This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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  • [translator/transcriber's note]
  • ??? = can’t understand
  • «Lingít quotation marks»

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Tlingit Conversation #77
Speakers are Kaséix̱ Selina Everson (Raven, Deisheetaan, Yéil Hít,Angoon, Kaagwaantaan yádi, grandaughter of the Bear clan Teiḵweidí) and Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw Helen Sarabia (G̱aanax̱teidí, Klukwan, Whale house, Wooskeetaan yádi & Kaagwaantaan yádi), X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston, and Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱ Ryker Eggleston. Recorded March 3, 2012, at the home of Keri Eggleston by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston. English translation by Kaséix̱ Selina Everson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
{daat sá een} Daat een sáwé ḵees.ookʼ? Ryker!
With what are you playing? Ryker!
His Tlingit name, I forgot.
Dawx Shaax̱?
(asking Rykerʼs name)
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱
Astʼeix̱ Shaax̱, boy thatʼs a mouthful.
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱. Ayáx̱ áwé.
[Rykerʼs name] Thatʼs right.
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱.
Gunalchéesh. Ná.
Thank you. Here.
Come here.
Ax̱ jeet tí.
Hand it to me.
Come here.
Ax̱ jeet tí.
Hand it to me.
Oh, yakʼéi, gunalchéesh!
Oh thatʼs good. Thank you!
Gunalchéesh. Daa sáyá?
Thank you. What is this?
Aan ḵees.ookʼ át ákyá?
Is this something you play with?
Hél kei eeg̱íxʼjiḵ.
Donʼt throw it.
Yéi ákwé?
Is that right?
Ryker! {Ldéx̱ʼ}
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱.
Rykerʼs name
Come here.
I éet gé yaan uwaháa?
Are you hungry?
I éet gé yaan uwaháa?
Are you hungry?
Thank you.
Itʼs hot.
Hél áx̱ eesheeḵ. Yaawatʼáa.
Donʼt touch it. Itʼs hot.
Kakg̱eelx̱ʼéex̱ʼ. Yaawatʼáa.
Youʼll burn yourself. Itʼs hot.
Kʼidéin gé eetá? Kʼidéin gé eetá?
Do you sleep well? Do you sleep well?
I tuḵdaa.át x̱adzinéexʼ. I tuḵdaa.át. {tuḵdaa}
I smell your diaper. Your diaper.
Tuḵdaa.át. Helen gu.aa gé.
Diaper. Thatʼs probably Helen.
Hot! Hot!
Ó, ó, ó. yaawatʼáa, yaawatʼáa, tléikʼ, tléikʼ, tléikʼ.
Oh, oh, oh, itʼs hot. Itʼs hot. No. No. No.
I jín gug̱walx̱ʼéex̱ʼ.
Youʼll burn your hand.
Sh gag̱eelx̱ʼéex̱ʼ.
Youʼll burn yourself.
Ah ah ah ah ah, tléikʼ.
Uh uh uh uh uh, No.
{i éet} i tuwáa gé sigóo?
You want it?
Tea gé i éet uwaháa?
Are you hungry for tea?
Milk i éet uwaháa?
Are you hungry for milk?
Haaw, wéidu i aayí. Éitskʼ!
Well, hereʼs yours. Delicious!
Tlél x̱washagóok.
I donʼt know how (to hold it).
Tuli.aan yá baby.
A kind baby.
Wudasheeyi Tláa gé wé ikshaxeet?
Is that Wudasheeyi Tláa (Alice Taff) recording you?
Look, Wudasheeyi Tláa ikshaxeet.
Look, Wudasheeyi Tláa is recording you.
Tléikʼ, tléikʼ, tléikʼ.
No, no, no.
Come here.
Tlél áx̱ eesheeḵ.
Donʼt touch it.
Yáadu i aayí.
Hereʼs yours.
Yáatʼaa ḵú yaawatʼáa.
This one though is hot.
Haadé gé kg̱wagóot Helen? Aaá.
Is Helen going to come? Yes.
Oh, good. Yakʼéi!
Oh, my!
Oh my, i tuwáa sigóo. A kaadé kanag̱éexʼ.
Oh my, you like it. Drop it in there.
Tléikʼ, yáatʼaa.
No. This one.
This one.
Here it is.
Itʼs hot.
Yaawatʼáa. ??? Tléikʼ.
Itʼs hot. ??? No.
Tléikʼ, {ash} sh gag̱eelx̱ʼéex̱ʼ.
No, youʼll burn yourself.
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé ash tuwáa sigóo
He sure likes
át woojeilí.
to touch it.
É! Aadé shasiteeyi yé.
Wow! The color of his hair.
