This material is based on work supported by National Science Foundation grants BCS-0651787 and BCS-0853788 to the University of Alaska Southeast with Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff as Principal Investigator and by National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship 266286-19 to Ljáaḵkʼ Alice Taff. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Tlingit Conversation #94
Speakers are Úx̱sanéekʼ Frank Jack and Kaséix̱ Selina Everson. Recorded on May, 19, 2013, at Uxshkadusneek Frank Jackʼs house on Front Street, Angoon, AK, by Tuli.aan Carolyn Anderson.
Tlingit transcription by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston with Gax̱daakashú Joe Hotch. Translation by Shákʼsháaní Margaret Dutson and by X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston with Gax̱daakashú Joe Hotch. Edited by Shag̱aaw Éesh Devlin Anderstrom.
[Name of Kaséix̱ʼs uncle's son on the Eagle side]
We said a different, different name.
Minnie aayí x̱á yéi dusáagun,
Minnieʼs (son) had that name,
wé lame-x̱ wusiteeyi aa.
the one that was lame.
Aadóo yéet sá?
Who's son?
[Minnie Johnsonʼs name].
Sasóox̱ du yéet. Minnie Johnson.
Minnie Johnsonʼs son.
[Her eldest sonʼs name].
Ḵuchéin, X̱ʼeyáay. X̱ʼayáa.
[Herbert Johnsonʼs name, another son of Minnie.] -KSE [ÚFJʼs pronunciation of KSEʼs X̱ʼeyáay]. -ÚFJ
Ḵuchéin héen táakt uwagút x̱á.
(Joe Johnson) drowned, you know. [In Icy Strait, he jumped in after Charles, his younger close clan brother, who went down right away because of his hip boots. Both men were lost.]
Aahá.Joe Johnson.
Joe Johnson. Uhuh.
They have a sister. They used to have a sister.
Adeline, ah, I forget her Tlingit name.
Xʼoon sá ḵut wutuwag̱éexʼ héen táakde?
How many did we lose to drowning?
Chʼa daa sá i tóo kei uwaxíx.
Whatever comes to your mind.
Héen táanáx̱ has woo.aadi aa sdu eeg̱áa ḵudusheeyín.
They searched for all of those who have gone into the water (and drowned).
{ha yéi}
«Átch wusineix̱,» yóo has x̱ʼax̱a.áx̱jin haa een sh kadulneegí.
“Something [spirits] saved him,” I used to hear them say when they told us. [«Átch wusineix̱» can also mean for somebody to be captured by spirits such as kooshdaaḵáa.]
Du yáx̱ ??? tsú ax̱ x̱ʼanáḵ ḵut wujixeex.
Just like [the other guy] I forgot [his name].
His name is, uh... It's been a long time since I remembered. I remember lot of those names and I'm... To my surprise people from Juneau they, then never introduce me to the person that I remembered.
It comes to me just like...
Are you ready to... Are you photographing now?
Chʼa gooxʼ sá i tuwáa sigóo Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱...
Whenever you want to [speak] in Tlingit...
de yaa kanajúx.
[the camera] is going now.
Chʼu i saayí chʼa a tóot sh gag̱idasáa.
Youʼll say your name for the record.
X̱áach ḵu.aa,
háʼ! Tle a kát x̱at seiwaxʼáḵw i saayí Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
oh my! I just forgot your Tlingit name.
X̱át gé?
[His name].
[His other name].
Úx̱sanéekʼ yóo duwasáakw.
His name is Úx̱sanéekʼ.
Teiḵweidí áyá Aangóondáx̱.
He is Teiḵweidí from Angoon.
Ax̱ léelkʼw has een, ax̱ léelkʼw ée kaawaháa.
My grandfathersʼ rel(ative), heʼs related to my grandfather.
[Selinaʼs grandfatherʼs name and Frankʼs younger brother, Peter Jack, carried that name].
{du} du kéekʼ,
his younger brother,
chʼa yeisú haa náḵ woogoot, hél {un} yee.unayátʼch.
he just left us, it wasnʼt very long ago.
Ḵaachg̱ahéitʼ yóo dusáagun.
His name was Ḵaachg̱ahéitʼ.
Yáatʼaa ḵwá Úx̱saneekʼ.
His name however is Úx̱sanéek.
Keijínináx̱ has téeyin, Teiḵweidí.
There were 5 of them, Teiḵweidí.
Hasdu dlaakʼ tléináx̱ yatee yeedát, Jennie Jim yóo duwasáakw.
They have one sister now, her name is Jennie Jim. [She was the clan mother of the Teiḵweidí.]
{lin dleit} Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ du saayí Jennie...
Jennieʼs Tlingit name...
[Jennieʼs name]
yóo dusáagun.
was her name.
Jennie. They gave her another name when they were having party. Way back Minnie... someone that used to
Give names.
give names to... oh Danny Johnson was Minnie's
Minnie's son
son, yeah. See I remembered lots of names but I keep forgetting them. I was telling my son you better bring your, your recorder in, he always go someplace else. They always call him, Walter. And uh...
