This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #65
Speakers are Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis and Ḵinkawduneek Paul Marks, I. Recorded June 8, 2011, at the home of Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis in Juneau, Alaska, by Naakil.aan Hans Mark Chester and Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. [This conversation is continued on #66.]
Tlingit transcription by Shaag̱aw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom, (ShÉDA). English translation by Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
You want us to start now?
Chʼa tlél x̱wasakú x̱á i naax̱ sateeyí x̱á.
I just donʼt know, you see, your clan, you know.
Tʼaḵdeintaan áyá x̱át.
I am Tʼaḵdeintaan clan.
Oh. Haaw. {wé}
Oh. Well.
Ax̱ tláa ḵa
My mother and
ax̱ léelkʼw hás, Xúnaadáx̱ áwé s wusidaaḵ.
my grandparents, they migrated from Hoonah.
Daaḵw hít sáhé?
Which house is that?
Ax̱ éesh ḵwá Aangóondáx̱.
My father, though, (was) from Angoon.
Ḵéex̱ʼde wsidaaḵ. Áxʼ ax̱ tláa aawasháa.
He migrated to Kake. There he married my mother.
Goodáx̱ hít sáwé yee tláa?
What house did your mother come from?
Daaḵw hít sá?
Which house?
Tʼaḵdeintaan áwé ax̱ tláa.
My mother is Tʼaḵdeintaan.
Ḵʼeiḵʼw Sháa.
A Kittiwake Woman. [Term for Tʼaḵdeintaan women. Kittiwake is the primary clan crest .]
Yéil Hít, X̱ʼáakw Hít,
Raven House, Freshwater-Marked Sockeye House,
Yéil Kudéiyi Hít (Yéil Kúdi Hít),
Ravenʼs Nest House,
Uh, tlél x̱wasakú á.
Uh, I donʼt know it.
{hél} Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ x̱wasakú ax̱ shagóon.
I donʼt really know my ancestry too well.
{wé wé} Wa.é, shóogunáx̱ g̱unéi x̱ʼeedatáan yáa,
You, when you first started talking here, [Referring to ḴPM bringing up seining in conversation before the recording started.]
{aax̱}, xʼoon táakwx̱ sá isateeyí, aax̱ g̱unéi aydzig̱eiwú.
you were however old, from when you started seining.
Aaa, ah, áwé,
Yes, uh, So,
Yáatʼaa x̱á.
This one, you see.
X̱wasiteen yá yaakw haa x̱án, haa x̱áni {ayeey}
I saw this boat near us, near us
you all fished. [With hooks, maybe longlining]
Ahah, ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ éesh yaakw (yaagú) áyá.
Uhuh, this is really my fatherʼs boat.
Uh, Seymour, I mean,
not Seymour, but
Brothers Island Séet.
Brothers Island Pass. [Neek Séet]
Haa x̱án has awdzitʼeix̱.
They fished near us.
Áx̱ ayawtudzitʼéx̱ áwé tsú, áa.
We fished through there, too, that place.
Chʼáakw áyá {wé} yáa yaakw,
A long time ago, this boat,
tlél x̱wasakú wáa sá kawditáakw.
I donʼt know how many years are upon it. [How old it is.]
Wáa sá kawdatáagún x̱á.
How old it was then, you know.
Chʼáakw áhé Xúnaadáx̱ áhé,
A long time ago, from Hoonah,
ax̱ éesh,
my father,
Chookaneidí (clan),
Lukaax̱.ádi yádi(x̱) wusitee.
he became a child of Lukaax̱.ádi clan.
Du tláa ḵu.aa,
His mother, though,
a woman of the Chookaneidí clan.
Tʼaḵdeintaan yádi(x̱) wusitee.
She became a child of the T'aḵdeintaan clan.
Ách ḵwá wé ax̱ léelkʼu hás,
Therefore, my grandparents,
wa.é {yaa k} yáx̱
like you
kaawayaa x̱á.
resemble, you see. [ḴPM is saying that KÉGD is like one of his grandfathers.]
Tʼaḵdeintaan dachx̱ánkʼ áyá x̱át.
I'm a grandchild of T'aḵdeintaan clan.
Xʼoon táakwx̱ sá {isi}
How many years
iwsitee aag̱áa
were you at the time
shóogunáx̱ aydzig̱eiwú?
when you first started seining?
Jinkaat ḵa déix̱.
Adáx̱ áwé,
From then,
wé asg̱eiwú
that seining
first time x̱wasiteen, x̱á.
I saw it for the first time, see.
Ahah. Yóo ḵugushé.
Uhuh. Thatʼs just how it is I guess. (starting young)
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé {haa y}
ax̱ éet x̱á wáa sá wulitóow x̱á a daat.
how much they taught me about it.
Tsu wé cháatl een tsú.
And with that halibut, too.
Iyatéen ágé wé (a) shóot {g̱á}
Do you see on the end there
kadéx̱ʼ káxʼ?
on the stem?
{Cháatl ḵu} Cháatl istʼeix̱.
Halibut fishing. [-tʼeix̱ = fishing with hook.]
Tle teenage-x̱ x̱at satée áwé tsá,
Only once I had become a teenager,
cháatl astʼeix̱ yaax̱ x̱waagoot.
I went on a boat halibut fishing.
Asg̱eiwú ḵwá,
Seining, though, [-g̱eiwú = fishing with net.]
uh, ten years-x̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé s.
when I was about ten years old.
Kʼidéin ḵʼanashgidéix̱ haa sitee.
We are extremely poor people (at that time).
Ax̱ éesh
My father
chʼu atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé woonaa.
when I was still a young child he died.
Áwé naa.át sʼéilʼi tóot
So in raggedy clothes
school-de nx̱agútch.
I always went to school.
Atyátxʼich x̱at kooshóoḵch.
The children always made fun of me.
{x̱} Ách áwé {sh} aadé sh tóon x̱waditee.
Thatʼs why I felt insulted there.
Ax̱ tláa yéi yax̱wsiḵaa,
I said to my mother,
«Asg̱eiwú yaax̱ yei kḵwagóot.»
“Iʼm going to go on a boat seining.”
Shóogu a yíx̱ x̱waagoodi yaakw,
The first boat that I went in,
Katie yéi duwasáakw.
