This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #79
Speaker is Shakʼsháani Margaret Dutson. Recorded March 8, 2012, at Margaret Dutsonʼs home in Juneau, Alaska, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by Koolyéik Roberta Littlefield. English translation by Shakʼsháani Margaret Dutson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
Cháayu áyá x̱alóok. Yeah.
Itʼs tea Iʼm drinking.
Ḵúdáx̱ yoo x̱'ax̱atángi áwé ax̱ laká yagaxúkch tle.
When I talk too much my mouth gets dry.
Yáadu ax̱ jishagóon.
Here are my tools.
ḵaa ée x̱latóowun yáat tsá.
and I used to teach people this.
Ax̱ séek', has du ée x̱wlitóow ch'a, {násʼ dat}
My daughters, I taught them,
ch'a nás'gináx̱ has teeyí.
the 3 of them.
Ldakát hásch,
All of them,
yéi has adaané yáat'át.
they work on this.
Wáang̱aneens áwé,
keijín jinkaat yéi kanask'éx̱'ch yóo x̱at daayaduḵáa neech wé x'úx' káax̱.
make 50 crochet stitches Iʼm told, according to the book (instructions).
Ch'a wáa sá has x̱at kaawa.aaḵw ayáx̱ áyá ḵux̱anúk neech.
I always do however they order me to do it (in the pattern directions).
yoo kayeeyjeek shákdé,
youʼre all wondering,
wáa sáyá
sh tóo x̱waltóowun.
I learned this.
Yeisú keijín táakwx̱ x̱at sateeyí áyá,
When I was still 5 years old,
{s} sgóonde ḵukandak'ítʼch ax̱ náḵ.
everybody would leave for school, leaving me behind.
Áwé, ax̱ tláa jix̱latín;
So, I watched my motherʼs hands;
ax̱ s'áaxu yéi adaané.
sheʼs working on my hat.
Ḵúnáx̱ aksak'éx̱'t!
She really crochets!
Ch'a jix̱latín ḵúnáx̱ ax̱ tóoch wulichéesh!
Just watching her hands, I thought I could do it.
Áwé ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo, x̱áach tsú,
So I wanted to, me too,
ch'a du jeeyáx̱ yéi daax̱aneiyí.
to do it just like she does.
A yan asnée áwé {ax̱ shá} ax̱ shakée akaawa.aaḵw.
When she finished it, she tried it on my head.
Daat yáx̱ sá ax̱ sh tuwáa x̱at dzigóo!
How I like myself (in my hat)!
«Gunalchéesh,» yóo daayax̱aḵá ax̱ tláa.
“Thank you,” I tell my mother.
Ch'u yóok't áwé,
All of a sudden,
tléináx̱ x̱a.aayí áwé,
while I was sitting alone,
a daa yaa yanx̱as.éin, «Wáa sáyá adaané?»
I start examining it, (thinking) “How does she do this?”
Hél uldzée, ax̱ tuwáx'.
It didnʼt look hard to me.
Ách áwé tle, «Góok!
Thatʼs why then, “Go ahead!
Ḵúx̱de kakḵwasakéi.
Iʼm going to unravel it.
Ch'a x̱áach wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo ayáx̱.
Iʼll do it just the way I like it.
Iʼm going to crochet.”
Ha wáa yoo at koonée sáyá,
Whatever happened,
ch'a, gwál at sa.ée ax̱ tláa (ḵaak.áak???) de. Tle,
maybe my mother was cooking. Then,
ch'u tle altín áwé, ḵux̱ kax̱wsikéi wé s'áaxw.
just when she (wasnʼt ???) looking I unraveled my hat.
«Ch'a x̱áach sh tóo kḵwaltóow.
“Iʼm going to teach myself.
Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú
I donʼt want
ch'a g̱óot ḵaach yéi daaneiyí ax̱ jeeyís.
someone else to do it for me.
