This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #69
Du x̱ánx̱ yanees.á.
Keep your face near him.
Chʼa yéi googéink.
Just a little bit.
Speakers are Shtuwaax’eelge Samuel Hanlon, Jinduláa Katherine Hanlon, Shakʼsháani Margaret Dutson, and Naakil.aan Mark Hans Chester. Recorded July 13, 2011, at the Hanlon home in Hoonah, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by Shaag̱aw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom. English translation by Kaséix̱ Selina Everson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff, and by Shaag̱aw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
Du x̱án, Kʼidéin.
Near him, Well,
du x̱ánx̱ yanees.á.
keep your face near him.
He doesnʼt have too much volume ever since heʼs got sick, lately.
Thatʼs when heʼs talking.
Boy, this stuff is good.
Itʼs good, huh?
Itʼs what, uh, Marilyn left me.
Marilyn left me that.
And this other lady told me I could get grapes. Grapes does the same thing, too. Takes the dryness out of your mouth.
Grapes, yeah. Fresh grapes.
Gee, thatʼs good to know.
I heard from Sophie today, too. She was sick.
I donʼt see much of Sophie anymore, when she got a little better, and she was real sick and I hung around her.
Yeah sheʼs real sick now, cause she called me up.
Oh, no. Marie Shodda passed away. Sheʼs a Wooshkeetaan.
In Yakutat.
Ldakát yéide yaa nanein.
All kinds of thing are happening.
Marge, are you gonna explain things real loud (in) Lingít?
Marge, are you gonna explain things real loud (in) Tlingit?
I told Hans whenever {he} he asks
Any way I can.
X̱át ḵu.aa, «Támmmm.»
Me, though, “Támmmm.” [An onomatopoeia describing how unintelligible speech sounds to the hearer. In this case, NMHC is joking on himself that he didnʼt catch it at first.]
Goo sú i kahídi?
Where is your clan house? [Lit., ʼthe house upon you,ʼ a way of referring to a clan house.]
What did I just do?
Daa sá?
Goosú i kahídi?
Where is your (clan) house?
G̱unaax̱oo Ḵwáanxʼ yéi yatee.
It is in Dry Bay People(ʼs Area).
I think heʼs asking you about your house.
Tribe house.
Which village?
Yeah, Dry Bay.
Dry Bay.
Dry Bay, Yakutat.
Thatʼs where they hail from.
Yéi áwé.
That's the way it is.
Coho clan.
Here and Sitka.
Has shakawdinook.
They expanded. [Lit., ʼthey swelled,ʼ the same verb is used to describe berries growing.]
Walter Soboleff is my first cousin.
Oh, wow.
Yeah. And uh,
his mother was my aunt, and my grandmother lived to be over a hundred.
{Wáa sá} Wáa sá iyasáa Dry Bay?
How did you call Dry Bay?
Wáa sá daa sá?
How what?
Wáa sá iyasáa Dry Bay?
How did you call Dry Bay?
G̱unaax̱oo Ḵwáan.
Among-the-Athabascan People.
G̱unaax̱oo Ḵwáan.
Among-the-Athabascan People.
Ḵa chʼu Kunaga.áa.
Or Kunaga.áa
Kunaga.áa Dry Bay-x̱ sitee, G̱unaax̱oo Ḵwáan ḵu.aa, am,ʼAmong the Athabascansʼ gushé.
Kunaga.áa is Dry Bay [not a translation, just the name], G̱unaax̱oo Ḵwáan though, um, ʼAmong the Athabascans,ʼ I think.
{I know} I know one guy from there.
Aadóo sá?
Lʼuknax̱.ádi sháade hán.
He stands at the head of the Lʼuknax̱.ádi.
George gé yóo duwasáakw?
Is he called George?
Last name?
George Ramos ák.wé?
Is that George Ramos?
Hél shaade háni utí ḵu.aa. [Or: Hél sháade hánix̱ ustí ḵu.aa.]
But he is no leader.
Yee sháade hán gé?
Does he stand ahead of you folks (is he your leader)?
Lorraine Adams,
du yéet áwé.
itʼs her son (that is the clan leader).
Chʼa aadé awsikoo ỹé ax̱ yáa ḵut woonee.
The way that he knows it amazed me. [Referring to George Ramos, Wooch Jix̱oo Éesh]
Hél wáa sá utí.
Itʼs ok.