Chʼa tsoo i tóo kei uwaxixi át Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
Just (say) whatever comes to your mind in Tlingit.
Wáa sá téeyin Aangóon g̱unéi yawuxeexí ANB tsu i tuwáa sagoowú.
Even how Angoon was when the ANB was first founded, if you want.
Aadé yoo kdug̱ixʼgi yé.
How they used to donate [to send delagates to Washington, DC].
Ḵúnáx̱ excited-x̱ has sitee {haa}
They were so enthusiastic at the time [about the brotherhood starting up]
How do I say haa
I was away when, when they had... my mother died when I was... after I was born.
Wáa sá dusáagun?
What was her name?
Yóo dusáagun du tláa.
That was his motherʼs name.
I dachx̱anxʼiyán?
Your grandchildren?
Francine dachx̱anxʼiyán áwé.
They are Francineʼs grandchildren.
His grandchildren just came in. Francine's uh grandchildren, so they're his great... this is great grandpa.
Aadé at yeeshée noojín yé tsoo church-xʼ kananeek
Tell again about how you folks would sing in church
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
in Tlingit.
I shát een.
With your wife.
Wáa sá?
Aadé at yeeshée noojín Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ churchxʼ.
How you used to sing in church in Tlingit.
Guitar tsú ila.áx̱jin.
You used to play guitar too.
Áwé dáx̱náx̱ ax̱ x̱án.aa teen at.shí yéi daatoonéiyin
So both my wife and I used to play music
yáa chúchxʼ.
in church.
Salvation Army tóoxʼ wéi haa téeyin.
We used to be in the Salvation Army.
We used to play, I used to play guitar. And then afte, after they left here, they Salvation, they didnʼt have any Salvation Army anymore. So we, she started the songs, the, they call it...
Songsters Brigade. Songsters Brigade.
Aaá, Songsters Brigade. We used to travel. I traveled and I didn't have time to, I, we joined, uh, ourselves to sell. There's only two of us, we used to travel. And when you get to Seattle...
Andy Hanson ḵa du shát.
Andy Hanson and his wife. [Frankʼs wifeʼs younger sister and her husband Andy.]
Your wife's, your, your sister-in-law.
My sister-in-law. We traveled together. And all the way to Arizona. They used to know the ministers. So he took us to some places where he knew and we ministered the people. All the way to Arizona and then we come back. We don't stay here when we come back. We go to Juneau. We go to Yakutat and from Yakutat we go to Anchorage where my youngest daughter, that's where she lived, Brenda.
Oh, Brenda
And then we, after we come back we go to Kake. When they call us well, we go to the place where they call us to minister to people. One, almost the last time we traveled, we traveled from here. The plane stopped in Ketchikan and, uh, Beth, she knew friends in Ketchikan and that young girl, when she closed the door, she closed the door on her jacket and the car driver didn't see her. After she, after they drug her, this friend of Beth's was telling her,
{yéi sha} Yéi áwé x̱ʼayaḵá,
She said,
«Car du kinaak.ádixʼ áwé kát ashoowatán x̱ʼaháat.
“She closed the car door on her coat.
{yá} Yá
car, Salvation Army car.
car, Salvation Army car.
Hú áwé á áwé á áwé chʼa aawax̱óotʼ. Oooooooo.
So, so, so they just dragged her along. Ohhhhhhhhh.
Hél duteen.
They couldnʼt see her.
Just about from here to
to yú crossroad on that side, that's how far they, that they drug her, that girl. And she hasn't ate for how many days. They're trying to feed. Her grandma trying to feed that girl. But after that {she couldn't open} she opened the door on the refrigerator, and she closed it without even eating. And that day what happened was; when we were there, after she got done that lady {from} in Ketchikan was talking to, to Beth. I was sitting there, and I told them, "I'm going to get my guitar itʼs, it's right there. And then we're going to sing a song and then we're going to pray for this young lady." And after I got done singing then that young girl, her grandma called her. "Come on, they're going to pray for you." We just prayed {just} and after we finished praying, she was moving in the house, that girl. And after she was moving around, she went to the refrigerator, opened the door. And she reached in there, she got something from there to eat. "Oh, praise the Lord," she said, that grandma. She's been trying to do that for how many months, about three months, I guess. Now she's eating from the refrigerator. And then they called us to the plane that we were supposed to go on, we were going on. The people that supposed to pay their full fare. Us, we pay half fare. {And that lady} The people that on the plane they told us maybe tomorrow they'll have two seats. And when we called, we told her, "It's all right, we can go anytime." {So she} Next day thereʼs only one seat available and I said, "Go ahead, Iʼm going to wait. I'll have my Mrs. travel first." And she did. The next day we got another seat available and that's it. Then we go on down to Seattle. And from Seattle we ministered to people there in Seattle. The people that Andy knows, we went to his church and we ministered some people. Sometimes with singing and then we turned it over to them. Sometimes Andy (Anderson???) ministers to them. All the way, sometimes we go for two weeks from Seattle to Arizona. The good miracle that took place was when we were going to Arizona. There was a car coming towards us. Andy, like he's crazy, you know. He came from behind, alongside, we saw the car go speeding. {And when} "Look, look, look," was all he said. And we said, "Jesus." We don't know how we got ahead of that truck. The lord just picked it up I guess, to put it ahead, the car that we're on.