Good hair,
wé baby.
the baby.
X̱at yilidlékw.
You startled me.
Tláakw x̱at yagux̱saḵáa i tláa
Your mother will reprimand me,
sh eelx̱ʼéex̱ʼi.
if you burn yourself.
Kind. [warm-hearted]
I saayíx̱ nax̱satee kwshé?
Let that be your name, huh?
Kʼidéin yeeshúḵ.
You smiled good at her.
Oh, my goodness!
{tlél sh} lukawjigín.
He wrinkled his nose.
I saayí ḵú tle a káx̱ x̱at saxʼaaḵw. É! Ryker.
I forget your name though. Gee! Ryker.
Daa sáwé iya.áx̱?
What did you hear?
Daa sáwé iya.áx̱?
What did you hear?
Ah! Wéidu.
Ah! There it is.
I éex̱ ḵadashee kwshéixʼ?
Shall I help you?
Yea, yeeyadlaaḵ.
Yea, you did it.
Ḵúnáx̱ i x̱ʼéi yakʼéi wé héen, hah?
You really like that water, huh?
Ḵúnáx̱ áwé idaná wé héen.
Youʼre really drinking that water.
Daa sá iya.áx̱?
What do you hear?
Yáadu á.
Here it is.
Tléikʼ, tléikʼ.
No, no.
Ahah, tléikʼ.
Uhuh, no.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Du ḵus.ookʼú.
His toys.
Ná haat jeewaxíx.
He came stumbling over.
{kei k} Kei kandajél du ḵusookʼú.
Heʼs bringing up his toys.
Yóonáx̱ aanáx̱ át gú, yóonáx̱ aanáx̱.
Come around the other way, the other way.
Yóonáx̱ aanáx̱ át gú.
Come around the other way.
Keitl, keitl.
Dog, dog.
Keitl, keitl áyá.
Dog. This is a dog.
Daa sáyá?
Whatʼs this?
Ryker, daa sáyá?
Ryker, what is this?
Daa sáwé?
What is that?
Du gúk aax̱ gag̱eetáaxʼ wé keitl, ó, du lú.
Youʼre going to bite the dogʼs ear off, oh, its nose.
{w} Wéide yaa jinaxíx.
Heʼs stumbling over that way.
Ah, ah!
Oh, oh!
Haagú, haagú!
Come here, come here!
Determined! Úhuu.
Oh, dear.
Itʼs hot.
Ḵútx̱ yaawatʼáa yá héen.
Itʼs too hot, this water.
Aax̱ tsá daak isgéet!
See that you donʼt fall off!
You like that Alice, hah?
??? « yéi yanaḵá.»
Say, “I think Iʼll sit down.”
Áh! Ahah. Tléikʼ. Tlél eesheeḵ.
Oh! Uhuh. No. Donʼt touch.
Here it is.
Come here.
Yáadu i ḵus.ookʼú.
Here is your toy.
Yáatʼaa. Ryker, óoyaa!
Here it is. Ryker, here!
Yan tuxʼawdligásʼ.
He sat down real hard.
Aan ḵunees.ookʼ. Oh! Oh!
Play with it.
Oee! Daak áwé, daak wusixíx.
Oh dear! It fell. It fell down.
Kei kanajél du naa.ádi.
Heʼs unpacking his clothes.
I tuḵdaa.ádi áwé.
Thatʼs your diaper.
Tléikʼ. Tlél eelʼeedíḵ.
No, donʼt throw it.
Tlél eelʼeedíḵ.
Donʼt throw them.
Oh, my goodness.
Chʼa wa.éich aax̱ kei kakg̱eejéil.
Youʼll pick them up yourself.
Xʼáant uwanúk.
Heʼs angry.
Chʼa koogéiyi aléet.
Heʼs throwing them just any old way.
É! Chʼa i tuḵdaa.ádi áwé.
Wow! Thatʼs your own diapers.
Wéix̱ yaa has na.át.
There they come!
Tsu yéi ikḵwasatéen.
Iʼll see you again.
Wáa sá iduwasáakw Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱?
Whatʼs your Tlingit name?
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱.
[Rykerʼs name]
Wáa sá iduwasáakw Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱? Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw.
Whatʼs your Tlingit name? Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw.
[Helenʼs name] [Itʼs pronounced Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw; Selena misheard it as beginning with H.]
Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw. Wa.é ḵu.aas?
Helenʼs name. And you?
Kaséix̱, hél uldzée.
Kaséix̱, itʼs easy.
Oh, acupuncture?
I donʼt know what it is. Iʼm going to have acupuncture in two weeks. Yeah? It helps my hip.
Cháayoo gé, Ḵáachkoo.aaḵw, cháayoo gé i tuwáa sigóo?