Ch'a x̱áach sh tóo kḵwaltóow tle.
Iʼm just going to teach myself.
Go ahead!”
Ḵux̱ kax̱wsikéi.
I unraveled it.
Ḵux̱ kax̱wsakéi áwé hél {ch'u} chʼa aadé nx̱wasineeyi yé.
After I unraveled it there was no way I could fix it.
Áyá yáatʼát áyá sh tóo x̱wdlitóowu shux'áa
Itʼs this that I learned first
ax̱ tláach áwé s'áaxw yéi adaaneiyí.
when my mother was working on my hat.
«Aaa, hél uldzée.»
“Oh, itʼs not hard.”
Ch'a x̱áach kax̱waa.áaḵw.
I tried it myself.
Wáa sáwé
Why is it that
ch'a yákwde áwé tlél ayáx̱ yaa kunaxát?
all of a sudden itʼs not looking right?
Ax̱ s'áaxw kadaan ḵut kax̱wsinee.
My pretty hat, I unraveled it.
{wé} Át kax̱waasháat wé kakéin.
I was holding a ball of yarn there.
Ax̱ tláa x̱at x̱'eiwawóos',
My mother asked me,
«Goosú i s'áaxu?»
“Whereʼs your hat?”
Du waḵshiyeet kax̱waatee.
I held (the ball) for her to see.
«Haaw! Ch'a wa.éich yéi kg̱isanéi.
“Well, youʼll do it yourself.
Wáa sáwé l i tuwáa ushgú aadéi yéi x̱wsaneiyi yé?
Why didnʼt you like the way I did it?
Ch'a wa.éich yéi nasné!»
Do it yourself.”
Tle ax̱ tóoch wulichéesh.
I thought I could do it.
Tle, tléikʼ ux̱aheen áwé l ayáx̱ yaa kunaxát wéi s'áaxw.
Then I couldnʼt believe it isnʼt looking right, that hat.
{yáanáx̱ áwé haat ash l ush}
Yáanáx̱ haat ushgóotlch yáatʼaa,
Over here there was a bump, this one,
ḵa yáat.
and here.
Ch'a x̱'éig̱aa áwé
k'idéin yaa nax̱sanéin ax̱ toowóoch.
I thought I was doing it right.
tléix'dahéen áwé dé,
once then,
«Aa, ḵustuyáx̱ de.
“Oh, it doesnʼt matter now.
Ḵustuyáx̱ wáa sá kaxádi ch'a aan yéi kḵwa.oo.»
I donʼt care what it looks like; even so, Iʼll wear it.”
A tóot áwé school-dei x̱waagoot,
(The following year) I wore it to school,
ax̱ s'áaxu.
my hat.
X̱at x̱'awduwawóos', «Aadóoch sá yéi wsinee i s'áaxu?»
I was asked, “Who made your hat?”
«Ch'a x̱áach!»
“I did it.”
«Wáa sá (hé)l i tláach yéi wusnei?»
“Why didnʼt your mother do it?”
«Shuxʼáanáx̱ yéi awsinei, hél ax̱ tóog̱aa kawuxaat, ách áwé ch'a x̱áach tsú
“She made it at first. I didnʼt like the way it looked so I did it myself,
ḵux̱ kax̱wsinéi.»
I crocheted it back.”
Ách áyá sh tóo x̱altóow.
This is how I taught myself.
Ch'a x̱áach x̱wasikóo wáa sá
I knew myself how
wáa sá yéi daaduneiyí.
how it is done.
Ách áyá keijín táakwx̱ x̱at sateeyí ltín sh tóo x̱wdlitóow yáat'át.
Thatʼs why being 5 years old, see, I learned how to do this.
A tuwáa wsigóo k'idéin kaxádi.
I wanted it to look right.
Wáang̱aneens áwé a náḵ {sh kal}
Sometimes Iʼd leave it and
ash koolyát nax̱ashíxch.