Hél gé aadé Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ {kag̱iyaneek yé}
Isnʼt there any way
kang̱iyaneegi yé?
you can tell it in Tlingit?
Chʼa daa sá.
Whatever (you want to talk about).
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
In Tlingit.
Chʼa daa sá a daa yoo x̱ʼatán.
Talk about whatever.
Chʼa daa sá i tóot kawdiyáa.
Whatever comes to your mind.
{aadé ḵu} Aadé kei iwdudziwadi yé.
How you were raised.
Goot sá ḵaneetínjin a saaxʼú een.
Where you used to travel to along with all of the (place) names.
Ha chʼa kakḵwa.aaḵw.
Well Iʼll just try.
Try it.
Wáa sá kg̱watée yáatx̱
How would it be if from now on
kax̱wlaneegí {aax̱}
I tell
Teiḵweidí {aadé át has} aadé haat has wuligasʼi yé yáat?
how the Teiḵweidí migrated here to this place?
Yeah, yakʼéi.
Yeah, thatʼs good.
Kei kg̱wakʼéi.
That will be good.
Yéi áwé has akanéek.
This is how they tell it.
Kichx̱áandáx̱ áwé
From Ketchikan
ḵáakwt at uwanée, dáx̱náx̱ kʼisáani.
something bad happened (to), two boys.
Áwé yéi s yaawaḵaa,
So they said,
«Tle haa gax̱lagáasʼ gwáawégé?
“Shall we move then?
{has} Áxʼ ḵáaḵwt {wutu} ḵoowaniyi yé.
(Away from) where something bad happened to somebody.
Yaakwdé kax̱too.áat
Weʼll go aboard a boat
yá nánde.»
(and go) north.”
Aag̱áa áwé {s yan} yéi s yaawaḵaa,
Then they said,
«Ha, góok!»
“Go ahead!”
Yóo deikée ḵúwé s yatán.
They are headed out to sea.
Has shayadihéin, xʼoon,
There were a lot of them, how many,
hél has akooneek xʼoonix̱ sá sateeyí wé canoes yaa yanagwen aa.
They didnʼt say how many canoes there were traveling in a fleet.
{daaḵw} Aadóoch sá yaa yanax̱éin? {yáa}
Who was paddling them?
Teiḵweidí ák.wé?
Was it the Teiḵweidí?
A yík.
Aboard (the canoes).
Teiḵweidí ldakát hás.
They are all Teiḵweidí.
Yóo deikée yax̱ʼáak áwé s awsiteen.
They saw it out in the middle of the ocean.
Yáa kéidladi áwé oowayáa yá yán.
The shore looked like a seagull.
Tle áwé sdu sháade háni yéi ḵuyawsiḵaa,
Then their leader said to them,
«Tliyéixʼ sʼé yéi yee natí.»
“You should stay here.”
chʼa áxʼ yéi ḵuyateeyi yé áwé tsá
where the people were staying at
kéidladi yei dustínch.
they kept seeing a seagull.
Ách xʼwán a yinaadé.
Thatʼs why they started off toward it.
«A yinaadé yanayis.á.
“Look toward it.
A x̱ánx̱ yawtooḵoox̱ú át tsá
When we circle around over there then
yei gax̱yisatéen
you will see
tsu áa yéi ḵuteeyí.»
if there are even any people are living there.”
{a x̱ág̱aa} a x̱áng̱aa yaa s naḵúx̱u áwé s awsiteen,
as they were paddling up close to it, they saw,
dleit ásgíwé yá {sh} shaa yadaa.
it may in fact be snow on the mountainside.
Thatʼs what
kéidladix̱ has aawajee.
they thought was a seagull.
«Ha chʼa góok, yilasín yánde.
“Well go ahead, sneak up to the shore.
Letʼs see it,”
yóo áwé yaawaḵaa sdu sháade háni.
is what their leader said.
Á áwé tle
So then
a yinaadé s wooḵoox̱.
they went towards it.
Át has ḵóox̱ áwé,
When they arrived,
hél x̱wasakú wáa sá duwasáakw "Cape Edgecumbe."
I donʼt know the (Tlingit) name of Cape Edgecumbe.
Sitka. [ seaward side of Baranoff Island.]
Thatʼs Sitka.
Yá a dagiyigé tliyáanax̱.áxʼ yéi yatee Sitka.
On the other side of the middle of it is Sitka. [There is a difficult to hear post-dental consonant between dagiyigé and yáanax̱.áxʼ which I have interpreted as the first syllable of tliyáanax̱.áxʼ ʼon the other sideʼ. This makes the most sense as Sitka is on the other side of Baranoff island from Angoon and not «yáanax̱.áxʼ» ʼon this sideʼ.]
