This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #64
Speakers are Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson and Kaséix̱ Selina Everson. Recorded May 5, 2011, at the Dutson home in Juneau, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. [Continued from conversation #63.]
Tlingit transcription by Naakil.aan Mark Hans Chester. English translation by Shak’sháani Margaret Dutson and Kaséix̱ Selina Everson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by Daljíni Mary Folletti and by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
«Wáa sá ??? neejín tle?
“How ???
K'é tsu haa waḵshiyee yéi nasnee.»
Show it to us again. “
“Good grief!”
Oh, my.
{ch'as} Ch'as t'ooch' yáx̱ yateeyi aa shégé?
Only black ones, maybe?
Oh, my goodness.
Dleit yáx̱ yateeyi aa ANS {yís} jeeyís.
White ones for ANS (Alaska Native Sisterhood).
Héil tlax̱ {sha}, L'aak kudayát'.
Not very, Long dresses.
ANS-x̱ gé isitee?
Are you a member of ANS?
Oo, aadé {l} lig̱eiyí wéit'aa. Aaá.
Oo, how bright, that one. Yes.
ANS-x̱ gé isitee?
Are you an ANS member?
Camp 2? Tléik'.
Camp 2? No.
Haw! Wáa sáwé?
Well! Why?
Uh, déix̱ táakw káanáx̱ áwé ax̱ téix̱' at géide yaa nasgít.
For 2 years my heart has been acting up.
Tle yáa déix̱ sándi shunaxéex ax̱ x̱'aséix̱ ??? yawdudzitéeyin.
It's only been two weeks since my heart was corrected. [pacemaker]
Áwé ax̱ tuwáa sigóo,
I want,
ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ tuwáa sigóo {a tóot woogoot}
I really want
tóot x̱wagoodí x̱á. Éitsk'!
to join, see. Nice!
Royal blue.
ANS color.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo aax̱,
I want to,
ax̱ tuwáa sigóo du x'úx'u.
I want her catalogs.
X̱áach tsú.
Me too.
Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú á kéi aax̱ x̱watʼáaxʼu. Yáat' {yáatʼaa ax̱} áyá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I don't want to cut it out. I like that one.
X̱'alitseen ḵúnáx̱.
Itʼs very expensive.
X'oon dáanaa sáwé? Shk'é,
How much money is it? Let me see,
Yeah, blouse, skirt, and jacket.
Tléix' hándid tleiḵáa ḵa nas'gadooshú.
Ch'as wé
Just for
wé skirt áwé.
the skirt.
Oh, my goodness.
Yáat jacket ḵu.aa, déix̱ hándid tleiḵáa, ah, déix̱ hándid,
This jacket though, $220, uh, $200,
«Jéigit» yóo áwé dusáakw Lingít. Jéigit. Aaá.
“Jacket” thatʼs how itʼs called in Tlingit. Jacket. Yes.
Déix̱ hándid nás'k jinkaat ḵa,
$230 and,
Tléik', hél ax̱ tóoch ulchéesh, gwá?
No, itʼs not possible for me, huh?
Tle a káx̱ x̱at, tléix', déix̱,
I forget, 1, 2,
nás'k, daax'oon, keijín, tleidooshú, dax̱.adooshú, nas'gadooshú.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Déix̱ hándid nás'k jinkaat ḵa nas'gadooshú.
Tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ áwé, gwá?
That's too much, right?
Yak'éi ḵu.aa áwé aadé,
But it's sure nice how,
Ḵúnáx̱ k'idéin yéi wdudzinei.
They made it really well.
É! Yeekg̱wayáat'
Nice! For a long time
yéi ee.úx̱x'u.
you'll wear it.
Tle ḵúnáx̱ áwé ax̱ tuwáa sigóo altín.
I really like it, see.
Wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo wé ANS.
How I like ANS.
ANS color x̱á.
It's the color for ANS, see.
Let's see,
Pendleton. {neil} neildéi kḵwatée.
I'll take it home.
Order kḵwalayéix̱.
I'll order it.
Ḵúnáx̱ áyá daḵsigóo.
They are really nice.
Du s'áaxu tsú. Éitsk'!
Her hat too. Nice!
Menʼs Pendelton.
Ḵáa aak'ú.
Men's section.
É! K'é yá kinaa.át.
Nice! Look at this coat.
Kinaa.át kadáan.
Nice coat.
I tuwáax' gé sigóo?
Do you like it?
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I like it.
Ag̱áa kḵwawóo. {ax̱}
I'll order it.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo ah,
I like, uh,
wé color, kánaa.
the color, color.
Kánaa yóo duwasáakw.
They call it color.
Ḵúnáx̱ yak'éiyi aa áwé {l kéi i}
That really good one
hél kei keet'áx'jiḵ
don't cut it out
{ch'a} ch'a yé. Hél kei kḵwat'áax'.
like that. I wonʼt cut it out.
A káx̱ x̱'anawóos'. Gwál i jeedéi akg̱watée.
Ask her for it. She'll probably give it to you.
Ax̱ jeedéi gé kg̱eetée,
Will you give it to me,
Wudashee Shaawát?
Helpful Lady? [KSE is using a name similar to Alice Taff's nickname: Wudisheeyi Tláa]
Wáa sá?
Yá x'úx'.
This catalog.
Order ḵalayeix̱.
Let me order it.
Ch'a yeisú gé-{tlél uh}
Is it still
yak'éi a kaax̱ order yéi daax̱aneiyí?
is it OK if I order from the catalog (still current)?
A táagu ch'a yeisú.
Itʼs still the (current) year.
Hél Lingít ax̱'ei.áx̱ch.
She doesn't understand Tlingit.
Wáa sá, Yóo, [At shooḵ]
How, That, [Laughter]
Hél awuskú daa sáwé «aaá» yóo x̱'ayaḵaayí. [At shooḵ]
She doesn't know what sheʼs saying “yes” too. [Laughter]
[At shooḵ]
Oh my!