Katie is how it is called.
Tlágu yaagú áwé. {xʼoon}
It was an ancient boat.
Chʼa l ḵooḵasteejí gíwé wdudliyéx̱ wé yaakw.
Maybe even before I was born it was built, that boat. [Built in 1913 and KÉGD went out in 1937 on it.]
Áwé shóogunáx̱ a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
That was the first boat that I seined in.
Ten years-x̱ x̱at sitee.
I am ten years old (at that time).
tóo yéi x̱at wootee, ách áwé
I was in it, that is why
yá {au} audit-x̱ wududliyéx̱.
they audited it.
Oh. [Expression of mild surprise.]
Ax̱ dáanayi yax̱waadlaaḵ áyá.
My money that I had earned.
Aag̱áa ḵwá
At that time, though,
ldakát át shayadihéin.
everything is plentiful.
Two deckloads a day áwé yéi daatooné aag̱áa.
Two deckloads a day we were putting up at that time.
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now though,
{shi} yaa shunasyíḵ.
itʼs disappearing.
Áwé x̱á.
It is indeed.
Wáang̱aneenxʼ s
one day áwé open-x̱ dulyéx̱x̱ yeedát.
they make it open for one day now.
Aag̱áa ḵwá, aag̱áa ax̱asg̱eiwú ḵwá,
At that time though, at the time that I seine(d) though,
atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí,
when I was a child,
Saturday káxʼ áwé áx̱ shushx̱een.
It ends on Saturday.
Six oʼclock,
Monday tsʼootaat, six oʼclock aax̱ yaa shushx̱ínch tle all week áwé adusg̱eiwú noojín.
Monday morning, at six oʼclock it would always open, then people would seine all week. [ State of Alaska Fish and Game regulated salmon fishing “openings” ran from Mondays-Saturdays.]
Yeedát ḵwá hóochʼ.
But now that's in the past.
Ldakát át áwé yaa shunasyíḵ.
Everything is disappearing.
Áawé x̱á.
Thatʼs it indeed.
Ḵa cháatl istʼeix̱ tsú.
And halibut fishing, too.
Yaa shunasyíḵ.
Itʼs disappearing.
Yeedát wududliyex̱i rule,
The rules that have been made now,
{hél} hél {á} ákʼ oox̱aheen tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ dáanaa yoo yadudláḵgu.
I donʼt believe that people make too much money.
A ít áwé tle tsu chʼa g̱óot yaakw.
Afterwards it was a different boat.
Tléixʼ táakw a ít áwé tle tsu chʼa g̱óot yaakw yíx̱,
One year afterward it was into a different boat,
Valhalla yéi duwasáagu yaakw yíkt ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I seined aboard a boat that was called Valhalla.
Hundred dollar
contract tle yéi áwé ax̱ jeex̱ dutee.
contract is what they give to me.
«Hundred dollars káx̱ áwé akg̱eesg̱eiwú,» yéi.
“You will fish for $100,” (they said).
Aag̱áa ḵwá hundred dollars shayadihéin.
At that time, though, a hundred dollars is a lot.
I mean for atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé.
I mean for the child that I am then.
Aatlein dáanaa x̱áawé.
Thatʼs a lot of money indeed.
X̱át tsú, first trip áhé,
Me too, the first trip,
at x̱wasg̱eiwún x̱á,
I seined things, you see,
«Wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo,
“How do you like it,
tléixʼ hundred contract gé i tuwáa sigóo?
do you want a one hundred (dollar) contract?
Gwál quarter share i tuwáa sigóo.»
Maybe you want a quarter share.”
Yéi has yax̱waḵáayin x̱á,
This is what I said to them see,
«Quarter share ax̱ jeet satí.»
“Give me a quarter share.”
{aag̱áa} Adáx̱ áwé,
And then,
eighty six dollars
(ya)x̱waadlaaḵ x̱á.
is what I made.
Aa, {á shayadi} aatlein dáanaa áwé chʼáakw, ḵwá.
Yeah, that was a lot of money long ago, though.
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now though,
grocery shopping wutoo.aadí,
when we go grocery shopping,
three hundred dollars.
Yéi áwé kei x̱ʼalasteench.
Thatʼs what it always costs.
Adáx̱ áwé wé asg̱eiwúdáx̱ x̱á, wé catalogs káxʼ,
From then, after seining, you see, on those catalogs,
a tóot {x̱waa}
that's how
aag̱áa x̱waashee x̱á ax̱ naa.ádi.
I looked for my clothes.
Gwál keijín tuḵʼatáal ḵa keijín goodásʼ áwé.
Maybe five pants and five shirts.
Adáx̱ a jeet x̱wasawóo x̱á.
I ordered them from there.
Éitskʼ, kʼidéin áwé {ax̱ ax̱}
Nice, well
ax̱ naa.ádi, sgóolde x̱waagoot x̱á.
my clothes, I went to school, you see.
Just twelve years old áwé, adáx̱ áwé,
Just twelve years old then, and then,
chʼas ax̱ aayí x̱waa.oowun nóoch x̱á ax̱ naa.ádi.
I purchased my own clothes, see.
Chʼa shayadihéini yaakw yík ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I seined in very many boats.
A yaháaxʼu áwé yá book káa yéi yatee a x̱oo.aa.
Their pictures are on (in) this book, some of them.
{aa ḵúnáx̱ áwé a yée} Shóogunáx̱ a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú yaakw ḵwá hél a yahaayí x̱wa.oo.
The first boat that I seined in, though, I didnʼt take its picture.
Ḵa wé
And that
second one.
Ax̱asg̱eiwú Valhalla yíkt,
When I was seining in the Valhalla,
measles x̱waatʼei, x̱at woonéekw.
I found the measles, I got sick. [Equivalent to “catchingʼ a sickness” in English.]
Oh, wow.
Atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sitee.
I am a child. (at that time)
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now though,
wáa sá duwasáakw, itʼs a modern, modern boat.
how is it called, itʼs a modern, modern boat.
Uh, Meredith yéi duwasáakw; a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
Itʼs called Meredith; I seined in it.
Ah, ḵa ax̱ húnx̱ aayí tsú a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú, xʼoon táakw x̱ʼáanáx̱ sákwshé.