{yá dei}
Deikéenáx̱.áxʼ ḵwáwés
On the outside of it though is
Cape Edgecumbe.
Áa yéi s wootee haa x̱oonxʼí
Our relatives dwelled there,
the Teiḵweidí.
{áwé tléináx̱ yateeyi yá} Dáx̱náx̱ yatee
There were two
wooch kikʼi yán.
Hás áwé, tléináx̱ yateeyi aa áwé {at sh}
It was them, one of them
Lingít x̱ʼasheeyí ashée nuch.
was always singing Tlingit songs.
Áwé {sdu},
tlax̱ a yáanáx̱ has ayatéen
they could see it was too much
{wé, wé} chʼa yáa aadé yateeyi yé.
just the way that place was.
Tlákw áwé jiwsitaan wé
The waves were always crashing in
ocean kaax̱.
from the ocean.
{Jiw} Jiwustaaní áwé teet,
When the waves are pounding on the shore,
hás ḵwá áwéi,
hél aadé s ḵoong̱aanoogu yé.
they couldnʼt do anything.
Yeewooyáatʼ aag̱áa yéi s wooteeyi yé yú.á.
They say that they lived there for a long time.
aax̱ has wuligáasʼ.
they moved from there.
Yóo áwé {ts}
Like this
lava rock yóo duwasáakw.
itʼs called lava rock.
yóo roundéyáx̱ yatee.
itʼs round like this.
Kawduwatʼíx̱ʼ {áxʼ} a káxʼ.
They pounded (a petroglyph?) onto it.
Lava rock.
Kootʼix̱ʼ Aan yóo wduwasáa.
They named it Kootʼix̱ʼ Aan. [They formed it when it was red hot. Maybe some kind of tool as per David Katzeek 12/3/13] ShÉDA: Kootʼix̱ʼ Aan is an attributive clause with head noun aan ʼvillage; landʼ. Probably a shortening of Kawduwatʼix̱ʼi Aan, ʼThe Land that was Poundedʼ. This would refer back to what ÚFJ just said, «kawduwatʼíx̱ʼ» ʼit was poundedʼ. It sounds to me like there was a petroglyph or something pounded into the lava rock there.
Kootʼix̱ʼ Aan. Kootʼix̱ʼ Aan.
Aan, yeah.
Village, yeah.
{aax̱} Aax̱ has galag̱áasʼ áwé
After they moved from there
yá north yinaadé áwé
toward the north
yánx̱ has yaawaḵúx̱.
they traveled along the shore.
Thereʼs uh, a place Sergius Narrows
anax̱ áwé s yaawaḵúx̱ yánt,
they paddled through there to the shore,
tle yéi yánde.
right toward the shore there.
{tlél} Hé yá a saayí ḵwá tléil has,
The name of it, though, they donʼt,
hél has awuskú,
they didnʼt know it,
Sergius Narrows.
Sergius Narrows.
Wé dleit ḵáa,
The white people,
hás áwé,
it was them,
{hasdu x̱ʼa}
hasdu x̱ʼayáx̱,
in their language,
on this side
Dead Man Reach
Dead Man Reach
áwu á.
is located there.
Anax̱ áwéi
Through there
Peril Strait yóo duwasáakw.
itʼs called Peril Strait.
They got a name for it but I don't know {where it} where it is now. It's, on the, on a sheet of paper. Garfield George, he copied it from there. I was holding it up when they gave it to me, and he was copying it, all the names in Tlingit.
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱
In Tlingit
Ḵaa Sháa Teiwahayi Yé.
Place Where a Rock fell on a Manʼs Head. [village at Todd, Peril Strait].
Peril Strait
[Note hand gestures showing which side of Peril Strait he is referring to. ShÉDA]
yéi yán
the shore there
atnatí aaníx̱ áwé sitee yáat.
is a hunting area, this place (Iʼm indicating by hand gesture. ).
Yá a keeká,
Across from it,
Ḵaa Sháa Teiwahayi Yé keeká,
across from the village at Todd,
á áwé
thatʼs where
I, jé, was thinking about that name all of this time and I {forgot} had to forget it,
[jé What is this great interjective?]
dleit ḵáa x̱ʼéináx̱.
in English.
Á áwé
Thatʼs it
Teiḵweidí aaníx̱ wusitee tsu.
became the Teḵweidí country.
Peril Strait tuwán?
Near Peril Strait?
Peril Strait tuwánxʼ gé?
Was it near Peril Strait?
Peril Strait,
towards Angoon
{á áwé} Á áwé
Thatʼs where
tsu aax̱ has wuligáasʼ.
they migrated from again.
{yáanáx̱ áwé g̱unéi}
{chʼu} Chʼul yáanáx̱ yan has ulgáasʼji áwé,
Before they settled down on this side,
has akanéek
they tell that
ldakát hás
all of them
from here
yáatx̱ áwé
from here
Sitʼḵú yóo duwasáakw. Sitʼḵú.
itʼs called Sitʼḵú. Sitʼḵú.