Tea, Helen, do you want some tea?
Aaá, yakʼéi áwé. Ḵachʼu si.áatʼi héen?
Yes, thatʼs good. Or hot water? Hot water.
Si.áatʼi héen. Aaá.
Hot water. Yes.
Káaxwei {x̱wa-} x̱wadináa lunch yís.
I drank coffee during lunch.
Oh, my!
Wéide aawalít {du naa du tuḵ} Aáa wéide aléet. du tuḵdaa.ádi.
Heʼs throwing them there, Yes heʼs throwing them. his diapers.
Oh, is this your book? I xʼúxʼu ákwé?
Is it your book?
Heʼll read.
Haa een gux̱datóow. Hohoo. Ha.é, ha.é!
Heʼll read to us. ??? Oh my, oh my!
Oh, shucks.
Thank you.
Tlél wáa sá utí.
Itʼs all right.
Yakʼéi gé? Yakʼéi, gunalchéesh.
Is that good? Itʼs good, thank you.
I tuḵdaa.ádi géwé {gax̱} check gax̱dulyéix̱?
Is somebody going to check your diaper?
Wéidu {du} du tuḵdaa.ádi.
Thereʼs his diaper.
O, hah!
I mean, a káa {yi}.
I mean, on it.
Chʼáakw, chʼáakw,
Long ago, long ago,
Óoo. (comforting syllables)
Tlél wáa sá utí gwá? Gax̱dustáa yóo tuwatee kwshé?
Itʼs OK, huh? Maybe he feels like heʼs going to be put to bed?
Yeah, i tuḵdaa.ádi áwé.
Yeah, thatʼs your diaper.
Change-ix̱ agux̱layéix̱ i tláach gógá?
Your mom is going to change it, huh?
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs how it is.
Tléixʼ táakwx̱ gé sitee de?
Is he one year old now?
Tléixʼ táakw ḵa násʼk dís.
One year and three months.
Tléixʼ táakwx̱ gé sitee de?
Is he one year old now?
Aáa, jinkaat ḵa násʼk dís.
Yes, 13 months.
Yeah, ayáx aawatóow.
She counted right.
Ó, sha.
Oh, shucks.
Ha.é! Ḵúnáx̱ áwé yaa inawát.
Look at you! Youʼre really growing.
Ḵúnáx̱ sháa asix̱án.
He really loves women.
He smiles at people.
[term of endearment]
Chʼa yeisú kei wdzigít.
He just woke up.
{shkʼe aadé} Shkʼe aadé
See how
easy-x̱ sitee yeedát tuḵdaa.át.
easy diapers are now.
Aaá, aaá. Tuḵdaa.át too.úsʼk noojín.
Yes, yes. We always used to wash the diapers (by hand).
My goodness.
Ldakát ax̱ yátxʼi tuḵdaa.át
All my children, (cloth) diapers
yéi s aawa.oo.
they wore them.
Nasʼgadooshúnáx̱ áwé s wootee.
I had 8 children.
Ákwshé? Ákwshé?
Is that right?
Chʼa ayáx̱ gé shkalneek?
Is she telling it right?
Ayáx̱ áwé {kax̱} kax̱anéek gwá?
Iʼm telling it right, huh?
Iwsikóo kʼidéin. Aaá.
He knows you really well. Yes.
Wé du naa.ádi.
There are his clothes.
Ah, du naa.ádi. Aaá. Naa.át.
Oh, his clothes. Yes. Clothes.
Naa.át káa yéi kg̱ida.oo? Aaá.
Youʼll put clothes on? Yes.
Naa.át daa yéi gax̱du.oo gwá?
Sheʼll put clothes on you, huh?
Yóo áa yax̱, yóo áa yax̱ satá.
Around, turn him around.
Yáadu i- {I-} i kʼoodásʼ. goodásʼi.
Hereʼs your- Your shirt. shirt.
Wéidu i kʼoodásʼi. Geeeee!
Thereʼs your shirt.
Daa sáyá?
What is this?
Daa sáwé?
What is it?
Daa sáwé?
What is it?
Keitl ákwé?
Is it a dog?
Tlél x̱wasakú.
I donʼt know.
Haadaag̱óoji ákwé?
Is it tiger?
Yáadu i goodásʼi.
Hereʼs your shirt.
A tóonáx̱ daak shí.
Put your arm through.
Yáadu i kʼoodásʼi.
Hereʼs your shirt.
Aaá. Aaá.
Yes. Yes.
Du tuwáa sigóo. Ná.
He likes it. Here.
Du tuwáa sigóo wé katíx̱ʼaa.
He likes the keys.
Yáadu jín a tóonáx̱.