Lingít ḵusteeyí.
Tlingit way of life.
Ḵut kéi ntoog̱íxʼ.
We are losing it.
Thatʼs why youʼre here, isnʼt it?
Losing the language.
Thatʼs why they came here. Thatʼs why they came here. Tell him.
Yaa shunaxíx áyá. Ách áyá haat ḵuwtuwatín.
It is running out. This is why we have traveled here.
Haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Our language.
Ḵa haa ḵusteeyí, tsú.
And our way of life, too.
Chʼáakw ḵaa tooshteeyí.
The old way of thinking.
Á áwé yaa shunaxíx.
That is what is running out.
Wooshkeetaan áyá x̱át.
I am Wooshkeetaan.
Has du sháade x̱ahán yáaxʼ.
I stand at the head of them here.
That's good.
Me big chief.
Haaw. [At shooḵ]
Well. [Laughter] [«haaw» is a common pun, because it sounds like the greeting used by “Indians” in movies.]
Me got three sons; Luke, Warm and Hot. [At shooḵ]
Du een kananeek, «Chʼas Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ áyá.»
Tell him, “This is just in Tlingit language.”
Chʼa s awsikóo,
They just know it,
has akwdlix̱éi(tlʼ) ḵu.aa áwé.
they're afraid, though.
{You know, some of those (kids)} My grandson,
thirteen years old, he can talk, give you history of where heʼs from, his name.
Lingít gé (a)x̱ʼaya.áx̱ch i dachx̱ánkʼ? Yeah, {Lingít x̱ʼéi}
Does he understand Tlingit, your little grandchild? Yeah,
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
in Tlingit language.
Yakʼéi x̱áawé.
That's good indeed.
Heʼs only thirteen.
Ḵúnáx̱ yakʼéi.
That is very good.
Heʼs only thirteen, heʼs 6ʼ1".
They just left here a few days ago, {theyʼre in} ʼcause theyʼre in Juneau now, they moved down to Phoenix.
Have you gotten your history (of) Alaska flooding?
Ax̱ een kananeek.
Tell it to me.
Aan wuliḵoo yé,
The land flooded,
yóo has ayasáakw.
that's what they call it.
Yáadáx̱ aa, ḵa Sitka, Angoon, Kake, all end up in Whitehorse.
The ones from here and Sitka, Angoon, Kake, all end up in Whitehorse.
When the water went down,
íḵde aawa.aat.
some went toward the shore.
Tʼaaḵú yíknáx̱ áyá.
Through the Taku River.
Theyʼre afloat.
And some of them came down though, uh, a tunnel of ice.
Came out in Bernerʼs Bay.
Tough life, huh?
Ḵúnáx̱ yakʼéi yaa (a)naskwéin(i) haa yoo x̱ʼatángi i dachx̱ánkʼ áwé.
Itʼs very good that he is starting to know our language, your little grandchild.
Ḵúx̱de yaa (n)dustáni yáx̱ áwé;
Itʼs as if it is being returned;
haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
our language.
And when they pronounce it, they pronounce it right, the Tlingit.
Wáa sá duwasáakw
How is he called,
i dachx̱án?
your grandson?
Itʼs, uh, Samuel.
Uh, Walter Soboleff gave him the name.
You remember, Tlingit name?
I lost it.
His English name is Samuel.
A kát gé seiwaxʼáḵw du Lingít saayí?
Did he forget his Tlingit name?
Whatʼs going on?
Uh, yá microphone tíxʼi áwé {yéi aws}
Uh, itʼs this microphone cord
yéi awsinei.
she did it.
Oh, Shaayeexaak.
Oh, [grandsonʼs Tlingit name].
Shaayeexaak, yeah.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What is he called?
Shayeexaak gé?
Dog Salmon. (clan)
Aaá. Yáatʼaa,
Yes. This one here,
Aangóonde ksixát {du} du x̱ooní.
they stem from Angoon, her family.
Kʼidéin gé yoo x̱ʼayatánk?
Does he speak well?
Kʼidéin gé yoo x̱ʼayatánk?
Does he speak well?
Yeah, {he} he (grandson) talks really good.
Yáat gé (ḵu) ḵeeydzitee?
Were you born here?
Ḵachoo Aangóon?
Or Angoon?
Whatʼs that?
Yáat gé ḵudzitee?
Were you born here?
{tlél} Wáa sá duwasáakw?