Yáa mountain tle,
That mountain,
wáa sá duwasáakw ʼmountainʼ?
how do you say ʼmountainʼ?
Hmʼ, l x̱wasakú.
Oh, I donʼt know.
Á áwé
Thatʼs where
anax̱ áwé yan kaawa.áa wé sítʼ.
there was a glacier situated there.
A kaax̱ áwé wduwasáa,
The name was derived from it;
Sitʼḵú. Sitʼḵú. Sitʼḵú.
ʼglacier area.ʼ Sitkoh Bay. Sitkoh Bay.
Thereʼs another one, the back end of Admiralty Island.
Thereʼs another one.
[Holkham Bay, Pybus Bay and Port Snettisham are also called Sitʼḵú.]
ʼglacier areaʼ
Á ák.wé yéi duwasáakw Sitkoh Bay? No.
Is that what Sitkoh Bay is called?
I donʼt know just where, after I finished ministering, that's when
a lot of names came up (that) I didn't know, but I should've gone to my Auntie, Minnie, to tell me the story. I could've.
You could've had it written down.
Uh huh.
On this side
yú sítʼ a káx̱ kaawa.aa yáa aan.
the land was covered with a glacier.
Glacier ák.wé yéi duwasáakw Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱?
Is that how you say glacier in Tlingit?
Glacier ák.wé yéi duwasáakw sítʼ?
Is that a glacier that you call sítʼ?
Ice. Yeah.
Á áwéi
That was
a káx̱ áwé duwasáakw xóots.
named after a brown bear.
Halfways to Chatham, and then,
[note gestures]
Aag̱áa áwé
Thatʼs when
saa a jeet has aawatée.
they gave it a name.
Sítʼ Ká
Sítʼ Ká [On the glacier]
yóo gax̱dusáakw
they will call it,
the Teiḵweidí. [Bear Clan]
Anax̱ yan kaawa.ayi yé káx̱ loowatsaaḵ.
The (rock ledge) sticks out over the area where (the glacier) was positioned.
aag̱áa áwé
and then
James Gordon yéi, yéi wduwasáa.
James Gorden recieved his name.
Sítʼ Ká.
Sítʼ Ká.
Teiḵweidí clan.
I've heard that name James Gordon.
A káx̱ {ya} aax̱
Derived from
yá sítʼ
that glacier
a káx̱ aax̱
derived from
{gal was wé nee}
How do you say it anyway?
When itʼs melted.
It melted.
Yá sítʼ {wullaa} Wullaayí
When the glacier melted. When it melted.
when it melted
aag̱áa áwé a {ká} yáanáx̱ Teiḵweidí yan wuligásʼ.
then the Teiḵweidí migrated past it.
Over on that side.
I was, I was thinking of that name
all this time and I always forget it.
Áyú Killisnoo.
[Name of an island, a harbor, and a point of land 2 miles south of Angoon.]
Kasanoow. Aaá.
[The Tlingit place name that the anglicized Killisnoo is derived from. Means a sheltered inlet or place.]
Yá a lunáak,
The point of it,
Killisnoo Lunáak,
Killisnoo Point,
áwé yéi duwasáakw Kasanoow.
thatʼs what they called Kasanoow.
Dleit ḵáa x̱ʼéixʼ hél uldzée.
Itʼs easy for the white people to say.
Uh huh.
{yéi s}
Yéi diginaa xʼáatʼ.
The island on the outside of it.
Daalilʼéiw ák.wé?
Is it sandy?
Daalilʼéiw. Sand.
Yóo daginaa aa.
The one on the outside of it.
Wáa sá duwasáakw?
Whatʼs it called?
Daaḵw.aa sá?
Which one?
Wé daginaa [xʼáatʼ].
The [island] on the outside.
Á áwé ax̱ x̱ʼanáḵ ḵut wujixeex.
It ran away from my mouth. [I forgot the name of it.]
What's that little island that
Grass Island.
{wáa} Wáa sá dus,
Whatʼs it,
Lalʼéiw? Lilʼéiw?
Sandy? Sandy?
How do you say grass?
Uh. I have to think a while. Grass.
Grass Island.
Suḵxʼáatʼi ák.wé?
Is that Grass Island?
Hé diginaa.
On the outside there.
Hé diginaa.
On the outside there.
{sss} Sooḵ a káa wsi.aa.
Grass grows on it.
Sooḵ. Grass.
Sooḵ Xʼáatʼi.
Grass Island.
Hood Bay ḵu.aa kwshé gé?
What about Hood Bay?
Hood Bay.
Deisheetaan tlʼátgi ák.wé?
Is that Deisheetaan land?
(Or) Daḵlʼaweidí?
Gootʼá sá? Hood Bay, Tsaagwáa.
Where? Hood Bay, [name for Hood Bay].
[name for Hood Bay]
Aah, Killer whale (clan).
Hás áwé
Itʼs they
Yeah, thatʼs the one.
And Deisheetaan.
