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Tlingit Conversation #61
[This conversation is continued from #60. Speakers are Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson and G̱uneiwti Marsha Hotch. Recorded March 4, 2011, at the Dutson home in Juneau, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by Naakil.aan Mark Hans Chester. English translation by Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston and Ḵaachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia.
Kax̱ayex̱, kax̱ayex̱, kax̱ayex̱. [singing] Áyá
Iʼm peeling, Iʼm peeling, Iʼm peeling. This
yagéiyi {d}
yagéiyi yéidei dusáakw nooch l tín wéit'át. Áyá kax̱ayex̱ yáa k'wánts'.
they used to call it all kinds of things, don't you see. Here Iʼm peeling potatoes.
Kax̱ayéx̱, kax̱ayéx̱
I'm peeling, I'm peeling
[At shooḵ] yáa k'wánts'!
[Laughter] these potatoes!
Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú a kát x̱at seiwax'aag̱ú.
I don't want to forget it.
Kax̱ayéx̱, kax̱ayéx̱ yáa k'wánts'. Ch'a aadéi
I'm peeling, I'm peeling these potatoes. Just toward
a káa yóo kakḵwaháa wéi haa
I'm going to stir our
haa at.éewu. Aaá.
our cooking. Yes.
Dóoooooo! A kát wusgaaní áwé tsá haa gux̱ladléikw.
Toooo much! When it burns it will really scare us.
Oh, my, my.
Wutuwagaan. [A kát uwagán.]
We burned it. [It burned.]
Haa atx̱aayí.
Our food.
K'idéin gé yéi yatee? [Hél gé wáa sá utí?]
Is it OK?
??? Ḵúnáx̱ yaa na.éen!
It's really cooking!
K'idéin dzinéex' ḵúnáx̱.
It's really smelling good.
Yak'éi, yak'éi.
It's good, it's good.
Si.áax'u át áyá a kaadéi yéi daax̱ané.
I'm putting pepper in it.
Si.áax'u át. Haaw.
Pepper. Oh.
Ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin yándei yaa na.éen.
It's beginning to cook well.
That's good!
Wáa sá?
Ḵúnáx̱ áyá yak'éi yá haa at.éewu.
This is really good, our cooking.
Ha, gunalchéesh i x̱ánt x̱waagoodí.
Thank you for letting me come.
Ax̱ toowú yak'éi i een at x̱was.eeyí. [Or: x̱wasa.eeyí]
I'm happy to cook with you.
K'idéin yándei yaa na.éen.
It's getting cooked really well.
Hóoch'i aayí ák.wé?
Is that the last one?
Gax̱too.óos' ákyá?
Are we going to wash it?
Aaá, k'idéin.
Yes, really well.
Kawtu.óos'idáx̱ áwé yei kakg̱eexáash.
After we wash it you'll cut it up.
Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ yéi goosgéink' aa.
Don't cut them too small.
A káx̱ yei kagux̱daháa.
It will disintegrate.
Hél, tlél k'idéin.
Not, that's not good.
Ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin áyá.
It's very good.
yeisú tlél
it still isn't
k'idéin u.éeych.
cooked too well yet.
Ch'u yaa na.éen.
It's still cooking.
Gwál tléix' gaaw x̱'áak
Maybe it will take about one hour
a ḵín gwál.
maybe less.
Keijín gaaw.
Jinkaat ḵa keijín aax̱ dei kawdixéedi.
About 15 after 5.
Aag̱áa gíwé tsá yándei yaa kg̱wa.ée aag̱áa áwé tsá, {a káa yin}
And then it will start getting cooked and then,
a kaadéi yei kg̱isanée wéi át.
you'll put them in.
X'oon gaawx'? Wéi k'únts'.
What time? Potatoes.
X'oon gaaw?
What time?
Jinkaat gaaw
10 minutes
ḵa keijín. 15 minutes.
and 5 (minutes).
[At shooḵ]
Gwál wé gaaw ḵa
Maybe at the hour and
a shoowú kaanáx̱.
half past.
K'idéin tsu kei kakḵwatée wé stóox.
I'll turn the stove up a little more
k'idéin yaa kg̱a.éech.
so it can cook nicely.
Ch'a yóok' yánde yaa kg̱wa.ée.
It will cook soon.
Wáa sá, Kana.óos'. Kana.óos'.
How, Wash it.
{Kḵwa.óos'.} Tléik'.
{I'm going to wash it.} No.
Oranges, tsú wéidu ???
Oranges are over there.
I tuwáa sigóo.
Do you want some?
Haat, haadéi. Háay. Haahí.
Give it here.
Thank you.
Kana.óos' haa jeeyís. Ná.
Wash this for us! Here.
Aaá, kana.óos'.
Yeah, wash it.
Thank you.
Kana.óos', gunalchéesh tlein.
Wash it, a big thank you.
oranges, Yáadu aa tsú.
Here's one more.
oranges a káwu wéit i éet yaan wuhaayí.
there's oranges there when you're hungry.
Oh, tléik', ch'a wéi
No, right there
dleit ḵáa tléig̱u x̱á.
white man's fruit.
Aa i tuwáa sigóo ákyá?
Do you want some?
Tléik', hél yeisú.
No, not yet.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo k'idéin ax̱ éet yaan wuhaayí.
I want to be real hungry.
Aaá, ax̱ tuwáa sigóo wéi.
Yeah, I want that one.
Ḵúnáx̱ at kuḵwax̱áa.
I'm really going to eat.