How is it called?
«Yáaxʼ ge ḵeeydzitee?»
“Were you born here?”
Yáaxʼ gé ḵeeydzitee?
Were you born here?
Thank you.
Yáaxʼ gé ḵeeydzitee?
Were you born here?
Right here.
Eighty-five years ago.
[Expression of acknowledgement equivalent to ʼoh,ʼ ʼwell,ʼ or sometimes ʼwowʼ.]
Not here in Hoonah, but
at Excursion.
Right a(t the) head of the bay.
Wáa sá duwasáakw Excursion Inlet?
What do they call Excursion Inlet?
Excursion Inlet.
Yakʼéi wé aan.
That land is nice.
Itʼs just a camp for cannery now.
Xʼoonínáx̱ sáwé dei {du} du een.aa hás? Xʼoonínáx̱ sáwé wootee du een.aa hás?
How many are there now, his relatives? How many were they, his relatives? [His siblings.]
Uh, your brothers and sisters, how many?
How many brothers and sisters did you have?
Haa shayawdihaa.
We became numerous.
Iʼm the only one alive.
Oh, I got a little, younger sister.
Out of: Paul, Robert, Johnny, Andrew,
Eva, Eli, and Jennie. And Jesse.
Out of eight, me and my little sister are the only two left.
Mm. Mhm.
Oh. Yeah.
Wé ax̱, aah,
My uh,
ax̱ dlaakʼ x̱án.aa áwé Wooshkeetaanx̱ sitee.
my sisterʼs partner is Wooshkeetaan.
Yáa Aangóondáx̱ áhé.
He is from Angoon.
And Bernerʼs Bay, tsú.
And Berner's Bay, too.
Bill, {Bill} Billy John yóo duwasáakw.
Billy John is how heʼs called.
Billy what?
G̱eiy Wán ḵu.aa, Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
G̱eiy Wán, though, in the Tlingit language.
Billy John?
Bill John, aaá.
Bill John, yes.
Ḵachoo William John.
Or William John.
{yé} I did.
G̱eiy Wán
du saayíx̱ sitee.
is his name.
You know {what} how that derived?
Yaaw yan wuheení,
When the herring come ashore,
they go up the bay.
They become, uh, food for bigger fish.
But {it} they have to eat, too.
{hél ágé wé}
Minnows, thatʼs what they eat.
{and yá} Yei naléini,
When the tide is going down,
right off the point of the inlet,
tide, you know,
thatʼs where that bigger fish start eating.
At the corner of the bay,
thatʼs where the {saa} name came from, G̱eiy Wán.
Goodáx̱ sáwé?
Where is it from?
Yisikóo gé wáa sá duwasáakw wé g̱eey?
Do you know how it is called, that bay?
Wé i een at kaník.aa, «Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱» (du een) kananeek.
The one that is telling you things, “In Tlingit language,” tell to him. [«du een» is blocked out by background noise]
Am I the only one that youʼre working with?
Shayadihéin yáaxʼ.
They are many here.
A x̱oo.aa has du x̱ánde wtuwa.aadí [Or: wutuwa.aat.].
We went and visited some of them.
Donʼt bypass Charles Jack.
Awsikóo Lingít ḵusteeyí.
He knows the Tlingit culture.
Thatʼs what youʼre after.
Yéi x̱áawé.
That's the way.
Chʼa Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ ax̱ een kananeek xʼwán.
Just be sure to tell me in the Tlingit language. [This is one of the ways to politely request something.]
He didnʼt hear you.
Thatʼs where the name came from.
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
In Tlingit.
G̱eiy Wán.
G̱eiy Wán. (Side of The Bay)
Charles Jack, Sr.
or Jr.
Yáat gé ḵudzitee?
Does he live here?
Yáaxʼ gé ḵudzitee?
Does he live here?
X̱át gé?
Wé G̱eiy Wán.
That G̱eiy Wán.
I think so.
Heʼs here.
Charles Jack has {a} his own home.
{Charles} Heʼs asking about Charles Jack.
Does he have a home here?
He has a home here.
Dawóotl áyá.
Trouble here (with his hearing aid).
X̱wasikóo, x̱áach tsú. Ax̱ jeewú á.
I know, me too. I have it (hearing aid).
I got two of them.
Sometimes, a different tone, I canʼt hear it.
Yéi áwé yatee.
That's the way it is.
It's hard.