Iʼd run out to play.
Wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa wsigóo
How I loved
ldakát {yá wáa s} áa yoo haa lukoogúḵjin chʼa wé x'áat táak.
how we used to run all over the island (Douglas Island).
Chʼa, chʼa wáang̱aneens áwé,
ah, wé kanat'á yaa kanatʼéini,
uh, when the blueberries are getting ripe,
ḵa tleḵw tléinx',
and salmonberries,
a shóode ntoo.átch kuḵashx̱á.
we would go among the bushes eating berries.
Goox' sáwé kooháaych áa yéi daax̱anei át?
Where does it go, the things Iʼm working on there?
Ax̱ tláach yéi x̱at yawsiḵaa,
My mother said to me,
«Tlax̱ tlél
“Itʼs really not
uk'é ??? siteeyi yé, sík'.
good to be ???, daughter.
Daa sá
yéi daa.eené tle yax̱ nasné.
youʼre working on, just finish it.
Hél ushk'é aadé iyateeyi yé.
Itʼs no good the way you are.
Tlax̱ tlél yándei kg̱wajaaḵw.
Itʼs not going to turn out right.
Ldakát, ldakát ḵáa áwé,
{ye} yéi adaanéi nuch.
does something (with their lives).
K'idéin i ée x̱latóow
I teach you well
daa sá yéi daa.eené, k'idéin yéi yeewnasnéik.»
Whatever youʼre doing, do it right.”
ḵúnáx̱ awdigaan yéi áwé at shukx̱waag̱éex'ch.
when itʼs really sunny out, Iʼd forget what Iʼm doing.
Tle gáant yaa nx̱ashíxch.
Iʼd run out.
Wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo wé Helen een át loowug̱ook, x̱á.
How I liked to run around with Helen (Sarabia), see.
Wé tléix'aa,
That other one,
ldakát yéide yaa ktoosgítch.
we would do a lot of things.
Wáanganeens áwé sh x̱ʼatudas'eiḵ neejín.
Sometimes we would always smoke cigarettes.
A tóoch kuwanéekw ḵúnáx̱.
I really decided it was good.
Yáat'át ḵu.aa [nax̱sanashéich???].
This however would be just left undone.
Áwé ltín ch'a yéi kḵwanóok áwé
So see, Iʼm going to sit down
{kʼidéin yaa n} k'idéin yaa nax̱sakwéin a daat át.
Iʼm beginning to learn about it well.
Yá kask'éx̱' át.
This crocheting thing.
Ayáx̱ yaa kanaxát tle.
Itʼs beginning to look right.
Aa, gwál jinkaatx̱ x̱at satee,
Um, maybe I was 10,
jinkaat táakwx̱ x̱at sateeyí áyá,
when I was 10 years old,
ax̱ tuwáa sigóo yá,
I liked this,
wéit'.át x̱ooní yéi daané.
doing things like that.
[A léexʼ???] yéi kḵwasanée.
Iʼm going to do ???.
Ḵúnáx̱ ḵuwsi.áat' aag̱áa,
At the time when it was really cold,
hél dé kax̱wsanei.
I hadnʼt crocheted this (yet).
Ḵúnáx̱ yat'áa.
Itʼs really warm.
Wáang̱aneens áwé,
yagéiyi ax̱ ádi.
I have a lot of things.
Wéidu aa ax̱ jishagóon.
There are some things I have made.
Yáat'aa kax̱wsinei ḵa yáat'aa.
I crocheted this one and this one.
Ḵa wéi át {ka} káwu á.
And that thing, itʼs on there.
Ax̱ x̱án.aa jeeyís kax̱wsinei yéi át áyá.
I crocheted this for my husband.
Yáat'aa káx̱ yei [kdunéich???] yaa ḵúnáx̱
For this (sofa) [I made one???], really
{wé} gwál
tléix' dis x̱ʼáanáx̱ yéi x̱wsinee.
it took me one month to make it.
