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Tlingit Conversation #88
Speakers are Shakʼsháani Margaret Dutson and Kaaxwaan Éesh George Davis. Recorded March 6, 2013, at George Davis’s home in Juneau, Alaska, by Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. [This recording is continued on #89.]
Tlingit transcription by Shaag̱aw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom. English translation by Shakʼsháani Margaret Dutson with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Edited by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston.
Uh, my name is Margaret Dutson and my Tlingit name is
Tʼaaḵú Ḵwáan yádix̱ x̱at wusitee.
I have become a child of the People of Taku.
{tlé} Tlél kʼidéin sh daat at x̱wasakú.
I donʼt know much about myself. (for introductions)
My name is George Davis in English and in Tlingit,
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ ḵwá,
In Tlingit however,
Ḵaax̱waan Éesh yóo áwé x̱at duwasáakw.
Ḵaax̱waan Éesh is my name.
Tʼaḵdeintaan áyá x̱át
I am Tʼaḵdeintaan
from Hoonah.
Áwé has wusidaaḵ,
They moved,
ax̱, ax̱ léelkʼw hás ḵa ax̱ tláa,
my, my grandparents and my mother,
(to) Kake.
Ḵéex̱ʼ ḵwá
Kake, however,
tle áx̱ kei haa uwawát.
thatʼs where we grew up.
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs how it is.
Daa sáwé {ka} kagax̱tulaneek yeedát?
What are we going to tell now?
wé yaakw, yee káa ayawdateeyí.
the boat, when it got stormy on you folks.
Oo, aaá.
Oh, yes.
«Keku Queen» yóo áwé duwasáagu, {ax̱}
“Keku Quee” is what they call it, [Kéeku is an island near Kake.]
ax̱ húnx̱w yaagú.
my older brotherʼs boat.
Are you ready?
Go ahead.
Yeedát ḵwá,
Now, however,
ax̱ húnx̱w,
my older brother
wáa sá duwasáakw wé
whatʼs the name of that
Cape Spencer.
30 miles
Cape Spencerdáx̱ deikéede.
offshore from Cape Spencer. [Cape Spencer is Anax̱ Yaa Ashkʼakwji Yé. (Thornton 2012, p 44, #186)]
Áwé áa has astʼeix̱
Thatʼs where they were fishing
(for) halibut. [Georgeʼs older brother told him this story.]
Áa agax̱dustʼeix̱í,
When somebody is going to fish there,
Coast Guard,
Coast Guard,
jeedé áwé reportx̱ dulyéx̱x̱.
they (fishermen) report it to them (CG).
Hás ḵwá {hél yé} hél yéi yan has jiwune.
These people, however, they didnʼt do it that way.
wé, áwé áa
so then there,
héent has akajéil ít áwé, {has du} has du tíxʼxʼi,
after they had put all of their lines into the water,
tle chʼa yákʼudáx̱ áwé
all of a sudden
has du kát uwaxíx.
it (a storm) came upon them.
{hundred and} Hundred and ten miles an hour.
Chʼu ká, ah,
Even, uh,
the compass
káaxʼ áwé yaa has naḵúx̱.
they were traveling according to it.
Ḵúdáx̱ x̱ʼakwdiyáatʼ yá teet,
The swells were too large,
dei yéi áwé.
like this.
{hél} Hél unalé {éeyaa} ḵúx̱de has du een yóo, kei wushx̱eení wé yaakw.
It nearly turned over backward with them, like this, that boat.
Áwé has du tʼaḵkáx̱ yaa aanaḵúx̱.
Then there was another boat cruising along beside them.
Hél has awuskú goodáx̱ yaakw sáwé.
They didnʼt know where that boat was from.
Á áwé,
yóo yínde,
down, like this,
yínde yóo has du een yoo (ya} goodí,
when it went down with them like this,
tle tleix̱
for good
tleix̱ wooḵoox̱ {á} áwé yaakw yínde
that boat went down for good
a tóode, {tle}
into (the waves).
Hél tsu aa wdutʼei wé a yíkdáx̱ ḵu.oo.
They didnʼt find anyone from that boat.
Killer whale [maybe meant to say 'waveʼ «teet»]
tóode has?
into it they?
Aaá. Has du een wujixeex. Has du hóoch has du een.
Yes. It ran with them. They were finished (on the other boat).
Has du een x̱ʼawdiyeeḵ wé teet.
It pulled them under, that wave.
Á áwé,
So then,
Coast Guard has aawa.éexʼ.
they (brotherʼs boat) called the Coast Guard.
Coast Guard has ana.éexʼ ít áwé,
After they called the Coast Guard,
yéi has yawdudziḵaa, «Hél aadé yee x̱áni daak,
they said to them, “Thereʼs no way near you,
hél aadé yee x̱áni daak ux̱diḵeeni yé wé helicopter.
thereʼs no way it can fly out near you folks, that helicopter.
Ḵúdáx̱ litseen {wé t} wé óoxjaa.
The wind is too strong.
{wé} wé yaakw,
those boats,
yaakw tlénxʼ {kaa} kaanáx̱ áwé (li} too strong.»
more than the big boats (could handle), too strong.”
Á áwé,
So then,
Has du kaanáx̱ wulitseen.
It was too strong for them.
Aaá, yú át áwé ax̱
Yes, that thing, my
ax̱ ah, brother-in-law-yí,
my uh, brother-in-law,
xʼoon {ya} yagiyee sáwé has du jikát wujix̱een.
how many days it was getting in their way.
Áwé Cháankʼi, ax̱ húnx̱w Cháankʼich yéi has yanasḵéich,
Then Cháankʼi, my older brother Cháankʼi keeps saying to them,
"Get rid of it.
Yóot héent yix̱ích wé át hé haa jikát wujix̱een.»
Throw it overboard, that stuff, itʼs gotten in our way.”
Tle wé
Then that
uh daat{sá}náx̱ sákwshéwé tle
I wonder where it was that
skiff yíkde awliseen,
he hid it in the skiff,
ax̱, ah,
my, uh,
brother-in-law was the one.
