi áwé haa jeet,
Even so, they gave us,
waang̱anéins ch'a yéi googéink' haa jeet yéi dusnéech.
sometimes they would give us a little portion.
A kaadé áwé, wé
That is the reason
a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw {wáa}
I forgot
a saayí.
the name of it.
No, ah, wé a yíkx' yéi nateech.
No, what is inside the seal.
Oh, a naas'í.
Oh, the intestines.
{a na} At naas'í.
Hél x̱wax̱á ch'u tle
I didn't eat it
x̱at, x̱at wudushaayí tsu.
unitl I got married.
Oh, chʼéi, ḵúnáx̱ yak'éiyi,
Oh, it's really good,
át áwé a een kei x̱at uwawát.
I grew up with it.
Ch'a yáadát áwé x̱wasikóo wé, am,
This is all I knew, um
Ḵa keeyi g̱uwakaan tsú, {hél haa}
Even deer meat
hél ax̱ éeshch wu.óowu.
my dad didn't shoot it.
Haw. A kaadé áwé hél yagéiyi at, hél
Oh. That's the reason that
hél wutux̱á.
we didn't eat much.
Gwál wé govermen
Maybe the government
jeedáx̱ atx̱á áwé.
food was given to us.
Káx̱, akáx̱ aa kaháa ???
Canned meat.
A ká haax'.
Canned meat.
Ch'as áwé haa x̱'éix̱ wuduwatéex̱.
That's all they gave to us.
yáx̱ yaa ḵuyanaléx'w.
people were starving.
Góot áx' sáwé? Áwé,
Once in a while? So,
wáang̱anéis tsú ax̱ sáneech aa a.óonch yáata.
sometimes my uncle would shoot that.
Áwé yéi, yéi koolgé áwé haa jeedé, {haa jeedé aw} uxáashch.
He would just give us a piece that big.
A taayí tsú áwu.
And the fat with it.
Nax̱tooxáash, déi áwé déi aa shákdé?
That's it, we'll cut it maybe.
A yáx̱ áwé yéi kaneexásh ḵúnáx̱.
You're cutting it the right way.
Hél áwé wulk'ách' wé ax̱ lítayi.
My knife isn't that sharp.
Tsu ax̱ een máa sá?
Say it again?
Tlél, tlél {uwul}
No, no it's not
{hél wulk'át' hél oosh}
It's not sharp.
A yáx̱ áwé eesaa.
You said it right.
{yak'áts'} Yak'áts'i aa lítaa een ḵúnáx̱ ak'éi nooch,
But with a sharp knife,
yéi daadunéiyi.
the way they do it.
Ax̱kahéenide kawadaa. Oooo.
The broth when it comes up. Oooh.
Ch'a wáa sá jeet yee aa
Oh whatever
ch'u tle
that is
tle yeedát toox̱á.
we eat it right now. [wishing]
Yéi kookéik' áwé wé kóox ḵu.aa,
I just have a small portion of rice however,
hél x̱wasa.é.
I didn't cook it.
Ax̱ toowóoch ḵu.aa.
I thought (about it) though.
Wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo x̱waaxaashí?
How do you want me to cut it?
Yak'éi, aadéi keexásht yé.
That's good, the way you're cutting it.
Wé, wé k'wánts' tsú gé {a tó} a kaadé gax̱tu???
Are we going to put the potatoes in?
Tléik'. Yáat'aa yínde yaa na.éeni áwé tsá.
When that is getting cooked is when (we put them in).
Wé onions áwé ḵu.aa yéi kg̱eesanée tle ch'ayóok'.
But you'll put the onions in right away.
A shoowú ch'u tle. Ch'as,
At first, Just,
wé k'únts' ḵu.aa k'idéin yánde yaa na.éeni áwé tsu kaadé.
those potatoes, when it starts cooking good you put them in.
You da boss.
I tuwóoch gé du tóog̱aa áwé yéi jituné?
Do you think she feels we're doing it right?
Ya dleit shaawát.
The white lady.
Du yat'éiyi yóo x̱'atuli.át.
We're talking behind her.
Tléik'. {haa ga} Haa x̱'aya.áx̱ch ch'a, ch'a yéi googéink'.