Ḵut kax̱waachák.
I misplaced it (I packed it somewhere).
Yáat'aa yáx̱ áwé kaawaxát.
It looked like this one.
Tle ḵúnáx̱ ḵú a káanáx̱.
But it was much better.
K'idéin {akáa} a káx̱ kaḵayéijin.
I used to be able to spread it out on it (sofa).
Haaw, yáat'át tsú.
Well, this one too.
Ha, wáa sá ax̱ tuwáa sigóo {yéi de} yéi adaané.
Oh, how I love to do this.
Ách áwé yéi daayax̱aḵáa neech yadátx'i,
Thatʼs why I tell the children,
«Gushéix̱ wáa sá
“No matter how
hél gushéix̱,
it doesnʼt matter,
keijín táakwx̱ isateeyí,
if youʼre 5,
tóoch lachéesh {i kei kg̱wa}
if you think you can do it,
yándei yaa kg̱isanée.»
youʼre going to do it.”
Áwé sh tóo x̱wdlitóow, ltín.
I taught myself, see.
a káa x̱atóow neech.
I always read about it.
Wé kawdujixidi át a káa x̱atóow neech yéi.
What was written about it, I always read about it, thatʼs the way.
Áwé yáat'aa tsú yéi x̱wsinee.
I made this one too.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo yá
I like these
ax̱ jishagóon.
the things I have made.
Ḵa yáadu á.
And here it is.
Ḵúnáx̱ ḵuksa.áat', aag̱áa áyá kax̱wsinéi.
I crocheted this at the time when itʼs really cold.
Hél ax̱ tuwáa ushgú {wu a} x̱át toox̱anoogú.
Me, I donʼt like to feel cold.
Ldakát, ldakát yéide ax̱ tuwáa sagóo neech k'idéin yéi adaané.
I like to do everything right.
Ḵá, am,
And, um,
yagéiyi át yá hít yeex' yéi yatee.
a lot of things are in this house.
Hél ḵu, am,
But, um,
{ḵu.a} ḵu.aa a x̱oo aa
but some of them
x̱wa.óos'i áwé ḵut kax̱achákch.
I misplace when I wash them.
Áyá yáat'át ax̱
And this I,
ax̱ sháa yatx'i ée x̱wlitóow.
I taught my girls.
Ch'u nás'gináx̱ hás yéi adáanéi yáat'át.
Three of them do this.
Wéi ixkéex' yéi yateeyi aa ax̱ séek',
The one who lives down south (lower 48), my daughter,
áx' ḵaa ée at wulitóow yáat'át.
She taught people this there (how to crochet).
Ldakát át yéi adaanéi tsu
She makes everything
ch'a a yátx'i sáani daat.
for little kids.
Wáang̱aneens áwé,
ax̱ jee yáx̱ yéi adaanéi nich.
she does it the way I do.
yee.át káx̱ yei kduyeich át.
{sh ch'a hóoch sh tóo aw}
Ch'a hóoch atóowu áwé
It was when she read (the instructions)
sh tóo awdlitóow.
she taught herself.
Áx' áwé
There at
hoondaakahídi tlein áx'
at the big store there (Michaelʼs),
ḵaa ée at wulitóow.
she taught people.
Du ádi, ldakát yéide
All her things,
they bought
{du jee} du yéi jineiyí.
her work.
Ax̱ yáanáx̱ ashigóok yáatʼát yéi adaané.
She knows how to do this better than I.
Yá kasḵ'íx̱'t yee ée kḵwalatóow.
Iʼm going to teach you all how to crochet.
jinkaat yá
10 of these
ch'as yá kasḵʼíx̱ʼt
just this crochet stitch
yéi daadunéi nooch.
they make.
tléináx̱ a tóonáx̱ yakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
at first youʼll poke it through one.
One time.
Ḵushtuyáx̱ x'oondahéen sá.
It doesnʼt matter how many times.