Ah, ax̱ húnx̱w waaḵnáḵ aax̱ awlisín.
Uh, he hid it away from my older brotherʼs eyes.
Daa sáwé awlisín?
What did he hide?
Tʼáa, plywood. Ó, ahah.
Boards, plywood. Oh, uhuh.
Áwé, á áwé has ash wusineix̱.
So, thatʼs what it was that saved them.
Wé plywood.
That plywood.
Yóo {a} has du een a tóode {w a} wuḵoox̱ú áwé,
When it went down into it (the trough of the wave) like this,
yóo has du káx̱ jiyawustaaní áwé,
when the waves pounded on them,
x̱aawaag̱í tle neil uwalʼíxʼ.
the windows broke in.
Kaawawálʼ wé
It shattered, that
"unbreakable" window.
Aanáx̱ áwé yax̱ yei has nastáx̱ʼw.
Through that they were sinking down. [Water was coming in the windows.]
Dei wé
So now,
chʼa sh wultlʼeet yáx̱ áwé.
it was just like they gave up on themselves.
Tíxʼ has du kasáni yax̱ wuduwadóoxʼ, dáx̱náx̱ hás.
They tied ropes around their waists, two of the people.
Tuháayi ḵa táḵl in aadé has kawduwag̱wáatʼ wé front.
They crawled into the front with nails and hammers.
{tléináx̱ ya tléináx̱ yat no} Dáx̱náx̱ yateeyi ḵáaxʼw ḵwá wé tíxʼ áwé,
Two of the men, though, that rope,
át daa has ashayakaawatée yaa s ajikanatsáḵ.
they lashed it to something and they were giving it slack.
Tle yá xʼoondahéen sákwshé du tlʼeeḵ ashawsitʼíx̱ʼ ax̱ ah, brother-in-law-yích
Then how many times my uh, brother-in-law smashed his fingers (with a hammer)
dei teet tóoxʼ.
inside of the waves.
Teet sóox̱ áwé, has du kát jiyawustaaní sóox̱ áwé,
In a hurry, preparing for the waves, preparing for the waves pounding them,
has akaxʼweisʼ.
they are nailing it.
Á áwé has ash wusineix̱.
Thatʼs what saved them.
Dei diyéede {has has l} has loowagooḵ wé engine.
Then they ran down below to the engine.
Hás áawé a káx̱ yéi s jeewanei wé electric.
It was they who were working on the electronics.
{él wud} A káx̱ yéi s jeewanei udatlʼáakʼg̱aa.
They were working on it so that it wouldnʼt get wet.
Canvas áwé aadé s akawsixʼóo,
They nailed a canvas to it,
a kanáa.
above it.
Yées yaakw áwé.
It was a new boat.
Oh, my.
"Keku Queen."
50 feet, Alaska limit.
[Alaska length limit for power seiners is 50ʼ. These are known as “limit seiners.”]
Xʼoondahéen sá a yée ax̱wdztʼeix̱.
I donʼt know how many times I fished in it.
Tle yéi {at} a shukát áwé {yá} yáa,
Then just before that, this,
yáade {x̱at} ḵux̱waateen ax̱ divorce case-í.
I came here on my divorce case.
And uh,
BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs)
{ax̱ ax̱} x̱aan school {yéi} yoo (s) ya.át(g)i kʼisáani á yéi s x̱at yawsiḵaa,
the boys that went to school with me said to me,
uh, to apply for a position with them (BIA).
Has du een yéi jinḵaneit.
So that I could work with them.
Áwé x̱át
Then I
{I} I made it in.
Tle BIA in yéi jix̱waa(nei).
Then I worked with the BIA.
Áwé for the first time {hél} hél astʼeix̱ {áy du} has du een daak x̱waḵoox̱. Yeah.
So for the first time I didnʼt go out fishing with them.
Aaá, aag̱áa ágwá Dikée Aanḵáawu yoo x̱ʼatángi {has aaw} kei s aawatóow.
Yes, maybe at that time they read out the word of The Lord Above.
Aaá, ax̱ {minist} minister áwé {ax̱ ax̱ a} ax̱ káani, Walter Williams.
Yes, my minister was my brother-in-law, Walter Williams.
you probably
gwál iya.áx̱
maybe you heard
the Bible káxʼ,
in the Bible
trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Á áwé {has du} has du in aawatíw.
That is what he read to them.
Ḵúnáx̱ {du káa y} has Du káa yan tután, yóo áwé {duwa, yoo x̱ʼatángi} Du yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Really keep your mind on Him, thatʼs the way, His word.
Tle i téix̱ʼ tóodáx̱ Du káa yan tután.
Trust Him with all your heart.
Yéi áwé sh kalneek Dikée Aanḵáawu Du yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Thatʼs what the word of God says.
Á áwé,
So then,
{shayat} gwál xʼoonínáx̱ yateeyi aa sáwé hás, ḵúx̱ has toowdli.át.
maybe, how many of them there are, they have converted. (to Christianity)
Ḵúx̱ has toowdli.át.
They have converted.
Itʼs hard.
Ax̱ seix̱úx̱
My son-in-law
Dikée Aanḵáawu hél wutusakoowú,
when we donʼt know the Lord Above,
tle ḵúnáx̱ áwé akoolx̱éetlʼ tlein ḵa
it is really a big scare and
chʼa átx̱ sitee áwé {hél}
itʼs just a wonder that
hél haa téx̱ʼ wukʼoots.
we didnʼt have heart attacks.
Aadé kwlix̱éitlʼsháni yé.
How very frightening it is.
Gwál á áwé has ash wusineex̱.
Perhaps that is what saved them.
Ḵúx̱ has toowdli.át.
They converted.
Hél cháa x̱ʼeití ax̱ húnx̱w.
My older brother didnʼt watch his mouth.
{ax̱ ax̱} ax̱ káani, that
my brother-in-law, that
{hú} Hú áwé,
It was him,
chʼu ká tláakw ash yawsiḵaa.
he was reprimanding her.