A katáagu,
The year,
x̱á wáang̱aneens
see sometimes
{ch'a} ch'a yéi googéink'
a little bit
a katáagu shoowaxeex.
the date expired.
Shoowaxeex gí dei?
Did it already expire?
Yú á
Itʼs there
ch'a yeisú.
Yú a káa yéi du.úx̱xʼ
They put it on it
a katáagu shuwuxeexí.
the year when it expires.
Ch'a koogéiyi áyá ḵutudzitee gwá?
We live our lives carelessly, don't we?
Aaá, kaawayíkx' ḵustí
Yes, an oblivious life
áyá yaa yantusaxíx.
we are carrying on.
Ch'a wáa sá haa tuwatee áyá.
Whichever way we want it.
Yáat'aa ax̱ tuwáa sigóo {a káa} a kaax̱ x̱wawoowú.
I want to order this one.
Daaḵw aa sáwé i aayí?
Which one is it, yours (which catalog do you have)?
J. Jill.
É! Wáa sá ax̱ toowú yanéekw.
Wow! I'm feeling bad.
Montgomery Wards.
K'é yáat'aa. K'é yáat'aa.
Look at this one. Look at this one.
Ax̱ adéeeeeeee!
Oh my! [strong approval]
Dleit yáx̱ nag̱atee.
Let it be white.
Ch'as t'ooch'.
Always black.
Tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ áwé yéi koogéi wé t'ooch' ax̱ aayí.
Too many of mine are black.
Gwál, Éi!
Maybe, Wow!
hél unalé jinkaat
almost ten
jinkaat ax̱ jee yéi teeyí wé
ten that I have
tʼoochʼ yáx̱ yateeyi át. Dleit yáx̱ yateeyí {k'} naa.át daat
are black things. Clothing that is white is what
I'm looking for.
ch'a tlákw.
Yéi kḵwasatéen shákdé, one of these days.
Maybe I'll see one, one of these days.
É, yak'éi yáat'aa! {tle} Tle Seattle tsú wulidzée,
Gee, this one is nice! Even in Seattle it was hard,
wé dleit yáx̱ yateeyi l'aak, kʼulʼdaa.át.
(finding) a white dress, skirt.
Oo, ahah.
Oh, uhuh.
Yéi kooyát'i aa.
A long one.
X̱'adax̱dlitsínx' Pendelton
Pendelton (brand) are expensive
ch'a aan ḵú ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
but I still like it.
Ḵúnáx̱ x̱'alitseen.
It's very expensive.
{ax̱} Ax̱ tláa
My mother
has kagax̱dushxéet, ANS Angoon.
their picture was going to be taken, the Angoon ANS.
Tlax̱ wáa has du toowú
They were feeling
ḵúnáx̱ áwé s du toowú {li} yak'éi.
very good about it.
Ldakát ḵaa shawdudlixaash.
Everybody got their hair cut.
Tle wooch hás shawdlixaash.
They cut each other's hair.
Áwé yeedát
And now
Angoon jeet x̱waatée City Hall-x' yéi ng̱atee.
I gave the picture to Angoon, to let it be at the City Hall.
ANS ldakát has shoowaxeex dé.
ANS they're all deceased now.
Oh, my.
Tle ax̱ jín wulisáḵ kíndei {dax̱ xaash}. X̱át tsú ax̱ jín yanéekw.
My hands are exhausted (from cutting). Me too, my hand hurts.
Wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sagóowun tle ,{x̱a-}
How much I liked,
tle tayeedé x̱at kawdunáayi
when I was sent to bed
ḵúnáx̱ áwé ax̱ toowú néekw noojín.
I felt really sad.
X̱át tsú. 8:00 kawdixít, é!
Me too. When it got to be 8:00, ugh!
«Natá déi!»
“Go to sleep now!”
Ch'a yeisú áwé ??? áwé ???
Still ???
Tláakw x̱at yandusḵéich.
I'd get bawled out.
Wéidu á.
There it is.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I really like it. [A shirt in the catalog.]
X̱ʼalitseen ch'a aan.
It's expensive but even so.
T'ooch' yáx̱ yateeyi aa.
The black one.
Yáat'aa áwé kei kg̱wak'éi i naa yís.
This one would look good on you.
Há! Yáadu k'ulʼdaa.át.
Hey! Here is a skirt.
Oo. [At shooḵ]
Oh. [Laughter]
É, tle téel een.
Huh, with the shoes.
Gee, that is nice!
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo.
I like it.
{ḵúnáx̱ ee} Ḵúnáx̱ x̱'alatseení,
When it's really expensive,
x̱'alatseení yi.oowú,
when itʼs expensive when you buy it,
a looooong time
náa yéi kg̱ida.oo.
you'll wear it.
Cheap-x̱ siteeyi át ḵwá tle hóoch'
But anything cheap, it's just gone
{tle} tle ch'a yóok' áwé.
right away.
{chʼas x̱ʼáa} Chʼas t'ooch'i ch'as tʼoochʼi.
Just black, just black.
Ax̱ jintáak kawlixwétl.
My palm is itching.
É! Dáanaa yakg̱eedláaḵ.
Wow! You'll win some money.
É, dleit yáx̱ yateeyi aa. Oo.
Wow, a white one. Oh.
Wéidu á. Oh my!
There it is.
X̱á tuwáa ḵ'asigóo ḵúnáx̱.
See I really like it.
Ax̱ yéet akg̱washáa.
My son is getting married.
{j} Nás'k yát yawuxeiyí July.
On the 3rd of July.
Wáa sá duwasáakw? Kík'i aa.
What's his name? The younger one.
{Mark} Michael Everson.
Aleut {shoo} shóogu {iwush} iwasháa?
You married an Aleut (first?)?
Aleut shoowú.