Nisdaat áwé, wéi,
Last night though,
Gunalchéesh haa jeeyís ee.oos'í.
Thank you for washing it for us.
K'únts' ka.ús'di sákw áwé.
She's a future potato washer.
Kei gax̱tootée.
We'll take her.
Ha, wáa sá kakkwaxáash?
How am I going to cut this?
Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ yéi goosgéik' aa.
Don't make them too small.
Yéi ágé?
This size?
Tléik', tléik', yéi á.
No, no, this.
Like that.
Ahah. No. Wooch yáx̱ kunalgé.
Uhuh. No. Make them the same size.
Wooch yáx̱?
The same?
Tléik' yáat'aa áwé.
No, that one.
Yáat'aa yáx̱ kaká???.
Like this one.
This one?
Yéi áwé yóo kakg̱eexáash.
That's the way you'll cut it.
Haaw. Aag̱áa áwé,
Oh. And then,
hél a káx̱ yéi kagux̱dahaa.
it won't disintegrate.
Ḵúdáx̱ yéi goosgeiyí ḵu.aa áwé a káx̱ yei kagux̱daháa.
If you make them too small it will disintegrate.
That's good.
S'íx' kwshé i jeet ḵataaní.
Shall I bring a dish out for you?
Go ahead.
{k'é} K'wánts' x̱axáash.
I'm cutting potatoes.
Yeisú yan kax̱waa.oos'i aa áyá yáadu.
I just got through washing this one.
Tsaa dleeyí
Seal meat
teen at gax̱toox̱áa yáa,
we're going to eat with,
Gax̱toox̱áa, {tsu a káa yóo}
We're going to eat,
Tsú a káa yoo kakḵwaháa yáat'aa.
I'm going to stir this again.
Ḵúnáx̱ yaa na.éen.
It's really getting cooked.
Wéi a héeni a káa kei nadéin.
The juice is beginning to rise.
Ha, gwál tlél
a héeni a kaadéi {gag̱ees}
you won't pour water in.
gag̱eesxaa. [Or: kakg̱isaxaa]
Wonʼt pour.
A kináa kei nadéin dei a héeni.
The juice is rising.
K'idéin yaa nas.éen.
It's getting cooked nicely.
Lingít atx̱aayí yís
Tlingit food for
at sa.eeyi sákw
(future) cooking
kei haa gax̱dutée.
they'll hire us.
Ax̱ éesh yáadát
My dad
wáa sá duwasáakw dleit, táay. Táay.
what do they call it in white, garden. Garden.
K'wánts' taayí,
Potato garden
ch'a tlákw taayí,
always a garden,
Oo. du jee yéi, yéi wuteeyín,
Ooh. he had one,
ax̱ éesh. Ahah.
my father. Uhuh.
Wéi k'wánts'
The potatoes,
he grew them.
He gardened.
He boiled them?
Yéi ákwé?
Is that it?
K'e dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ sá.
Say it in English.
Garden, garden.
Ch'a tlákw
All the time
ch'a k'wánts' ḵa cabbage
potatoes and cabbage
Wéi, Ch'a, ch'a yéi?
The, Just that way?
Ax̱ x̱án.aach tsú
My husband too
wé gáan áwé haa taayí áa yéi nateech.
our garden is outside.
A x̱oo aa yéi kakwdigéi yáat'aa yáx̱.
Some are that size.
He knows how.
{ḵúnáx̱ aa aanídáḵ áwé}
Ḵúnáx̱ aa aanídáx̱ áwé.
He really comes from that country.
Colorado-dáx̱ {awe} áwé áa kei uwawát.
He's from Colorado, that's where he grew up.
Ha, haa léelk'u hás tsú
Well, our grandparents also
táay has du jee yéi wuteeyín.
used to have a garden.
Likoodzí. Mhm.
Amazing. Yes.
Ch'áagudáx̱ has awsikóo.
They learned from long ago.
Has awsikóo.
They knew.
Gwál ch'a tlákw ixkéede has ḵutín. [Or: ḵunatínch]
Maybe they used to travel south all the time.
Noojín, Aadéi
Used to be. To there
sgóona een.
on a schooner.
Ha gwál has du x̱ánt tsú
Maybe they also
ḵuw̃duwateen gwál, am.
traveled to visit them maybe, um.
Xwaayeenáḵ ḵa Ḵeixwnei
Richard and Nora (Dauenhauer)
wéi scientists jeet has aawatée wé
the scientists gave it to them, the
fingerling yéi duwasáakw dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱.
fingerling they call it in English.
K'wánts'. Oo, hah!
Potatoes. Oh, huh!
That is
tests a daat yéi has,
tests they
worked on it.
{a yéi} A daa yéi has jeewanee.
They worked on it.
Ha likoodzí. Wéi,
How amazing. That
At the university
Ách yéidáx̱ has áwé gé s awshigóok?
Did they learn from there (college)?
Hél x̱wasakú.
I don't know.
Wáa sá gax̱toosáa Musical Chairs, Lingít x̱'éináx̱? [Recording break]
What should we call 'musical chairs' in Tlingit?
Tlél a saayí ḵoostí yeisú.
They have no words for it yet.
L'eix̱, l'eix̱
Dance, dance.
{hél a daa} Hél x̱wasakú.
I don't know.
Wáa sá kwshé dusáagu "Music?"
I wonder what they called 'music'.
At sheeyí.
At x̱'ashee.
The singers.
At x̱'ashee, At x̱a'sheeyí
The singers. The singers.
G̱unéi lashoox̱ ???