Hereʼs the arm, through it.
A tóonáx̱ daak shí.
Put your arm through.
A tóonáx̱ daak shí.
Put your arm through.
Ná, góokʼ, yáatʼaa.
Here, go ahead, this one.
Aaá, yakʼéi.
Yes, itʼs good.
Yáatʼaa tsú. Góok! Yáa tʼaa tsú.
This one too. Go ahead! This one too.
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs the way.
Ah! He knows. Awsikóo.
He knows.
He made it.
Du waaḵ woosháadi ax̱ át.
My thing that caught his eye.
Has du tuwáa sigóo wé katíx̱'aa, daa sáwé.
They like keys, and whatever.
Yáadu i tuḵatáali.
Hereʼs your pants.
Oh, gee. Raring to go!
Tuwáa gé sigóo wé héeni?
Does he want the water?
There it is.
Here it is.
I tuwáa sigóo.
You like it.
Yéi áwé. Uh-oh. Hó!
Thatʼs it. Uh-oh. My!
Leitóox̱t uwaxíx.
He choked on it.
Oh shucks. Yeah, OK.
Héen, héen i jeeyís yakʼéi.
Water, water is good for you.
Tléikʼ, tlél du tuwáa ushgú.
No, he doesnʼt want it.
[At shooḵ]
Oh my.
Ḵúnáx̱ yaa nalnétl.
Heʼs really getting chubby.
Here it is.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
What do you call it?
{tlei} Toes, ge? Aaá.
Toes, right? Yes.
Du x̱'ustlʼeeḵ.
His toes.
Du x̱ʼustlʼeeḵ.
His toes.
Yáaxʼ, tléixʼ, déix̱, násʼk,
Here, 1, 2, 3,
daaxʼoon, keijín!
4, 5!
I tuwáa sigóo gé?
You like it?
Tuwáa sigóo wa.éich tsú {na} nistóow tsá.
He wants you to count it too.
{na} Natóow tsá.
Count it.
Wa.éich tsá.
You do it.
Ash tuwáa sigóo. Tléix.
He likes it. 1.
Tléixʼ, déix̱,
1, 2,
dax̱adooshú, heʼs not interested.
{goo} Gooshúḵ, jinkaat.
9, 10.
Yakʼéi. Has a yoo tí
ha saa yoo tín
Haa éet x̱ʼeiwatán.
He spoke to us.
Chʼa hú du yóo x̱ʼatángi. Yáadu i-
His own language. Hereʼs your-
How do you say stocking, now?
Oh, i lʼéexʼwán. Yáadu i lʼéexʼwán.
Oh your stocking. Hereʼs your stocking.
Ah, yakʼéi.
Thatʼs good.
Káa yei gax̱du.oo aag̱áa hél isakg̱wa.áatʼ.
It will be put on you so you wonʼt get cold, huh?
Aag̱áa hél isakg̱wa.áatʼ. I éex̱ x̱ʼataan.
Now you wonʼt get cold. Heʼs talking to you.
{chʼa} Chʼa hú. Gwá?
Just him. Right?
Chʼa hóoch awsikóo aadé ???.
Only he knows what he says.
I lʼéexʼwáni áyá.
These are your socks.
Gwál? Aag̱áa hél isakg̱wa.áatʼ.
Right? Now you wonʼt get chilled.
Hél áwé sh gug̱was.áatʼ.
He wonʼt get chilled.
Tuḵʼatáal? Tuḵʼatáal?
Pants? Pants?
I tuḵʼatáali tsú.
Your pants too.
Cute. Ha.é.
Cute. Oh my.
Ná. Góok.
Here. Go ahead.
I tuḵʼatáali.
Your pants.
Oh, my. Oh.
I tuḵʼatáali.
Your pants.
I tuḵʼatáali. Góok, {you} you do some too.
Your pants. Go ahead, you do some too.
[At shooḵ]
Yáadu i x̱ʼoos.
Hereʼs your leg/foot.
A tóonáx̱ daak latsaaḵ.
Put your leg/foot through.
Yeah. Yéi áwé.
Yeah. Thatʼs it.
Whee. Whee. Look at that coming through.
Whatʼs his Tlingit name?
A tóonáx̱ daak yawdzi.áa.
His face came through. [Pretending his foot is a face.]
Tle hél- ax̱ shantóodáx̱ kei ishíxch du saayí. X̱át tsú.
Not, his name runs away from my mind his name. [I forget his name.] Me too.
Ḵúnáx̱ x̱át tsú.
Really, me too.
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱
[Rykerʼs name]
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱
[Rykerʼs name]
Ldéx̱ʼ Shaax̱
[Rykerʼs name]
Sháax̱ʼ? Shaax̱.