Half Aleut.
Ḵa dleit ḵáa. Dleit ḵáa.
And white man. White man.
A shoowú.
Half. [Pointing to half her finger]
[At shooḵ]
Oh, dear.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'a uháan áwé sh x̱'atudashooḵ.
We're cracking ourselves up.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'a uháan áwé haa tuwáa lishóog̱u.
We think itʼs funny.
Wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo yáat'aa.
How I like this one.
Wé kinaak.át?
The coat?
Éitskʼ! {ax̱ tuwáa} Ax̱ tuwáa ḵ'asigóo. É, jée.
Nice! I like this one. Wow, gee.
Ḵúnáx̱ {x̱'a} at x̱'alitseen a káx' yá x'úx'.
The items in this catalog are very expensive.
Dleit shaawát ákwé akg̱washáa i {x̱}
Is he getting married to a white woman, your,
i yéetk'?
your son?
Dleit shaawát akg̱washáa.
He's marrying a white woman.
Du léelk'w
Her grandmother
from down south
Oh, {dle} Lingít?
Oh, Native American?
{dlei} Lingít shoowú.
Part Native American.
From Colville.
Hél tlax̱ {ḵwa ḵwa} ḵu.aa Indian {wu-} awuyáa dleit shaawát.
She doesnʼt look very Indian, but white.
A shoowúx̱ sitee,
She's part,
du léelk'w.
her grandmother.
She died.
Yéi áwé yatee ax̱ x̱án.aa tsú.
That's the way my husband is too.
From eastern (US)
New York x̱án.
near New York.
Aadáx̱ áwé Lingít x̱á.
He's Native American from there, see.
Hél x̱wasakú wáa sá s duwasáakw.
I don't know what theyʼre called.
New York tuwán aa gé? Mohawk {x̱} yagéi.
You mean the ones near New York? There's a lot of Mohawk.
Áwé, {ayaḵ} aadóo een sákwshé wé kx̱anéek aadé,
I don't recall who I was telling that to,
wé Indian shoowúx̱ wusitee.
that he's part Indian.
Hél gooháa du lú tlein.
Itʼs obvious by his big nose.
Oʼ, yú dóoo!
Oh, see how you are!
[At shooḵ]
Ḵaa daadé ḵutées'.
Sheʼs inspecting.
Du een kax̱anéek yáa at shooḵch uwajáḵ.
When I was telling him/her, s/he died laughing.
{i lú} I lú
Your nose
ch'ás áwé, Aanáx̱ áwé
only that, That's how
yawduwatín yú.
people recognized him.
[At shooḵ]
Oh, dear.
Hél ??? koowáat'i
It's not too long,
yá ax̱ lú. Yá kinaak.át tsu. -KSE
my nose. And this jacket too.
Indian design yáx̱ yatee.
Itʼs like an Indian design.
Ahah. Haaw!
Uhuh. Well!
A kaax̱ kwshé k'idéin? Mhm. Well!
It looks well-made, huh? Yeah.
Ayáx̱ kei ndutʼáach ??? áyá.
They ??? it in the same way as this.
Aaá áwé tsá é!
Yeah, even here, nice!
Kawóot in a káa yéi gax̱du.oo. Aaá.
They should put beads on it. Yes.
Kei kg̱wak'éi. Kei kg̱wak'éi.
It would be good. It would be good.
Ḵaa waaḵ kéi akg̱washáat.
It will catch peopleʼs eye.
[At shooḵ]
A tóot ishaklig̱éik'! Aaá.
You look pretty in it! Yes.
Shux'aa ax̱ x̱án.aa yéi x̱at daayaḵáa neejín, {yá}
My first husband used to tell me,
«Wáa sáwé tlél i tuwáa ushgú neech
“Why don't you ever want
i x̱eik wudusteení?»
anyone to see your shoulders/upper arms?”
«Tléik', tléik', tlél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú.
“No, no, I don't like it.
Dóo, wé Catholic Sisters ḵú áwé {kéi haa wus}
It was the Catholic sisters,
has du jeex̱ kei haa kaawawát.»
from their hands we grew up.”
Has du jée haa kaawaháa.
We were in their hands.
Tle wáa sás,
ax̱ tláa wáa sás x̱'ayaḵá ayáx̱ áwé
my mother, like what she says,
has haa woojée neejín.
they used to caution us.
A kaadé áwé tlél ax̱ tuwáa wushgú.
That's why I didn't like it.
«Hadláa, good Catholic Sisters yáx̱ shinda.éich,» yóo x̱at daayaḵáa neech.
“Good grief! You always dress like the good Catholic sisters,” he always says to me.
Haa aadé x̱at {kei du} kei x̱at wududziwádi yé áwé yóo x̱'akg̱eeḵáa!
Well, you are telling how I was raised!
Ayáx̱ áwé ḵunateech gwé,
That's how people are, huh,
ch'a yeedádidéi yéi x̱at yatee.
to this day I'm that way.
Héil ax̱ tuwáa ushgú yéi kdiyátʼi.
I don't like it this length. [Pointing at a picture in the catalog, probably something with short sleeves]
{ax̱ ax̱} Ax̱ jín daawliléil ách áwé!
It's because my arms are baggy!
[At shooḵ]
Wáang̱aneens áwé
a náḵ toowú s sh ???
Áwé yeedádi aa áyá ax̱ x̱án.aa at shooḵch yaa gajáḵch.
My present husband dies laughing.
[At shooḵ]
«Ch'as dei yéi át shukla.át aa {i} [indicating her ankles]
“Just ones that come to here (in length)
i naa.ádi wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo,» yóo x̱at daayaḵáa neech.
is how you like your clothes,” my husband always tells me.
X'oon táakw sáwé i x̱án.aa?
How many years (with) your husband?
X'oon táakw sáwé {yi} wooch yeeydisháa?
How many years have you been married to each other?