Start ???
Ḵut x̱at yix̱eech.
You lost me.
Wéi gaaw
The drum
Dun, dun, dun,
G̱unéi lashoox̱. Yéi áwé?
Start the beat. Is that it?
Tléik'? Tléik'.
No? No.
{k'} Tléik', tléik'.
No, no.
Start, start the beat.
Tléik'. Ch'a aadéi.
No. Some way.
K'idéin a daa yóo tukḵwatáan ḵu.aa.
I'm going to think it over carefully.
Ḵút x̱waag̱éex'.
I lost it.
{at an} adátx'i
x̱'asheeyí áwé a daat yéi jix̱ané yáa yeedát.
songs, I'm working on them now.
Oo. Ahah.
Oh. Uhuh.
I tuwáa sigóo (gé) iya.aax̱í?
Do you want to hear it?
Cháayu ḵ'wátlk'i(x̱) x̱at sitee.
I am a tea pot
Hél x̱wasakú ḵu.aa,
I don't know however,
Kei x̱at {wu du} kei x̱at {na}
when I, when I,
t'einí ???
start to boil ???
kei x̱at nal.úk.
I am boiling.
Hél x̱wasakú
I don't know
very well.
That one,
dleit ḵáa x̱'éináx̱ kei gax̱tooshée.
we'll sing it in English.
Tléil k'idéin x̱wasakú
I don't know it too well
wéit asheeyí.
that song.
Tlákw, tlákw yéi s daayax̱aḵáa neejín,
I always used to tell them,
«K'e {has x̱at gay} x̱at gaytí wé,
“Goodness, help me with the,
atshí {e ax̱ een} ax̱ ée latóowu.»
teach me the songs.”
«Yee k'idéin
“Very good
x̱ashagóogu yee x̱'éidáx̱ kei at kuḵashée.»
after you teach me I will sing with you.”
Áwé iltín hél has x̱at kawushta an.
You see, they didn't like me.
Yáat'aa am, ax̱ yátx'i jeeyís
This one um, for the children
kei kḵwaashée Lingít X̱'éináx̱.
I'm going to sing it in Tlingit.
At kanas.aadí kínde wuditl'éit'.
A spider crawled up.
Séew daak wustáani a daa aax̱ wudzigee, doooxw!
When it was raining it fell down.
[At shooḵ]
G̱agaan kei wooxeexi aa daa aax̱ uwaxúk
When the sun came up it dried up
tsu at kanas.aadí tsu kíndei wuditl'éit'.
and the spider crawled up again.
[At shooḵ]
Goodáx̱ sáwé ishigóok?
Where did you learn that from?
Ch'a x̱áach!
By myself.
[At shooḵ]
Tléik, ch'a wa.éich kaylishee? Aaá.
You composed that yourself? Yes.
Yan x̱wasinee dei.
I finished now.
Haaw, yéi áwé.
Well, that's enough.
Tleeeeé, k'idéin yándei yaa na.éeni áwé tsá a kaadéi gax̱tusanée.
Soooo, it's beginning to get cooked so we'll put that in.
Ách áwé yéi kdigeig̱áa iyax̱wsiḵáa.
That's why I told you to cut them that size.
Hél ch'a yóok' gug̱wa.ée.
It won't cook that fast.
Wéi, wéi dleey yát,
That, that meat there,
ch'a yéi googéink' áwé ḵúnáx̱ yat'éex'.
it's still a little hard.
yeedát ḵu.aa wé a kináak yan x̱waatée áwé
now I put the lid
a kináak.
on top.
A kináa yan x̱waatée wé,
I put it on top,
a kinaak.ádi.
the lid.
A kináa x̱waatán.
I put it on top.
put it. [Correcting herself from -tán to -táan.]
A kinaak.ádi. Aaá.
The lid. Yes.
Ách áwé tsá k'idéin yaa gux̱sa.ée ḵúnáx̱.
Then it's going to cook really well.
Wéi a héenich áwé yaa ksa.éich.
The broth is what cooks it.
{wé wé} Wé táayi tsú.
The fat too.
{k'idéin} K'idéin gug̱wa.ée.
It's going to cook really well.
Haaw. Yak'éi.
So. Good.
Wáa sá duwasáakw yáat'át? [Recording break]
What do they call this?
Héen a kaadéi.
Put more water in.
Héen a kaadéi.
Put more water in.
K'e wa.éich a kaadé yanasxá.
You pour water in.
Go ahead.
K'idéin tlax̱ a x̱'éináx̱ kei wudaayí yáx̱.
It's going to boil over.
Some more.
Haaw, yak'éi.
So, that's good.
Kei kakḵwatée aan.
I'm going to turn it up.
Ḵúnáx̱ gug̱al.óok.
It's really going to boil.
Dei áwé.
That's enough.
Aaá, yan, yan tán.
Yes, put it down.
Yan sa.ín.
Put it down.
Tsu a kaadéi.
Put it (the lid) down.
A káanáx̱ kei,
Cháayu ḵ'wátl'k'i(x̱) x̱at sitee.
I'm a little teapot.
X̱wasikóo ḵ'ateil.
I know what pitcher means.
Cháayu ḵ'wátl'k'i(x̱), ax̱, aag̱áa áwé ax̱
A little teapot, my, then my,
Cháayu ḵ'wátl'k'i(x̱) x̱at sitee.
I'm a little teapot.
X̱at oosgéink'i
I'm small
ḵa x̱at
and I'm
Anax̱ kei kg̱wal.óok.