Nooo. She understands it a little bit.
Yaa anaskwéin x̱á
She's beginning to learn
yá Lingít yóo x̱'atángi.
this Tlingit language.
K'idéin ayasáakw.
She says it right.
Daa sá?
K'idéin ayasáakw Lingít x̱'éináx̱.
She says the Tlingit words right.
[At shooḵ]
Haa yaadát gug̱waléet dei haadéi yaa kuwtusahéit. Oh!
She's going to start throwing things at us. Yes.
Tléil du tuwáa ushgú du yáat eelg̱einí.
She doesn't want you to look at her.
[At shooḵ]
Du tuwóoch ḵu.aa du yat'éit áx̱ yáa tushooḵ.
Do you think she thinks we're laughing behind her?
Youʼre going to hear what we said when you (translate.)
Tsaa dleeyí.
Seal meat.
Oh, ax̱ adée!
Oh, oh my!
Tle a taayí.
Then the fat.
A taayí áwé yéi duwasáakw.
They call it fat.
Ḵa tsaa dleeyí.
And seal meat.
Tsaa taayí. Aaá.
Seal fat. Yes.
Á een dus.ée nooch.
You cook it together.
Hél yéi goosgéi tuxásh nich.
We don't cut it too small.
Wé a taayí x̱á,
The fat.
tlee akáx̱ yei kdahéich.
it disintegrates. [Cut the fat a little bigger than the meat, otherwise it just disintegrates.]
Aaa. Aaá.
Oh. Yes.
{we} Ḵa ách áwé yéi kwdigéi káa
And that's why
katuxáshdi nooch.
we always cut them.
Ha, wáanáx̱ sáwé ch'a yéi
Why is it then
when it's small?
I'm cutting.
That's good.
A káx̱ yei kagux̱daháat;
It will disintegrate;
ḵúdax̱ yéi goosgéik' aa eexaashí wé ataayí. O
don't cut the fat too small. Oh.
Wé a náasi ḵúnáx̱ áwé ax̱ x̱'éich yak'éi.
The intestines are so good.
Shux'waanáx̱ x̱wasi.eeyí áwé, héen, héen a kaadéi kax̱wsixáa.
When I first put it in, I put water in.
X̱at, x̱at wudushaayí dax̱ áwé tsá k'idéin daat át yaa nax̱wsakwéin
Afer I got married I began to learn
wé tsaa dleeyí.
that seal meat.
{ax̱} Eesháan ax̱ éesh, ḵúnáx̱ áwé
My poor dad really
eeshandéin yóo ásh kawlishóo wé cancer.
suffered from cancer.
A kaadé áwé tléil
That is why
haa jee yéi aa wutee.
we didn't have that.
Wáang̱anéins tsú haa x̱'éit aa duxáashch.
Once in a while they cut some for us.
Ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I really like it.
Ha, wáa sá s i tuwáa yatee?
What do you think of this?
Yak'éi tsu.
That's good again.
Tsu tsóok' a kaadé aa kanaxáash tsu.
Cut up some more for it.
From here?
{aadáx̱} Yak'éi wé a taayí een aa tsú yak'éi.
That's right, it's really good with the fat.
Yak'éi yáat'aa tsú.
That one is good.
Ch'a i jeeyís yan {gax̱tu}
Just for a replacement, some of that we will save. ???
That's good.
Ldakát gé i tuwáa sigóo x̱waaxaashí?
Do you want me to cut up all this?
Tlél x̱wasakú wáa sá s yatee yáa a, a saag̱í.
I don't know how these bones are.
I tuwáa sigoowú, wé tléix' aa ḵwa,
If you want to, the other one,
save it.
I tuwáa sigóo ch'u.
If you want to.
Aaá, góok.
Yes, go ahead.
I jeeyís áyá.
This is for you.
Oh, oh, yak'éi.
Oh, oh, that's good.
A x̱oo aa {yéi a}
Some of these
yei akḵwasanéi. Ax̱ x̱án aa du éet uwaháa yáa át.
I will save. My husband is hungry for this one.
Am, tsú?
Um, some?
Uhuh, tsóok'.
Yeah, some more.
I tuwóoch gé yak'éi?
Do you think it's good?