Yeah, and my older brotherʼs boat, too, I seined in it for how many years.
Keku Queen yéi duwasáa(kw).
Keku Queen it was called.
Those are the latest boats. Yeedát ḵwá,
Those are the latest boats. Now though,
hél daatx̱ sá ustí.
itʼs nothing.
Chʼa g̱óot yéide áa yax̱ yaa ḵunda.éin.
Everything is getting turned around away from it.
Iyatéen gé wé Johnny Hinchman, du yaagú x̱á?
Do you see (have you seen) that Johnny Hinchman, his boat, you know?
Johnny A.
Yeah, x̱wasiteen.
Yeah, I've seen it.
Ḵúnáx̱ {ya} kʼidéin a tóot, x̱á.
Really well inside of it, indeed.
Chʼa showers chʼu has du jeewú.
They even have showers.
{tsoo just us du}
Xúnaadé akḵwasg̱eiwú áwé,
when I was going to seine toward Hoonah,
William Johnson-ch x̱at x̱ʼeiwawóosʼ
William Johnson asked me
du een anḵasg̱eiwút.
to seine with him.
Gypsy Queen.
Dei {a} aadé yaa ḵunahéini áwé,
Now when it was getting to be the time,
woonaa, {tle} tle hóochʼ. {tle hél}
he passed away, so that was the end.
Chʼa wéix̱ kawdihaa.
He just disappeared there.
Gwál, Wé,
Maybe, That,
Xúnaadé ax̱wasg̱eiwú,
when I seined toward Hoonah,
{tlél tlax̱}
áwé tlákw has du kaneek x̱a.áx̱ch nuch Xúnaadáx̱ asg̱eiwxʼú, {aadé}
I would always hear the talk about them, the seine fishermen from Hoonah,
aadé has asg̱eiwú nuch yé.
the way that they seine. [Or: ʼhow well they seineʼ]
Tléixʼ yateeyi aa áwé tlákw has du x̱ʼéide x̱a.áx̱ch nuch;
There is one that I would always hear them talk about;
yéi duwasáagu yé.
the place that is called thus.
Tlél gé {yee} yee asg̱eiwún, gé? Ḵa
Did you folks not seine over there? And
No, hél, hél, hél ḵusatínch.
No, no, no, Iʼve never seen it.
Oh, ḵúnáx̱ litseen x̱á wé haat.
Oh, that current is very strong.
Ahah, g̱eiwú tle,
Uhuh, the net then,
Héen yíkt yáx̱ yatee.
Itʼs like in a river.
{yéi áwé ax̱} Á áwé ḵaa x̱ʼéide x̱a.áx̱ch nuch, yéi áwé.
Thatʼs what I always heard people say, itʼs that way.
Hél chʼa aa x̱wasateen.
I just havenʼt seen it.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
How is it called?
Three Hill Island, deikéenax̱{áw}áa.
Three Hill Island, on the oceanside.
Hóochʼ een yís áa ax̱wdzig̱eiwú,
For the last time there I seined,
ax̱ húnx̱ yaagú yíkt.
in my brother's boat.
Ḵúnáx̱ Xúnaa ḵu.oowú
Really, the people of Hoonah
wéit has asg̱eiwú nooch x̱á.
they always fish there, you see.
Has awsikóo a daat x̱á.
They really know the place, see.
Jé, haat áa litseen, á tsú.
Geez, the current is strong there also. [3 Hill Island area. «Kanax̱ Aan G̱ashú», “Land Extends Across It” (Thornton 2012, p 44, #198.)]
Wé yaakwxʼ áwé, yá power skiff yáat ḵa wé yaakw tlein,
Those boats, the power skiff here and that big boat,
yóode nashx̱in nooch x̱á,
it starts to tip over, you see,
tle almost tips over when they're towing, x̱á,
then it almost tips over when they're towing, you know,
{wé at} wé g̱eiwú.
that net.
Uháan ḵu.aa ax̱ éesh tsu du húnx̱,
But us, my father and his older brother,
yóo dusáagun «hook-off» has du jeewú x̱á.
they were called ʼhook-offsʼ, they had it, you see.
Tlél {g̱aadaa} g̱aadlaan ḵu.aa has du g̱eiwú.
Their seine nets are not deep, though.
Chʼu tlél {yaw ya} yayáatʼ tsú.
They arenʼt long either.
Chʼa special, ah, g̱eiwú has du jeewú, chʼas has du jiyís áhé.
Just special, uh, net they have, just for them to use. (Not a kind that others use elsewhere.)
Adáx̱ aa woosháat nuch x̱á.
From there they always catch some, you see.
Chʼas g̱aat.
Just sockeyes.
One time x̱á, {haa}
One time, you see,
wé yaakw
the boat
yagéi a tóowu {nt} x̱á.
there are a lot inside of it, you see.
Gwál deckload gíyú-x̱ sitee áyá.
Maybe it is about a deckload.
{tlél wush} Tlél ugé x̱á yá yaakw, chʼas forty-two foot áhé.
Itʼs not big, you see, this boat, itʼs only 42ʼ.
Gwál ten thousand
Maybe 10,000
{a kát} a tóot nateech nuch x̱á.
go inside of it, see.
Hóochʼ áhé.
That's it.
{tléixʼ} Tléixʼ yaakw
One boat
yaakw kʼátskʼu áwé, a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú, "Harder" yéi duwasáakw.
thatʼs a small boat, I seined in it, “Harder” is how it is called.
A yahaayí yá book káwu.
Its picture is in this book.
Ldakát yaakw yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I seined in all of the boats. [A common term for ʼmanyʼ is ʼall of themʼ]
Ah, yá
Uh, this
uh, same size as this one, {forty} forty-two foot.
áwé, {a yaa}
hél tsu ayáx̱ dáanaa {wunx̱ un yoo} wunx̱adláḵch.
I had never made money like that before.
Ax̱ húnx̱ yaagú á yáatʼaa s.
This one here is my brother's boat,
"Star" yéi duwasáakw.
“Star” is how it is called.
Naawéejín yaagú, halibut fishing.
A Norwegian boat, halibut fishing.
This one here.
Cháatl yéi daanéiyi áwé yaakw.