Dikée Aanḵáawu ḵwá,
The Lord Above, though,
i sh daa yoo tudatángi tóoxʼ yéi ng̱atee.
let him be inside of your inner thoughts.
Á áwé.
Thatʼs it.
Dei áyá gave up yáx̱ yéi a(w)sinéi ax̱ húnx̱w áwé kʼeeljáa tóoxʼ.
It was like he gave up, my older brother, in the storm wind.
Á áwé
So then
a daax̱ tuyawditaanán.
he changed his mind about it.
Tle hé {yak yaak} Yaakwdáat, Yakutat,
Over at Yakutat,
a x̱án,
near there,
áwé {déi} chʼu ká déilix̱ sitee.
is a boat harbor.
Hél ḵwá aadé át has ux̱dzineiyi yé, wé teet ḵúdáx̱ x̱ʼakwdiyáatʼ.
They couldnʼt reach it, the waves were too big.
{á át} A neejíde áwé has akoo.aaḵw.
They try to get the boat closer to shore.
Yaa kakduyéilʼ áwé tsáa, {has aka} tle chʼa {a tóo} a tóoxʼ yéi has tée áwé {yaa g̱un} g̱unéi kawduwayélʼ tle.
Only when it started calming down, then, when they were inside of it, the weather started to calm then.
Aag̱áa áwé s akaawa.aaḵw wé déili kaadé.
At that time they tried to make it to the harbor.
Tle wé déili ḵwá tle wé
The harbor though
xʼaa ká tle a kaanáx̱ yaa jisatánch wé teet.
the waves kept crashing over the island.
Chʼa aan ḵwá áwé,
But even so,
chʼu ká déili yáx̱ yateeyi yéixʼ áwé has shawdziyaa.
they anchored in a sheltered spot.
áa daak has ḵóox̱,
when they went out into the ocean from there,
ah, Fish and Wildlife áwé call upx̱ has awliyéx̱.
uh, they called up Fish and Wildlife.
{has} aan has akanéek {a} «A tóoxʼ stuckx̱ haa wsitee yá kʼeeljáa.
they tell them, “We got stuck in that storm.
{haa ti} Haa tíxʼi ḵwá chʼu áwu, héen táawu chʼu.»
Our lines are still there, though, theyʼre still in the water.”
{Á ḵú áwé} Fish and Wildlife ḵwá tle yéi yaawaḵaa,
But Fish and Wildlife said,
«Ldakát wé a káa yéi yateeyi {ch} cháatl,
“All of those halibut that were (hooked) on there,
you'll let it go.
{hél aadé itʼs too} Ḵúdáx̱ late fee iwsiteexʼ.»
A big late fee ???” [By State regulation in those days, the halibut fishery was open for fishing only a few hours at a time, no matter the weather.]
Uh, they,
Yaa s at shuganáaḵw, they
When they baited, they
estimated 40,000 pounds of halibut.
[That the Keku Queen had on their lines.]
{has aawa áxʼ}
Áa ḵúx̱ has wudiḵúx̱ gé?
Did they go back there?
they had to let it go. Ooh, my.
Has ajeewanáḵ.
They let it go.
Ldakát {wé} wé cháatl.
All of that halibut.
{tle tle tle} Tle ldakát át g̱óot áwé aax̱ yan has uwaḵúx̱.
They left and went to shore without any of it.
Tle áxʼ áwé
Then at that place
yan ashawsitán.
they ended it (halibut opening). [Lit. 'they put the end of it (talking stick/staff) down']
Shayadihéini aa hás tle {hél hél}
There were many of them then
hél has oostʼeix̱ ḵa hél has oosg̱eiwú.
they werenʼt fishing with hooks (long-lining) and they werenʼt seining.
Wé tléixʼaa yaakw ḵwá tle tleix̱ wé teet tóo{t}de wjixeex.
That one boat, though, then went forever into those waves.
Tle wusitáax̱ʼw.
Then it sank.
It sank.
Hél aa wdutʼei wé a crew-yi.
Not one of them was found, its crew.
Hél awuskú gé dleit ḵáa, Lingít?
They didnʼt know if they were white, Lingít?
Lingítx̱ sateeyí ḵú {tle} tle
If they were Tlingit, though, then
ldakát ḵáach
everybody (Tlingit)
gug̱atʼeiyín hás.
would have found them.
Wé Lingítx̱ haa sateeyí.
We who are Lingít.
Áwé, a,
So, uh,
hél x̱wasakú, tle
I don't know, then
for the first time áwé hél {du in ax̱was} du in yéi jix̱wanei, BIA s hire-x̱ x̱át wuliyéx̱.
for the first time, I didn't work with him, BIA hired me.
Mm, mhm.
Chʼu tle chʼa yées,
When it was still new, (his brotherʼs boat)
uh, Tacoma-dáx̱ kei wdusḵoox̱ú,
when it was driven up from Tacoma,
brand new.
Yées yaakw.
A new boat.
Chʼa aax̱ áwé du in yéi jix̱waanei.
From then I worked for him.
A ítdáx̱ ḵwá tle hóochʼ tle.
After that though, it was over then.
{hél tsu as}
Just once áwé du in tsu astʼeix̱ daak x̱waaḵúx̱ wé BIA.
Just once with him I went out long-lining (while I was working at) the BIA.
{leave} leave ax̱ jeet g̱aduteet yax̱waaḵaa.
I asked that I would be given leave.
«Shayadihéini át
“A lot of things
hél ux̱sagéiych yeisú,» yóo s yax̱wsiḵaa.
I still haven't finished paying for yet,” I said to them.
Ax̱ húnx̱úch yaax̱ x̱at wusigoot.
My older brother took me with him.
Tle chʼa inside waters ḵwáwé áa awtudzitʼeix̱.
Then we just fished there in the inside waters.
[Baranof Island]
Baranof shore.
Kʼeeljáa áa x̱ʼaksiyaayí á tsú.