[Trying to hear it]
Shaax̱? Like shaax̱?
Grey currant? Like grey currant?
Shaax̱. Like, the berries? Aaá.
Grey currant. Like the berries? Yes.
Oh, ok. Shaax̱.
Grey currant.
Wáa sá {du was dleit ḵ} ah, shaax̱, daa sáwé?
How do (you say it )uh, grey currant, what is it?
Uh, grey currants,
grey. Yeah.
Ó, o!
Oh, oh.
[At shooḵ]
Tsú x̱ʼoosdáx̱ agux̱dayéeḵ. These are my glasses, ax̱ waḵdáanayi áyá ákwé?
Heʼll take them (socks) off again. These are my glasses, these are my glasses, huh?
Ah, they like that.
Shkʼé {kan} «Kanḵa.aaḵw i waḵdáanayi,» (yóo x̱ʼayaḵá).
Maybe, “Let me try your glasses on,” (heʼs saying).
Aadé ikg̱wawáat gwá?
Youʼll grow into it, huh?
Wa.é tsu yéi kg̱ee.oo.
Youʼll wear it too.
X̱ʼéit wusi.áx̱ ḵúnáx̱.
Heʼs really listening to you (your mouth).
Jintaak nidatʼácht. Yeah, góok!
Clap your hands. Yeah, go ahead!
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs the way.
Kei at kakg̱washée.
Heʼs going to start singing.
Haaw, yan sh yidzinéi.
Well, youʼre all dressed up.
[expression of approval.]
Toowú sigóo chʼa tlákw. Aaá.
Heʼs happy all the time. Yes.
Chʼa tlákw ḵuyashóoḵ.
He smiles at people all the time.
Dudzix̱án ách áyá awsikóo.
Because he knows heʼs loved.
Kwshé? Ayáx̱ ákwé?
Huh? Isnʼt that right?
Du túḵ dayee {du}.
(For) under his bottom. (For changing diapers).
Yakʼéiyi aa áwé.
Thatʼs a good one.
Yóo x̱ʼayatánk.
Heʼs talking.
Haa een sh kalneek.
Heʼs telling us stories.
Wáa sás sh keelneek?
What are you telling about?
Tléikʼ, tlél i tuwáa ushgú yáatʼaa.
No, you donʼt want this one.
Du ḵus.ookʼ áwé kei akaawajél wéix̱.
He unpacked all his toys there.
Shayadihéin gé {du d du} du ḵus.ookʼú?
Does he have a lot of toys?
Oh, yeah, wéidu á.
Oh yeah, there they are.
Itʼs full!
Itʼs full.
Shaawahík du ḵus.ookʼú.
Itʼs full of his toys.
Du tuḵdaa.ádi x̱oo yéi yatee a x̱oo.
Itʼs mixed with his diapers.
Wéide aawalít.
He threw them there.
Ax̱ gwéili gé wéidu? Tléikʼ.
Is my bag there? No.
Gooxʼ sá yan x̱a?
Where did I leave it?
Ax̱ lú áwé chʼa tlákw nadaa nooch.
My nose runs all the time.
Ax̱ toowóoch ḵwá, Kleenex gé i jeewú, chʼa daa sá?
It seems to me though Do you have Kleenex or something?
Helen. Oh, gunalchéesh.
Oh, thank you.
Ha.é. Hó, hó, hó.
Look at you. Wow, wow. wow.
Tlákw nadaa nooch ax̱ lú.
My nose runs constantly.
X̱at tsú.
Me too.
Oh, my!
Tsʼootaatxʼ ḵúnáx̱ {k k} kei koo.áaych. Goodáx̱,
In the mornings it really runs. From where,
Aaá, goodáx̱ g̱eitlʼ sákwshé?
I wonder where the mucus comes from.
At x̱ax̱aayí tsú. Tlax̱ tlél x̱wasakú.
(It runs) while Iʼm eating too. I really donʼt know.
Has du tuwáa sigóo nooch aleet.
They always like to throw things.
É! I ḵus.ookʼú ákwé?
Wow! Are those your playthings?
Aaá, ax̱ ḵus.ookʼú áwé.
Yes, those are my playthings.
Oh, ha.
Chʼa yeisú shawdinúk.
He just woke up.
Chʼa aan áwé kei at kḵwasheeyín,
Even so, I was going to start singing,
Áwé natá dé.
OK, go to sleep now.
[At shooḵ]
My oldest in Excursion Inlet
áa yéi haa teeyí swing.
we had a swing there.
Oh, {g̱échʼaa, kookʼéchʼ}
[trying to remember the word for ʼswingʼ]
{kʼé} Lingít x̱'éináx̱ a kát x̱at seiwaxʼáḵw.