Ách áwé dikéenáx̱ i éex̱ x̱ʼatán, wéitʼaa.
That is why he speaks to you up high, that one (raises his voice high and loud).
Chʼas Lingít x̱'éináx̱ du een yoo kananíkk.
Just in the Tlingit language tell them to him. [The repetitive imperfective, kananíkk, implies plural stories.]
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ du een sh kaneelneek.
Tell him stories in Tlingit.
Yáa haa yoo x̱ʼatángi áwé yaa shunasyíḵ. Hóochʼ.
This language of ours is disappearing (from sight, as if itʼs sinking under the water). No more.
Chʼa xʼoonkʼináx̱ sáyá haa yatee,
There are just a few of us,
yá Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk.
Tlingit speakers.
Chʼa yeisú jinkaat ḵa keijín táakw shunaaxéex, wéitʼaa
Just about fifteen years have passed, that one
hú, yoo x̱ʼayatánk.
him, speaking (Tlingit).
Ḵúnáx̱ akoo.aaḵw.
He really tries.
Wáang̱aneens áwé hél ayáx̱ at oosáaych aag̱áa áwé
Sometimes he doesnʼt say things right, thatʼs when
haa x̱ʼanawóosʼch, «Ayáx̱ ák.yá?»
he always asks us, “Is this right?”
Kashxeet áyá ax̱ káanáx̱ yatee.
Writing is beyond me (difficult for me).
I canʼt spell a darn word.
Weʼre using gas for our stove.
One day a tóot shuwaxíx,
One day it ran out,
but I had extras out there.
So I went out there, changed it.
Took the empty one out, put the full one in place.
But then there was other tanks that were full,
so I need to mark that one tank thatʼs empty.
So I came in, got that Marks-A-Lot, I asked her, "{what} How do you spell ʼemptyʼ?"
Ax̱ káa kaawadát.
She raised her voice to me.
"Just spell it out as it sounds!"
I went out there. I put, "M-T."
Yéi x̱áawé.
That is indeed the way.
Kʼidéin gé x̱ʼeeya.áx̱ch, Sáni, wéitʼaa?
Do you hear him well, Paternal Uncle, that one?
Yáanax̱.aanáx̱ gé kʼidéin iya.áx̱ch?
Do you hear well on this side?
I guess weʼre doing all right communicating.
{Talk in} Tell him to talk in Tlingit.
Chʼas Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ du een yoo x̱ʼala.á.
Just in the Tlingit language converse with him.
Chʼas Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
Just in the Tlingit language.
Kʼidéin ax̱ʼaya.áx̱ch Lingít.
He understands Tlingit well.
Lingít áwé, wé ḵáa.
He is Tlingit, that man.
-shóowu [Or: -shoowú.]
Lingít saayí áwé.
That's a Tlingit name.
Lingít yóo x̱ʼatángi áwé
It's a Tlingit word
«Huna» yóo s awsibél.
they spelled it as “Huna.” [«-sibél» is borrowed from English pronunciation, “spell”]
Dleit ḵáach has awsibéld.
The white people, they spelled it.
The north wind.
North wind.
This {one} one here is, "Sheltered from the North Wind."
{aan} Aan yóo wduwasáa.
The town thus was named.
Xóon Yinaa.
Sheltered from the North Wind.
Oh. Mhm.
White men spell it out to be "Hoonah."
Tlél kʼidéin has ashgóok, [Or: ooshgóok]
They don't really know how to do it (speak it)
haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
our language.
Yagéi áwé wé {t} saa,
There are many of them, the names,
yáa haa aaní kát, yá Lingít aaní kát.
on this land of ours, on Tlingit land.
Haa saayíx̱ sitee.
They are our names.
Thatʼs ok, Katy, I can stand.
Ḵúnáx̱ yatʼéexʼ haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Our language is very hard.
Yatʼéexʼ, yá haa yoo x̱ʼatángi x̱á.
It's hard, this language of ours, indeed.
It is hard.
Chʼa aan áwé tle,
Even so then,
{tle ldakát áwé} tlákw áwé kx̱a.áḵw neech.
I am always trying
ayáx̱ at sáakw.
to say things correctly.
X̱at iya.áx̱ch gé?
Do you hear me?
You have to get on his right ear.
Right ear.
Yá haa yoo x̱ʼatángi ḵúnáx̱ yatʼéexʼ.
This language of ours is very hard.