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé
It seems like
yán yéi jix̱waneiyí
when I get through working
aa kḵwax̱áa x̱áach tsú.
I'll eat some too.
Aadéi haa wduwa.éex'
They invited us
Tlingit and Haida.
to Tlingit and Haida.
Áwé, {du aa} du s'íx'i kaa yéi aa duwa.óo.
They put some in our plates
Ax̱ tuwóoch ḵwa líl at gug̱wax̱áa.
I thought he (husband) wouldn't eat any.
A káa, ch'as a káx̱ ax̱waatéen.
I kept looking at it.
Yeisú a káx̱ akḵwawoos'í,
When I was going to ask him,
«K'é x̱'éix̱ natée wé tsaa dleeyí.»
“Give me your seal meat.”
Wáa sá s yatee?
How did it turn out?
Tsú ch'á yéi kookéink' tsú.
A little more now.
Áwé l tee yéi x̱at yawsiḵaa?
And do you know what he said to me?
«De x̱waak'ít'!»
“I ate it up already.”
Yak'éiyi át du x̱'éi yak'éi.
He said it was good.
Haa at x̱aayí áyá.
This is our food.
Ax̱ tláa, wé tsaa doogú a daat yéi jinéiyin ch'a tlákw.
My mother used to work on it all the time.
Katoosxookw noochín yáa a dleeyí.
We used to dry it.
Éis'k'! I léelk'w tsú ḵúnáx̱ du x̱'éi wook'éi.
Delicious! Your grandmother(ʼs) was really delicious.
Ḵa tsú wé,
And that,
wé tsaa eix̱í tóox'.
that seal oil, she put it into.
{ka kadul}
{jéil} Kadulcháaych.
You drain it.
Daa sawé cháaych?
What is cáaych?
Cháaych means,
Drain means,
a kaadéi wdusxáay áwé tóoonáx̱
when they pour it in
Aaá. yéi kadéiych ch'as wé.
it drains out, that's all.
Aaá. Ch'as wé.
Yes. Thatʼs all.
Ḵúnáx̱, Aaá.
Really, That's all.
??? Kei kg̱wak'é. Mhm.
??? A whole one. Yes.
Wé Ziploc bag gé i jeewú?
A Ziploc bag, do you have it?
I'll boil it.
{ax̱} i jeedéi áak yéi akkwasanéi wéit'át. Aaá, góok.
I'll give some to you. Yes, go ahead.
Gwéil g̱aa woogoot.
She went after a bag.
A tóodei ín.
Put it in here.
The whole thing?
Déi áwé?
That's all?
Kéi kg̱wak'éi dei.
Just in one place.
Tsu yáadu aa, taayí.
Here's some more fat.
Ḵa yáadaa.
And this one.
[At shooḵ]
Wéidei kaa gaga.aa daax̱ ín. ???
That one ???
I jeeyís x̱wasineiyí.
I saved this for you.
[At shooḵ]
Góok a héen kana... Yáat'aa.
Go ahead in the water... This one.
Wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo? Yeah.
How do you want it?
Yáat'at kaadéin natee.
Put it in this one.
Wéit'aa ḵu.aa,
This one though,
Ax̱ een kananeek, wáa sá duwasáagu.
Tell me what you call this.
Héidei shunataan wé.
Open that one.
Héidei kat'éx̱' or?
Turn it this way or?
Héidei shunataan.
Open it.
Héidei áwé shukg̱eetaan.
You'll turn it this way.
X̱'éit shután wé héen.
Shut the water off.
Héidei shunataan.
Open it.
Guḵwat'éx̱'. ??? Yat'áayi aa áwé du.
That one, open.
Close it.
Aaá, yatʼaa, yatʼaa, yatʼaa ḵu.aa.
Yes, hot (water), hot (water), hot (water) though.
Si.aat'i héen. Mmm.
Cold water. Yeah.
Thank you.
Héide shukatéx̱'?
Turn it this way?
Héide shukatéx̱'?
Turn it this way?
Ax̱ jín x̱a.óos'. [x̱a.ús'k???]
I'm washing my hands.
Goosú i ús'aayi?
Where is your soap?
Aaá, yáadu á.
Here it is.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What do you call it?