It's going to boil over.
Kei x̱at wul.óogu,
When I'm boiling over,
A kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw du jíni.
I forgot (how to say) its hand.
Du jín.
Its hand.
Cháayu ḵ'wátl'k'i(x̱) x̱at sitee.
I'm a little teapot.
Yáadu ax̱ jín;
Here's my hand;
yáadu ax̱ x̱'é.
here's my mouth.
Kei x̱at wul.óogu
When I'm boiling over
kei x̱at wooḵ'éit'.
I wobble.
{kei} Kei x̱a.éex'ch.
I shout.
When I get all steamed up, then I shout,
Oo, {kex̱} kei x̱a.íx̱'ch. Aaá.
Oh, I shout. Yes.
[At shooḵ]
Kei x̱at wul.óogu
When I'm boiling over
kei x̱a.íx'ch.
I shout.
Kei x̱at wooḵ'éit'.
I wobble.
Kei x̱at wooḵ'éit'.
I wobble.
Aadáx̱ x̱at, ḵa- x̱at nasxáa. [Or: Aadáx̱ yóot x̱at kasaxá.]
Pour me out.
{A káa yá x̱at ka a káa yá x̱at ka}
{Pour me out- pour me out-}
At káa yax̱ ku.
{kuk kwas du}
Du, du, du.
Dei áwé.
That's good.
Ḵúnáx̱, Yá, yá héench áyá,
Really, This water,
yá héench áyá yaa gux̱sa.ée. Aaá.
the broth will cook it. Yes.
Ḵúnáx̱ yaa nal.úk. Aaá.
It's really boiling. Yes.
Ḵúdáx̱ yaa nal.úk.
It's boiling too much.
Yak'éiyi yé wul.oogú.
It's good when it boils.
Ḵúdáx̱ áwé hél k'idéin
Really it's not cooked too well.
Yat'éex' yeisú wé a dleeyí.
The meat is still kind of tough.
Oo. Ách áwé héen a kaadé kaysixaa. Aaá, wéi
Oh. That's why you poured water in. Yes, that
Aaá, wé héen {káa yan tusa} a kaadéi kawtusaxaayídáx̱ áwé tsá
Yes, after we pour the water in
k'idéin wul.oogú
when it boils good
héen yáx̱ yaa kg̱wanée wé a dleeyí.
the meat will get tender.
Héen yáx̱ means getting soft.
Getting soft. [When the meat gets tender.]
Yáa k'wánts'? [Recording break]
These potatoes?
Wé k'únts'.
Those potatoes.
A kaadéi kakḵwasaxáa. [Recording break]
I'm going to pour it in.
Yaa nal.úk, k'idéin. {yaa na}
It's beginning to boil good.
Ḵúnáx̱ wudli.úk.
It's really boiling.
Hél ḵú haa tuwáa ushgú x̱'éináx̱ kei wul.oogú tsu.
We don't want it to boil over again.
Tsu héen a kaadéi yei gax̱tusaxáa ch'a yéi googéink'i tsú. I tuwóoch gé
We're going to put a little more water in there again. Do you think
ḵúdáx̱ yatee yáa?
there's too much?
Ldakát? Mmm.
All of it? Yeah.
I tuwáa sigóo kax̱wlahaa(yí)? Aaá.
Do you want me to stir it? Yes.
Káa yóo kahá.
Stir it.
A káa yóo {kuhá} (kahá).
Stir it.
Yéi ákwé? Aaá.
Is that the way? Yes.
K'idéin a káa yóo kahá.
Stir it well.
Tsu héen tsu a kaadéi yakg̱isaxáa.
You'll pour some more water in.
Wé k'únts'ich ldakát
All the potatoes
kei anasxúk.
are drying it out.
K'idéin. Áwé a héeni.
Good. Broth.
Ách áwé tsu a kaadé yakg̱isaxáa wé héen.
That's why you'll pour some more water in.
Kei kakḵwatéech yéidei.
I'll turn it up a little more.
Has aawa.óowu át ákyá?
Did they buy this?
Tléik' has aawa.ún.
No, they shot it.
Has aawal'óon? Aaá. Háh!
They went hunting? Yes. Oh!
K'éi yak'éi.
Tsu éil' a kaadéi yagax̱tusxáa tsu.
We'll put some more salt in again.
Yak'éi gé wé onions?
Are the onions good?
Yak'éi wé k'únts'.
Those potatoes are good.
Wé onions, tsú?
The onions, too?
Wéi, wé an ḵú ???
The, the ???
wé dleey tóodei {woo}
in the meat
itʼs getting cooked.
We'll boil it.
Wéi si.áax'u át tsu a kaadéi yéi nasné.
That pepper too put some more in.
Wáa sá s yatee?
How is it?
K'idéin wul.oogú tsá yíndei kakḵwatée tsu.
After it boils good, I'll turn it down again.
Hél ch'a yóok' gug̱wa.ée wé k'únts'.
The potatoes aren't going to cook right away.
{ḵudáx̱} Ḵúnáx̱ wudli.úk wé héen.
That water is really boiling.
Go ahead.
Kei x̱at wusgeedí
When I wake up, (song)
Héil ax̱ tuwáa ushgú a x̱'éináx̱ wul.oogú, ách áyá yáat x̱ahán. Aaá.
I don't want it to boil over, that's why I'm standing here. Yes.
Shax̱wliják ??? i cháayu ḵ'wátl'.
I filled ??? your teapot.
Aaá. Ḵ'wátl'i.
Yes. Pot.