Thatʼs a halibut fisher, the boat.
A yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú déix̱ táakw.
I fished inside of it two years.
X̱át áwé yáat, yáa, hél gridiron ḵoostéeyin.
That is me here, this (time) gridiron didnʼt exist. [”Gridiron” or “grid” is an underwater dock that goes dry at very low tides. A boat can be tied so that the keel stands on this dock, exposed for boatwork during low tide.]
Éeḵ a yeex̱ yei dulléijin, chʼáakw. Yeedát ḵwá gridiron áwu.
On the beach they used to let the tide go out underneath it (them), long ago. Now, though, there is a gridiron there.
Dáa haa waḵshiyeexʼ yéi na.oo.
Well hold it up for us to see. [«dáa» is a vocative that adds urgency to requests]
Thank you. [Photo shows the “Star” on its side on the beach.]
I donʼt know if you will be able to see that.
"Harder" yéi duwasáagu aa,
The one that is called “Harder,”
yáatʼaa yáx̱ áwé ligéi wé yaakw.
it is about as big as this one here, that boat.
Á tsú a yée
That one also, inside of it
xʼoon táakw x̱ʼáanáx̱ sáwé a yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú?
for how many years did I seine on it?
Déix̱ deckloads a day áwé yéi daatooné, Aflek Canal.
We make 2 deckloads a day on Aflek Canal.
A káx̱ ḵuwtuwashee wé hook-off.
We found that hook-off.
Déix̱dahéen áwé yoo x̱ʼatudix̱áchk,
We would tow it shut two times, (close up the seine net)
tle, tle deck kaax̱ shahíkx̱.
then, then itʼs filled up from the surface of the deck.
Woosh yanáade, cháasʼ ḵa
Different varieties, pinks (humpies) and
dog salmon
áwé át yaawa.áa, Aflek Canal.
they run into there, Afflek Canal. [«Keinyík» (Thornton 2012, p 141, #286.)
Áwé {ee} eech áwé át satéen, xʼáatʼ yaká.
A reef sits there on the outside of the island.
Wé eech káa áwé tudúxʼx̱, aax̱ áwé hook-off yéi yoo tusineik.
We would tie off to that reef, from there we make our hook-off.
Oh, yakʼéi.
Oh, thatʼs good.
Áwé {a káx̱} ah,
So , uh,
{hél hél} Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ dáanaa áa yoo woox̱adláḵk, yaakw yíkdáx̱.
I donʼt earn too much money there, from the boat.
Tle yáatʼaa yíkdáx̱ áwé tsáa kʼidéin.
It was from this one only (where I got paid) well. [”Harder”]
Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ shares has oolshát.
They donʼt hold too many shares.
Á áwé,
So then,
Wé skipper (á)gé?
Is that the skipper?
Yáatʼaa áhé,
This one here,
gwál yisakoowún.
maybe you knew it.
Karen Jean áyá.
This is the Karen Jean.
Á x̱wasiteen.
Oh, I have seen it.
Aadóo , Du yéet áhé.
Who, This is his son.
Jerry White.
Oh, yes.
X̱wasit(een) Joe White du yéet áhé. -ḴPM
I saw him. Joe White, this is his son.
Du yaagú áhé.
This is his boat.
Real highliners, hás.
Real highliners, them.
Gwál nákʼs (násʼk) thousand a tóowu, wé
Maybe there's 3000 inside of it, that
gwéil x̱á.
bag, you see.
"Money bag" yéi dusáagun, gé?
“Money bag” they used to call it, right?
Yeah, aaá.
Yeah, yes.
Karen Jean.
twenty thousand a tóowu, wé yaakw.
twenty thousand are inside of it, that boat.
Wé g̱aat x̱á.
Those sockeyes, you see.
Yáatʼaa x̱á.
This one here, you see.
Chʼa {yee} yagéi áwé, wé x̱áat.
There is just a lot of them, those salmon.
That time, x̱á.
At that time, you see.
Theyʼre all gone. (Or: 'itʼs overʼ)
Tlél yéi yatee (utí) yeedát ḵu.aa.
Itʼs not that way now, though.
Aaá, ldakát át áwé yaa shunasyíḵ.
Yes, everything is disappearing.
Purse seining,
hél daatx̱ sá yaa unastéen.
it's becoming nothing.
Ḵa wé cháatl astʼeix̱.
And that halibut fishing.
xʼoon days sáwé aax̱ yaa shudutánch?
how many days do they open it?
Chʼáakw ḵwá tle,
Long ago, though,
tle hél x̱áat ya.áak ḵoosteeyíde áwé {ad}
it was until there is no more room for fish
atoostʼeix̱ nuch.
we would fish.
Ax̱ húnx̱ tin ax̱astʼeix̱í, forty thousand pounds.
When I fish(ed) with my older brother, forty thousand pounds.
Daaxʼoon yagiyee áwé tle shatulahíkx̱ wé, Wow.
Four days, we would fill it up, Wow.
Sitka neejí.
on the shores of Sitka.
Wáa sá duwasáakw {yaa} jée, yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át a saaxʼú.
How is it called, gee, I forgot its names. [Willby ???]
Áwé áa atoostʼeix̱ nuch, deikée áyá.
We would always fish there, itʼs out in the ocean.
Teet aaní.
The land of ocean swells. [A place that gets big swells from across the Pacific.]
Gwál Three Hill Island áyá.
Maybe Three Hill Island.
Inian Islands, x̱á. Yeah, ahah.
Inian Islands, you know. Yeah, yes.
Hél kagéináx̱ {yoo x̱ʼ} át yoo x̱ʼakdusyíḵt.
People donʼt close up (their seine) slowly.
Wóoshx̱ ilxʼóolʼ. Xʼoondahéen sáwé yéi haa woonei áxʼ, haa g̱eiwú wóosht wudlixʼúlʼ. Oh, yeah.
The current pushes it together. How many times that happened to us there, our net was pushed together.
Wé haatdáx̱ áhé. Ahah.
Itʼs from the current. Uhuh.
Haat áa litseen.
Itʼs (current) is strong there.
Yéi áwé {x̱ʼ}
Thatʼs the way
ḵúnáx̱ has wusikóo a daat x̱á, wé,
they really know about it, you see, those,
captains x̱á.
captains, you see.