Yínde {kanal}
Yínde {kanals}
Oh, my.
De ús'aa. am,
The soap, um,
a káa yéi wutee.
is on there.
I góok, i, i
Go ahead, your, your
I tuwáa sigóo i... Wéidu...
Do you want to... That...
I aayí ákyá?
Is this yours?
Tléik', wéidu áwé.
No, mine is over there.
Hél jig̱wéinaa yáat x̱watí.
I didn't do this hand towel good.
Wéit'at áwé.
That one.
??? ch'a tulg̱éik nooch.
??? you dry your hands good.
Goosú wé
Where is the
wé yá adaa a {tóo} tóodei gax̱tu-
This one we'll put it in here (the garbage).
yáadu á.
this one.
Aaá. Goosú x̱wáa é?
Yes. Where is that?
O, yáadu á.
Oh, there it is.
Du jín a.ús'k ch'u.
She's washing her hands.
Dei ch'áakw áwé hél áa ux̱sa.éench yáat'aa s'íx'.
I have not cooked this dish in a long time.
Ch'a aan
ch'a ax̱ x̱ánaa yanéegu dáx̱.
ever since my (first) husband got sick.
Jinkaat taakwx̱
(For) 10 years
ḵa keijín yáx̱
and 5 (15 years)
hél daat sá x̱washee.
he didn't touch anything.
Du daa áwé yéi jix̱anéi noojín.
I worked on him.
Ch'a yéi,
That's how,
Yáadu áwé, {yá}, yáat áwé yak'éiyi á.
Now this is a good one.
[break in recording] ...t'áa? Stóox áyá.
It's a stove.
Stóox? Aaá.
Stove? Yes.
Áay, [break in recording] ḵúnáx̱
Oh, really
{uwa} ḵútx̱, ḵúdáx̱ uwat'áa. Ḵúdáx̱ áwé. Aaá.
it's too high (temperature). Itʼs too much. Yeah.
Tléik', yáat áwé yak'éiyi.
No, right here is good.
Ch'a a shóowu.
Just half.
Ax̱ een
(Say) to me
{a káa a k} A káa yan sa.ín.
Put it on it (stove).
Wé haa
wé tsaa dleeyí.
the seal meat.
yáat'at tsú a kaadéi gax̱tu-
we'll (put) this on there.
Yáadu aa
Here is
káayi kakg̱eexáshi.
a board that you can cut on.
Aaá, yak'éi.
Yes, good.
Thank you.
Yá lítaa {ka} kḵwa.óos'.
I'm going to wash this knife.
I tuwáa sigóo {ḵ} k'idéin wutusa.eeyí. Haaw.
I want us to cook it well. So.
I tuwóoch gé? Wáa sá da ku.aa?
Do you want however? Where is?
{l} Ldakát.
All of it.
K'é ldakát too káa kát.
Put all of it in.
I tuwóoch gé ldakát áwé x̱át gix̱aashí? Aaá.
Do you suppose it was all of it? Yes.
A yáx̱ ák.wé x̱wax̱aash. Aaá, a yáx̱ áwé daa.eené.
Am I cutting it right? Yes, you're doing it right.
Yáat'aa ḵu.aa,
This one though,
ḵút {gax̱tula}
we'll ??? it.
A daakaháas'i aadáx̱ wutuwaxaash.
We took the skin off.
Haaw, yak'éi áwé.
Well, that's good.
Yéi áwé kḵwax̱áash? Aaá. Aaá.
Is that the way you cut it? Yes. Yes.
Hél ḵúdax̱ kudagé.
Don't make them too big.
Ch'a yéi googéink'.
Smaller peices.
Yáa onions, {on}
This onion
wáa sá duwasáakw; wáa sá iyasáa?
What do they call it; what did you call it?
Inyán yóo s át, yóo s asáa.
Inian they called it.
Ch'a tláagu ḵáawooch inyán. Tsú yéi naḵá.
The older people used to call it inian. Say it again.
{in} Inyín? Aaá, inyán.
Onion? Yeah, onion.
Hél a sáa yéi ḵustéeyin.
There wasnʼt a name for it.
Ḵa tsu
And also
yóo áwé kakg̱eexásht.
this is the way you cut it.