Aaá, cháayu, ḵ'wátl'i.
Yes, tea, pot.
Mmm. Aaá.
Yes. Yes.
Yá haa Lingít atx̱aayí ???
This Tlingit food of ours ???
G̱uneiwtí? Aaá.
Marsha? Yes.
Ḵúnáx̱ a daadéi has jikajág̱un haa,
They really used to be careful our,
haa shukaadéi ḵáawu. Mhm.
our elders. Yes.
Hél ch'a koogéiyi yei s adaawuné.
They didn't do things any old way.
A kaadé áyá
That's why
a daatx̱ x̱at yawsitáḵ yeedát.
I'm tending to it carefully.
A x̱'éináx̱ wul.oogú ḵu.aa tle ldakát, tle ldakát yá stóox áwé a káa g̱áa kg̱watée.
If it boils over, all over, it's going to get all over the stove.
Ḵúdáx̱ wudli.úk.
It's boiling too much.
??? cover off and Iʼll slide it back here.
It scared me.
X̱at wudidlák? [wudidlékw ?]
It scared me?
Iwdlidlákw? [Iwdidlékw ?]
It scared you?
Turn it on. [Recording break]
Dei yaa kanajúx.
It's already running.
Yá kóox tsú gax̱tusat'áa.
We'll warm up the rice too.
Ḵúnáx̱ yák'éi aan wé atx̱á.
It's good with it.
Dleit shaawát.
White lady.
[At shooḵ]
Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú.
I don't like it.
Hél ḵaa tuwáa ushk'é ??? ch'a x̱áach.
People don't like it when people eat alone. ???
Mmm. Haa, haa atx̱aayí. O. Aaá.
Yes. Our food. Oh. Yes.
Ax̱ tláach, Ch'a yáat x̱a.áa yaa na.éen.
My mother, I'm just sitting here while it's cooking.
Ax̱ tláach ḵu.aa áanjís yóo asáagu noojín, áanjís.
My mother used to call it áanjís. [oranges]
Ch'a wéi
Christmas-x' áwé
at Christmas
we used to eat it
tlél ch'a tlákw haa jee yéi wutéeyin.
we didn't always have it.
Ḵa tsú wéi
And also the
x'áax', apples.
Woot'éex' gé yáat'át ḵaa jee yéi wuteeyí
Was it difficult for people to get this
Tlákw Aanx'? Ḵutaan.
In Klukwan? Summer
In summer
ḵu.aa wéi cannerydéi
however, to the cannery
ch'a tlákw áa
all the time
we used to live there.
Áwé wéi yaakw wé ixkéedax̱, Seattle,
The boat from south, Seattle,
haat naḵúx̱ch. [Or: uḵoox̱ch]
it would come here.
Wéi ch'u dikéex' x̱aháni
When I'm standing up there
wéi wharf káx'
on the wharf
héidei shoow̃dutaaní wéi
when they opened the
Hél x̱wasakú, wé yaakw {tú} yíkt.
I don't know, inside the boat.
Mmm, mhm. Ḵúnáx̱ wéi tléiḵw
Yeah. That fruit really
éits'k' x̱asníx' nooch. Mmm.
smelled good. Yeah.
Ldakát át wé watermelon.
Everything, the watermelon.
hél wutusakú, ch'a tlél ch'a tlákw {haa-}
we didn't know, we didn't always,
haa jeet yéi wutéeyin ách áwé, k'idéin dzinéex' noojín.
didn't have it that's why, it smelled so good.
Yá kéi haa gawáat tsú yáat'át, hél tlax̱ ḵudáx̱ wutoox̱á.
When we were growing up, we didn't eat very much of this either.
Ḵudáx̱ x̱'awlitseen. Mmm.
It was too costly. Yeah.
Yáax' gé kei eewawát?
Did you grow up here?
X'áat' T'áakx'.
From the Landward Side of the Island. [That is, the town of Douglas which is on Douglas Island on the landward side behind Mayflower Island.]
on the
landward side of it (something on the water)
on the landward side of it (something on the water)
Mmm. Goodáx̱ sáwé?
Yeah. Where from?
Ooo. Áx' áwé kei x̱at uwawát.
Oh. I grew up there.
X'áat'. Aaá, ḵúnáx̱ hél Lingít áa yéi wootee.
Island. Yes, not too many Tlingits lived there. [5 families in the 1930s and ʼ40s.]
Dleit ḵáa x̱oox' áwé kéi haa uwawát.
We grew up among the whites.
Ḵúnáx̱ has haa wshik'aan.
They really disliked us.
Ách áwé, tlei wé ḵaa ée at latóowu tsú tle
That's why, even the teachers too
tle has
they just
hásch tsú tlél hasch tuwáa haa wushgú.
they didn't like us either.
Yéi áwé yóo at kaawanee.
That's how it happened.
yá haa ḵusteeyí
our way of life
hél k'idéin ax̱ ée wdultóow.
they (parents) didn't teach me too well.
Yáa woonáawu ḵu.oo x̱á
Those who died
a x̱'éide
to people [to the mouth of]
a, a x̱'éide kei has
they'd (give it) to people
ch'a hásch.
by themselves.
Atx̱á tlein ḵaa jeet has ootéeych ḵoo.éex' tlein
They'd give out a lot of food when the big potlatches
yaa yagaxíxch.
were happening.
Uháan ḵú.aa áwé,
But for us,
gwál yéi x̱at kuligéi,
maybe I was this big,
jinkaat táakwx̱ x̱at sitee,
I was 10,
hél a daat át wutusakú.
we didn't know anything about it.