Tléik', x'oon táakw sáwé shaylixeex?
No, how many years is it youʼve spent (together)?
Nás'k táakw áwé de.
Three years now.
Wow. July yát.
In July.
Mhm. Gwál daax'oon táakw áwé
Maybe itʼs four years
July yát.
in July.
Ch'a yeisú dziyáak áwé {ax̱} ax̱ tuwáax' ḵu.aa.
It seems like recently to me, though.
x̱at wushaayídáx̱ áwé at géide kei wdzigít ax̱ téix̱' wé ah,
from the time we got married, my heart started acting up, that uh,
pacemaker yóo dleit ḵáach ayasáagu át. Aaá.
thing called pacemaker in English. Yes.
Úx̱ kei wdzigít.
It acted up.
Ch'a koogéiyi sáwé,
Any which way,
yóot'át, gwál ch'a koogéiyi áwé yóot kawduwajél hél x̱wasakú.
that thing, maybe it was put there any old way, I don't know.
Áwé yax̱ yawdudzitée yán yeedát.
Now they've adjusted it.
Hél tliyéi yéi x̱at uteex̱.
I'm never still.
Yeisú áwé a shú shax̱wdigút wé
I still got up at the end
wé ax̱ neilí k'idéin daané.
to clean the house.
Clean up. Ahah.
Áwé ldakát át áwé kax̱shax̱'éil'aa.
I iron everything.
Ax̱ x̱án.aa ch'a {ḵalda}
My husband though,
kayajáḵ ḵúnáx̱.
he's really neat.
Yáat'aa tuḵ'atáal tóot
In these pants here
doctor x̱ánt x̱waagút.
I went to see the doctor.
A tóot {x̱a} X-ray.
They took an x-ray in it.
[At shooḵ]
{ax̱} Ax̱ ḵáash áwé kawdujixít.
It was my hip that was x-rayed.
{tle} Tle at s'éili yáx̱ yaa natéen ax̱ ḵáash.
My hip is getting weak, like rubber.
Oh, my goodness.
Ách áwé síwégé wé
Maybe that's why
yéi yaa gunasgéink'.
it's getting small.
I x̱áasht. [ḵáasht]
Your hip.
Ch'a yéi yaa ḵuganeich yaa ḵundasháni.
That's just what happens when people grow old.
Aax̱ yaa gaxíxch i,
It starts falling off, your, (start getting shorter)
Ḵut kei kdug̱íxʼch. Yeah.
People start losing it. (height)
Woosh tóode yéi yaa ḵuganeich.
We (our bodies) keep (shrinking) together.
[At shooḵ]
Wa.é tsú x̱áa {i s dei dei } dei {yaa} yaa inasx̱ák.
You too see, you're shrinking now.
[At shooḵ]
Hél tlax̱ ḵútx̱ x̱wag̱éex'.
I didn't lose too much. (height)
Gwál ḵút kei kḵwag̱éex' ḵúnáx̱. Aaá.
Maybe I will lose a lot. Yes.
Amm. One inch.
Yaa igasx̱ákch.
You're shrinking.
Éi, yáat'aa.
Wow, this one.
Gwá dleit yáx̱ yateeyi aa.
Maybe the white one.
Tuwáa at sagóo ch'a ???
We are liking everything.
Haa tlaa hás ḵa tláak'w hás daḵéis' noojín.
Our mothers and our aunties, always sewing.
Uháan ḵu.aa, ch'as catalog katulatín.
Us though, we just look at catalogs.
Da.áak ḵa daḵéis'.
Weaving baskets and sewing.
{wáa s} Tléiḵw yéi daanéi.
Working on berries.
Wáa sá áa wux̱askáa neejín.
I used to be so lazy.
«Shaawátch yéi daanéi át áwé, sík'.»
“That's what ladies work on, daughter.”
«Ḵa daḵéis'.»
“And sewing.”
Wáang̱aneens ax̱ toowú néekw ch'a koogéiyi áwé,
Sometimes when I felt bad, just any old way (carelessly)
tóonáx̱ kei kx̱waatée.
I put it through (the needle, when sewing).
Tláakw x̱at yandusḵéich.
I would get bawled out.
«{ḵúx̱} Ḵúx̱ kasaké.»
“Rip it back.”
[Exclamation of disgust.]
Yéi x̱at yawusḵaayí áwé tle
When they said that to me,
g̱aax̱ yaa ksatéech.
(I) just start crying.
[At shooḵ]
Oh dear.
Tlax̱ hél x̱washagóok, x̱át.
I really didn't know how to do it, me.
Hél ishagóok?
You donʼt know how to?
Hél daa sá ux̱shagóok!
I don't know how to do anything.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'a neechx̱ shaawát.
Useless girl.
[At shooḵ]
Á! Yéi kawlixwétl.
Ugh! Itʼs itching (rubbing her eyes).
Ax̱ tláach yéi x̱at daayaḵáa neejín, «Ch'a
My mother used to say to me, “Just
ldakát át sh tóo eeltóow yóot'át áwé.»
learn to do all those things.”
Ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo wé kasné.
I really liked that crocheting.
Aaá, x̱át tsú.
Yes, me too.
Ch'as áwé yéi daax̱anéi yeedát.
That is all I do now.
Nadáakw kas'ísaa kax̱ws ??? Ahah.
A tablecloth I crocheted Uhuh.
ax̱ sée jeeyís.
for my daughter.
Tléix'dahéen ax̱ tláach,
One time, my mother,
“Oh!” [expression of delight]
X̱'aan yáx̱ yateeyi áyá
This red
ax̱ s'áaxu ax̱ naayís, ax̱ shaayís akawsinei.
hat of mine, for my body, for my head she crocheted.
Áwé altín, ch'a x̱latín
So see, just watching her
hél ásí uldzée.»
maybe that's not hard.”