Yóo áwé kakḵwax̱áash.
This is the way I'll cut it.
Cut it up.
Yéi gíwé?
This way?
A yáx̱ áwé.
That's right.
Ḵúnáx̱ sinéex'.
It really smells a lot.
Shux̱'aanáx̱ k'idéin yax̱wsat'aayí ch'u.
At first I really cook it good.
Yá stóox,
The stove,
k'idéin yáa yanat'éini áwé tséen deekík,
after it gets real hot,
I always turn it down.
A kaadéi?
Put it in?
Aaá, yak'éi.
Yes, that's good.
Aaá, a kaadéi yéi nasné ldakát.
Yes, put all of it in.
Yéi x̱a.áx̱ch.
I heard it.
Yaa nat'éin. {yaa na}
It's getting hot.
Yáat'at gé, inyán?
This here onion?
Tléik', yéi x̱a.áx̱ch.
No, I heard it.
Tsaa dleeyí?
Seal meat?
Wáa sá s at nanein haw a
A káa yóo kahá.
Stir it.
A káa yóo koohá...
Stir it... [pronouncing]
Éil' áwé tsú kaadé daadunéi nooch.
Salt you always put in there.
Kúnáx̱, A kaadéi yei kḵwasanéi ch'a x̱áach.
Really, I'll put it in myself.
Go ahead.
Ḵa tsu daa sá tsú a {k}
And what else?
Si.áax'u át.
That's pepper.
{si a} Si.áax'u át. Aaá.
That is pepper. Yes.
Ch'a tlákw yéi haa jee yéi yateen ákyá?
All the time do we have that?
Hél lḵwaajee yéi uteeyin yáat'at.
We didn't ??? always have this.
Yáat'at ḵu.aa éil' héeni káadáx̱ {áyaw}
This one, they apparently used salt water.
{a kaakw} A kaa dax̱ ḵuwdzitee a saayí.
It finally had a name.
Yáat'at ḵu.aa hél
This though had no
a saayí ḵustéeyin.
name for it.
ch'a ax̱ tláa ḵa
my mother and
ax̱ éesh áyú, Wáa sá
with my dad, What
keeyanook, yáat?
are you doing?
{A kaadéi yéi}
I'm putting
{A kaadéi shook- shookakai-}s
At first ???
Góok. Kaada yéi daax̱ané.
Go ahead. I'm putting it in there.
Wa.éich a káa yoo kahá gwá?
You stir it, won't you?
Wa.éich a {káa}
You do it.
(I'm) strring it.
A yáx̱ ák.wé?
Is that right?
Jáay, ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin sinéex'.
Do it good.
[At shooḵ]
Gwál ách áwé tlél
Maybe that is why
sitgawsaan atx̱aayí x̱waax̱áa.
I stir food.
{at} K'idéin at eeyax̱áa gé i sitgawsaan atx̱aayí?
Did you eat good this afternoon?
Atx̱aayí gé?
I sitgaw̃saan atx̱aayí?
This afternoon's meal?
{ch'a} Oh, hél yei x̱á yeisú.
Oh, you didn't eat it yet.
Aaá, ách áwé k'idéin sinéex'.
Oh, that's why it smells so good.
X̱at tsú hél {k' hél}
As for me I didn't
wé, yéi koogeiyí.
not very much.
??? a kaax̱ áwé at x̱wax̱á.
I didn't eat from it.
Ax̱ éet yaan uwaháa ḵúnáx̱.
I'm really hungry.
Wé tléiḵw haat x̱wasi.ín.
I brought the fruit over there.
K'é aax̱ tux̱á.
Let's eat some.
Wéix' gé? Hél wáa sá googatee,
There? How do you think it's going to be?
{yak'éi k} Yak'éi aadé ktuteen yé.
We have it (the stove) at the right place.
Yak'éi. Ch'a yéi googéink' aa, Aaá.
Good. A small piece? Yes.
Aax̱ áwé
And from there
áwé {yaa kanas'óogu} yaa kantulas'óogu,
when we begin to fry it,
aag̱áa áwé tsú áayax̱ katuháaych tsu.
then we stir it again.
Tlákw yaa kaktuhéich.