Yá haa naadé
Toward where we are
at Killisnoo
yáadu á Killisnoo,
Hereʼs Killisnoo,
áa yéi ḵutéeyin
people used to live there. [2000 people when the herring reduction plants were in. KSE]
Sandy Island-dé.
up to Sandy Island.
Á áwé
yáade s wuduwax̱oox̱
they were called over here
party yáa s yanax̱saxeext.
so they could have a party here.
Aag̱áa áwé
So then,
yan at dux̱áa áwé tle
when they were through eating
has x̱ʼawduwawóosʼ Deisheetaan,
the Deisheetaan were asked,
«Yoox̱ʼatánk yéi naysané,»
“Make a speech,”
yéi yaawaḵaa {hasdu shá} yáatʼaa sháade háni.
said the clan leader of the people (from) here (Deisheetaan).
Áag̱áa áwé yéi s x̱ʼayaḵá,
Thatʼs when they were saying,
yéi yaawaḵaa,
he said,
«Yáat áwé
“This is where
sáanáx̱ g̱adunúgún áwé,
when the wind blows from the south
this place,
anax̱ áwé haa kát uxeexch,
it blows on us through here,
the south wind.
Yá Killisnoo.»
This Killisnoo.”
Kasanoow yóo saa.
Kasanoow, that name. [Name for Killisnoo]
«Xóon g̱adunúgún áwé
“When the north wind blows
tle yéi tle straight áwé haa kát uxeexch,
it hits us straight like this,
áwé haa yaakxʼú ḵwáyás hél áa yéi nax̱tuwa.oowu yé ḵoostí.
so there is no [safe] place for us to put our boats.
Tle yéi s yaawaḵaa,
Thatʼs when they said,
«{haa x̱ánxʼ x̱án yee haa} Haa x̱ánt yee lagásʼ.»
“Move next to us.”
After they moved here,
Aadóo sá yéi yaawaḵaa, «Haa x̱ánt yee lagásʼ?»
Who said, “Move over here by us?”
Teiḵweidí. Teiḵweidí.
Teiḵweidí (clan).
Aag̱áa áwé tsoo
So then, even the
hás tsú sdu een
they as well, along with them,
{yáaxʼ has wu} haat has wuligásʼ tle.
they just migrated to here.
Yáa yéi s natée áwé,
After they moved here,
they grabbed the land [chose the land]
to stay on.
Ldakát hás,
All of them,
ax̱ x̱ʼéix̱ has akwliyáakw.
they deny what I say.
Yóotʼaach ḵwáwé x̱aan kanéek,
But this person told me,
Minnie Johnson [Teiḵweidí like Frank].
Hóoch áwé x̱aan akanéek. Minnie.
Sheʼs the one who told me. Minnie.
G̱aanax̱.ádi tsú yáaxʼ yéi s téeyin.
The G̱aanax̱.ádi lived here too.
Who are they?
used to be Deisheetaan combined.
{wooch ya} Wooch g̱uwanyáade s wudlitsóow.
They moved away from each other.
Yéi áwé x̱aan kadunéek chʼa recently.
Thatʼs what someone told me just recently.
Yóotʼaach áwé x̱aan kanéek
This person was telling me,
Klukwan area-dáx̱.
from the Klukwan area.
Tle tléixʼx̱ has satéeyin. {wooch g̱uwanyáa} They broke apart.
They used to be one clan. They broke apart.
Some went into the interior, thatʼs why we have Deisheetaan up there.
Yéi áwé x̱aan kadulneek á ḵu.aa,
The way that one was told to me though,
Noah had a, built a boat, huh? In the Bible. Thereʼs a rope, 4" rope, itʼs pretty big.
Yéi jikwlitláa.
Itʼs that big around.
Yáa hél yaakw has oo.oo.
They didnʼt have any boats.
Aas áwé {wóosht wudu kawduji} wóoshde wduwadúxʼ,
They tied logs together (to make a raft),
yóo áwé kdulneek.
thatʼs how they tell it.
Wóoshde dudóoxʼ {wáa k},
After they were tied together,
yáat Hood Bay Mountain yóo duwasáakw.
this place is called Hood Bay Mountain.
A káxʼ áwé
On top of it
they built a round
whatcha call it, they piled rocks, té.
They made it round.
A kaadé áwé,
Onto it,
yá xóots,
the brown bears,
xóots {a k k} áwé
the brown bears
a kaadé {kawdu} kawduwax̱íl.
they coiled it the rope on there.
Itʼs still up there, on that mountain, Hood Bay Mountain.
Yáanax̱.á aa,
The one on this side,
I donʼt even know the name, the one you mentioned,
G̱aanax̱.ádi. (clan)
hás {has d} hasdu aayí s,
the one that was theirs,
hasdu x̱ánde,
they were coming toward them,
áwé wé tíxʼ, kawduwax̱ili tíxʼ,
that rope, that coiled rope,
á áwé
thatʼs how
yéi s aklaneek
theyʼre telling the story
yóo áwé át shukawuxeexí áwé wé teetch,
when they were flagging around because of the waves,
woosháash tle {át}
(the rope) wore out and
áwé wookʼoots.
it snapped.