K'idéin {tlax̱ wáa} yan kax̱lateení sáwé tsá,
After watching her closely,
«Yan asneiní x̱áach áwé
“When she finishes, I'm going to do it,
aax̱ de kakḵwasakéi.»
I'm going to rip it back.”
[At shooḵ]
Ldakát át ax̱ tóoch lachéeshin.
I used to think I was capable of anything.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'a daa s,
Yéi gé yisinei ḵúx̱ gé
Did you do it,
did you rip it back?
[At shooḵ]
[Recording break] I x̱'eis ḵux̱waak'ít'.
I picked berries for you. [Store bought.]
{tuwáa si} [at shooḵ]
Tláakw at yix̱á! Tláakw at yix̱á!
Eat fast, you guys! Eat fast, you guys!
Yeisú yagéi wé pie.
There's still a lot of pie.
[At shooḵ]
I x̱úx̱ x̱'eis aa yan á.
Your husband, save some for him.
Aaá, {du} du x̱'eis yei aa kḵwasaneex̱.
Yeah, I'm going to save some for him.
Wé áwé i een kax̱laneek wé,
So, I was telling you,
ax̱ tláa hél du een kax̱waneek,
I didn't tell my mother,
«Ḵúx̱de kei kḵwasakéi wé ax̱,
“I'm going to rip back my,
{wé} wéixʼ keesanéi át.»
that thing there you are crocheting.”
Du toowúch ḵú, «É!»
She thought though, “Nice!”
Táakwniyís áwé akawsinei.
She was crocheting it for winter.
Áwé {goo} ch'a goo altíni sáwé ḵúx̱ kax̱wsinei.
When she wasn't looking, I ripped it back.
Gwál x̱at wusiteen, ách áwé x̱at x̱'eiwawóos',
I think she saw me so she asked me,
«Goosú i s'áaxu?
“Where's your hat?
Shakʼsháani, goosú i s'áaxu?»
Shakʼsháani, where's your hat?”
Du waḵsheeyí kei kx̱waatée.
I held it up for her to see.
«Ah, hél i eedé kḵwadashee,
“Uh, I'm not going to help you,
ch'a wa.éich yéi nasné.»
just do it yourself.”
Ch'a tle, ch'a wáa sá x̱aatéen ayáx̱ áwé
So just like I saw her
ax̱ toowúch wookáa,
I thought it was right,
wáa sá adaané.
how to do it.
Wáa sáwé l ayáx̱ yaa kunaxát?
Why wasn't it beginning to look right? [Margaret was 5 years old at the time.]
[At shooḵ]
Oh, dear.
Sháa kanax̱da.aaḵwch.
I would try it on my head.
It just,
yéi áwé yaa kunagéin.
it was beginning to get this big (hands out from her head)
Áwé {ax̱}
ax̱ tóoch wulichéesh, «K'é
I thought I could do it, “Hmm,
I'll measure it.
Aag̱áa tsá woosh kakḵwasanéi.»
And then Iʼll sew it together.” [She threaded yarn through to cinch it in.]
[At shooḵ]
At géidei yaa gasgítch atyádi.
A child violates things (rules, etc.).
[At shooḵ]
Yéi áwé x̱ws-
Thatʼs how I-
Yeeyadlaaḵ gé?
Did you succeed?
I did it.
Jé! Ch'a koogéiyi áyá wáang̱aneens
Gee! Just any old way sometimes
dei yáatʼaa yóot wushigútl.
it puffed out here (on one side).
Ch'a aan, ch'a aan áwé sháax̱ ḵadateech.
Even so, even so, I would put it on.
Ch'a x̱áach yéi x̱wsineiyi át áwé.
Itʼs something I made myself.
A káax̱ ax̱ toowú klg̱éi!
I was very proud of it.
[At shooḵ]
Yagéi aadé yóo kax̱dzigídi yé altín
I did a lot of things, see,
wé kéi x̱at nawádi.
when I was growing up.
Áwé tle tliyaatgé tsú aa kax̱wlineek.
Just the other day I told a story.
Ax̱ tláa áwé, yisikóo
My mother, you know,
has at táxʼ neech.
they always chew snuff.
Wáa sá oot'aachch a kináa
How she would slap the top of it
g̱áa tsá woosh tuda.ín ???
then she put it in-between ???
{aan} du wásh tóode at nateech. Ahah.
sheʼd put some inside her cheek. Uhuh.
Wáang̱aneens áwé wooch x̱ánt wuda.aadí wé sháa
Sometimes when the women gathered together
yaa kakdulgéich.
they would pass it around.
Áwé ch'as x̱alatín.
I just watched.
Áwé tléixʼdahéen áwé
One day
x̱wasiteen áa yan aawateeni yé ax̱ tláa wé duwaakú.
I saw where my mother had set down the snuff there.
{aag̱aa x̱} Aag̱áa x̱waagoot.
I went to get it.
{tle wáa} Ch'a wáa sá x̱aatéen ax̱ tláa
Just the way I saw my mother do it,
ayáx̱ áwé yaa nx̱asgít
Iʼm doing it the same
wé duwaakú.
with the snuff.
Kináak x̱waat'ách.
I slapped the cover.
Aag̱áa áwé tsá ax̱ wásh tóode aa kx̱waatee.
Then I put some inside my cheek.
Wáa sáwé ch'a yóok' ??? áwé ax̱ een yaa naltúl áyá.
Whatʼs happening, all of a sudden the place is spinning around with me.
[At shooḵ]
Tle káx̱ daak x̱at shaawaxíx.
I just fell over.
[At shooḵ]
Tootáawun wé jín ax̱ tláa ée tsu.
We stole my motherʼs too.
Haa wsiteen tle,
She saw us then,
«Has du ée kḵwalatóow.»
“I'm going to teach them.”
Ḵúnáx̱ litseeni aa yéi awsinei.
She made a really strong one.