Tléix'dahéen tsu,
One time again,
one time.
Yáax' áyá
yaa kg̱isakóo
youʼre going to start learning
tléix'dahéen a tóonáx̱ yaa kdultsáḵji yáat'aa.
that you poke it through this one at a time.
ḵúx̱dei áyá déisk'
you turn around next
tléix' áyá
this first one
tlél a tóonáx̱ yakg̱ilatsaaḵ yáat'aa.
you wonʼt poke it through this one.
Yá dáx̱.aa tóonáx̱ áyá yakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Youʼll poke it through the second one.
Ch'u shóogu á tléix' aa yáx̱.
Youʼll do the same thing as before.
A tóonáx̱ {yakg̱} yakg̱ilatsáaḵ tsú.
Youʼll poke it through it again.
{tléi} Tle tsu, ch'a ayáx̱ yaa kg̱isanéi.
Then again youʼll do the same thing.
Yá shux'áanáx̱ yee ée x̱wlitóowu aa.
What I taught you all at the beginning.
Aan áyá
With this
yaa kg̱isakóo.
youʼre going to learn.
sh tóo tooltóowu,
when we study,
{wé} yagéiyi át yánde yaa kg̱isanée.
youʼll learn how to make many things.
Gwál x'óow kakg̱isanéi.
Maybe youʼll crochet blankets.
Yá yee ix̱latóowu át,
What Iʼm teaching you guys,
wáa sá i tuwáa sigóo ayáx̱ {yaa kg̱ees}
whatever you want
yáat'aa, ch'as yáat'aa,
this one, just this one,
sh tóo yiltóowu k'idéin
when you learn it well
aag̱áa áyá tsu,
ch'a g̱óot yéide aa
different ones
yee ée kḵwalatóow.
I will teach you guys.
Tléix'dahéen áyá tóonáx̱ yakḵwatsáaḵ.
I will poke it through one time.
This one,
tle tsú a tóonáx̱.
then through it again.
Yáax' áyá déix̱ kateeyí áwé ldakát,
Here, when there are 2 (stitches remaining), all of it,
ch'u déix̱ tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through two again.
{tleeyéi áyá yaa kʼ kdu}
K'idéin sh tóo yaa kdultóowch.
People begin to learn it well.
Tléix'dahéen a tóonáx̱ kaylatsaaḵ yéi áwé tsu
Poke it through one time, thatʼs the way again
déix̱ kakg̱watée.
there will be two.
Aag̱áa áyá tsu
Then again
ch'u {dáx̱ néi} déix̱, katee a tóonáx̱ yaa kakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through both of them.
Áwé déix̱ áyá kayatee.
Thereʼs 2 of them now.
Yáax' áwé ch'u tle ldakát a tóonáx̱
Here, through all of them (loops)
you poke it through.
Tléix'dahéen áyá tsu
One more time
tsu déix̱dahéen.
again two times.
Áwé ayáx̱ áyá kakg̱waxáat.
Itʼs beginning to look right.
And then,
ch'u tle tlákw kakg̱eetóow.
you will count them all the time.
yáax' áyá tsu
here again
déix̱ katéeyi tle a tóonax̱.
(you put it) through both.
Déix̱ áyá kayatée tle.
Thereʼs 2 of them now.
tle tsu a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through it (the stitch).
Dáx̱ aa een áyá tsa
Through the second one
a tóonáx̱ áyá.
through it.
A yáadu yá tléix' yateeyi aa.
Here is this first one.
Tléix' katee.
Thereʼs one.
Ch'u déix̱
áyá a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through.
{i éet} I éet gug̱watée.
Youʼll catch on. [lit: It will be with you.]
Ḵúnáx̱ áyá lidzée.
Itʼs really hard.
Yáa yakg̱éedláaḵ.
Youʼll get it.
Hóoch'i aayí áyá.
This is the last one.