Wé haat, wáa sá kawdayaayín x̱á.
Those currents, how they moved, you see.
Lʼook oowayáa x̱á.
It looks like cohoes, indeed.
Tsu cháasʼ a tóowu.
There are also pinks in it.
áwé hóochʼi aayí sákw ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
that was to be the last one that I seined.
"Meredith" yéi duwasáakw wé yaakw.
“Meredith” is how it is called, that boat.
A yée ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I seined in it.
High boatx̱ haa wsitee {wé} over 100,000.
We became the high boat, over 100,000.
Kwéiy g̱ei tʼáa áwé yéi wutusinei.
We set it up behind the marker.
{kwéiy g̱eiy tá}
Deckload, yaakw tléin áwé, chʼu deckload shatulahíkx̱.
Deckloads, that was a big boat, we still filled it up to deckloads.
Kwéiy g̱ei.
Inside the marker. (Where fishing is closed.)
One boat.
Tléixʼ yateeyi yaakw
This one boat
haa yáx̱ ḵung̱aneegút tuwatee.
wanted to do what we were doing.
{wud} Áxʼ wuduwasháat, hú ḵwá.
He got caught there, him though. [At Point Gardner in Murder Cove.]
uháan ḵwá tle broad daylight áwé aadé natooḵúx̱ch wé kwéiy g̱ei.
us, though, when itʼs broad daylight we would go there, inside the marker.
Wáa sá duwasáakw wé Baranof Shore?
How is it called, that Baranof Shore?
Fallʼs Creek.
G̱aat Héeni áwé, á tsú wtuwatáw.
Sockeye Stream, that place also, we robbed it. [Klag Bay sockeye stream]
[At shooḵ] Oh boy yá! Jé!
[Laughter] Cripes.
Táaw sʼaatxʼí.
Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱ x̱at wulnáalx̱
I didn't get too rich
from seining.
Xʼoon sákwshéwé yax̱waadlaaḵ that year, about
Iʼm not sure how much I earned that year, about
fourteen or fifteen thousand.
Aatlein dáanaa áwé ḵwá satéeyin chʼáakw x̱á.
That used to be a lot of money long ago, you know.
Yeedát ḵu.aa, tlél ulgé x̱á.
Now, though, itʼs not much at all.
Chʼa yóokʼ áwé hóochʼ,
Right away itʼs all gone,
wé dáanaa.
that money.
Ax̱ húnx̱u hás a tóowu x̱á.
My older brothers are inside, you see. [Pointing to photo.]
Oh, a yík.
Oh, inside of it. (the boat)
Gwál, ah,
Maybe, uh,
Nagóol yéi dusáagun x̱á.
Nagóol is how he was called, indeed.
Gwál yisikóo x̱á.
Maybe you know him, see.
Tsu Aakʼé Éesh, Leo.
Also Aakʼé Éesh, Leo.
Has du een wutsg̱eiwóon nuch x̱á.
We always used to fish with them indeed.
Wáang̱aneens áhé,
has awsháat nooch x̱á,
they always catch it indeed,
ax̱ een kawlineegín x̱á,
he used to tell me this indeed,
tuna fish.
Wáanáx̱ sáwé yéi yatee x̱á?
Why did this happen indeed?
Warm water fish áhé.
Itʼs a warm water fish.
Oh, áxʼ has awdzig̱eiwú.?
Oh, they caught it in their seine there?
Chʼa tléixʼ áwé has aawasháat x̱á.
They just caught one, you see.
Wáa sá duwasáakw wé yé, áwé, a,
How is that place called, so, uh,
Point Gardner, áa atoosg̱eiwú.
Point Gardner, we are seining there.
Tléixʼ yaakw, Puget Sound-dáx̱ yaakw áwé {haa}
One boat, it was a boat from Puget Sound,
haa ít áwé át x̱ʼadatéen.
is set there after us.
Chʼa aan áwé,
Even so,
tuna awdzig̱eiwú.
they caught a tuna in their net.
wé Ḵéex̱ʼ cannery,
the Kake cannery,
kei kawdudliyáa ḵaa waḵshiyeexʼ áwé.
they hoisted it up so everyone could see it.
{Aa áwé} Aadé {sh} shutug̱aadlaaní yé du g̱eiwú.
How deep his net is.
Haa ít áwé át x̱ʼadatéen, chʼa aan áwé
It is set after (behind) us, but even so
tuna fish a tóot uwaxʼák du g̱eiwú. Wow.
a tuna fish swam into his net.
Yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át a saayí, wé yaakw.
I forgot the name of it, that boat. [It was the Marietta J,KÉGD later remembered.]
Ulgé gé?
Is it big?
But ah,
But uh,
Wáa sá yáatʼaa?
How is this one here?
There are many of them,
chʼa shayadihéini yé yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át a saaxʼú.
there are just many places, I have forgotten their names.
Wé áa atoosg̱eiwu yé.
The places where we seine.
Mostly Point Gardner áwé, áa atoosg̱eiwún nuch.
It was mostly Point Gardner, we always used to seine there.
Wé Icy Strait yáx̱ áwé.
It is like Icy Strait there.
Haat áa litseen.
It (the current) is strong there.
{déin} Déin a tóode naheen nuch.
It brings them in plentifully.
Here x̱waa.áx̱ tsú, yáat has asg̱eiwún nuch x̱á.
I heard here, also, they would always seine here, you see.
Lynn Canal, tsu
Lynn Canal, again (and)
Chatham Straits.
The gillnetters x̱á, tléikʼ, tlél has du tuwáa ushgú atsg̱eiwún yáat.
The gillnetters, you know, no, they donʼt want us to seine here.
Yáatʼaa héen yíkxʼ x̱á.
Inside of this river here, you see.
Wé éilʼ káx̱.
On the saltwater.
Glass áhé.
This is glass.
X̱át ḵu.aa, gwál eighteen years-dáx̱ áwé, hóochʼ áwé.
As for myself, after 18 years, that was it.
1968-dáx̱ áhé, hóochʼ.
From 1968, the end.
Tlél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú x̱á.
I donʼt like it, see.