É! Áwé wásh tóode ḵúnáx̱.
Wow! I really put it in there (my mouth).
Tle aax̱ wudawax̱aayi yáx̱.
It was like it was eaten out of there.
[At shooḵ]
Ḵúnáx̱ woonéekw.
It really hurt.
Tuwatáwu, ah
When we stole the, uh
Oh, gosh.
Hél tsu yéi wtoosgeet.
We didn't do it again.
Ax̱ shátx̱ ḵa
My older sister and
ax̱ ah, káalk'w
my uh, niece
nás'gináx̱, oh!
three of us, oh! (Miming holding something up to her mouth)
[At shooḵ]
Aag̱áa ??? ḵúnáx̱ woonéekw.
After that ??? really hurt.
Tle {ax̱} ax̱ yá
My face
aax̱ wushix̱'éel' x̱ʼé.
it slipped off my mouth.
[At shooḵ]
Daa sáwé aan yéit ???
What is that ???
hél ax̱ x̱'éi ???
my mouth didnʼt ???
Ḵúnáx̱ litseen wé tuwaakú.
It was really strong, that (chewing) tobacco.
Yeisú keijín táakwx̱ x̱at wusteeyí áwé yéi yoo kax̱wdzigít ltín.
I was just five years old when I did that, see.
[At shooḵ]
Káx̱ daak x̱at shaawaxíx.
I fell over.
Ch'a dei x̱at wusiteen ax̱ shátx̱,
My older sister saw me,
«Eesháan ax̱ kéek'
“My poor little sister,
yaa nanáan gíwé?»
is she dying?”
Tle ax̱ tláa {ax̱ x̱ánt wu}
My mother (and sister)
ax̱ x̱ánt has luwagúḵ.
they ran to my side.
Ch'a g̱ég̱aa áwé s du een kax̱anéek,
I was trying to tell them,
«Yáa duwaakú áwé ax̱ x̱ʼatáx'.»
“Thereʼs chewing tobacco in my mouth.”
{hél hél} Héil
a káx̱ yoo s koosheek wáa sá x̱at yatee.
they couldn't find out what was wrong with me.
Hél nalé kei kdag̱áx̱ji ax̱ shátx̱.
My older sister almost started crying.
Áwé altín has du een x̱waach'íx̱'.
So see, I finally pointed for them.
[At shooḵ]
Ax̱ xʼúxʼ een áwé aax̱ daak has aawatee.
They took it out (of my mouth) with a paper.
Áwé kadusx̱éini áwé yaa naltúl wé,
When theyʼre emptying it out (of my mouth) itʼs spinning, the,
X̱at kawlishóo ltín.
It got me drunk, see.
Oh, dear.
Ch'a g̱ég̱aa áwé kindachóon yéi x̱at dusnúkch.
They were trying in vain to sit me upright.
Tle tsu káx̱ daak x̱at shaaxeexch.
But I would just fall over again.
Ḵúnáx̱ shákdéi yóo litseeni aa áwé yéi awsinei ax̱ tláa.
Maybe it was really strong, what my mom made.
X̱át ḵu.aa aag̱áa áwé tsá
Me though, after that
aax̱ ḵúx̱ tux̱wditán {tle} tle ???
I changed my mind about it ???
Up to this day,
hél aadé aa ḵwaatáax'i yé.
I can't chew any (snuff).
{a a daa ádi yé a}
Yéi has adaanéi nooch x̱á {kat'éex̱ʼ} kadut'éex̱ʼ.
They always do this, see, they pound it.
Bull Durham.
Oh dear.
Has du jeewú ???
They have it ???
[At shooḵ]
{wáa sá s} Wáa sá s ashgóogun.
Oh how they knew how to do it.
Yeah, ḵúnáx̱. Aaá.
Yeah, really. Yes.
{wáa sás} Wáa sákwshé {du} duwasáakw wé aan {has a kát} a káa s akatʼéx̱ʼ át?
I wonder what they call the thing they pound it on?
G̱ánji een.
With tobacco.
Uh, yan has akawut'éix̱'i aa áwé a kaadéi yéi s, Yadál! anasneich wé {bull} Red Bull. Aaá.
After they get through pounding some, they Itʼs heavy! put it on there, that Red Bull. Yes.
Aax̱ áwé tsú kei s aksagánch tsu.
And then they'd burn it too.
Héil ax̱ tuwáa ushgú aadéi {l} lichán.
I didn't like the way it stinks.
[At shooḵ]
Ch'a aan ḵu.aa wáa sákwshé ax̱ tuwáa yatee, wé keijín táakw x̱at nastee ax̱ tuwáa.
Even so, I wonder what I was thinking, my five-year-old way of thinking.
«Wáa sákwshé s ḵunúk nooch.»
“I wonder what theyʼre always doing.”
Ldakát hás áwé s at'áchdi nooch.
All of them would slap it.
Aag̱áa tsá wásh tóo yoo s aa duteek.
Then they put some in their cheeks.
Tlax̱ a yáanáx̱ ḵu shákdéi áwé ax̱ wásh tóode áwé yéi x̱wsinee.
I think maybe I put too much in my cheek.
A kát áwé tle káx̱ daak x̱at shaaxeexch.
That's why I kept falling over.
Tle x'oondahéen káx̱ daak {shaw-} x̱at shawuxeexí áwé sá,
How many times after I fell over,
yéi at kaadáx̱ x̱at wuduwasháat.
they picked me up from there.
Oh dear.
Wáa sá haa tuwáa lishóoḵ.
We think it's so funny.
Ax̱ tuwáa katootáaw noojín.
It seems we always used to steal it.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé ḵ'asigóo wé
It was sure fun, that
ch'a tootáawuch gé tlax̱ yá haa tuwáa sigóo.
we just wanted to steal.
Lushik'éiyi át aadé.
Bad things, how,
Yáa haa shugagútch.