Yáax' áyá,
gwál keijín jinkaat áyá kayatee.
maybe there are 50 of them.
Yáax' áyá,
is what youʼll have.
Aax̱ áwé tsá ḵúx̱de.
From there (go) back.
Yáax' áyá,
a tóonáx̱ shayakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through the top.
Nás'k kateeyí áwé,
When there are 3 (on the hook),
tle ldakát a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through all of them.
Sh tóok' idahéen, yéi áwé yaa kg̱isakóo.
When you build confidence (believe in yourself), youʼll learn.
Nás'k áyá kayatee yeedát.
Now there are three.
Tléix' áyá,
tsu a kaanáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ, tle
youʼll poke it through again
déix̱ kakg̱wateeyí áyá,
when there are two on there,
tsu a tóonáx̱
through it again
youʼll poke it.
Nás'k kakg̱watée.
There will be three (on the hook).
Aag̱áa áyá ḵúx̱dei.
Then (go) back.
Tsu yáat a tsu yéi kg̱isanée yéi.
Again here youʼll do it this way again.
Ḵaxwásdé ayáx̱ yaa kagaxátni.
And surely it will begin to look right.
yagéiyi ḵáa
a lot of people
yéi x̱'ayaḵáa neech tlél tóoch ulchéesh.
always say they donʼt think they can do it.
Kagéináx̱ áwé ayáx̱ yaa kakg̱waxáat.
Slowly it will begin to look right.
Tléix'dahéen áwé yóo a daa yoo shuyakakg̱isatée.
Youʼll put it around (the hook) once.
Tle tsu yáa át,
And then this one,
tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through.
Nás'k kateeyi áwé tle ldakát a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
When there are three, through all of them, youʼll poke it .
{ankʼ} Aadéi yaa kanaxat yé.
The way itʼs starting to look.
Yagéiyi ḵáach hél,
A lot of people donʼt,
yéi x̱'ayaḵáa nuch, {hél hél aadéi kak-hél} «Tlél aadéi yoonḵaadlaag̱i yé.»
always say, “Thereʼs no way I can get it.”
Ch'a g̱unáa yateeyi ḵáach yakg̱wadlaaḵ yá át.
Anybody can succeed at this thing.
Hél uldzée.
Itʼs not hard.
Tléix'dahéen áyá yáatʼaa shuyakakg̱isatée, yáat'aa.
Youʼll put it around this one time, this one.
One time.
Yáaxʼ áwé nás'k a káa kateeyí ldakát a tóonáx̱ yax̱ yakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Here, when there are three on it, youʼll poke it through all of them.
Yéi áyá ch'a g̱óot yéide yaa kakg̱waxáat.
Thatʼs it, it will begin to look different.
Haaw, nás'k kateeyi áwé tle tsu a tóonáx̱.
Well, when thereʼs three, then through it again.
Yáax' áwé tsu a tóodéi {ka}
Here, again through,
tléix' a daa yei shyakakg̱isatée.
youʼll put it around one.
Tle tsu a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
And then youʼll poke it through again.
Nás'k tle kateeyí, ldakát a tóonáx̱.
When thereʼs three, through all of them.
kʼe aadé ayáx̱ yaa kanaxát yé.
how itʼs beginning to look right.
yáat'aa k'idéin {yaan} yaneedlág̱i,
when you start getting this,
daaḵw.aa sá i tuwáa sigóo ayáx̱,
whichever one you want,
youʼll crochet.
Yéi áyá sh tóo x̱wdlitóow.
This is how I taught myself.
Yéi áyá yaa kakg̱waxáat.
This is the way it will look.
Yak'éi, kwshé? Haaw.
Itʼs good, right? Well.
Yándei áyá,
hóoch' een yís, yáat'aa.
to get finished for the last time, this one (the final stitch).
Haaw, yáat'aa,
Now this one,
gwál {sh} yayeedláaḵ de.
maybe you finished it now.