The southeast storm wind is very strong there too.
Yéi áwé.
Thatʼs right.
Yú át,
That thing,
Point Patterson á yéi duwasáakw; áwé áa atoostʼeix̱ noojín.
Point Patterson is how it is called; we always used to fish there.
Yaaw isg̱eiwú
Herring fishing
yaakw tlein áa kei uwaḵúx̱.
a big boat went up there.
A táat has wuḵoox̱ú, wé Point Patterson, x̱á,
When they made it up past Point Patterson, you see,
dziyáagindé áwé tle hél át ḵuwustee wé yaakw.
all of a sudden, that boat wasnʼt there.
{hás a} Ax̱ húnx̱w,
My older brother,
ax̱ húnx̱úch ḵwá {a} yéi akanéek,
my older brother, though, he tells it this way,
ḵa wé ax̱ káanich,
and my brother-in-law,
«Daa sáwé?» {has has wé} tle wé g̱eey kaanáx̱.
“Whatʼs that?” going over the bay.
Hél {has} yax̱ has akoolteen.
They didnʼt seem to recognize it.
«Chʼa héi aas gówégé áx̱ yaa nalhásh?» yóo.
“Is that just a tree perhaps drifting along over there?” thatʼs how (somebody spoke).
«Ḵachgoo {sh}
“Or maybe
sh wudziwáadi át ásíwé.»
it might be something that raised itself.”
{hél a} Hél has awuskú.
They didnʼt know.
{wé} Wé yaakw tlén tle aax̱,
That big boat from there,
{hél} hél át ḵuwustee.
it wasnʼt there. (it disappeared)
Hél ḵuwustee gé?
It disappeared?
Hél át ḵuwustee wé át {át} át wulihaashi yé x̱á.
It was gone from there, that thing, where it was floating.
I toowóoch gé chʼa átch áwé?
Do you think it was because of some creature?
Sh wudziwáadi ách áwé {w} woosháat.
A thing that raised itself, that is what grabbed it.
(That is) the way
yéi x̱wa.áx̱jin yá,
the way I used to hear this,
ax̱ éesh kalaneegí.
my dad talking about it.
Héen tlax̱ diyée áwé áa yéi sh nada.eich.
It keeps itself way down in the water.
chʼáakw wé schooner yóo duwasáagu yaakw, yisikóo,
long ago, that boat that they call a schooner, you know it,
hél x̱wasakú a saayí Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
I donʼt know the name of it in Tlingit.
{ax̱ aa}
Recordinʼ ax̱ jeewú á.
I have a recording (of it).
wé Tebenkoff át ḵaa shuwuxeexí.
when those people died over at Tebenkoff.
Áwé wé
There that
tléináx̱ yateeyi ḵáa áwé áxʼ,
one man there,
cháatl asxook.
he (was) drying halibut.
Chʼáagu du náxu áa daak awux̱áaych.
He would paddle his old-style halibut hook out into the ocean.
Á áwé,
So then,
chʼa yán x̱án áwé áa astʼeix̱.
he was fishing right by the shore.
Cháatl has asxook.
Theyʼre drying halibut.
Tleidahéen áwé,
One time,
tleidahéen áwé {ts}
one time
{ne} áa daak uwaḵúx̱.
he went out there in his boat.
{du} Du in.aaxʼw tsú du x̱án.
His family is with him, too.
«I tíxʼi g̱unéi wjix̱ín,» yóo.
“Your line started moving,” thatʼs how (somebody spoke).
«I tíxʼi g̱unéi wjix̱ín.»
“Your line started moving.”
{daa ḵú} Tlél aa wduskú daat tsu cháatlch {yaa yaan yaan, no} aan yaa naxʼági.
They didnʼt know what, if it was another halibut that was swimming along with it.
Áwé tle chʼa héide kg̱waḵoox̱ú wé ḵáa,
Then when the man was going to go that way, (turn)
du tsaag̱álʼi tle kei akatánch.
he picks up his spear then.
Tle wé gaaw ḵwá {tlé akaw} du tsaag̱álʼi {hél} g̱óot áa daak uwaḵúx̱.
That time, though, he paddled out without his spear.
Áwé cháatl kei anasyíg̱i x̱á,
When he is pulling up the halibut, you see,
aan {a sh} a sháanáx̱ aksagóo nuch.
he always stabs it through the head with it (the spear).
{yéi} A yís áwé.
Thatʼs what itʼs for.
{áa} Áwé kei akanayíḵ du tíxʼi; a káa daak ḵóox̱.
So heʼs pulling up his line; he paddled out over it.
Hél cháatl yáx̱ jee oodaneekw.
It didnʼt feel like a halibut to him.
Itʼs heavy.
tle wé {yaa}
so that
yaakw tayeedé yaa anasyíg̱i áwé awsiteen sh wudziwáadi, át áwé, sh wudziwáadi ḵáa tle yéi áwé {ya}.
as he is pulling it up underneath the boat, he saw it, a thing that raised itself, a person that stretched himself out, thatʼs the way (it looked).
Sh wudziwáadi.
One that raised itself.
A person.
Ḵáa yáx̱ duwatéen.
It looks like a person.
Dei kei uwa.íxʼ,
Now he hollered,
«Wé ax̱ tsaag̱álʼi haat yakayx̱á!»
“You folks paddle my spear over here!”
Ah, du x̱áni daak yawduwax̱áa.
Uh, they paddled it out there by him.
Tle wé {yaa}
Then that
kei anasyíḵ,
heʼs pulling it up,
awsiteen ḵwá dei daatx̱ sá sateeyí.
but now he sees what it really is.
Tle héil a shóot ḵuwustee.
And then it disappeared from the end of it (the line).
Á áwé,
And so,
yú át,
those things,
hél áa kei uxʼákch wé.
they donʼt surface there.
Ḵachgu {át át}
wé át át ḵustin yé {ás} -náx̱ ásíwé.
through where that thing dwells, maybe.