I forgot the Tlingit word (for swing).
{a x̱ʼéina} Ax̱ x̱ʼéidáx̱ ḵut wooxeex. Ahhh...
It ran away from my mouth. Uhhh.
[Exclamation of mild disapproval]
{ḵaa kʼéchʼ kʼéchʼaa}
[trying to remember the word for ʼswingʼ]
Dóo! Dóo!
[exclamation of mild disapproval.]
Ax̱ shátx̱, «Dóo!»
My older sister (would say), «Doó»”
du túg̱aa kax̱wasgeedí.
when she disapproved of what I did.
Chʼas á x̱á yéi du.úx̱xʼun.
They used to use it (the baby swing) only.
Aaá. Yoo dulg̱éḵi noojín.
Yes. Theyʼd swing it.
{ax̱ s} Gloria, ax̱ sée,
Gloria, my daughter,
Excursion Inlet ax̱ káani Katherine
(At) Excursion Inlet, my sister-in-law, Katherine,
ḵúnáx̱ shayawdihéin du yátxʼi.
she had a lot of children.
Ách áwé {áxʼ áxʼ has naḵei áxʼ has na}
Thatʼs why
They slept at my gran, where I slept upstairs. So there wasnʼt much room. How do you call it in Tlingit?
[exclamation of mild disapproval.]
[Trying to remember the word for ʼswingʼ.]
[Comparing the sound.]
Oh, boy. Look at all your toys.
Ḵúnáx̱ shayadihéin
Thereʼs really lots
i ḵus.ookʼú. Yakʼéi.
your playthings. Itʼs good.
A saayí ḵudzitee ax̱ náḵ ḵú, {ḵál}
It has a name but it left me,
X̱ʼéidáx̱ ḵut gashíxch, x̱át tsú. Ḵut wujixeex.
It runs away from your mouth, me too. It ran away.
{koog̱échʼaa, koo}
[Trying to remember the word for ʼswingʼ.]
Can you find ʼswingʼ in there?
G̱eig̱áchʼ. G̱eig̱áchʼ, aaá.
Swing. Swing, yeah.
Say it again? G̱eig̱áchʼ. G̱eig̱áchʼ.
Swing. Swing.
Yeah, g̱eig̱áchʼ.
Yeah, swing.
Tsu, Haá!
Again, Well!
A tóo
In it
Gloria and my oldest boy, I used that. Yeah. Well he plays with it.
Aan ash koolyát nooch yakʼéi áwé.
He always plays with it, thatʼs good.
Ha.é. Tuli.aan, ḵúnáx̱. Aaá.
See how you are! He has a loving nature, really. Yes.
Du éesh ḵa du tláa yáx̱. Yeah.
Like his father and mother.
Daa sáwé?
Whatʼs that?
Du gúk.
His ears.
Du gúk aa áwé.
Thatʼs (for) his ears.
What do you call this in Tlingit?
Xíxchʼ. Xíxchʼ.
Frog. Frog.
Ax̱ chaan ḵúnáx̱ áa akoolx̱éitlʼ noojín. Xíxchʼ áwé.
My mother-in-law always used to be afraid of them. Itʼs a frog.
Yáadu xíxchʼ.
Hereʼs a frog.
A x̱oo aa x̱á ḵúnáx̱ áa koolx̱éetlʼ noojín xíxchʼ.
Some of them used to be very afraid of frogs.
{chʼa} Chʼa a yahaayí tsú ḵúnáx̱.
Really (afraid) of a picture (of frogs) too.
X̱át ḵu.aa,
Me, though,
{lʼut} lʼutʼtláaḵ yóo s dusáagun
snake they used to call it,
Oó. Ha.
Oh. Well.
Snakes, áa akux̱dlix̱éetlʼ, a yahaayí tsú.
Snakes, Iʼm afraid of them, even the picture.
Yan tsá yaxéex.
He might bump his face.
Ax̱ léelkʼw,
My grandparent,
jéi! Chʼa tlákw has x̱ʼax̱a.áx̱jin wé jín.
gee! I always used to understand her hands.
Dleew kát sh eeltín yan yag̱waaxeex.
Watch yourself, he might bump his face.
Yaawatʼaayi héen ḵúnáx̱,
Hot water, really,
ḵúnáx̱ wát g̱ashee tuwatee.
he really wants to touch it.
Oh, yéi áwé, X̱ʼeiwatʼáx̱
Oh, thatʼs how, Heʼs opening his mouth wide.
Hél yéi daa.eenéiḵ.
Donʼt do that.