They just stir it.
{hél a tu}
Héil haa tuwáa {s} ushgóowu a kát woosgaaní.
We don't want it to burn.
Haw. Yak'éi.
Oh. That's good.
Tsu a káa yoo kakx̱ toohá.
We'll stir it again.
Haa eedéi yaa yaan uwaháa.
We're very hungry.
Weʼre hungry.
We were talking about the white lady a while ago.
She doesnʼtknow what weʼre saying.
[At shooḵ]
Wé a sheiyí,
The blood,
I tuwaa si...
You want...
That thing.
Ách jin dulg̱éikw át áyá.
This is what you wipe with.
Tsu yéi naḵá.
Say it again?
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What do you call it?
Ách jin dulg̱éiḵw át
Hand towel.
Ách jin dulg̱éiḵw. Dulg̱éiḵw. Dulg̱éiḵw.
Hand towel. Towel. Towel.
Lg̱eigu, lg̱éig̱u át.
Dish rag.
Nadáakw x̱alag̱óo.
I'm wiping the table.
Yáat'at tsú.
This too.
Inyáns tsú haat yéi yisinéi.
Onions, bring it over.
Ḵa wéi,
Dleit ḵáa tléig̱u áyá.
This is white man's berries.
Yáat'aa ax̱ éesh ḵúnáx̱ du
This kind my father really
x̱'éit yak'éyin.
Ḵúnáx̱ linúkts.
It's sure sweet.
Yaan tláakw aatx̱ x̱wa.oow ch'a yeisú {t} atusa.ée.
??? I washed it just now while we're cooking it.
Ch'as ts'ootaat áyá at x̱wax̱áa.
I only ate breakfast.
Ch'a ldakát yéit áwé
In every way
ax̱ séek' hél uxwáchk.
my daughter is partially unable.
Wé i kéek'.
Your younger sister.
Tléik' i shátx̱.
No your older sister.
Tlél uxwáchch.
Aans'éxt' yóo duwasáakw. Ooooh.
Aanséx̱t' is her name. Oh.
Hél uxwáchk.
She's disabled.
car du een kawliwál'.
she was in a car crash.
X'oon táakw aanáx̱ sá tlél,
That's the reason she can't,
tlél at woogoot.
she doesn't walk.
du daat áwé haa wustaaḵw ch'a ax̱ x̱ánaa een.
sometimes my husband and I try to help.
Tle daa sá needx̱ has awliyéx̱.
Whatever they really need
a g̱aa yóo tuwa.átk.
we go after it (mail).
A kaadé hél x̱wax̱áa x̱án ???
ch'a aan hán, ch'a aan áwé atx̱á.
My husband stood and ate.
{hél sh daat hél hé} Hél sh daadé tukdaneek.
He doesn't seem to let things bother him.
Go ahead.
At neex̱á.
Ax̱ jín ch'u, tsaa dleeyí,
My hands, the seal meat,
I can smell it.
Hél ch'ayóok' ḵaa jíndax̱ yóo oohéik.
The smell doesn't leave your hands right away.
K'ínk'i yáx̱ áyá tee.
It's just like stink heads.
Ḵa nadáakw káwu á tsú.
The table smells too.
Ḵa tsu wé gwéil.
Also that bag.
Ch'a, ch'a aadéi yéi x̱at na.oo.
Excuse me.
Aaá. Ch'a aadé yéi x̱at na.oo.
Excuse me.
{tsu} A káa een kakḵwaháa.
I'm going to stir it.
I tuwáa sigoowú, ch'a x̱áach.
If you like, I'll do it.
Ch'a x̱áach.
I'll do it.
Hél uldzee yáanáx̱.
It's easy from here.
Du een kananeek wáa sá keeyanoogú.
Tell her what you're doing.
K'idéin yaa ka.ée.
It's beginning to cook good.
Real good.
Tle, k'idéin yaa na.éeni áwé tsa,
Then, when it starts getting cooked good,
yéi googéink' héen a kaadéi kakḵwasaxáa.
that's when I will put in a little water.
Wé k'únts' een.
With the potatoes.
Aaá yeedát ḵu.aa ch'a [recording break]
But right now
Oo, yáat'at áwé tsú,
Oh, this too,
aa kagax̱too(xaash).
we'll cut it up.