{hél hél} Yáay hél áa kei uxʼákch wé g̱eey ká.
Whales donʼt surface there on (in) that bay.
{aa s} Áa s akwdlix̱éetlʼ.
Theyʼre afraid of it.
Ax̱ jeewú á {wé recordx̱ wududli}, ax̱ jís recordx̱ wududliyéx̱.
I have it, it was recorded for me.
That one,
Aaron Bean,
sh kawlineek.
he told it.
Aaron Bean sh kawlineek haa in.
Arron Bean told it to us.
A, áwé chʼu,
Uh, so still,
ax̱ jeewú á.
itʼs in my possession.
woosh g̱unáade sh kalneek ax̱ jeewú.
I have many different kinds of stories.
that one,
wé university-dáx̱ ḵáa,
that man from the university,
Lance Twitchell á, du yahaayí newspaper káa yei isatínch nuch.
Lance Twitchell, you always see his picture in the newspaper.
{recordx̱} Recordx̱ awliyéx̱
He recorded it
du waḵshiyeet x̱wateeyí.
when I showed it to him.
x̱wasikóo ḵwá áwé a ká akanik yé wé át át ḵustin yé.
I know that place, though, where heʼs telling where that thing dwells.
Wé Tebenkoff,
That Tebenkoff,
tlákw áa atoosg̱eiwú noojín.
we always used to seine there.
Wáa sá duwasáakw wé
What do they call that
{tlél} tle a kát x̱at seiwaxʼáḵw a saayí wé, aa
I forget the name of that, um,
héen yít ḵusteeyi, am,
living in the water, um,
héen yíxʼ
in the water
áa sh wudziwadi át.
the thing that raised itself up there.
Ah, Tebenkoff áwé.
Uh, thatʼs Tebenkoff.
Yóo duwasáakw wé g̱eey.
That is what they call that bay.
Ó, ahah.
Oh, uhuh.
Áwé áa sh wudziwáat wé,
Thatʼs where he raised himself, that,
Hél a saayí ḵoostí.
There is no name for it (that creature).
Gwál a saayí ḵustéeyin, hé.
Maybe there used to be a name for it.
Chʼu haa kagéiyi ḵu.aa,
That is, in our time though,
ḵut wuduwag̱éexʼ.
it was forgotten.
Yagéiyi át ḵut wutuwag̱éexʼ.
We have forgotten many things.
Áwé, yéi áwé ayasáakw,
Well, that is how he calls it,
áa sh wudziwáadi ḵáa.
a person that raised himself there.
Wé hintáak.
Under water.
Jéi, {ka chʼu ka} kasiyéi {a daat} a daat sh kalneek.
Gee, the story about it is strange.
A, a saayí aawasáa Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ wé át ḵustin yé.
Uh, he said the name in Tlingit of the place where it dwells.
Gwál, hél x̱wasakú extra copy ax̱ jee yéi teeyí wé recordin.
Maybe, I donʼt know if I have an extra copy of that recording.
Ó, hah. Ax̱ tuwáa sigóo x̱wa.aax̱í {a}.
Oh, huh. I want to hear it,
Wáang̱aneens a daa yóo x̱ʼagax̱tula.áat.
Some time weʼll talk about it.
kʼé x̱áach i een aa kanḵalaneek.
(politely) Let me tell you one myself.
Go ahead.
ax̱ aat, ax̱ éesh {du} du dlaakʼ
my paternal aunt, my father, his sister
tle ḵúnáx̱ áwé
was really
yá shuxʼwáa, yá Russian,
when the Russians first
Alaska kát ḵusteeyí, {shu a a}
were in Alaska,
a kát has wuḵoox̱ú,
when they went there, (upon it)
tle sh kahaadí yáx̱ wudinee.
they went crazy.
Tle wé
Then that
tléixʼdahéen áwé du
one time her
wé schooner yíde yaa nalnáan,
as she was carrying her bundles of things into the schooner,
aag̱áa áwé {ax̱}
thatʼs when
ax̱ léelkʼuch yéi yawsiḵaa,
grandfather said to her,
tléikʼ, a du káak,
no, her uncle,
«Wáa sáyú tlax̱ yéi iksiyáayi? {i}
“Why are you so crazy?
Wé i gaawúx̱ gux̱satée yé {aadé} aadé ḵeeyanoogu yé.»
It will become your time, the way that you are acting.” [Something like, “It will be the death of you.”]
Áwé, ltín, tle
So, you see, thatʼs when
«Aa, go on!» yóo ayawsiḵaa wé du káak.
“Ah, go on!” she said that to her uncle.
Tle yú schooner yíde wudlinaa.
Then she carried her bundles of things into the schooner.
Wé Seattle-dé áwé yaa naḵúx̱ wé yaakw.
That boat is going to Seattle.
A yíde áwé wjixíx.
She ran aboard it.
Yá {Sʼigax̱sáani} tléikʼ, [Sʼiknax̱sáankʼi]
That Taku Harbor, no,
Taku River x̱án,
near Taku River,
wé Tʼaaḵú,
that Taku,
Wé anax̱ yan has uwaḵúx̱.
They went to shore there.
{tle hél}
Tle chʼas yáa
Then just the
yá has du x̱ʼeis at ḵáa áwé,
the man who cooks for them,
ldakát akaawajeil wé héen a yíde akg̱wayaayi át.
he got all of the things that he is going to pack the water into.
Áwé yan uwalít a káx̱.
Then he paddled swiftly to shore for it.
Chʼa yeisú {át woo} wé héen ayaayí áwé,
While he was stilling packing the water,
aag̱áa ḵutéesʼ wé yaakw
heʼs looking for the schooner
héende, daat sákwshéwé du een woonook,
into the water, some obscure thing, went down with them,
s du een woonook.
went down with them.
Ax̱ aat tsú a yígu.
My aunt is in it too.
Tle hóochʼ.
Then it was gone.
Tle has du een wusitáax̱ʼw.
It sank with them.