{tlél} Tlél dáanaa a tóowu x̱á.
There's no money in it, see.
1968-dáx̱ ákwé eeydzig̱eiwú?
Did you fish from 1968?
Just right after you, x̱á.
Just right after you, indeed.
ʼ37-dáx̱ áwé ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I seined from '37. [He was 10 years old.]
Ten, ten year, Ah, hóochʼ á, hóochʼ áwé. Adáx̱ x̱waagoot x̱á. 1968.
Uh, it was no more, it was no more. I walked away from it, you see. 1968.
Hundred dollars káx̱ áwé yoo ax̱dzig̱eiwúk
I seine for a hundred dollars
atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí.
when I was a young child.
{tlei} Tlei yéi áwé tsáa naa.át,
It was only thus that my clothes,
ḵʼanashgidéix̱ haa sitee,
we are poor people, (at that time)
{hél} Hél naa.át ax̱ naayís ang̱waa.óowu .
There was no one that could buy clothes for me to wear.
Chʼu atkʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé ax̱ éesh woonaa.
When I was still just a child, my father died.
Ax̱ tláach áwé
It was my mother
kei haa wsiwát.
that raised us.
Xʼoon táakwx̱ x̱at sateeyí sákwshéwé minister-ch uwasháa.
When I was how many years old, a minister married her.
Ax̱ tláa. Hóoch áwé kei x̱at wusiwát, wé minister.
My mother. It was he that raised me, that minister.
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱,
In the Tlingit language,
Soox̱ Shí yéi duwasáa(kw).
Soox̱ Shí is how he is called.
Charlie Newton.
Oh, Soox̱ Shí.
[repeating the name]
Dei áwé á, hú, du yaagú yíkt áwé ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
Then it was that, him, on his boat I seined.
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now, though,
ax̱ toowú yakʼéi
I am glad
asg̱eiwú jix̱wanaag̱í.
that I let go of seining. [quit, gave it up]
Hél tlax̱ ḵúdáx̱, eeti yáanáx̱ kei naltséen.
Not too much, it (regulation) is getting stronger than it was before.
Fishing with a hook,
ḵa {cháa I mean} asg̱eiwú.
and seining.
Ákwshé yéi dusáakw nuch «field announcement.»
I guess this is what they call “field announcement.”
Xʼoon hours sákwshé aax̱ yaa shudutánch yeedát.
It's opened just for how many hours now.
Chʼáakw ḵwá tle one whole week áwé {ayi} adudzig̱eiwú.
Long ago, though, for one whole week people would seine.
Monday-dáx̱ tle Saturday kaadé.
From Monday to Saturday.
Six oʼclock Saturday áwé áx̱ shushx̱een.
It usually closed at 6:00 pm on Saturday.
Tle neildé {ku k} ḵúx̱de ḵuyandagoo nuch.
Then everybody would return home in their boats.
Yáat gé ayisg̱eiwún x̱á, Icy Straits?
Have you seined here, see, in Icy Straits?
Excursion Inlet.
Áa ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
I have seined there.
Excursion Inlet.
"Good Tidings" yéi duwasáagu yaakw gé isateenín Angoon-dáx̱?
Did you see a boat called “Good Tidings” from Angoon?
X̱waa.áx̱ x̱á.
I have heard that indeed.
Haa x̱áni asg̱eiwú.
Heʼs seining close by us.
Uháan ḵwá {dei} dei yaa ntudax̱útʼ.
Us, though, we are already hauling our net in.
Haa g̱eiwú yaax̱ yei ntoox̱útʼ.
We are pulling our net aboard.
A tóox̱ áwé tle aax̱, haa x̱án áwé,
And then all of a sudden, right next to us,
aadé yaa at ganeich yé ḵáaḵwt ḵug̱anein.
how things happen when people make a mistake.
{kei has sh} Tender man
[Skiff man?]
{atx̱} atx̱á a yíkdáx̱ yei wdudzigút.
they brought him out of it (the power skiff) to eat.
Chʼas atk'átskʼu áwé a yík.
It was just a boy in it.
A teenaged kid.
The power skiff.
Áwé {x̱} has awsiteen wé x̱áat, tle kei has shukawdiḵúx̱.
So they saw them, those fish, then they let the seine go.
Yóo áa yax̱ wusheexí, wé power skiff x̱á,
When it turned around, that power skiff, you see,
wé {tow} tow line {du} du daat jikaawaxíx, tle héent wudzigít.
the tow line hit him on the shoulder and he fell overboard.
Tow line-ch {héen} héende kei wdzigít, yáa du daat jikawuxeexí.
The tow line made him fly up and into the water, when it hit him here (KÉGD points to his shoulder).
Uh, Danny Johnson,
du húnx̱.
his older brother.
At gas.ée,
He is cooking,
awsiteen wé atkʼátskʼu
he saw that boy
héʼ, skiff yíkdáx̱ héende kei wdzigít.
gosh, he flew up and out of the skiff into the water.
Hél {a yaa n} ash kudatʼájaa ooshgóok, chʼa aan áwé,
He didnʼt know how to swim, but even so,
kitchen yeedáx̱ yóot wujixíx tle wé stern kaax̱ kei wjikʼén,
he ran off out of the kitchen and then he jumped off the stern,
a yinaadé.
in his direction.
Hél naaléi yawdatʼaach, tle wudix̱oonáḵw, hú tsú.
He didn't swim far, then he drowned, him as well.
They, they wouldʼve came right
tle, tle yóo has awug̱al.ádin,
then, they could have turned the boat around,
wé power skiff kaadáx̱.
off of the power skiff.
Chʼas ḵúx̱de has akoo.aaḵw has awux̱óotʼi s du g̱eiwú.
They are just trying to pull it back, their net.
Aadé yaa at ganeich yé áwé ḵáaḵwt ḵug̱anein tle.
This is how things always happen when an accident happens to somebody.
Ḵaa toowú, tle
Peopleʼs minds, then
ḵut gaxíxch xʼóolʼ yáx̱ at nag̱anein.
they get lost whenever things are happening chaotically. [lit. ʼlike a whirlpoolʼ]
Eesháan. Has du kát wutujixíx,
Poor thing. We ran up alongside of them, [With boats, ithey say ʼon top ofʼ «kát» to mean ʼalongsideʼ.]
has du éet g̱atudasheet.
so we could help them.