Before itʼs
way up in the mountain.
X̱ʼawlitéet wé x̱aanásʼ.
The raft got carried off by the waves.
Ended up at the interior
Ended up at the interior,
yóo has aklaneek.
thatʼs how they tell it.
And the people {that} that from that, that place were on that raft, they ended up at the interior.
Tenakee and another one.
Shaakʼw Láax̱.
Little Mountain with Dead Trees. [Name of the mountain south of Trap Bay, Tenakee.]
A jig̱ei áwé áwu.
Itʼs there in the crook of it.
Who, who belonged? What was the name, the people in that area, Tenakee area, who owned it?
Ooh, the Jacksons.
Uh Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ hasdu
No the Jack (family), Charles Jackʼs, du éesh.
No the Jack, Charles Jackʼs, his father.
Uh Tʼaḵdeintaan? No. Shark.
Shark, yeah.
Hás hasdu aaníx̱ áwé wsitee.
It became their land.
Shark, I forget how you say it.
Áa kawduwax̱íl tsu wé tíxʼ a g̱ei.
Another rope was coiled there in the crook of it.
Yéi s yawdudziḵaa kʼisáani tsu a lóode,
They told the young men at the end of it,
«Tléil áx̱ yisheeḵ,»
“Donʼt touch it,”
yáatʼaach has, yáaxʼ haat has ḵuyawuteení, x̱á.
when these people, when they came here, you know.
«Hél áx̱ yisheeḵ.»
“Donʼt touch it.”
"Donʼt touch it.
??? [ShÉDA: This is difficult to hear. Check form and gloss. My suspicion is that the target phrase is «gust aḵusitee» ʼit causes gustsʼ where gust is an English word.]
It causes weather.
Bad weather."
Yéi áwé hasdu een kawdudlineek,
Thatʼs what they were told,
the young men.
Jimmie George hás ḵu.aa áwé
It was Jimmie Georgeʼs people
Hood Bay
Tenakee Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ hél gé ysakú a saayí?
Do you not know the Tlingit name of Tenakee?
X̱á Superior Packing Company áa yéi téeyin.
You know the Superior Packing Company cannery used to be there. [Just before you come to Tenakee Springs. Elders used to row into Tenakee Springs area to pick berries.]
Daaḵw.aa sá?
Which one?
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ Superior, Tenakee Inlet?
In Tlingit, Superior, Tenakee Inlet?
Superior Packing Company.
Chʼáakw {aax̱ kaw} de áx̱ {saw} seiwaxeex wé cannery.
That cannery collapsed a long time ago now.
Chʼu yéi x̱at gusagéinkʼi áwé yaa yanaxíxin.
I was a little girl when it was going. [She worked at 15 or 16 labeling, stitching and loading boxes.]
I used to Tʼaay táatgwéigin. Aha.
I used to work as a mechanic before the fishing starts.
{haa een} Haa een kakg̱eenéek yaa indaxwédli.
Tell us when youʼre getting tired.
No, thatʼs all right.
Yéi áwé kawdudlineek
It was said that
yáa Charles Jack du éesh áwé
Charles Jackʼs father
áa yéi téeyin Tenakee.
used to live in Tenakee.
Tʼaay X̱ʼé.
Mouth of the Hot Springs.
Tʼaay X̱ʼé.
[At the Hot Springs; The Mouth of the Hot Springs].
Ḵaajeestí Éesh?
[Name of Charles Jack, Sr.?]
Ḵaajeestí Éesh ḵu.aa áwé
Ḵaajeestí Éesh is actually
Charles Jack {du} du éeshx̱ gíwé wsitee?
Was he Charles Jackʼs father?
Emmet, Emmet, I think they
Oh, Eddie Jack du éesh áwés Ḵaajeesti Éesh
Oh, I think that was Eddie Jackʼs father, Ḵaajéesti Éesh
Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱.
In Tlingit.
I, he was a Jack... and married to a lady that
I know the name but I couldnʼt place him, Ḵaajeestí Éesh.
Yeah. Uh, his English name, Howard? I can just see him, barely remember them.
Whatʼs his name? John Howard.
John Howardʼs father.
To live in Tenakee, Superior.
Todd, uh,
Todd Cannery.
[Adawutlhéeni, ʼBattle Creekʼ].
I donʼt even know who they, they were.
I wonder what the Tlingit name is for Todd area.
[The name is Ḵaa Sháa Teiwahayi Yé 'The Place Where a Rock Fell on a Manʼs Head']
They got a name for Parker Point. I forget.
[Xoon Yík X̱oo Xʼaayí, ʼPoint Amid the Valley of the North Windʼ].
Goot sáwé yéi duwasáakw?
What place is called that?
From here to that, across Tenakee.
Near a bit on this side. I was thinking all these things and I forget them. We are in Xutsnoowú Island. Just like the ones like an arrow point. This a,bone, I don't remember what's the name of it they used it for necklace for dancing. It looked like arrow hanging down.