Aag̱áa áwé ax̱ éesh yéi yaawaḵaa,
At that time, my father said,
{ha} haa yaawajée aan,
he used to discipline us with it,
«Chʼa wéit nag̱wagoodín yee aat.
“Your paternal aunt could (still) have been walking there.
Tlax̱ a yáanáx̱ du tuwáa wsigóo,
She just liked it way too much,
wé ḵustí.
that way of life.
Áwé yeedát
And now
wé a yít yaa ḵunatin schooner {has du} daa sákwshíwé,
the schooner that she was traveling in, some obscure thing
{át ḵustí ḵa át ḵus áa} át ḵudziteeyi át
a monster
áwé has du een yínde woonook.
it went down with them.
Tle tlél wudusteen.»
It wasnʼt even seen.”
Tléináx̱ wé
One person, that
wé cook áwé,
it was the cook,
{du ee- du ée ḵaa} wududziteen, ách áwé s du een
he was seen, thatʼs why with them
yan uwaḵúx̱.
he went ashore.
{áwé ḵust} «Wáa sáyá ḵeeyanugu yé áyá?»
“What are you doing?”
he said.
Áwé yéi yaawaḵaa,
Then he said,
«Wé a yít {ḵux̱} yaa ḵunx̱atin schooner Seattle-dé,
“The schooner I was traveling to Seattle in,
hél x̱wasakú daa sáwé {du een}
I donʼt know what it was
has du een woonook yínde.»
that went down with them.”
Yaakw tlein áyú.
It was a big boat.
Tle tlél ḵuwustee.
It just disappeared.
Ách áwé x̱wsikóo wé aadé sh keelnik yé,
Thatʼs why I know what youʼre talking about,
át ḵusti át.
the thing that dwells there. [What George was telling about earlier.]
Hél wutusakú,
We donʼt know,
chʼu yeedádidé.
even up to now.
Wáang̱aneens ax̱ toowú néekw nuch {e ax̱}.
Sometimes I feel terribly sad.
«Tle du tóonáx̱ yigoot, síkʼ, i aat.
“You just walked through her, little daughter, your paternal aunt. [Something like, “You take after her.”]
I shátx̱ tsú.»
Your older sister too.”
Wéitʼaa {e}
That one [gesturing at Georgeʼs wife, Agnes]
i shát du tláa,
your (Georgeʼs) wifeʼs mother,
i chaan.
your mother-in-law.
Dei chʼáakw ax̱ tóo yéi yatee wé sh kalneek.
It has been on my mind for a long time now, that story.
Ách áwé ḵúnáx̱ yá
That is why really,
a daa yoo x̱ʼeetángi,
when you talk about it,
tle du káa daak tux̱wdataanch ax̱ aat.
I recall her, my paternal aunt.
Chʼu yeedádidé {eesh} eeshandéin yoo ḵukaawashóo, ltín, wé yaakw.
Even to this day, people suffer horribly, you see, (because of) that boat.
Kʼé wé
At that
time period
xʼoon táakwx̱ sá x̱at sateeyí,
however many years I was,
asg̱eiwú yaax̱ x̱wagoodí tsú i een kakḵwalaneek.
when I went seining, too, I am going to tell it to you.
Chʼu at kʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé,
When I was still a small child,
wáa sákwshé x̱at woowáat,
however old I mightʼve been,
at that time.
At kʼátskʼux̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé,
When I was a small child,
ax̱ éesh woonaa.
my father died.
Thatʼs about five years-x̱ x̱at sateeyí.
Thatʼs when I was about five years old.
Hmh. Yeah.
Áwé chʼas ax̱ tláach áwé kei haa naswát.
So it was just my mother who is raising us.
Hél haa éet ux̱disheeyi ḵáa ḵoostí.
There was nobody around that could help us.
{á} Áwé wáang̱aneenxʼs áwé hél ax̱ daa yoo has oosdáḵk nuch,
Sometimes they donʼt make any sense to me, (with the things they do)
ax̱ húnx̱ hás.
my older brothers.
Tléináx̱ yateeyi aa Kanaash yéi duwasáakw.
One of them is called Kanaash.
Tléixʼaa ḵwá Keihéenákʼw áwé.
The other one, though, that is Keihéenákʼw.
John Martin saayíx̱ sitee.
John Martin has that name.
Oo, ahah.
Oh, uhuh.
The third one ḵwá,
The third one though,
Hé, Xúnaadáx̱ saaxʼw.
Oh, names from Hoonah.
Xúnaadáx̱ saaxʼw áwé.
They are names from Hoonah.
{hél} wáa sákwshéwé {hél hél} hél yéi has jeenéi nuch.
for some reason, they werenʼt working.
chʼas ax̱ tláach áwé kei haa naswát.
just my mother is raising us.
Three years áwé hél schoolt x̱wagoot.
I didnʼt go to school for three years.
{hél} Hél babysit yéi oonax̱saneiyí.
She couldnʼt babysit.
Ḵa {násʼk} násʼgináx̱ áwé s yatee {ax̱ ax̱}
And there are three of them,
ax̱ dlaakʼ hás, youngest ones.
my sisters, the youngest ones.
Áwé {has}
{babysit} babysitter sákw tle ḵwá yaax̱ x̱at gasgútch ax̱ tláa.
my mother always takes me for a babysitter.
Áwé Pillar Bay,
Itʼs at Pillar Bay,
áwé cans dulyéx̱ nuch x̱á.
they make cans, you see.
{hél} Hél yéi yeedádi yáx̱.
Not like how it is now.
cans {wudulyei} dulyeix̱í yís áwé.
thatʼs for making cans.
Aadé yandux̱éich ax̱ tláa áwé babysitter sákw áwé tle
People would paddle there, so my mother, for a babysitter
tle yaax̱ x̱at wusigoot
she took me along
Pillar Bay-dé.
to Pillar Bay.
Three years ḵwá hél schoolt x̱wagoot.
For three years, though, I didnʼt go to school.
Áwé schoolt x̱agóot áwé chʼa adawóotl yéi x̱wsinei.