It would lead us.
ḵút} Ḵút kei ktoo.átji.
We used to get lost.
Áwé litín áwé,
So see,
Check it out!
tsu wé,
and that,
{gawdáan t} Gawdáan túḵdei haa kaw, [at shóoḵ]
To the horse's ass, [trailing off with laughter]
Daa sáwé?
What's that?
Yéi s x̱'ayaḵáa noojin, «Gaawdáan túḵdei yaa ntoo.át.»
They used to say, “We're walking right into the horse's ass.” [Being misled and not caring.]
[At shooḵ]
[Recording break] Aankaadé yéi kḵwagóot
I'm going to go out [talking for paper dolls cut out of the catalogs]
yáa dleit sháa yís.. [at shóoḵ]
for this white lady. [trailing off with laughter]
[Goodé sá] yaa neegút?
Where are you going?
Town-déi yaa nx̱agút.
I'm going to town.
X̱át ḵu.aa ch'a neilxʼ yéi kḵwanóok.
Me though, I'm just going to sit home.
Kakḵwasné. {hél}
I'm going to crochet.
Hél a yís yan sh isnée, gwá?
Youʼre not dressed for it, huh?
Hél a yís yan sh x̱wasné.
I'm not dressed for it (going to town).
Hél ch'a koogéiyi áwé [náa de shaydlisʼélʼ. ???
Not just any old way, your torn-up clothes. ???
X̱át ḵu.aa x̱á k'idéin, tlax̱ wáa sá k'idéin sh x̱adi.óo.
As for me see, I'm really, how very well-dressed.
X̱át ḵu.aa kei kḵwadaḵéis'.
Me though, I'm going to do some sewing.
Gu.aal keedaḵéis'iḵ.
Maybe you should be sewing too.
{ch'as} Ch'as wé át wusheex áwé yéi daa.eené.
All you're doing is running around.
X̱át ḵu.aa nice girl-x̱ x̱at sitee.
Me though, I'm a nice girl.
Téel sákw kḵwaḵáa.
I'm going to sew shoes.
Xáshdi téel kuḵwaḵáa.
I'm going to sew moccasins.
áx̱ x̱ʼoos yís aa ḵá wé i téeli sákw.
Sew some for my feet, the shoes you are making.
Ax̱ x̱'oos yís aa {a} ḵá!
Sew one for me too!
X'oon size-x̱ sá isitee, 10?
What size are you, 10?
{tléi} [At shóoḵ]
Dax̱adooshú, dax̱adooshú!
7, 7!
Daa sá i tuwáa sigóo?
What do you want?
Ch'áak'x̱ gé isitee, ḵachʼu Yéil? Aaá,
Are you Eagle or Raven? Yes,
gwál ch'áak'
maybe eagle
ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo.
I want.
Hél Ch'áak'x̱ eestí, Yéilx̱ ḵu.aa áwé isitee.
You're not an Eagle; you're a Raven though.
Aaá Yéilx̱ áyá x̱at sitee.
Yes, I'm a Raven.
Ch'a aan ḵu.aa ax̱ tuwáa sigóowu ḵáa áwé Ch'áak'x̱ sitee. {I x̱úx̱}
Even so, the man I like is an Eagle.
I x̱úx̱ jeeyís.
For your husband.
Haagú sé, oh, wéix̱ yaa nagút i x̱úx̱.
Come here, oh here comes your husband.
Ax̱ keey kuli., [at shóoḵ]
My knees., [trailing off with laughter]
[At shóoḵ]
«G̱anú,» yéi daayaḵá!
“Sit down,” he says!
Dleit ḵáa áwé.
He's a white man.
Yáat'át tsú dleit shaawát áyá.
This one is a white lady too.
Has du ée at tulatóow kiʼdéin.
I'm going to teach them something well.
Yeah, k'idéin kei s ax̱'ana.áx̱ch yá Lingít {nax} x̱'éináx̱ yoo x̱'atánk.
Yeah, they're beginning to understand well this Tlingit language.
{a} Kei s ax̱ʼakg̱wa.áx̱ch. Mmm.
They'll understand it. Yes.
Wáang̱aneens áwé at géidei yaa s at gasáaych.
Sometimes they say things wrong.
Ch'a aan ḵu.aa. Ch'a aan ḵu.aa.
That's all right. Thatʼs all right.
Ch'a aan ḵu.aa has akoo.áaḵw nooch, {yá} yéi x̱'ayaḵá yá ḵáa.
That's all right they try anyway, says this guy.
Yéi x̱'ayaḵá shaklig̱éi Lingít sháa áxʼ tsú.
He says the Tlingit ladies are pretty there too.
Yéi x̱at daayaḵáa nooch wé ax̱ x̱án.aa.
My husband always tells me so.
Ash tuwáa sigóo wé Lingít shaawát.
He likes the Tlingit ladies.
wáang̱aneens áwé
ch'a koogéiyi at shée neech wé
he used to sing any old way
wé Church x̱'asheeyí x̱asheeyí Lingít x̱'éináx̱.
when I sing church songs in Tlingit.
Át x̱'eisgóowch hú tsú.
He used to join in.
Wé atoost'éix̱,
We're trolling,
yaa ntooḵúx̱.
traveling along.
K'i kei kashí.
Please sing it.
I toowú ksagóo.
Rejoice in the Lord.
I toowú ksagóo.
Rejoice in the Lord.
Kei gax̱tooshée yá yées shí.
We will sing this new song.
I toowú ksagóo.
Rejoice in the Lord.
Áwé kei kx̱waashée.
That's what I started singing.
Hél tsu ch'a tle,
«{K'i} k'i ax̱ ée latóow,» áwé l yóo x̱at yawusḵaa.
he didn't ask me, “Please teach it to me.”