I know what heʼs talking about, I canʼt
The place Merrill Bluff. I donʼt even remember the name of that place.
Gooxʼ sá kaawaháa Basket Bay?
Where is Basket Bay located?
On this side?
On the other side.
Oh, Tenakee tawán?
Oh, right next toTenakee?
On, on this side of
Tenakee Inlet
Tenakee Inlet on this side.
On this side is Basket Bay.
Kei Tinji Aan.
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
Is that the one near, across Whalersʼ Cove?
Kei Tinji Aan.
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
My sister-in-law used to have their fishing camp there.
I forget just where it was.
Further south, maybe.
[Selinaʼs sister-in-lawʼs motherʼs name.]
I think itʼs the one that, on a, the other side of
Going towards Hood Bay.
No, itʼs over on this side.
Oh. Oh, OK.
Kei Tinji Aan.
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
Kei Tinji Aan is a,
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
On this side of the ferry terminal
Mhm. Oh, yeah, heʼs doing
thatʼs, that belonged to George Nelson.
He sold it.
Kei Tinji Aan.
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
I think thatʼs the name of it.
Thatʼs the name that comes to mind when Iʼm around there.
Chayéek is past
[Place name-Chaik Bay (Thornton 2012)] is past (that particular fish drying camp.)
Past Hood Bay.
[Place name - Kanalko (Bay). Kanalḵú, “water floods over a reef” (Thornton 2012)]
Gee, thereʼs a lot of names I forget. A whole list of names Teiḵweidí has. Hawk Inlet is the one I donʼt remember what the name is.
Hawk Inlet, oh jeez, I couldʼve said it right off the bat.
Itʼs on this island.
There was a cannery there.
Uhuh. Oh my. Thereʼs another one way over on that on that toward Point Retreat.
Funter Bay. Whereʼs Funter Bay?
Funter Bay.
That way? Yeah, they used to
I think it's
It was a shelter from storm, Funter Bay. I remember because we went through a storm. Susie Paul was onboard. I don't even know how old I was. They got so scared. She came up and prayed and it was, Chatham Straight was rough.
Funter Bay is near a bit over from Point Retreat this way. Yeah. Oh, I thought it was towards Juneau.
Point Retreat and then, I forgot the names, Funter Bay.
Yáanax̱.á tʼéik.
Behind this side.
The reason why they called it, it looks like a bear head from, from the uh, Hawk Inlet to Point Retreat. Well, that's about what they told me. But the names are the one I know it's main part of it, of the island, of Admiralty Island.
And up here where the ANB hall is.
That belongs to the Teiḵweidí.
[Place name. “Bearʼs shelter”.]
It's the name of that place.
[Place name. “Bearʼs shelter”.]
I don't want to overtire him.
Where the power house is.
Uh huh.
I was just thinking of it and uh,
I forget the name of the person on your side.
Where the power house.
Over on this front side.
A name just popped into my, I used to hear all the time.
Where, which way is Kei Tinji Aan?
[a particular fish drying camp]
Huh? Kei Tinji Aan
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
Kei Tinji Aan
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
Oh that's the one is,
Kei Tinji Aan is ah,
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
on the other side of
Is that uh, William Nelson's?
Thatʼs the one was, mixed it up with that. Yeah.
Kei Tinji Aan. Just,
[The name of a particular fish drying camp.]
Those names come back when. I used to hear them all the time growing up.
Gee, there's lots I forgot. When I got out of the army. In '54. World War II veteran.
Thank you
haa een yoo x̱ʼayla.aadí.
for conversing with us.
{kawdix̱ʼ} Ix̱ʼakawdujixít. Gunalchéesh.
Your words were recorded. Thank you.
I dachx̱anxʼiyánch has ix̱ʼakg̱wa.áx̱ch.
Your grandchildren will hear your voice.
Tape i jeedé gax̱dutée has akawushxeedí.
Youʼll be given the tape when itʼs recorded.
A tóode yoo x̱ʼeeyatangi aa.
The one youʼre speaking into.
I tuwáa sagoowú a káa yéi teeyí hasdu saaxʼu een i dachx̱anxʼiyán?
If you want your grandchildrenʼs names to be included with it...
Gee, thereʼs a lot of ʼem. There's some in Anchorage. They start from the south. San Fransico. My oldest boy he has quite a few.
What's his name?
I remember Larry.
I don't even know their names though. Their mother gave it to them. And they, I always forget. Mark's the only one that didn't have any child.
He's married. He's in Seattle. Walter has a few.
Yeah. And,
And I have a few.
What's his wife's name? I know her. Unless I'm thinking of another girl.
Whose name?
Walter's wife's name?
She's {T'aḵ} they gave him a name from Hoonah. Theyʼre Ravens from Hoonah. I mean my wifeʼs from Hoonah.
T'aḵdeintaan. (clan)
Walterʼs, Gunalchéesh.
Thank you.
Whatʼs his name?
My g