When I (finally) went to school, I just had a hard time.
Aadé behind-x̱ x̱at wusiteeyi yé.
Thatʼs how far behind I was.
Shayadihéini át
A lot of things
{hél} hél x̱wasakú.
I didnʼt know.
Ax̱ húnx̱w áwé school teacher-x̱ wusitee.
My older brother was a schoolteacher.
{déi ax̱ hún aa}
The oldest one.
Á áwé
It was
University of Washington-dáx̱ áwé
from the University of Washington
graduate-x̱ wusitee.
he was a graduate.
Áwé school teacher-x̱ wusitee.
So he became a school teacher.
Ah, hú áwé ax̱ éet udashéeych
Uh, it was he who would always help me
wé three years miss-x̱ x̱walayeix̱í.
when I missed those three years.
áwé ah,
so uh,
chʼa yá
just about
ten years-x̱ x̱at nastée áwé,
when I got to be ten years old,
naa.át sʼéilʼi,
torn clothes,
naa.át sʼéilʼi tóot áwé schoolt x̱wagootch.
I would go to school wearing torn clothes.
Aadé ḵʼanashgidéix̱ haa sateeyi yé.
Thatʼs how poor we are.
Ax̱ dlaak' hás ḵwá,
My sisters though,
chʼa ksa.aandéin á
just in a nice-looking way
{has du náa yéi} has du náa yéi shandu.eich.
they always dress them.
X̱át ḵwá chʼa wé naa.át sʼéilʼi áwé,
As for me, though, just those torn up clothes,
a tóot áwé schoolt x̱wagootch.
I would go to school in them.
Áwé atyátxʼich x̱at kooshooḵch,
Children would laugh at me,
aadé sh x̱adi.óowu yé.
the way I was dressed.
Áwé tleidahéen áwé,
So this one time,
{dé n} neil x̱wadzig̱áx̱.
I went home crying.
Ax̱ tláa yéi yax̱wsiḵaa, «Hél schóolde kḵwagoot.
I said to my mother, “Iʼm not going to go to school.
Hél schóol-de kḵwagoot yeedát.
Iʼm not going to go to school now.
Atyátxʼich x̱at kooshóoḵch aadé x̱at náa yéi shanee.eich áyá.»
Children laugh at me because of the way that you dress me.”
Á áwé
So then
aag̱áa áwé yéi yax̱waaḵaa,
at that time I said,
{ax̱} ax̱ ah,
my uh,
step father-í ḵwá minister-x̱ áwé sitee.
step father, though, is a minister.
X̱at seiwa.áx̱
He heard my voice
ax̱ tláa tin yéi yoo x̱ʼax̱la.átgi.
when I was talking that way to my mother.
{Ya} He owns a boat at
that time.
Áwé yá
So this
du yaagú "Katie" yéi duwasáa.
boat of his was called “Katie”.
{x̱aan yá du} ax̱ tláa yéi ayawsiḵaa,
he said to my mother,
{union tóode u} «Union tóode kg̱wagóot.
“He will join the union.
Tle yéi union {x̱w} tóot wugoodí áwé tsá,
Then once he joins the union,
asg̱eiwú yaax̱ yei gax̱tusagóot.»
we'll take him along seining.”
Ten years-x̱ ḵwá x̱at sitee.
I was ten years old, though.
Áwé yaax̱ x̱at wududzigoot after I
So I was taken along after I
joined the union.
Á áwé,
So then,
{uh hél} hél aadé daat sá x̱tuwasheeyi yé wé yaakw yík.
we werenʼt allowed to touch things on the fishing boat.
Tle wé {s} captain-ch yéi yawuḵaayí áwé tsá,
Only when the captain says,
«Yú át yéi kg̱isanéi. {gag̱ee} Gag̱idanéegwálʼ.»
“Youʼre going to do this. Youʼre going to paint.”
By the hour áwé a káa haa jiduḵéi.
They are paying us for it by the hour.
Hél ḵwá tlax̱ ushóo wé chʼu ḵaa jiḵéixʼi.
Peopleʼs pay was inadequate.
Kʼidéin ldakát át {li}éeyi yáx̱ yatee.
Everything is physically demanding.
Áwé yaax̱ x̱waagoot
So I went along
Ten years-x̱ x̱at sateeyí áwé.
That was when I was ten years old.
Half share, hél ayáx̱ x̱at wuwáat, half share x̱alashát.
A half share, I wasnʼt old enough, I hold a half share. [A full share for a crew member might be 10% of the net profit.]
Yú captain ḵwás yéi yanaḵéich,
The captain, though, would say,
«Contract yáx̱ áwé
“Like a contract
we will pay you for your work.
Daaḵw aa dáanaa sá i.éexʼ,
Whatever money (amount) you say,
i ée wtulitsáay áwé.
we have offered to you.
A káx̱ yéi jikg̱eenéi.
You are going to work for it.
Hundred dollars áyá wé ijigax̱tooḵéi, all summer,» yóo.
We are going to pay you a hundred dollars for the whole summer,” he says.
All summer fishing.
A káx̱ áwé tle asg̱eiwú yaax̱ x̱waagoot.
I went seining for that (amount of money).
Hél tlax̱ ushóo wé,
Itʼs really inadequate, that,
Áwé naa.át aan x̱waa.oo, yáaxʼ
So I bought some clothes with it, here (in Juneau).
yáaxʼ haat tooḵóox̱.
when we came here.
Fall time áwé yáaxʼ haat wutuwaḵúx̱
In the fall time we came here on the boat
From Kake.
aax̱ áwé,
from there on,
aax̱ áwé,
from there on,
tlákw every year ax̱asg̱eiwú.
always, every year, I would seine.
Ten years-x̱ x̱at sateeyídáx̱ áwé start-x̱ x̱at wusitee.
From the time that I was ten years old I had started it.
Tlax̱ a yáanáx̱ ḵwá áwé adawóotl yéi awsinei ax̱ tláa.