Ḵoo.éex' hél tsú,
The potlatches also didn't,
hél tsú haa,
they didn't,
hél ḵaa tuwáa wushgú át wutoo.aadí.
people didn't want us to go there.
Tléix' yatyee yéináx̱ áwé wtusikóo uháanch. Mhm.
We knew it from one place. Yes.
Wáa sáwé
yéi kakoogéi wé wool aax̱ áwé s tulatínch.
there was a hole this big that we watched through.
Áwé ax̱ tóo yéi woonee.
It came to me.
Wáa sá tlax̱ x̱éi yak'éiyi át hél ḵaa tuwáa ushgú a yee neil wutoo.áadi.
Why is it that with all that good food they didn't want us to go in.
[expression of dismay.]
Nadáakw tlénx'.
Big tables.
Wé áanjís ḵa wé x'áax' ldakát yéide atx̱á káa yéi ndu.eich.
They had oranges and apples, there was food put everywhere.
Yéi áwé ḵaa x̱'éix̱ at dutéex̱ nooch.
That's how they fed them.
Ḵaaji x̱oox̱ kei at kadulgéich.
And they would pass things out.
{yá} Yéi ???? yawtusiḵaa,
We said,
«K'é, k'é, kei gaax̱tusateen wáa sá yéi at nanein.»
“Goodness, goodness, let's see what is going on.”
{á wooch} Aax̱ woosh katudagóoḵ wéi wool tléix' yateeyi. [At shooḵ]
We would push each other away to get to the only hole. [Laughter]
«Oh, ḵúnáx̱ áwé sagóo {yaa ndus} yaa yandusxíx.»
“Oh, they're having so much fun in there.”
Aag̱áa áwé tsá
After that
wooch x̱ánt wutudzi.át.
we got together.
Helen Sarabia tsú haa x̱oo.
Helen Sarabia was with us.
«Wáanáx̱ sáyá áx̱ haa kduldligéiḵ tlax̱ áyá yak'éiyi át?»
“Why are they keeping us away from something that is so good?”
Hél, tléil a yáx̱ ḵwasatínjin. .Éi!
I hadn't seen anything like it before. [expression of dismay.]
Yú naadáakw, tlé, dleit ,tle yóo dleit yáx̱ yateeyi x'úx' áwé kaadé has kasahéich.
Those tables, white, on them was white paper that they spread out on it.
Áwé sháawudanéiyi yáx̱ at dux̱áa neech.
They ate like ladies and gentlemen.
Wáa sáyú uháan ḵu.aa hél ḵaa tuwáa ushgú át wutoo.aadí?
Why is it they didn't want us to go there?
Ḵa yá haa yóo x̱'atángi tsú haa jeetx̱ has aawatée tle.
They even took away our language from us.
Wé tléix'dahéen áwé wé haa ée at latóowu aa yéi ??? yawtusiḵaa,
One time we said to our teacher,
«Wáa sáyá haa,
“Why is it they,
wáanáx̱ sáyá tlax̱ áyá l tuwáa ushgú át wutoo.aadí?
why don't they want us to go there?
Ḵúnáx̱ áyá sagóo yaa yagaxíxch áx'.
They sure do have a lot of fun there.
Uháan ḵu.aa áwé
And we though
gáan áwé áx',
outside there,
haa éet yaan uháaych.»
weʼre very hungry.”
Tlél tsu yóo x̱'atánk ḵoostí.
There are no words to describe it.
Ch'as haa yalatín áwé.
They just look at us.
Tle tleiḵaa táakw ḵa tléix' x̱at nastee,
When I became 21,
aag̱áa áyú tsá x̱wasiteen,
I finally saw one,
for the first time.
Xunaadáx̱ x̱at wuduwasháa.
I married a man from Hoonah.
Wáa sáyá tlél,
Why is it no,
hél aadóoch sáyá
nobody ever
ḵu.éex' tlein yaa yagaxíxch
with a big invitational party going on
ax̱ x̱án.aa ḵu.aa aadé du.éex' nooch.
my (first) husband was always invited.
X̱át ḵu.aa áwé neilí.
I would be home.
Neil yéi ḵanúkch.
I would sit home.
Wáa na yóo at ḵoonéex' tsá yéi x̱at wuduwa.éex'.
After a while I was invited.
Tleiḵáa táakw x̱at sitee gíwé shákdé.
I was about 20.
Tleiḵáa táakw.
20 years (old).
Tléik', tléik' ch'a shux'áa áwé
No, no, at first
jinkaat táakw ḵa nas'gadooshú,
18 years (old),
áx̱ x̱at nastee áwé tsá x̱at wuduwa.éex'.
when I was first invited.
Ooo, hél tsú a yáx̱ at x̱wasateen.
Oh, I never saw anything like it.
??? atx̱á ???
??? food ???
Ḵa yá s'íx',
And these dishes,
ḵaa jeedéi {kan} kandunáach.
they give them away among the people.
That is
ax̱ tláa yéi daayax̱aḵá
I said to my mother,
«Wáa sá yéi kuḵwanook, Atléi?»
“What am I supposed to do, Mom?”
[exclamation of rebuke]
Lingít áwé wa.é.»
You're a Tlingit.”
«Haw wáanáx̱ sáyá {tlé}
“Well, why
haa káx̱ keelagaaw yéi haa,
didn't you fight for us when we,
yéi haa koosgeiyí?
when we were little?
