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Tlingit Conversation #83b
wjiḵaak wé kaa.
the car sank.
Lʼéiw tóode wjiḵaak wé kaa.
The car sank into the sand.
Singers are Ḵudeik Joe Thomas, K’aanáḵ Ruth Demmert, L’eiwtu Éesh Herman Davis and Kawduk’eit Tláa Vida Davis. Video recorded July 11, 2012 on the beach in Yakutat by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Audio recorded July 11, 2012 at Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall in Yakutat, AK, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff.
Tlingit transcription by Ḵaanáḵ Ruth Demmert. English translation by the singers. Edited by Shag̱aaw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom.
He, he, hei, heiyaa, aa.
He, he, hei, heiyaa, aa.
Hásch áwé a daa yéi has jeewanei.
Theyʼre the ones who worked on it.
Hásch áwé adaa yéi has jeewanei.
Theyʼre the ones who worked on it.
Hásch áwé adaa yéi has jeewanei.
Thatʼs why they were working on it.
Hásch áwé adaa yéi has jeewanei.
Theyʼre the ones who worked on it.
He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. Hey, come on you guys. Everybody... He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa.
Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan,
Yakutat people and Juneau residents.
Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan ḵa Jóonu ḵu.oo.
Yakutat people and Juneau residents.
Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan ḵa Jóonu ḵu.oo.
Yakutat people and Juneau residents.
Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan ḵa Jóonu ḵu.oo.
Yakutat people and Juneau residents.
He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa.
Wéi táaxʼaa,
Those mosquitoes,
Wéi táaxʼaa naytʼácht yee daadáx̱.
slap those mosquitoes from your bodies.
Wéi táaxʼaa naytʼácht yee daadáx̱.
Slap those mosquitoes from your bodies.
Wéi táaxʼaa naytʼácht yee daadáx̱.
Slap those mosquitoes from your body.
He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. He, he, hei, hiyaa, aa. He, he, hei, hiyaa