But my mother just had too much of a hard time.
{hél} Hél haa éet ux̱disheeyí lingít ḵuwustee, {át} ách áwé.
There was nobody around that could help us, thatʼs why.
Babysitter sákw
To be a babysitter
yaax̱ x̱at gasgútch.
she would take me along.
Áwé schoolt x̱agóot áwé kʼidéin adawóotl yéi x̱wsinei.
So when I went to school, I had a real hard time.
Aadé behind-x̱ x̱at wusiteeyi yé,
Thatʼs how behind I was,
high school-dé ḵunx̱atéen áwé s chʼu eeteeyáx̱ wootee.
when I traveled to high school it was pretty much the same. [To the Wrangell Institute boarding school.]
Adawóotl yéi x̱wsinei. {wé s}
I had a hard time.
Ḵʼwátl ákwshé Lingít {chʼa yá chʼa yá}
Maybe a pot,
{ḵʼwátl} ḵʼwátl wáalʼi at x̱ʼa.áx̱ch.
speech that sounds like a broken pot. [Maybe referring to his broken English.]
Á áwé.
Thatʼs what it was.
Shayawdihaa ax̱ friends-i, school-xʼ.
My friends became numerous at school.
Áwé ax̱ éet has udashéeych.
They would help me.
Áwé {yaax̱ has} yaa has ḵudax̱dzigéi wé
They were all smart, those
Áwé {ax̱} dáx̱náx̱ yateeyi aa áwé ax̱ éet has udashéeych
These two of them would always help me
freshman and
ḵa sophomore year.
and sophomore year.
Two years áwé áxʼ schóolt x̱waagút.
For two years I went to school there.
Wrangell Institute.
Wrangell Institute.
Hóochʼ áwé.
Thatʼs all of it.
Two hundred dollars tin áwé aadé ḵwx̱waateen.
I went there with two hundred dollars.
Ásíwé ax̱ tláach ḵwá tle
It seems, though, that my mother then
ax̱ dlaakʼ hás aadé has du éech awsiwóo.
my sisters, she sent them there.
Hél dáanaa has du jeet wudutí, hás ḵwá.
There was no money given to them, them though.
Chʼa yá asg̱eiwúdáx̱ yax̱waadlaḵ dáanaa áwé aan.
Just the money that I had acquired from seining it was, with that.
has du jís draw-x̱ aa ux̱layéx̱ch ax̱ dáanayí.
I would withdraw some of my money for them.
Á áwé,
So then,
wé principal-ch áx̱ akaawa.aax̱,
the principal picked up the paper,
«Wáanáx̱ sáwé tlax̱ yéi draw-x̱ ilayéix̱ i dáanayí?»
“Why do you draw so much money?”
Áwé {du} du een kax̱anéek,
I tell him,
hél ḵwá ax̱ x̱ʼéi ooheen.
but he doesnʼt believe me.
George Barret yóo duwasáakw, {ya} Yaakwdáatdáx̱ áwé.
His name was George Barret, he was from Yakutat.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
How is he called?
George Barret.
Chʼáakw áa yéi wootee.
He was there a long time.
Uh, {d} sophomore year áa yoo x̱agútgu áwé,
Uh, sophomore year when I was going there,
from there
aax̱ {d} retire yéi awsinei.
he retired from there.
Áwé du x̱ʼakul.aan áwé déi tle {aax̱}
It was because of what he said then that
aax̱ jix̱wdináḵ.
I quit from there.
Du een woosh x̱adiḵán.
I quarreled with him.
du yát x̱waatée,
I put this in his face, [a way of speaking to somebody in an argument]
yéi yax̱wsiḵaa,
I said to him,
«Put youself in my shoes.
{na} Dáx̱náx̱ yatee i dlaakʼ yáaxʼ.
There are two of your sisters here.
Has kawuwáalʼi,
When theyʼre broke,
i toowóoch gé support-x̱ has gag̱ilayéix̱ i dlaakʼ hás?» yóo yax̱wsiḵaa.
do you suppose that you would support your sisters?” I said to him.
Hél ax̱ éex̱ x̱ʼeitaan.
He doesnʼt say anything to me.
Ḵushtuyáx̱ áwé.
It doesnʼt matter.
Ḵushtuyáx̱ áwé expell-x̱ x̱at wulyeix̱í,
It doesnʼt matter if he would expel me,
áwé tláakw yax̱wsiḵaa.
I tore into him verbally. [Lit. 'I talked fast at him.']
Áwé déi yéi yax̱waaḵaa,
So then I said to him,
«Wé blue form ax̱ jeet aa tí. Yáadáx̱ jikḵwadanáaḵ,» yéi yax̱wsiḵaa.
“Give me one of those blue forms. Iʼm going to quit from here,” I said to him.
Mr. Barret agree idaayaḵá. Aaá.
Mr. Barret agreed to that. Yes.
Á áwé
So then
schóol-dáx̱ jix̱wdanaag̱í,
when I quit school,
chʼa áwé tle military tóode tle draft-íx̱ x̱at wududliyéx̱.
I was just drafted into the military.
Eighteen years old-x̱ x̱at sitee aag̱áa.
I am eighteen years old at that time.
wé Selective Service office-dáx̱
from the Selective Service office
yínde eiḵ nax̱agúdi áwé, «Aa sáwé?»
as I was walking down toward the waterfront, “Who is that?”
Sh tóo yakax̱wditín ax̱ géide yaa nagut ḵáa.
I recognized on the inside a person walking towards me.
Ḵachgu ax̱ húnx̱ ásíwé.
That happened to be my older brother.
A, wé school teacher-x̱ sateeyi aa.
Uh, the one that is a school teacher.
X̱ʼax̱awóosʼ, «Daa sáwé yáaxʼ yéi daa.eené?»
I ask him, “What are you doing here?”
«I eeg̱áa áwé haat wutuwaḵúx̱,» tle yóo x̱at yawsiḵaa.
“We came here for you by boat,” he said to me.
This recording is continued on #89.