Dleit ḵáa yáx̱ kei haa uwawát.
We grew up like white people.
Yeedát áwé
And now
tlél i tuwáa ushgú.
you don't like it.
Tle dleit sháa yóo haa eeyasáakw.
And you call us white girls.
Ch'a wé i toowú áyá hél Lingít,
It's your own fault no Tlingit,
tlél Lingít áyú wtusakú.
we don't know anything about our Tlingit culture.
Yéi áwé yóo at kaawanéi.»
That's how it all happened.”
Mhm. Mhm.
Yes. Yes.
Gwál has du toowú woonóok.
Maybe they felt bad.
Tsú, am,
And so, um,
hél yee ée wudultoowú.
they didn't teach you.
Has amsikóo x̱áa
They knew
kéi kg̱waxeexí.
it was going to come up.
g̱óot yéide kg̱watée. Ahah.
it was going to be different. Yeah.
Has du dachx̱ánx'iyán, has du ḵusteeyí, has awsikóo, x̱á.
Their grandchildren knew their way of life, you know.
Ahah. Aa haa,
Yes. Our,
haa tláak'w áwé
our aunties
ax̱ een akaawaneek.
they told me about it.
Ldakát át áwé aw̃siteen dei.
They saw everything.
Ch'a wáa sá s yateeyí.
The way things were.
Kei has nawaadí has
Once when they grew up
du, du yátx'i,
their, their children,
x̱at tsú, am,
me too, um,
they saw
aadéi has du tundataaní;
the way they're thinking;
g̱óot yéide wootee. Mhm.
it was different. Yes.
Tlél giwé áwé tsú s du toowú yanéekw
And maybe they feel bad
wé haa shagóonx'i.
our ancestors.
Aaá. Aaá, du toowú woonéekw ḵúnáx̱.
Yes. Yes, they really felt very bad.
Áwé ax̱ een yéi, yéi x̱'awuḵá. [Or: akaawaneek]
And that's what, what she (aunt) said to me.
Has du éet latoowú, ḵa tsú has du x̱ánt
Their teacher also goes
gú [Or: oogootch]
to visit them
ch'a tlákw.
all the time.
{hél x̱was} Hél ldakát has x̱wasakú.
I don't know all of them.
Gwál haa at sa.eeyí
Maybe our cooking
x̱ánde gax̱too.áat yáa yeedát.
we should go (check on it) now.
Ḵúnáx̱ yaa nal.úk.
It's really boiling.
Ooooh. [Recording break]
Ch'as wé k'únts'
Those potatoes
yaa na.éeni, k'idéin yándei yaa na.éeni áwé tsá,
when they're getting cooked good, then,
you will,
Dei yándei yaa na.éen.
It's getting cooked.
tleidooshú gaaw
tlei yéi yándei kg̱wa.ée.
it will be cooked.
That's good.
Déi áwé. Oooo.
That's enough. Ooh.
Goosú wé?
Where is?
Ch'a yéi googéink' wé éil'.
Just a little salt.
Tsú a kaadéi gax̱tusaxáa. [Or: gax̱tusanei] Mmm.
We're going to put some in it. Yes.
That's good.
Gwál yéi,
a kát x̱at seiwax'áḵw de.
I forgot now.
A gweili naagú? Aaá.
Maybe the pepper? Yes.
Wáa sás i tuwáa yatee?
What do you think of that?
Yak'éi de.
That's good.
Dei yan uwa.ée ch'as wé kóox áwé
Everything is cooked, just the rice
wé átx', wé stóox tóodei gax̱tusa.éen.
that thing (microwave), we'll put it in the oven.
Dleit ḵáa stooxú.
White man stove (microwave).
Wáa sá iyasáakw wé microwave?
What do you call microwave?
Ch'as «stóox» áwé.
It's just 'stove'.
Haw. Stóox áwé.
Oh. It's 'stove'.
Lisátgi [Or: yasátgu] stóox.
A fast stove.
Aaá. [At shooḵ]
Yeah. [Laughter]
Yáa s'íx' kaadé? Goosú wé kóox?
In this dish? Where is the rice?
Should I pour this?
A kaadéi yanasxá wé s'íx' kaadéi.
Pour it into the dish.
Haw. Góok!
Oh. Go ahead.
Yáat'át áwé ???
This one ???
A kináak.ádi ḵudzitee.
It has a lid.
Hél ḵu.aa ax̱ jee yéi wutee.
But I don't have it.
Goodáx̱ sá kwshé aawa.oo wé ax̱ kéek'ch.
I wonder where my little sister bought this from.
Aax̱ áwé yáat'át tóodei yéi kḵwasanei.
I'm going to put it in this.
Daa sáwé eech'éix̱'?
What are you pointing at?
{keeyli} Aaá. {kiw̃li}
A tóodei kḵwasa.éen.
I'm going to put it in there.
A tóodei (k)ḵwasa.éen. Aaá. Aaá.
In there ???. Yeah. Yeah
How many
willits kaanáx̱?
minutes along the top?
Déix̱, déix̱ minutes. Aaá.
2, 2 minutes. Yes.
Déix̱ minutes, déix̱ willits. Aaá.
2 minutes, 2 minutes. Aaá.
Yan uwa.ée de haa atx̱aayí.
Our food is all cooked.
Tleidooshú gaaw áwé a yáadei.
It's 6:00 now.
Wé, wáa sá duwasáakw, wé s'íx' daakeit?
The, what's it called, the cupboard?
S'íx' daakeit.