Ḵúnáx̱ á áwé ash du tuwáa sigóo át has woosheeyí. When you tell them, "Donʼt touch that,"
Itʼs that that they really want to touch.
X̱ʼeiwatʼáx̱ á. Thatʼs what theyʼre gonna touch.
Heʼs opening his mouth wide.
Kwshé? Ayáx̱ ákwé sh kax̱alneek?
Is it true? Am I telling it right?
Ayáx̱ áwé! [at shooḵ] Heʼs got his mouth open.
Thatʼs right! [laughter]
Du tuwáa aa sigóo.
He wants some.
Wéidu á.
There it is.
Éitskʼ, héen.
Delicious, water.
Kínde, aaá. Kínde!
Up, yes. Up!
Tlél x̱washagóok.
I donʼt know how.]
[at shooḵ]
Yáatʼaa ash tuwáa sigóo.
He wants this one.
Ax̱ leitóox̱t uwaxíx.
I choked on it.
Good! Héen i jeeyís yakʼéi.
Water is good for you.
Daaḵw dís áwé ḵoowdzitee?
What month was he born?
Déix̱, OK, February.
Ldakát class du, Déix̱ yawux̱eeyí gwá?
The whole class, The second day?
Daa sáwé?
Whatʼs that?
Déix̱ yagiyee.
Second day.
Yeah, díex̱ yagiyee.
Oh, second day.
We were all at class and she was in the hospital having
labor. Sʼeek dísi.
Black bear month. [cubs are born around February]
Yeah, keeping tabs to the hospital. Itʼs a boy! When you finally had him.
Little boy.
Wa.é ḵu.aa wáa sá i duwasáakw Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱?
You though, what do they call you in Tlingit?
Wudasheeyi Tláa áyá.
Itʼs Wudasheeyi Tláa. [Alice Taffʼs name - Helpful Mother.]
Wudasheeyi Tláa, óo! Wudasheeyi Tláa yóo duwasáakw.
Wudasheeyi Tláa, ohhh! Wudasheeyi Tláa sheʼs called.
Ḵúnáx̱ yakʼéi áwé i saayí.
You have a really good name.
Wáa sá has du tuwáa sagóo nooch aleet atyátxʼi. Has aleet.
How they always like to throw things, children. They throw things.
Tle du jeet at wudusháadi tle has du x̱ʼatáan,
If you give them something it goes in the mouth,
Aaá {ḵáa-} has du x̱ʼéide, aaá. Yeah, du x̱ʼéide.
Yes, into their mouth, yes. Yeah, into their mouth.
Chʼa ḵushtuyáx̱ daa sáx̱ sitee.
It doesnʼt matter what it is.
«Shkʼé x̱ʼéi ḵadanook,» yóo tootée nooch.
“Let me taste it,” thatʼs how they feel.
Daa sáwé?
What is it?
Daa sáwé?
What is it?
Oh, my.
Hawaii-dé s ḵuwatín de.
Theyʼve already been to Hawaiʼi.
Hawaiʼi. They went to Hawaiʼi. Yeah, you traveled.
Oh, yeah.
Daa sáwé aawachʼéx̱ʼ?
What did he point at?
Alice góowé yaawachʼéx̱ʼ.
I think he pointed at Alice.
Ḵúnáx̱ yakʼéi ldakát át een ash koolyát.
Itʼs good heʼs playing with all of it.
Ax̱ yátxʼi áwé chʼa tléixʼdahéen áwé has du jeewú tle kei s alítch.
My children, they have something once then they throw it.
No more.
Christmas chʼa áwé has du jeeyís at wutoo.oowú
At Christmas, when we buy them something,
wé paper aan has ash koolyát nooch. Wrapping paper.
they just play with the paper.
Ḵúnáx̱ tuli.aan.
Really good-natured.
Aaá. Há! Kwshé?
Yes. Hey! Right?
Yakʼéi. Yakʼéi áwé.
Itʼs good. Thatʼs good.
{toowú} Toowú yakʼéi {tla} chʼa tlákw.
Heʼs good-natured all the time.
Ḵaa yashooḵ nooch.
He smiles at people all the time.
Awsikóo dusx̱áni ách áwé.
He knows heʼs loved, thatʼs why.
Ḵúnáx̱ dudzix̱án ách áwé.
Heʼs really loved, thatʼs why.
Tlákw du toowú kʼéi nooch.
Heʼs always good-natured.
Daa sáyá?
What is this?
Oh, oh! Oops! Oh, oh.
«Déi áwé wéitʼaa,» yéi yaawaḵaa.
“Thatʼs enough of that,” he said.
Déi áwé.
Thatʼs enough.
Enough of that.