Yáadu á.
Here it is.
Wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo?
How do you want it?
The way I do it,
hél x̱wasakú wáa sá s ayasáakw wé.
I don't know what you call that.
Lítaa een yéi daadunéiyin ch'áakw. {chʼáakw gakḵwal}
It used to be done with a knife.
{saxáa aat}
{aat gakḵwasa} Oyh!
{peeling it} Oyh!
Tle tlél aa yéi ḵustéeyin.
We never had it.
Xáa xéits'.
X̱éits is {tleins}
{yéi k'} Tlél k'idéin x̱wasakú.
I don't really know it.
A daa kanasxáas'.
It's peeling it.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What do they call it?
I tuwóoch?
What do you think?
Hél x̱wasakóowun a saayí.
I don't know the name of it.
Wáa sá ḵux̱anook. {k'e}
What am I doing?
I'm peeling it.
Yéi áwé.
That's it.
I, iyadlaaḵ.
You, you made it. [you won, you succeeded]
[At shooḵ]
I'm still peeling.
Ahah. Am,
Yeah. Um,
{kak ka} Kax̱asyéix̱ yá k'wánt's.
I'm peeling the potato.
Yeisú een x̱wasaa de a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw, x̱áach tsú.
I forgot the name of it, myself too.
Ldakát yéi áwé ax̱'ax̱aaḵáa.
I say it in a different way.
Ách áwé i tóonáx̱ wooxeex.
[At shooḵ]
Hóoch' ax̱ aayí tsú.
No name for it.
Ḵut wooxeex.
It's been lost.
I'm still peeling.
Xáas'. Xáas'.
Peeling, peeling.
Wáa sá?
Eesháan uháan.
Poor us.
Ḵút haa Lingít yóo x̱'atángi haa jeedáx̱ kei naxíx. Ahah.
They took our language away from us. Uhuh.
{ch'u} {tlél} Ch'a tlákw yéi x̱'atoonook nooch «Woosh teen» ách áwé.
We do it “together”, that's why.
Wé, ax̱ x̱ánaa shux'aa aayí
My first husband
hél Lingít x̱'éináx̱ yóo x̱'eiwután.
he didn't speak Tlingit much.
ch'as dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ áwé ax̱ éex̱ x̱'atán.
just white man's language he spoke to me.
Ch'a x̱áach áwé du een sh x̱'eix̱aldlikwjin. ???
I used to talk to him.
Awsikóowun ḵu.aa.
He knew it though.
Aaá, awuskóowun.
He knew it.
Lidzéeyi át x̱á! {aklaḵéidi áwé}
It was hard?
Am, has du
Um, they
ch'a tlákw has du een yéi x̱'aduḵáayin.
they used to speak Tlingit.
Ha, Lingít x̱'éináx̱.
In Tlingit.
Ách áwé
That's why
ḵúnáx̱ lidzee has du jeeyís.
it was hard for them.
Ḵa tsu has du jínx' {kadux kadushxísh xíshdi} noojín. Aaá.
They used to slap their hands. Yes.
Ḵa tsu has du x̱'é tsú ús'aa een aadax̱.
And they used to soap their mouth.
Eesháan hás.
Poor them.
X̱at x̱á, x̱at tsú yéi x̱at daawduwané.
They did that to me too.
ax̱ shax̱aawú ch'a át x̱at nadusx̱útchin.
they used to pull me around by my hair.
A kaadéi áwé
That is why
ax̱ toowú yan x̱wasinée,
I made up my mind,
«Hél aadóoch sá ax̱ jeedáx̱ goog̱watee ax̱ yóo x̱'atángi.»
“Nobody is going to take my language away from me.”
Yóot'at áwé tsú kx̱aat'éeḵ noojín wé s'eiḵ.
I used to look for cigarette stubs.
Aag̱áa at koox̱altíntch.
I used to find lots.
Woosh kaadéi áx̱ saayí dáx̱ áwé tsú,
After I get enough,
aan yaa too.átch walk hítk'i.
we used to walk down the beach.