Tléix'dahéen yáa tóonáx̱ yakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Youʼll poke it through once.
Yáax' áwé ḵúx̱de.
Here you turn around.
A tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Youʼll poke it through it (the next stitch).
Dáx̱g̱aa áyá tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Youʼll poke it through two loops.
Ch'u déix̱ á.
Both of them.
Yáax' áwé tsá daa yei sh kakg̱isatée.
Here youʼll put it (crochet hook) around it (yarn).
A tóonáx̱ yakaylatsaaḵ yáadáx̱ áwé tsá,
Poke it through it, then from here,
déix̱ ḵa nás'k kakg̱watée.
there will be two and three.
Déix̱ áwé a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ shux'áanáx̱ aa.
Youʼll poke it through two (loops), the first ones.
Yáax' áwé,
tsu dáx̱, {x̱ʼ}
again two,
déix̱ kateeyí áwé tle tsu ḵúx̱dei.
when there are two, (go) back again (you start all over again).
{yéi áyá yaa kag̱ax}
ayáx̱ yaa kakg̱waxáat.
It will start to look right.
Two at a time.
Ch'u dáx̱g̱aa áyá a tóonax̱ yakag̱ilatsáaḵ.
You will poke it through two at a time.
Hél ák' eehéeni áyá, {yay} yaa yakg̱eedláaḵ tle.
When you donʼt believe it, you will make it.
Haaw, a daa yei shkakg̱isatée tsu.
Well, youʼll put it around it again.
Yáaxʼ áwé tóonáx̱
Here (pull it) through
dáx̱g̱aa áyá.
two at a time.
This one
tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through.
Déix̱ kateeyí áyá tsu dax̱dahéen.
When thereʼs two (left), twice again.
Haaw, ayáx̱ yaa kanaxát.
Well, itʼs beginning to look right.
Tléix'dahéen yéi daa shayakakg̱isatée.
Pull it around it once.
A tóonáx̱
Through it
two at a time.
Déix̱dahéen a tóonáx̱ kakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Youʼll poke it through twice.
Áyá yan kóox̱eichch aa áyá.
This is what makes it hard.
Yagéiyi ḵu.oo
A lot of people
yéi x̱at daayaḵáa neech,
always tell me,
«Hél aadé wunḵaadlaag̱í yé. Tléik'.»
“Thereʼs no way I can do it. No.”
i tuwáa sagoowú,
if you want it
yéi at daa.eeneiyí.
when youʼre working on something.
Yéi áyá
This is how
{dax̱dahéen a daa shayakakg̱is}
tléix'dahéen a daa shayakakg̱isatée.
youʼll pull it around it once.
Yáat'aa ḵú.a dax̱dahéen a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱eetsáaḵ.
This one though youʼll poke it through two times.
Haaw, ch'a yákwde áwé,
Well, all of a sudden,
ch'a wa.é awé {yéi}
itʼs just you,
ch'a wa.é [ikg̱watí ???].
youʼll feel that way.
Há, hél uldzée.
See, itʼs not hard.
Tlax̱ áyá ax̱ tuwáa lidzée.
It looked hard to me.
Tsu i een kakḵwanéek.
Iʼll tell you again.
Tléix'dahéen a daa shayakaysateeyídáx̱ a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
After you twist it around once youʼll poke it through (the next stitch).
Yáaxʼ áwé dax̱dahéen
Now two times
{a tóot} a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through (the stitch).
ḵaxwásdé ayáx̱ yaa kagaxátni
surely when it begins to look right-
Yagéiyi át yan yéi x̱wsinée
I finished a lot of things
yáat'át een.
with this.
Wé {ḵasay}
{ḵu} ḵult'aayi át.
warming thing.
Haaw, ch'a g̱óot aa aayí déisk'.
Well, itʼs time for a different one.
Déix̱ áyá kakḵwatóow.
I'll count two (chains).
Tléik', nás'k.