Yaa shunasyíḵ ḵú áyá, ách áyá
It is getting carried away (as if by the current) though, this is why
katoo.aaḵw kʼidéin yáatʼát tóode.
we are trying (to speak) well into this thing (camera).
A tóodáx̱ áwé adátxʼich at gux̱sakóo.
Through it, the children will know things (they will learn it).
Kʼé i dachx̱ánxʼi jeeyís
So for your grandchildren
áyá yánde yaa ntusaneen.
we are preparing it.
Há wé, chʼas Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ du een sh kaneelneek, i tuwáa sagoowú daa sá a daa,
So then, just in the Tlingit language, tell stories to him, if you want, about whatever,
chʼa daa sá i tuwáa sigóo, du een, yoo x̱ʼanawóosʼk tsú. Yées ḵáa áhé.
whatever you want, (tell it) to him, ask him questions, too. Thatʼs a young man.
ʼHeʼs a new man,ʼ in English.
ʼHeʼs a new man,ʼ in English. [This is what «yées ḵáa» literally means, the equivalent of ʼyoung manʼ.]
Keijín áwé x̱waatóow.
I counted 5 of them.
Different clans; Eagle, from here.
Thereʼs Chookaneidí,
uháan, Wooshkeetaan.
us, Wooshkeetaan.
{wáa} Wé Yéil aayí ḵu.aa,
The Raven ones, though,
yá Tʼaḵdeintaan,
the Tʼaḵdeintaan,
Yéil aayí ḵu.aa?
The Yaven ones, though?
I didnʼt bother with that. Oh.
Hél x̱wasakú áwé Yéil.
I donʼt know the Ravens.
They put
a cup of water on the
porch for it to drink.
and it put its beak down, {it couldnʼt where the} it couldnʼt reach the water level.
Aax̱ wudiḵeen.
It flew away.
Brought a small piece of rock.
A káa yan akaawatée.
It put it (the rock) on there.
Kʼidéin gé?
(Did he do it) well?
{made} It made about five trips.
It was able to drink.
Haaw. Likoodzí.
Wow. Amazing.
Aah, X̱áat Héeni,
Uh, Fish Creek,
Tʼaaḵú, Taku,
Taku, Taku,
big rivers.
You remember the story about Yéil
when he drank the whole
container of water?
Héenákʼw ák.wé awutaawú? Yeah.
Is that the creek when he stole it?
Lishooḵ [Or: Lishoog̱ú] áwé shkalneegí [Or: shkalneek].
The story is humorous.
Áwé yaa ndaḵíni,
As heʼs flying along,
goot sá aawatúx̱,
wherever he spits it out,
becomes a big river.
Du x̱ʼatáatx̱ yaa kandatlʼúg̱u áwé x̱á,
As it is dripping out of his mouth, you see,
(became) Creek Inside the Jaw. [The name of the streams along Homeshore below Excursion Inlet.]
Small humpy creeks.
Ḵúnáx̱ a x̱ʼéináx̱ yá Yéil.
Really through this Ravenʼs mouth.
Chʼa ldakát (át) áwé aawatáw x̱áawé wé Yéil.
He just stole everything, that Raven.
Tlél ushkʼé wé Yéil.
That Raven is no good.
Talk about trickster, huh?
Ḵúnáx̱ x̱áawé.
He really is.
Bob Hope's got nothing on him.
Thereʼs two Yéil sitting over here; you better watch your language.
Thereʼs two Ravens (Raven moiety people) sitting over here (ShSH and SHMD); you better watch your language.
Three people. (including NMHC)
Oh, three. Three sitting here.
Sheʼs a Yéil, heʼs a Yéil and Iʼm a Yéil.
Sheʼs a Raven, heʼs a Raven and Iʼm a Raven.
Násʼgináx̱ áwé i yáa haa yatee!
You are faced with three of us.
Násʼgináx̱ áwé i yáa haa yatee, Yéilx̱ haa sateeyí.
You are faced with three of us we that are Ravens.
Yéil, Yéil, Yéil.
Raven, Raven, Raven.
Dleit shaawát áwé.
Thatʼs a white lady.
Dleit shaawát áhé.
This is a white lady.
She said {you were} youʼre a white lady.
Weʼre, uh, Ravens. Three
Dliwkát sh eeltín! {i aayí}
Watch yourself!
I aayí {gax̱} gax̱tusatáaw (gax̱tootáaw).