Aaá, s'íx' daakeit ákyá? Aaá. Aaá.
Yes. Is this a cupboard? Yes. Yes.
Tlél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú yáat'át aan ???
I don't like this with ???
The table,
Aaá. Ax̱ éen kananeek.
Yes. Tell me what to do.
Uh, wéi
Uh, the
shál daakeit, yáadu.
spoon drawer, here it is.
Yeisú áyá x̱waasáakw yáat'át.
I just named this.
Aan ách dux̱aa át áwé.
That's a fork.
Ách át dusx̱a át.
A fork. [thing they eat with]
Aan ách dusx̱aa át?
A fork?
Aaá Ách dusx̱aa át? Aaa.
Yes. A fork? Yes.
Soundslike weʼre going to eat it.
Ch'a uháanch áwé káa,
We just,
ch'a uháanch a kaadé gax̱too,
we're just going to,
Nadáakw kaadé kakḵwala, Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú,
We'll just put it on the table, I don't want to,
Yan uwanée dei wé kóox.
The rice is ready.
Daa sá yéi daatoonéi?
What are we doing?
The table,
Nadáakw áwé,
The table,
yandei yaa ntusanéen.
we are setting it.
Ch'áakw hél a saayí ḵoostéeyin l tín yáat'át.
Long ago there was no name for this, you see.
Yéi x̱áwé?
Is that right?
A napkin.
Hóoch' áwé dei.
That's all.
That's it.
??? Aaá.
??? Yes.
Yan x̱at uwanée.
I'm all ready.
Yan uwanée.
It's all finished.
I tuwáa sigóo gé, Haat sa.ín.
Do you want, Bring it here.
Oo, haat sa.ín.
Oh, bring it.
Haat x̱wasi.éen.
I brought it.
Li.éil'i héen gé
Soy sauce
átx̱ g̱ilayéix̱?
do you use it?
Oo, wáang̱aneens.
Oh, once in a while.
Sh káa gax̱tudag̱áax'
Let's pray
Lingít x̱'éináx̱.
in Tlingit.
Ch'a wa.é, góok!
You go ahead.
X̱át gé? Mmm.
Me? Yes.
Dikée yéi yateeyí haa éesh,
Our heavenly father,
gunalchéesh áyá haa atx̱aayí.
thank you for our food.
Tlax̱ diyáshḵ
It is so scarce
ch'a aan ḵu.aa aan
and still
haa kaylix̱étl.
you blessed us with it.
Gunalchéesh yóo idaayatooḵá.
Thank you, we say.
Shayéenáx̱ aa i jín a káa daak satán,
Place your right hand over it,
wé gax̱toox̱áa atx̱á.
the food that we're going to eat.
Tlax̱ wáa sá haa éet uwaháa.
We're so hungry for it.
Ch'a gunalchéesh yéi idaayatooḵá.
We just say thanks to you.
Haa klax̱étl
Bless us
Almighty God.
Du yéet
The son
du saayí
his name
ḵa ??? ḵaa yakg̱wahéiyagu
and the blessed holy spirit.
Thank you.
I donʼt know if you drink pop, or juice.
Ch'a héen.
Just water.
It donʼt matter, whatever you,
Do you want juice or,
grape juice?
Yeah, I keep it out doors, out here. Because itʼs a whole lot cooler than
You want me get it?
That's fine.
Go ahead.
Wáa sá duwasáakw? Kóox.
What do they call this? Rice.
Ch'a yéi googéink' ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I would like just a small amount.
Ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ x̱'éi yak'éi kóox.
I really like it, rice.
X̱át tsú.
Me too.
Goosú wé a taayí?
Where is the fat?
Yaa kanax̱latís'i yeedát tsá, wé dleit shaawát.
I'm really showing her now, the white lady.
Ax̱ s'íx'i.
My dish.
Thank you.
X'oon gunalchéesh sáyá.
Oh, how many thanks.
X̱'alitseeni át áyá.
This is a very valuable thing.
Aaá, ḵúnáx̱.
Wé yées ḵáax'w
This young generation
has du jeedáx̱ áyá ḵúnáx̱.
it's from them really.
A x̱oo aa ḵu.óoch
Some people
wáang̱aneens nas'gidahéen yáx̱ ??? x̱'éix̱ nadutéech.
sometimes like three times ??? they feed ???.
Hél k'idéin tle, tle ḵúnáx̱ áyá,
Not very well just, really just,
ax̱ tuwáa {ax̱ x̱'éi} ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ x̱'éi yak'éi.
I like, it's really good.
Wudasheeyi Tláa, haa een at nax̱á déi!
Helpful Mother [name], eat with us now.
Aatx̱ katéx̱' dei!
Turn it off now!
Dei yaa kanajóox dei.
It's running now.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo i een kax̱waneegí wé
I want to tell you that
has du Lingít saayí.
their Tlingit names.
G̱ooch Áa, ḵa {yéik} Yéigi,
Wolf Lake and Spirit, [Names of Lyle and his younger brother.]
has du jeedáx̱ áyá yáa tsaa dleeyí.
it's from them, this seal meat.
G̱ooch Yéigi.
Wolf Spirit.
G̱ooch Áa.
Wolf Lake.
G̱ooch Áa. Mmm. Oo.
Wolf Lake. Yes. Ooh.
Yéi duwasáakw wé yées ḵáa, ḵa du, du kéek',
That's what they call that young man, and his, his younger brother,
Yéigi. [name]
Hél has x̱wasakú l tín.
I don't know them you see.
Thank you.