No, three.
Three times (stitches),
Iʼm going to count.
Yáaxʼ áwé ḵúx̱de.
Here, turn around (go back).
A tóonáx̱ yakaylitsaag̱idáx̱ áyá
After you poke it through,
dax̱dahéen a daa shayakakg̱isatée.
Youʼll pull it (yarn) around it (hook) twice.
Yáax' áyá,
dáx̱g̱aa a tóonáx̱ yakakg̱ilatsóow
youʼll pull it through two at a time
three times.
Ḵa xwáasdé sadaat'aay
And finally, a scarf,
when you crochet it.
Ch'a, yéi x̱at gusagéink'idáx̱ áyá sh tóo x̱wdlitóow.
Ever since I was little, I taught myself.
Gwál yeewháanch tsú, sh tóo gax̱yiltóow.
Maybe you will teach yourselves too.
Dax̱dahéen yei daa shayakayisteeyídáx̱ áyá,
After you twist it around twice,
chʼa yáa tléix' a tóonáx̱ kakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
youʼll poke it through this one (stitch).
Yáax' áyá,
And then,
dáx̱g̱aa a tóonáx̱
through 2 (loops) at a time
yéi{k} kakg̱ilatsóow.
youʼll connect it together.
3 times. [counting the stitches]
Haaw! Ch'a g̱óot aa áyá
Well! Now a different one
yee ée x̱latóow.
Iʼm teaching you guys.
Dax̱dahéen yei daa shayakayisateeyídáx̱ áwé tóonáx̱.
After you twist it around twice, through it (the next stitch).
Yáax' áwé nás'gidahéen a tóonáx̱
Here, three times through it
youʼll poke it (triple crochet).
{ay yéi aka} Ayáx̱ áyá yaa kakg̱waxáat dé.
It will begin to look right now.
A scarf,
hél yeekg̱wayáat',
it wonʼt take long
crocheting it.
Tle tsu
Then again
yá tléix'aa.
this other one.
Dax̱dahéen a daa shayakakg̱isatée.
Youʼll pull it (yarn) around it (hook) two times.
Yáaxʼ áyá a tóonáx̱ yakg̱ilatsáaḵ.
Now youʼll poke it through it (the stitch).
Nás'gidahéen áyá a tóonáx̱ áyá
Three times through it
youʼll crochet it
three times.
Yá déix̱ a daa shakaysateeyídáx̱,
After you pull it (yarn) around it (hook) twice,
aag̱áa áyá
nás'gidahéen tóonáx̱.
three times (youʼll pull it) through.
Yéi áyá
This is how
wéi x'óow yáx̱ yéi daax̱anei át
the thing Iʼm making like a blanket
I made it.
yándei áyá yaa nax̱sanéin dé.
I am finishing it now.
Gwál, yeisú tlél gidéin yaneedláḵch.
Maybe you havenʼt completely finished it yet.
Déix̱dahéen a daa shayakakg̱isatée.
Youʼll twist it around twice.
Yáax' áyá, a tóonáx̱,
Here, through it,
tle nás'gidahéen a tóonáx̱
three times through it
you will pull it.
Yéi áyá ayáx̱ yaa kakg̱waxáat.
This is how it will begin to look right.
yéi áyá
this is how
ḵaxwásdé sadaat'aayí,
surely a scarf,
yéi daa.eeneiyí.
when youʼre working on it.
Gwal yá
Maybe those,
sgóonwaanx̱ yee sateeyí
of you who are students
k'idéin sh tóo gax̱yiltóow.
youʼll learn well.
Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo
I want
tsu yee tuwáa sagoowú.
for you to like it.
a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱'aduwatángi át
telephone (lit: thing they speak through),
yáa haa sháade háni,
our leader,
jeedéi x̱ʼagax̱yidatáan.
you will give her a call.
Yee ée kḵwalatóow k'idéin.
Iʼll teach you real well.