Tle shux'aa yeisú {sh}
When at first
shux'aa du tuwáa x̱at gasagóo ásíwégé {x̱at wu}
maybe it was when he first started to like me,
x̱at x̱'awditán,
he telephoned me,
«Ax̱ een gé i toowúch {i}
“With me, do you think
{daak iw}
ast'eix̱ daak kuḵwaḵóox̱,
I'm going out trolling,
ax̱ een kwshé,
with me maybe,
ax̱ een kwshé daak ḵoox̱?»
maybe go out with me?”
Oh, wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo wé át wooḵoox̱.
Oh, I really like to go boating.
Tláakw «Aaá,» yóo yax̱wsiḵaa.
I said, “Yes,” right away.
wé yaakw yíkt x̱aḵée? ??]
Iʼm sitting in the boat
wéit'aa yáx̱ woo.áa,
he sat like that one,
a yítx̱
on board
A yíkt eeshḵáḵ.
Sit on board.
Áwé kei kx̱waashée.
Then I started to sing.
Áwé át x̱'awsigóo tle hú tsú.
So he joined in, him too.
«K'e ax̱ ée latóow,» áwé l tsu ch'a yóo x̱at yawusḵaa.
He didn't say, “Please teach me.”
Tle ch'a koogéiyi áwé kei akaawashée,
He just carelessly started to sing,
«I toowú ksagóo,» du waaḵ tlénx'.
“Rejoice in the Lord,” his eyes all big.
[At shooḵ]
At shóoḵch ḵút wusig̱éex'.
It was lost by laughter.
Oh, dear.
«I ée gé dé wultóown?»
“Did someone teach you?”
Ch'a ax̱ tóoch áwé lichéesh.»
I just think I can do it.”
Ch'a yeedádidéi yéi x̱'ayaḵáa nooch.
To this day he says it.
Ḵúnáx̱, ḵúnáx̱,
Real, real,
ḵáa áwé {ḵa} i x̱úx̱.
he's a real man, your husband.
Ḵúnáx̱ ḵáa áwé i x̱úx̱, tuli.aan.
He's a real man, your husband, heʼs kind.
Aaá. Mhm.
Ax̱ x̱úx̱ tsú tuli.aan.
My husband is kind too.
Ḵúnáx̱ tuli.aan i x̱úx̱.
Your husband is very kind.
du een kax̱laník neejín yáa
I used to tell
wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo
how much I like
shax'sáani kíndei t'áax'.
cutting out the little girls (paper dolls).
Yéi kg̱wanóok yáat'aa {tín yádin}
This one will sit here,
{áa g̱as}
{dei atxʼ} Dei át .áa. Yáat'aa ḵu.aa hél du tuwáa ushgú wunoogú tle.
Now sheʼs sitting there. This one though doesn't want to sit down.
Tín tle ksiyaayí áyá yá shaawát.
See, sheʼs just crazy, this lady.
Tláakw áwé yaa nashíx.
She's running fast.
Aaá, tláakw yaa nashíx.
Yes, she's running fast.
{duhóon} akg̱wahóon át, Tlákw ??? chʼa koogéiyi. Yeah.
What she's going to sell, ??? carelessly.
ilí déi hél aadé yóo yanax̱dudziḵáayi yé. .É!
thereʼs so way they can tell them to stop it. Wow!
Wáa sáyá (sá yaa) ḵux̱asgéiyin x̱át.
How very wise I was, me.
[At shooḵ]
Cháampeen the best-íx̱.
Champion, the best.
[At shooḵ]
Daa sákwshé yéi s asáakw noojín?
What was it they always called it?
Wáa sáyá?
Whatʼs that?
Cháampeen, the best.
Champion, the best.
Cháampeen, the best.
Champion, the best.
??? daayax̱aḵáa neejín.
??? I used to tell them.
Ch'áakw ḵu.oo yóo at téeyin,
People long ago, things used to be that way,
áwé ax̱ léelk'uch ḵáa haa een aklaník noojín.
my grandparent used to tell us.
{sh kát gé wéi s} Ch'áagu {yóo} yóo yéi at téeyin.
Long ago that's how things were.
[At shooḵ]
Yeedát ḵu.aa dei, dei hóoch' áyá gwá?
Now though, it's done now, huh?
Yan áyá shuwjix̱ín. Wéit has ḵeén.
It has ended. Theyʼre sitting there.
Hóoch' áyá dé.
This is the end.
Yak'éi wé at shooḵ.
Laughter is good.
At shooḵ, ch'as áwé yan wutulijáḵw ltín.
That's all we did, see, is laugh.
Yéi áyá.
This is it.
Yéi áwé.
That's it.
Yéi áwé tudaxáas' nooch Cannery-x'.
That's how we slimed (scraped the slime off the fish) at the cannery.
Ahah. É!
Uhuh. Wow!
[At shooḵ]
uh, Elsie
haa shátx̱i tlein,
our big sister,
é, cigarette holder een.
wow, with a cigarette holder. [Sheʼs miming a cigarette holder hanging out of her mouth]
Ax̱ tláach kaawa.aaḵw.
My mother tried it.
(At a) picnic
mosquitoes át kawdliyeech [kawulyeejích] áwé, é. [Blowing sound, as if blowing smoke out of her mouth]
mosquitoes flying around, wow. [Blowing sound, as if blowing smoke out of her mouth]
[At shooḵ]
"Watch Mom-
k'e latín haa tláa sh x̱'adas'eiḵ.
watch, our mother is smoking!
[Miming smoking and blowing out the smoke]
K'idéin áwé yóo ???»
She blows it out well.”
Ax̱ tláa tsú yéi s ḵunuk neejín.
My mother, they used to do that too.
Wáang̱aneens áwé {du}
tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ ḵu.aa géwé du oox̱ x̱ánt oostéeych
maybe she put it too close to her teeth
a káx̱ daak oosxeexch a x̱oo aa.
and some of them would fall out.
Oh, dear.