Wé x̱'awáash x̱'atudas'éiḵ nooch Lingít x̱'éináx̱ yóo x̱'atula.átgi nooch. [At shooḵ]
We smoked cigarettes while we spoke Tlingit. [8 or 9 years old] [Laughter]
Ha, wáanáx̱ sáwé
And that too
sh x̱'éedas'éiḵ.
you smoked?
X̱at gé? Aaá?
Me? Yes.
Ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo ch'a yéi x̱at goosagéink'i dax̱.
I loved it ever since I was little.
Wé tuwáagóots daat sá {sá}
I even tried snuff.
Ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo.
I really loved it.
Ax̱ tláa aayí x̱waataaw tleix'dahéen.
I stole my mother's snuff once.
Yisikóo x̱á has, Has du tuwóoch ká x̱at yaneekw?
You know, Do you think it hurt me?
Has at ḵasx̱eet.
They are going to write it!
Káx̱ daak x̱at shaawaxíx.
I fell over.
[At shooḵ]
Ax̱ tláa, «Séek', wáa sá uwoonei?»
My mother said, “Daughter, (little doll ???) happened to her?”
Hél tsú aadéi du een kuwaneek.
I had no way of telling her.
Ch'as ax̱ x̱'éi áwé x̱at ch'éx̱'t'.
I just kept pointing to my mouth.
[At shooḵ]
Ax̱ shátx̱ich kei kawaneek,
My sister was the one who told,
«I tuwaakú shákdé aawatáaw.»
“I think she stole your snuff.” [About 7 years old]
[At shooḵ]
{daa}Káx̱ x̱at shaawaxeex.
I fell over.
Daa sá een, am,
How did they, um,
yéi dulyéix̱in?
used to make it?
Daa sáyú?
What is that?
Wé tuwaakú.
That snuff.
Daa sáwé a tóowu?
What was in it?
Hél x̱wasakú.
I don't know.
G̱ánch áwé tléix' yateeyi át.
Black bull tobacco is one.
Daat een sákw yéi daadunéiyin.
I wonder how they used to make it.
Black bull tobacco.
X̱wasikóo, ax̱ léelk'w
I know my grandparent
ḵa haa léelk'w,
and our grandmother,
O, anah.
Oh uhuh.
am, wé dúḵ.
um, that cottonwood.
Aadáx̱ áwé
And that's the way
kduxáas' noojín.
they used to scrape the inner bark
Tléik' kaduxáshdin.
No, they used to slice it.
Mhm. Aag̱áa áwé tsá
Mhm. And then they
stóox tóonax̱ dus.éeni noojín. Ayáx̱ áwé.
put it in the oven. That's right.
Tuwáak yéi gax̱tusanéi.
We'll make snuff.
Tléikʼ! Tléil x̱at!
No! Not me.
[At shooḵ]
X̱at tsú yei kḵwanóogun wé ax̱ léelk'w, du. Ḵúnáx̱,
I used to do that too my grandparent, his/her, Really,
du tuwáa {ḵ} Ḵóox̱ du.oo wultín wéit'at.
??? you know, we can sell it.
Wé dliet ḵáach has du tuwáa sigóo.
The white people liked it.
Hás ash kanalshéich.
It makes them drunk.
{has} Tsú yéi naḵá.
Say it again.
{has kanal} Ha s ash kanalshéich.
It makes them drunk.
{has sh k}
Wé tuwaakóo?
That snuff? [tobacco]
Mhm. Haaw!
Yeah. Oh!
Wé g̱ánji een áwé yéi {n} ax̱ tláach {x̱}
With black bull tobacco, my mother
{yéi haa ya} yéi adaanéi neejín.
used to make it.
And that's when,
ḵá wé dúḵ.
what you call cottonwood.
dúḵ daayí áwé
cottonwood bark that is
ḵúnáx̱ uwaxóogu aa.
the very dry one.
Aadáx̱ áwé yéi has,
That is the way they,
wé stóox tóonax̱ gíwé s {as.ée has}
they put it in the oven.
K'idéin g̱ánji yáx̱ wooneeyí. {wéi kawdu kawdu}
They made snuff carefully.
gaaní áwé wé ax̱étlt'i.
??? a portion of
Aatx̱ yéi has
??? [This conversation is continued on #61.]