Tlél ax̱ éex̱ wudaa chʼas Lingit x̱ʼéináx̱ yóo x̱ʼatánk.
Iʼm not used to only speaking Tlingit.
Tle dleit ḵáa x̱ʼéináx̱ yóo x̱ʼataan x̱at tootée nooch. Aaá.
I slip back into speaking English. Yes.
Daa sáwé awsiteen?
What did he see?
Daa sáwé?
Whatʼs that?
Ax̱ dachx̱ánkʼ háa ḵáa yátkʼu aawa.oo, hú tsú.
My granddaughter had a little baby boy, her too.
Chʼa yeisú {tla}
Sheʼs still
15 x̱áa wé sitee. And she had a baby.
Sheʼs 15, see.
Aa sáwé?
Who is that?
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
Whatʼs her name?
Uh, dleit ḵáa x̱ʼéináx̱
In English,
Lingít saayí kát x̱at seiwaxʼáḵw. Haaw.
The Tlingit name, I forget. Well.
Aan áwé kei kg̱wawáat du yádi.
Sheʼll grow up with her child.
Chʼa sgóoni yóo kg̱wagóot. Tle chʼas yéi x̱áawé at ḵaa kát yeedát. É.
Sheʼll just go to school. Thatʼs the way things are nowadays. Wow.
Hél aadé has du een {kan}
Thereʼs no way (to talk) to them.
Ax̱ dachx̱ánkʼ tsú.
My grandchild too.
Hás has du aayí has awsikóo.
All they know is their own way.
Oh, no! Du x̱ʼéis, Tléiḵw, haagúk!
Oh, no! For him to eat, Berries, come here!
Tléiḵw gag̱eex̱áa.
Youʼll eat berries.
Tléiḵw kwshé kg̱eex̱áa?
Maybe youʼll eat berries?
I léelkʼw hás {x̱ʼa} jeedáx̱.
From your grandparents.
Aaá. Yáatʼaa ḵu.aa, wáa sá duwasáakw?
Yes. What do they call this?
Ah, sadaa,
Uh, (looking for the right word)
Sadaa át? Yeah, Oh boy!
Scarf? [Suggestion for bib.]
Good, yeah! Haagú, haagú. Góok.
Come, come. Go ahead.
Ah, ho ho.
Oh, good.
Yakʼéi tsá?
Thatʼs good, right?
Tléiḵw áwé, tléiḵw.
Thatʼs berries, berries.
Kanatʼá? Aháa.
Blueberries? Yes.
Linúkts kwshé?
Sweet, hopefully?
Ḵúnáx̱ chʼa yeisú atáaxʼ. Ḵúnáx̱.
Heʼs still really chewing it. Really.
Ḵútx̱ géwé? Chʼa tlékʼg̱aa.
Maybe too much? Just one at a time.
Tlékʼg̱aa, hah?
One at a time, huh?
Aaá. É!
Yes. Wow!
O, hó hó.
[expression of gratitude]
Yakʼéi áwé.
Thatʼs good.
Linúkts kwshé?
Sweet, hopefully?
{tle} Tle yaa kandasʼéḵʼw i x̱ʼé.
Your mouth is getting stained.
Ná, yáadu, yáadu.
Here, here it is, here it is.
Ná, ná. Wéidu á góok.
Here, here. Itʼs right there, go ahead.
Ḵuwakʼítʼ i tláa i x̱ʼéis.
Your mother picked berries for you.
At gutóode woogoot i x̱ʼéis.
She went into the forest for you. [your mouth]
[expression of contentment]
Gwál, Ḵaa tláa aadé ḵusax̱áni yé. aaá,
Maybe, How a mother loves. yes,
yéi áwé.
thatʼs right.
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs right.
Ḵa ḵaa éesh tsú.
And a father too.
Ḵúnáx̱ kʼidéin at x̱á.
Heʼs eating very well.
Ḵúnáx̱. Ḵúnáx̱ at x̱aayí yakʼéi.
Really. Itʼs good he really eats.
Chʼa tlákw kwshé? Aaá. Ah, yakʼéi áwé.
All the time? Yes. Oh, thatʼs good.
Ldakát át.
Jeeeeee, yéi nateech.
Geeeee, thatʼs how it is.
Thatʼs good.
Thatʼs good.
«Chʼa yeisú x̱atáaxʼ.»
“Iʼm still chewing.” [Talking for the baby.]
«Tlél ax̱ oox̱ á.»
“I have no teeth in there.”
I oox̱ gé áwu?
Do you have teeth in there?
Aaá. Ax̱ ??? hél oox̱ ax̱ jee.
On my (bottom row ???) I have no teeth.
Tleidooshú oox̱.
6 teeth.