Chʼa has dultín. {hél has du daat}
They were just being watched.
Has du kát tooshéex áwé, tsá tle yóo ḵoo wanei.
Only once we had run over to them, then the people acted.
Yú át, cháatl tʼeix̱xʼ x̱á,
Those things, halibut hooks, you know,
xʼoon sákwshéwé, keijín ḵóok {haa yíkt} haa yée yéi yatee.
however many of them, there were five boxes aboard us.
Has du jix̱oox̱ kei kawtuligáa tle,
We distributed them among all of those people then,
{há tle}
same day áwé,
on the same day,
háʼ, ah,
gosh, uh,
they hooked onto them.
Tléixʼ yateeyi aa, chʼa yeisú du téix̱ʼ
One of them, his heart
yatseen. Wow.
was still beating.
Yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át a saayí, wé yaakw, du een kei wjixíx.
I forgot its name, that boat, it took off with him.
Wé Excursion Inlet-xʼ atoosg̱eiwú áwé.
That was when we were seining at Excursion Inlet.
Yéi yaa at nanein, fall fishing.
That was happening, fall fishing.
Fall fishing áwé áxʼ yéi daatooné, téelʼ.
Fall fishing we do there, dog salmon.
Áwé x̱á. Téelʼ át yaawa.áa.
Thatʼs right, indeed. The dog salmon ran there.
Ḵúnáx̱ litseen x̱á wé haat (a) tóodáx̱ x̱á.
Itʼs very strong, you see, the current from there, you see.
Atx̱á haa jeet shoowaxíx one week áa atoosg̱eiwú.
We ran out of food when we are fishing there one week.
Hél store á.
There's no store there.
áa yéi yatee, Excursion, aag̱áa.
they are there, Excursion, at that time.
Chʼáakw áhé.
That was long ago.
«Xunaadé kei x̱toosheex,» tle yóo has yaawaḵaa, {ax̱ ax̱ a} ax̱ éesh,
“Let's take off to Hoonah,” is what they said then, my (step)father,
kei x̱at wusiwádi.
the one that raised me.
Ah, {át aa} aadé yaa ktooshéex, daa sáwé! Xunaa ḵwá,
Uh, when we arrived at Hoonah, what is that! [Like ʼwhat do you know,ʼ or ʼwhat in the world,ʼ in English.] Hoonah, though,
it is smoking.
Át akaawagán.
It caught on fire.
Dei yakawdulkéesʼi ít áwé át wutuwaḵúx̱.
We arrived after it had already been put out.
{xʼoon} Ldakát yú hítxʼ yax̱ yawsigán.
All of those houses burned down.
Chʼas atx̱ʼéeshi aax̱ wutuwa.oo, tle aax̱ kei wtujixíx dei ḵúx̱de.
We just bought dry fish from there and we headed back home.
Hél store á.
There's no store there.
Áx̱ kawsigaan, á tsú.
It burnt down, it also.
Wé yées gaaw áwé x̱wsiteen Excursion Inlet, aag̱áa.
That was the first time I saw it, Excursion Inlet, at that time.
{hél} Hél ḵusatínch.
I'd never seen it before.
Chʼas {át} áxʼ atoosag̱eiwú tle chʼa haa x̱án áwé ux̱ kei at natéen.
We are just seining there, and then right next to us things get out of control.
O, "Admiralty" yéi duwasáakw wé yaakw áwé.
Oh, “Admiralty” is how it is called, that boat. [Back to the young man knocked off the skiff.]
Jé. Oh.
{d} Has du een kei wjixíx yá Junea-dé.
It took off with them here to Juneau.
Chʼa yeisú yatseen, but
He is still alive, but
{he was hél} hél udaséikw.
he isnʼt breathing.
Du téix̱ʼ chʼa yeisú.
His heart still (is beating, alive).
Xunaadáx̱ yaakw ákwé, "Admiralty"?
Is that boat from Hoonah, “Admiralty”?
{yaa ḵu} Yaa ḵux̱wdax̱lig̱át.
I have forgotten all of them.
Ldakát wé áa atoosg̱eiwu yé, a saaxʼú.
All of the places where we seine, their names.
Uh, Point Adolphus.
Aaá, {á tsú} á tsú áa awtudzig̱eiwú, Point Augusta.
Yes, there too, we seined there, Point Augusta.
Uháanch wé Inian Islands (a)toosg̱eiwú nooch, x̱á.
Us, we always fish (at) Inian Islands.
Ahah. Wé yaakw kʼátskʼux̱ haa sateeyí, x̱á.
Uhuh. As we are a small boat, see.
ax̱ éesh, gwál tlél x̱wasakuwún wé yaakw x̱á,
my father, maybe I didnʼt know that boat, you see,
hás áhé first áhé has du jeewú, washéen.
it is them, they are the first, they have it, the motor.
Yaakw tóode nateewu ??? nuch x̱á.
They would put them in the boats, you see.
Chʼu tlél power skiff ḵoostí aag̱áa áa {ax̱ ax̱} atoosg̱eiwú.
Power skiffs didnʼt even exist at the time that we seined there.
Tender man-x̱ áwé x̱at sitee.
I was a tenderman. [skiff man]
Tláakw nax̱áa! {a a} ax̱áa.
Paddle quickly! Paddles (or oars).
{tlél} Hél wutusakú {áa} ḵúnáx̱ áa adusg̱eiwú yáa yú Point Adolphus.
We didn't know people really fished there, at Point Adolphus.
Ah, dli.eechxʼ.
Uh, there are reefs there.
{kei shu} kei shukagax̱tudaḵoox̱ú áwé tle
Just when we were ready to make a set
yaakw haa kaadé yaa gas.íxʼch.
a boat would come toward us honking their horn.
«Hél áa yoo shukaydaḵúx̱guḵ!
“Donʼt you folks ever set there!
Chʼas héenx̱ laxʼóolʼ ḵaa g̱eiwú,» yú.
Peopleʼs nets just get pulled away into the water,” they (said.)
Á áwé tle, tle tsu aax̱ chʼa g̱oot yéi ayatooḵoox̱ch.