We are going to steal your things.
Has yatáawkw, Yéil!
They are wont to steal, Ravens!
Tell him to tell a story. He knows, he knows a lot.
This is what Iʼd like to see start in school.
Aadé tooḵin yé.
The way we are sitting.
X̱át tsú.
Me too.
Ḵúnáx̱ kei kg̱wakʼéi.
It'll be very good.
The children,
am, has du jeeyís yoo x̱ʼayla.átgi aa.
um, the ones you speak for.
Daatx̱ sá isateeyí,
Whatever you are,
which clan,
and the house, and where from.
Boy we gained a lot if you can get across that,
Ask him what his house was.
to our younger people, you know.
Gootʼáa hít sá wa.é?
From which house are you?
Tóosʼ Díx̱ʼi Hít.
The Back of the Shark House.
We had three different houses here.
X̱ʼaan, hóochʼ.
A fire, theyʼre all gone.
Wáa sá dusáagun? Wáa sá duwasáakw?
How were they called? How are they called?
Tóosʼ Díx̱ʼi Hít.
The Back of the Shark House.
{dáx̱.aa ḵu} dáx̱.aa ḵu.aa, wáa sá duwasáakw?
the other two, though, how are they called?
Same thing.
Ohhh. Oh, oh I see.
The first time Hoonah burned up,
our clan house went up with it.
A eetí aa wtuliyéx̱.
We built one in its place.
Same thing tomorrow. Fire.
The third one just most down about twenty years ago.
Them kids that (miming smoking), you know.
Át has akawligán.
That caught it on fire.
They were smoking in there, tribe house.
Sʼeiḵ gé?
Ḵʼasʼeiḵ gé?
Has sh x̱ʼadasʼéig̱u.
They were smoking.
{wáa} Wáanáx̱ sáwé
Why is it
{kaawagaa} {a}kaawagán?
it burned?
{ad} Adátxʼi áwé {a tayeexʼ} a tayeexʼ sh x̱ʼéi s adatáaw,
The children sneak them to their mouths in there,
Hél a saayí x̱wsakú.
I don't know the name of it.
Pot. Aaa.
Gwál kóoshdaa náagu.
Maybe land otter medicine.
Has du x̱ʼéidáx̱ x̱waa.áx̱ch (x̱waa.áx̱)
I heard it from their mouths
in Juneau.
I léelkʼw áwé Mary Warner.
Your grandmother Mary Warner.
Yan káxʼ.
For real.
Has du x̱ʼéi yakʼéi.
They like it. (Lit. ʼitʼs good in their mouths.ʼ)
Yées ḵáa ḵu.aa chookán yéi s aawasáa.
But the young people called it grass.
Kaxéelʼ áyá.
This is trouble.
They had a tribe house down there. Um, those kids smoking in there, the tribe house caught on fire and burned up.
And they took their land away.
Kéi uwagán.
It burned up.
They took, uh, they took their land away and they have different buildings on there now.
So they wouldnʼt have a tribe house there.
Ḵúnáx̱ s x̱ʼaliyéil lingít, gwá?
People are really liars, huh? (cannot be trusted)
They go out for deer, they fool them with deer call.
They go out in the bay,
they call a seal.
Iʼm one of them.
We three against you.
Three of us against you, Wooshkeetaan.
Three of us against you, Wooshkeetaan clan.
Chʼa aadé yéi x̱at gax̱yee.oo.
You all are going to forgive me.
That's right.
Ax̱ díx̱ʼ áyá tlél ???
My back ???
My back gave out on me.
Probably could get him in bed.
Hóochʼ ák.wé?
Is that it?
Hóochʼ ák.yá?
Is it over?
I hope you gained some anyway.
Did you learn anything today?
Yéi x̱áawé.
That is indeed the way.
{chʼa} Chʼa i x̱ʼéidáx̱ ax̱ tuwáa sigóo x̱wa.aax̱í haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
I just like to hear our language from your mouth.
Ách áyá {yee} i x̱ánxʼ x̱a.áa.
This is why Iʼm sitting next to you.
He hears you pretty good.
Uh, he can get in bed and, uh, still continue in there.
Yeah, so he can tell at least one story.
About his tribe house and his clan and things like that. Let him know.
Wé eet kádéi gé ituwatee?
Do you want to go to the bedroom now?
Dei hóochʼ.
Itʼs over now.