So then, then we always retreat from there to a different place.
Chʼa aadé ḵuduwanikw yé káaxʼ áwé, Oh.
Just guided by the way that people do things,
chʼa ḵaa yáx̱ ḵutuwanéekw a ít.
we would do like other people afterward.
{wáa na} Chathamʼs, Chatham, or, ah, wáa sá duwasáakw?
Chathamʼs, Chatham, or, uh, how is it called?
Tlél Chatham, Hawk Inlet.
Not Chatham, Hawk Inlet.
Angoon neejí.
The shore of Angoon.
Áxʼ ágé ayayeesg̱eiwún, Hawk Inlet tliyaanax̱?
Did you folks seine there, on the other side of Hawk Inlet?
Aaá, á tsú áa ax̱wdzig̱eiwú.
Yes, there too, I seined there.
Yáat ágé?
Is it here?
Tléikʼ Funter Bay. Funter Bay.
Gwál yú,
Maybe way over,
yáat áhé,
it is here,
oh, wéidu á, Hawk Inlet.
oh, there it is, Hawk Inlet.
Angoon, yáat gé?
Is Angoon here?
{hél} Tlél áa ax̱wasg̱eiwú, chʼas
I didn't seine there, just
cháatl istʼeix̱ áwé áx̱ ayawtudzitʼéx̱, yáat.
halibut fishing we went through there setting hooks, here.
Cháatl istʼeix̱.
Halibut fishing.
Ax̱ húnx̱ in ax̱astʼeix̱ín.
I set hooks with my older brother.
Uh, «Keku Queen» yéi duwasáakw.
Uh, “Keku Queen” is how it was called. [His brotherʼs boat]
Wé Glacier Bay,
That Glacier Bay,
cháatl áhé {haa} dustʼeix̱ nuch x̱á.
they always fish for halibut, see.
Yáa yeedát ḵwá tle ldakát yú g̱eey áwé át shawduwatán. Mmm.
Right now, though, the whole bay is closed. Yes.
Itʼs done (the fishing).
Tsoo, Lynn Canal tsú.
Lynn Canal, too.
Cháatl yís.
For Halibut.
Wáa sá dusáakw nuch x̱á, wé,
How is it always called, you see, that,
Tʼaakóo (Tʼaaḵú),
yóo tliyaanáx̱.aa x̱á.
over on the other side, you know.
Chʼu cháatl áa (a)tusg̱eiwú nuch x̱á.
We fished for halibut there all the time, you see.
Wáa sá duwasáakw? Jée.
How is it called? Gee.
Shayadihéini yé áwé yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át, a saaxʼú, {áa} áa atoosg̱eiwú nuch yé.
Numerous places I have forgotten, their names, where we would always seine.
One time x̱á a tóode,
One time, you see, to the inside of it,
haa wootee x̱á, haa, haa,
we were, you see, our, our,
cháatl yís x̱á.
for halibut, you see.
{tlél} Tlél wushkʼé.
It was terrible.
Yeedát ḵwá tle chʼas deikée áwé.
Now, though, itʼs just out in the ocean.
Ah, deikée áwé atoostʼeix̱ nuch.
Uh, we always set hooks out in the ocean.
Uh, outside of,
deikéenax̱.á wé, Cape Spencer deikéenax̱.á.
on the outside of that, one the outside of Cape Spencer.
Ooo. Thirty miles out.
Cape Spencer.
tle wé Sitka neejí, deikée,
the shore of Sitka, on the outside,
á tsú {áa} áx̱ yaa ayatoostʼéx̱ch.
there also, we set hooks along there.
Four days áwé shatulahíkx̱ wé
In four days we usually fill it up that,
ax̱ húnx̱ yaagú. Forty thousand yei alshátch.
my older brotherʼs boat. It holds forty thousand.
Forty thousand pounds.
Tle haa bait hole-ídáx̱ shaahíkch. Wow.
Then even our bait hole it fills up.
{chʼa tle} {héʼ}
Hél ice-íx̱ tulayex̱ nuch.
We never ice it. [lit. ʼdonʼt make it ice(d)ʼ]
{last} Last day áyá tle chʼas katoogúḵ nuch áwé.
On the last day, we just push it (in there).
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now though,
ah, refrigeration unit a yee yéi dag̱aatee wé yaakwxʼ. Aaá.
uh, there is a refrigeration unit inside of all them, those boats. Yes.
Ḵúnáx̱ Uh, thatʼs what
ah, ax̱ húnx̱ yaagú {yá t} a yée install-x̱ wududliyéx̱.
they installed in my older brotherʼs boat.
Hél ice-íx̱ dulyeix̱.
They don't use ice.
Ḵúnáx̱ fancy-x̱ sitee.
It's really fancy.
Kadugúḵ nuch áwé.
They are just shoved (down the hatch).
Gwál adáx̱ has wootʼéexʼ nuch.
Maybe they became frozen from there.
Chʼa tléixʼ time áhé
Just one time
yú Gulf káxʼ {x̱waa}
on the Gulf
át x̱waaḵoox̱ x̱á.
I went around (on a boat), you see.
"Gypsy Queen".
Kenny Grant
een x̱á.
with (him), you see.
X̱waa.áx̱ wé saa, á tsú,
I heard that name, that too,
wé ḵáa {s} iyasáagu {s} ḵáa saayí.
the manʼs name that you named.
(He is) T'aḵdeintaan clan.
[expression of mild surprise]
(Ku)lix̱éitlʼshán áhé.
It's dangerous.
feet áhé wé teet.
feet they were, those waves.
A tóode yaa nagút x̱á, wé yaakw.
It is walking into them, that boat.
Yéi áwé yatee wé {áa atoosg̱ei} áa atoostʼeix̱ nuch yé.
That it is how it is, that place where we always set hooks.
(Ku)lix̱éitl(ʼ)shán x̱á.
It is scary indeed.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé yaa ḵux̱wlig̱át wé áa atoostʼex̱ yé, a saayí.
I completely forgot the name of the place where we used to fish. [Whale Bay. KÉGD later remembered.]
yaakw, haa x̱ánxʼ wuduwasháa(t). [This conversation is continued on #66.]
a boat, it was caught near us.